Serbian food

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Serbian food

Ajvar Ingredients


•Heat oven to 475 degrees. Place washed eggplants and 1.2 large eggplants, about 3 peppers on a baking sheet with a lip to catch any juices, and roast until their skins blister and turn black, about pounds 30 minutes. 2.6 large red bell peppers •Place roasted vegetables in a heatproof bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let them steam for 10 minutes. 3.Salt and black pepper •Peel off and discard blackened skins, stems and seeds. In 4.1 garlic clove, finely chopped a large bowl, mash or chop vegetables, depending on how smooth or chunky you like your ajvar. Season to 5.Juice of 1 lemon taste with salt and pepper. Add garlic and lemon juice, 6.1/2 cup good-quality olive oil •and drizzle in oil, stirring constantly. Transfer to a glass dish and sprinkle with chopped 7.1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley for garnish, if desired. Store covered and refrigerated for up to 1 week.

parsley (optional)

Komplet lepinja Ingredients

How to make

For one person you need: 1. 1 lepinja (a sort of flat bun) 2. 1 egg 3. 1 soup spoon of old Zlatibor milk cream 4. 5 soup spoons of "pretop" (fat and sauce of lamb or pork roast -you can find it in each meat bakery)

• Cut off the upper third of lepinja. Grease the lower part with milk cream. Stir the egg and pour it over milk cream. Press it a little into lepinja put it into a hot oven and bake it about 1O minutes. When you take it out, pour warmed pretop over it.

Prebranac - Serbian Baked beans Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

500 g beans 300 g bacon 2 bay leaves 1 Serbian red pepper 1 kg onion Oil cayenne pepper parsley leaf

Preparation • Wash beans and place to cook. Add head chopped onion, red pepper and bay leaves. In another bowl, on a lot of oil fry 1kg finely cut onion, and when it is done, add chopped parsley leaf, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. When the beans soften, drain them, and in the aligned baking dish put, alternately, beans, onion and finish with bacon. Bake in oven 1h.

Serbian Stuffed Peppers - Punjene paprike Ingredients

How to prepare

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

• Brown onions in oil. Take from oven and cool before adding the egg. Mix in meat and rice. Add salt. Mix well. Clean peppers and remove seeds. Stuff peppers with meat mixture. Place in a dish with lid suitable for ovens. Poor water on top.. Add the spices and sugar. Cook for about an hour. Add tomato sauce and cook for another half hour.

Peppers(sweet, fresh, 9 medium) Rice,100 gr Ground Pork, 500 gr Onions Salt 1 tbsp Mixed spices 3 tsp Brown Sugar, 3 tsp Packed Tomato Sauce, 2 cup 1 egg

SERBIAN CHEESE PIE Ingradients 1. Large cottage cheese 2. 1-2 sticks butter 3. 1 lg. Philadelphia cream cheese 4. 1/2 lb. Feta cheese, crumbled 5. 5-6 eggs 6. 1 pkg. pastry layers (in grocery stores) or 1 1/2 pkgs. thick dough leaves

Preparation • Oil 16"x8" (or so) baking pan. Put two layers of thick or 4 layers of thin dough leaves. Sprinkle oil in between leaves. Mix all of the above ingredients and place a layer over the leaves. Repeat layers (2 thick or 3 thin) until pan is full. Finish with leaves. Mix 1 egg and 1/2 cup of milk and pour over the pita. Prick with fork. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Lazy apple pie Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

200 g margarine, 100 g lard, 400 g sugar, 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 600 g flour, 1 sachet of baking powder, vanilla sugar, 1 kg sour apples.

Preparation •Stir together 200 g of margarine and 100 g of lard, add 10 tablespoons of sugar and 4 egg yolks and continue stirring well. •Add 2 cups of milk, 600 g of flour mixed with a baking powder and vanilla sugar. Knead the dough. •Put more than half of dough in greased baking pan, then well beat 4 egg whites with 6 tablespoons of sugar and pour over the dough in the pan. Add 1 kg of sour grated apples to all of that. •Spread the rest of the dough to form the crust that fit pan shape and place it over filling. •Place the pie into the medium heated oven and bake until the crust is golden brown. •Sprinkle powder sugar over warm pie.

Serbian tomato salad Ingredients


1. 500 g tomatoes, 2. 150 g onions (young or mature), 3. 200 g cucumbers, 4. 1 hot pepper, 5. a bunch of parsley, 6. 80 g oil, 7. salt to taste.

•Clean and cut onions. If it is a mature onion, slice into strips, if the onion is young – cut into rings. Sliced onion, mature one, wash to remove the bitterness. At the same time crumple it a little. •Fresh cucumbers wash, peel and cut into rings or half rings. Wash tomatoes (choose only healthy, hard ones) and cut into pieces that are suitable for a fork prick. Cut peppers into thin strips. •All combine with onions, add salt to taste and pour oil. Stir carefully to keep the whole tomato pieces. •Pour into a salad bowl and sprinkle finely chopped parsley.

Serbian casserole (đuveč)



1. 600 g meat (half beef and half pork, or pork only), 2. 100 g dried bacon, 3. 150 g dried sausages, 4. 2 onions, 5. a handful of rice, 6. 4 medium sized potatoes, 7. a bunch of parsley, 8. 1 tbsp of dried vegetable seasonings, 9. oil, 10. salt, 11. pepper, 12. 1 kg of frozen vegetables (eggplant, carrots, green beans, peppers, tomatoes).

• Cut the meat into cubes, bacon into strips, sausage into slices. Chop onions. Peel and cut potatoes into small cubes. • Heat the oil and fry onions, bacon and sausage. Add meat, pour 1.5 dl of water and add seasoning of dried vegetables. Simmer all together for a little while. Add potatoes and rice. Continue simmering. Add vegetables, finely cut parsley, salt and pepper. Pour water to cover the ingredients. • Put casserole in the preheated oven with lid on and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and bake for another 20 minutes. Total time of 50 minutes. Serve warm.

Plazma cake Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4.

Plazma biscuit 400 grams Margarine 125 grams Walnuts, 1 cup, (chopped) Dried fruits and jelly candies 100 grams 5. Orange and apricot juice drink 1 cup (8 fl oz) 6. Heavy Whipping Cream, 500 ml 7. Chocolate 100 g

Directions • All ingredients (including crushed cookies) are mixed (melt margarine to ease the process) and formed into any cake shape you like (this is great for children's birthdays). Top with whipping cream.

Old bread sauce Ingredients


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

• Soak bread in milk and then grind all together in a blender. • Briefly fry finely chopped onions and garlic in a saucepan. • Pour a little water, add pepper, dried vegetable seasoning, cayenne pepper and simmer for a while. • Then add grinded bread and all simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes.

milk, old bread, finely chopped onion, finely chopped garlic, little water, pepper, dried vegetable seasoning, cayenne pepper.

Tomato soup Ingredients 1. 1 liter of cooked tomato juice, 2. 1 tablespoon of flour, 3. 1 teaspoon of sugar, 4. 2 basil leaves, 5. salt, 6. pepper, 7. 50 g butter.

Preparation • Fry one tablespoon of flour in oil and add cooked tomato juice to it. If you do not have a cooked tomato juice, you can add tomato paste tube with one liter of warm water. • When tomato is cooked, add the salt, sugar, pepper, basil, and cook for 15 minutes. • You can add pasta or rice to soup. • When you serve soup, butter can be put into each plate.

Dried Fruit Compote Ingredients


1. 1 1/2 pounds dried fruits (prunes, apricots, figs, apples, peaches, pears, berries) 2. 8 cups water 3. 8 whole cloves 4. 2 cinnamon sticks 5. Lemon zest, optional 6. 1 cup sugar, or to taste

• In a large saucepan, place fruit, water, cloves, cinnamon, zest, if using, and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, and simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes or until fruit is tender and syrup has thickened slightly. Add more water if you like a liquidy consistency or reduce by further simmering for a thicker compote. • Cool in an ice water bath and transfer to impeccably clean containers. Refrigerate for up to 1 week.

Vanilice Ingredients 1.250 g ground walnuts 2.250 g lard 3.250 g sugar 4.4 eggs 5.flour (c. 500 g, but prepare more) 6.apricot jam 7.200 g icing sugar 8.vanilla sugar or vanilla pod


• Mix lard at room temperature with sugar. Add eggs, and in the end, walnuts. Switch to dough kneaders on your mixer and start adding flour gradually. The recipe states that so much flour should be added "as the dough will soak up", which means a compact mass that doesn't stick to your fingers but is soft nevertheless. Depending on the size of the eggs, this is about 500 g of flour, but be prepared to add some more until the dough looks like mine, pictured above (finish kneading by hand). • Mix icing sugar with vanilla sugar or cut and deseed the vanilla pod and add it to the icing sugar. We used vanilla sugar when I was little because vanilla pods were unavailable and expensive, but go for the real thing if you can get hold of it. • Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a shallow baking tray with greaseproof paper. Roll out your dough on a surface dusted with flour so it doesn't stick. The dough should be about 3 mm thick. Take a smallish round form and cut out circles which you should arrange on the tray (no need to space them, they will hardly change during baking) and bake for about 5 minutes, just until they start changing colour. • Glue two discs with apricot jam and roll them in vanilla icing sugar. Keep in a cookie jar for everyone to enjoy, they will hold for weeks.

Salčići (Pork fat puff pastry) Ingredients • 1/2 kg leaf fat • 3 Tbsp flour • 1 Ts salt • Dough: • 1 kg flour • a cube of fresh baker's yeast (35 g) • 3 egg yolks • 4 egg whites • 5 Ts sugar • 1 Tbsp lard • salt (to taste) • 500 ml milk • icing sugar

Preparation • After you've processed the fat, mix it with the three tablespoonfuls of flour and the salt. Leave in fridge for at least 30 minutes. In the meantime, prepare your dough. Mix the yeast with sugar and warm milk. Add to flour, together with the lard, the salt and the eggs. Save the extra egg-white, you will need it later. • Knead into a smooth dough and roll out with a rolling pin to shape a big rectangular. Visually divide your rectangular in thirds - spread half of the fat mixture on it, leaving one third (for instance, on the left hand side) uncovered. Then fold this third over the greased middle third, and fold the right hand side third on top of it. Roll out and leave to rest for 20 minutes. Repeat this using the other half of the fat and leave to rest for another 20 minutes. • At this point, I'd advise you to split the dough sheet in half, because you'll need more space to roll it out thin (c. 5 mm). Cut out 12 x 12 cm large squares and brush the edges with the remaining egg white. Put a dollop of your filling (be it nut, jam or minced meat if you prefer your salčići in savoury disguise) in the middle and fold to make a triangle. Bake on a sheet of greaseproof paper for about 20 minutes at 200° C. While still warm, roll in icing sugar.

Serbian Christmas Bread (Česnica) Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1/2 l milk, 1 packet of yeast, 2 eggs, pinch of salt, flour as needed (about 1 kg), 6. silver or gold coin.

Preparation • Dissolve yeast in little lukewarm milk. Beat one egg and add to yeast. Add salt and stir, gradually adding the flour and pouring the remaining lukewarm milk until you get a smooth dough. • When the dough is stiff enough, start kneading it. Cover well kneaded dough with a clean cotton canvas cloth and leave it to rise. • As soon as you notice that dough started to rise, place it onto kneading board and gently knead again. Dough for česnica should not rise completely, only partially – as a Serbian flat bread (pogača) dough. • Česnica is also shaping same as Serbian flat bread – pogača. While shaping, place a coin inside the dough. If you do not have a silver one, you can put a coin made of some other stainless metal. • Place česnica into a greased baking pan. • Using edges of a small twig, make some patterns along the top surface of česnica. Twig of badnjak (similar to Yule log) it usually used. Use a soft brush to spread beaten egg all over patterns and surface area. • Bake in a preheated oven until česnica gets to be golden brown. The initial oven baking temperature may be higher, but later reduce it. • Baked česnica wrap in a clean white napkins, leave to stand for a while, and bring to the table while it is still warm.

Leskovacka muckalica Ingredients 1.4 tablespoons butter or margarine 2.4 tablespoons vegetable oil 3.2 pounds boneless pork, thinly sliced and cut into long strips about 4.1/2 inch wide 5.3 medium onion, cut crosswise thinly and separated into rings 6.2 tablespoons flour 7.3 tablespoons hot paprika powder(cayenne powder) 8.1 green bell pepper, seeds removed, cut lengthwise into strips 9.1 red bell pepper, seeds removed, cut lengthwise into strips 10. 1 yellow bell pepper, seeds removed, cut lengthwise into strips 11. 2-3 Serranos fresh or canned, cut crosswise into small rings 12. 1 cup beef stock 13. 3 tablespoons tomato pasta 14. 2-3 large garlic cloves, minced 15. 1 teaspoon salt 16. 1 bay leaf

Preparation •

Heat 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of oil together in a large pot. When the oil is very hot, add the pork in batches and brown on all sides, about 5 minutes. Remove pork. Add the remaining butter and oil to the drippings in the pan. When hot, add the onions and cook them over medium heat, stirring constantly, until they are soft and golden colored. Sprinkle the flour and paprika powder over the onions and cook for 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and add the pork and the sliced peppers, beef stock, tomato paste, minced garlic, salt, and bay leaf. Stir to mix well. (There will seem to be not enough liquid in the mixture, but don't panic and add more stock. As the paprika cooks, it will release plenty of moisture.) Increase the heat to bring the mixture to a boil. Then reduce heat to low, cover the pot, and let the muckalica simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Stir the mixture occasionally. Serve muchkalica with white rice, a green salad, and hot cornbread. Yield: 6 servings.

Vasa’s cake Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

5 eggs 5 tbsp caster sugar 6 tbsp ground walnuts or almond 1tbsp flour juice 1 orange FOR THE FILLING AND TOPPING: 250 gr. ground walnuts 4 egg yolks 5 tbsp caster sugar 150 gr. butter, soft 50 gr. dark chocolate 1/8 lit. milk 1 orange 300 ml. double cream

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Serves: 10-12 Preheat the oven to 180 °C/350 F/Gas 4. Grease and base line 23 cm/9in round cake tin with greased greaseproof paper. In a bowl whisk together the egg yolks and caster sugar until pale and fluffy. Add walnuts and flour and combine all. In another clean bowl whisk egg whites to the stiff peak stage and carefully fold them into the egg yolk mixture, bit by bit, using a metal spoon. Now pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin and bake it for about 30 minutes. When it is baked, leave it to cool and than transfer to serving plate. Pour orange juice over cake and prepare the filling. For the filling melt chocolate and cool a little. In a saucepan put milk and 1 tablespoon sugar and heat it to boil and then pour over ground walnuts and mix well. Add melted chocolate, grated zest and juice of orange and combine all. In separate bowl whisk egg yolk and sugar until pale and add to chocolate mixture and finally add butter and mix well. Spread the filling over the cake, it will be thick like one layer of cake. Chill in the fridge for about 2 hours. Then whip the cream and spread over and around the cake. Can be decorated with grated chocolate.

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