1 minute read

Facade Treatment 1:100

The image below is an initial testing of ideas pertaining to incorporating steel with the brickwork. This intervention was unsuccessful however paved the way for the developed proposal.

Facade Proposal


This facade proposal intends to visualise the deterioration of brick, simultaneously with the introduction of steelwork. This dialectic treatment ties into an earlier observation of Parker Drive which was that the building elevations felt like they were visual timelines of themselves. Spaces where brickwork has been completely ruined, such as 153, do not affect the security of the scheme. This is because the ruin is of an old extension, and the building itself begins behind it. Furthermore, the full ruin at 163/157 can be re-purposed as seating or low walls to control circulation through the park.

Additionally, the demolished brick can be reused when constructing the new proposal, this approach is sustainable and ensures visual cues to Parker Drive, from above the site.

163/157 Parker Drive - Demolished ruin converted into outdoor furniture. 153 Parker Drive: Ruin street front walled off from the main scheme behind it, to prevent unwanted access.

Less Brick More Steel

151 Parker Drive: Less of a ruin, new steel staircase embedded within facade to signify transition of old and new. 145 Parker Drive: The first out of two manufacturing spaces for this scheme, facade remains original aside from the removal of cladding and the addition of perforated brickwork.

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