3 minute read
Conversation with Paul Rodney Turner
In 2021, JAINA’s Ahimsa Meals and Fasting Committee surpassed the goal of serving 100,000 meals to the needy. This was mainly possible due to a global organization, Food for Life Global (FFLG), which serves meals around the world for as little as 50 cents a meal. We are grateful to Paul Rodney Turner, FFLG’s Executive Director, for creating a special donation link so that generous donors like you could donate to serve Jain vegan meals. To learn more about the compassionate, humanitarian work Food for Life is doing, we interviewed Paul. Here is an excerpt of the interview:
JD: What is the history of the creation of Food for Life Global?
Paul: Food for Life Global is a modern-day revival of the ancient Vedic culture of spiritual hospitality. Since the beginning of recorded time, sharing of food has been a fundamental part of the civilized world. In India, such hospitality was based on the understanding of the spiritual equality of all beings. The charity was initially founded in 1995 but moved offices to Europe in 2015. In 2017, it was once again reestablished in Delaware, USA and now serves an international network of 265 projects in 60 countries.
JD: What is the mission and vision of the organization?
Paul: To bring about peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intention. Food for Life Global pursues its mission by providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s vegan hunger relief programs.
JD: What is the scope of your work, e.g. number of countries served, employees, volunteers, supporters?
Paul: Food for Life Global oversees a network of 265 affiliates in 60 countries that serve between 1 and 2 million meals daily. The charity is mostly volunteer based with about 2000 volunteers running most of the projects. The FFL.org website receives millions of visitors every year and the nonprofit has a social media reach of over 50,000
JD: How are the funds received in donations used?
Paul: 70% of money received for donations goes to programs, including providing freshly cooked vegan meals to people in need. In some cases, our projects are subsidized by government or corporate sponsorship.
JD: How is FFLG able to provide meals for an incredible 50 cents each?
Paul: This is an average price. In some cases, the meals can cost over $1.50 each and in some cases 25 cents. It all depends on the local food prices and if the project is subsidized by government or corporate sponsors.
JD: Do you have any sample menus of the Jain vegan meals served?
Paul: We have Kichadi, Biryani, rice and sabji (vegetables), flat rice and sabji and sometimes halwa of semolina.
JD: What are some of the lessons learned over the years?
Paul: Food is the great communicator and has the ability to break down all barriers of communication and division. Therefore, at FFLG we believe the solution to solving social issues like hunger are through using the power of food to unite the world around a global "dinner table" of peace and prosperity. Furthermore, we are convinced that evolution of consciousness begins when we master the tongue and that is why we only serve vegan meals prepared with love.
We once again thank Paul and Food for Life Global for their collaboration with us and look forward to working with them again in the future. You can read more about Food for Life Global at: https://ffl.org/mission/