Are You Facing The “One Form” Problem With The Unbounce Tool - Jain Technosoft Some genius has put in great efforts to build the “Unbounce” tool to help create impressive and impactful landing pages easily, by even HTML beginners! However, whenever something complicated is being converted into a process very simple, there have to be some compromises and limitations. And, same is the case with Unbounce too. This tool brings with it the “One Form” problem, which is that every landing page can have only one embedded form. Now, you would say that this is not a limitation, but a good step taken because bombarding visitors with too many forms can bring a risk of annoying them and resulting in increased bounce rates. But, just think about it this way.
How would it be if you provide a strong CTA and form at the top of the page to let the visitors know what you want them to do next, and then following up further down the page to remind them of the form after they have gotten to know more about you and your offering? Wouldn’t it be a good practice? But, Unbounce won’t let that happen! So then, what are you going to do? Just stick to one form with every page? Worry not; we have the solution! In fact,
there are quite a few solutions that can solve this “One Form” issue. Let’s take a look.
Creating a button to replace the second form This is one of the simplest solutions, where you can use Unbounce itself to create a button further down the page, where you would otherwise have a second form. In the “Click Action” section of the right-hand button settings panel, where you would generally put the URL link, you need to edit the button. Add in a unique ID code for the box that holds your form, which can be found by editing the box and scrolling to the bottom of the right-hand panel to “Element Metadata”. Pros – This method is very easy and fast that involves only a little direct JavaScript or HTML manipulation. Cons – This experience could be a little annoying for users, in instances when they would want to go back to check on some information elsewhere on your page.
Using iFrame You can use the HTML blocks that Unbounce allows to embed a form from another service or another Unbounce page that consists only a single form. All you have to do is drag the “Custom HTML” block from the left bar to where you want the form to be, and then paste it in your iFrame code.
Pros – This method helps you to have multiple forms, with each one positioned differently on the page to function in a different way; thus helping to make the most of functionality from other services. Cons – This method will have you to break out of Unbounce and use external forms, which results in complications like not being able to see how the form will look on the page in the editing mode.
Applying the Sticky Form tactic If you want everything on the same page, one method is by using a sticky form. CSS styling can help you fix it in place on the screen rather than on your page. So, when your visitors scroll down the page, the CTA/form will also constantly travel with them, thus being easy to reach at any time during the session. Pros – You can keep tracking with Unbounce with this strategy by cutting out on the back and forth of building the form elsewhere and then trying to make the form act on your page the way you want it to. Cons – Because the CTA will be travelling along with the users, it may become difficult for the visitors to notice it differently by the time they reach the end of the page.
Note:- To solve the above issue, you can have your CTA traveling with your visitor while disappearing and appearing at intervals so that it gets noticed within intervals.
These are the three most helpful tactics that you can use to fight the “One Form” problem while using the “Unbounce” tool. Because each tactic comes with its own pros and cons, it is for you to decide which one you wish to use for your own particular landing page. If this seems difficult, you can have a professional offering digital
marketing services in India to help you, as they will not only define the best tactic for you, but will also help you get into the details of using it. For more Information: