Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga

Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
EXT. LOCATION : Futarasan Jinja
1. Laughing heartily, his deep voice resonating with amusement, “Hahaha! Oh, old Orochi, I know exactly where you’re going with this. You mean to ask if I’m harboring Tamamo no Mae here—the very reason you’ve come to seek me out.”
1. Narrowing his eyes, his tone sharp but steady, “Nothing escapes your gaze, does it? Yes, I’m here to ask about the vixen. I’ve been tasked with tracking it down and stopping it from causing more harm. Do you know where it is?”
2. Smiling knowingly, his voice calm yet layered with authority, “Once a destroyer, now a protector of the Bonjin. I admire your transformation. It doesn’t matter which side you’re on, as long as it’s not opposite mine.”
Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
Okuninushi :
3. Growing serious, his expression darkening, “The 9-tailed fox’s reappearance should never have happened. It’s a glitch in the main timeline, a distortion of balance. Something is creating a surge of disruptive energy, but even I cannot discern its true nature.”
4. Gesturing subtly, his gaze distant, “This energy is waking powerful yokai all across Japan—not just the 9-tailed kitsune. You must have noticed it in Aomori with the Yuki Onna.”
5. His tone shifting to urgency, “But it’s not only yokai. Dormant Kami and even some Bonjin are being affected, their behaviors drifting dangerously toward violence. They’re regaining their original strength and seem to be moving in one direction.”
2. Tilting his head slightly, his curiosity sharpened, “Same direction? A gathering of the Yokai and Kami? Where?”
Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
6. With a deliberate pause, he locks eyes with Orochi, “We’ve pinpointed the location after months of studying this energy movement. It’s coagulating in Kyushu, Oita Prefecture, Bungo Ono City, to be exact.”
7. Gesturing toward the horizon, his voice steady, “My partner-ruler, Sarutahiko Okami, has already set off for the city.
After you resolve the vixen case, I suggest you meet him there. If you’ve become the protector of the Bonjin, Sarutahiko could use your strength should things spiral out of control.”
8. Speaking solemnly, “Back to the vixen case—do you recall my belief? It hasn’t changed over the years. My role in this glitched timeline is not to eliminate but to assist. The balance must always be preserved.”
9. Shaking his head slightly, a hint of frustration in his voice, “The vixen is incredibly skilled at disguise, so much so that even I cannot see through its deception. However, I can give you some clues to find the 9-tailed vixen. After that, the decision to kill or purify it lies with you. That is the way of balance.”
8. Placing a hand over his chest, as though sensing energy, “From the remnants of its aura on you, I can tell that the vixen is among the five Bonjin you’ve met.
- Go through their statements again.
- Cross-reference their descriptions of what they saw with each of the 5 Bonjin’s physical traits.
- The more a description is repeatedly mentioned, the more credible it becomes.”
3. The 5 Bonjin? It is not LadyAsako??! I would think the Vixen has taken her as its vessel….
9. His voice lightens as a spark of amusement dances in his eyes, “While I cannot interfere further as a Kami, one of my subjects can. Have you heard of my story involving the HARE? He’s still here in my shrine, my lucky star and trusted advisor since ancient times.”
10. Smiling faintly, “What I cannot do, he will. Seek him out there in the next chapter — he sparkles, so you won’t miss him. But keep in mind, he’s a collector. He can offer more clues if you possess certain items.”
11. Gesturing toward the distance, “Once this Chapter ends, continue your journey with the link titled ‘Find the Hare … and the Fox’ He will guide you further in your quest to identify the vixen.”
Time Epoch:
Tochigi Vixen Deception Saga
Characters: Okuninushi Yamata no Orochi
4. Crossing his arms, a frustrated sigh escaping, “Why make it so complicated? Can’t you just tell me who it is?”
12. Chuckling softly, his expression calm but resolute, “As I mentioned, my role is to assist, not to single it out. The vixen’s deception is beyond my level. Its scent intricately weaves into those it encounters, creating an aura so confusing even I cannot untangle it.”
13. Handing over a small card glowing faintly, “This suspect piece up card will help you narrow down the suspects from five to three. Keep an eye on conflicting clues—they often hold the key to the truth.
You can download this card from Tourii’s Discord at the end of this chapter..
Bring it to the Hare in the next Chapter : Find the Hare to Hunt the Fox , It will be useful to identifying the Yokai.
14. Stepping back, his voice growing grave, “Go now, Orochi. Time is running out. The vixen’s strength is almost fully recovered. If you can identify it in a single attempt, you’ll earn special rewards. But be warned—failure may have its own consequences.”