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08.12.14 12.12.14

OUTLINE length: 4 days type: pairs An intensive Arduino workshop and project. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.

SYNOPSIS In this project we were given an introduction to Arduino prototyping software and hardware. In pairs, we began assembling circuits using different Arduino components and coding, exploring the possibilities it offers to product design prototyping. After learning the basics, the brief was to produce a design which pleaded for its life based on interaction design using Arduino, and the aim was to keep our design alive. Designed to be read alongside: / sketchbook notes

Robert Paauwe Wang Long Li

01 - 10


11 - 13


14 - 20


21 - 22


23 - 24




ARDUINO: A BEGINNER’S WORKSHOP To begin the project we had a day of learning what Arduino is, its possibilities and how it works. We were also given a presentation of how Arduino is especially useful for interaction design, which is something we worked towards for our final outcome.



We began the project with a presentation about Arduino and its uses. We then began a step-by-step process on how to work LED’s as part of an introduction into how to code and assemble Arduino circuits.

We were introduced to Arduino as a year group. Alongside being taught the basics about Arduino, we were also given a chat about interaction design and how Arduino is particularly useful for this pathway of design. In pairs, we were given an Arduino kit and followed stepby-step processes on beginner Arduino assemblies. Alongside assembling the Arduino, part of the process also requires coding,

which tells the Arduino what to do. We learnt the basics to the coding and then we began to explore ourselves. We began with the simple assemblies such as coding LED’s to blink at set time periods. Throughout the workshop, we progressed into more advanced coding and assemblies, and began to understand the possibilities and usefulness of Arduino in Product Design.

Throughout the workshop I took notes and drawings of Arduino circuits and coding.

The Arduino kit: Arduino Uno board, USB cable and components such as LED’s, resistors, wires and a breadboard for prototyping.


WORKSHOP: STATIC & BLINKING LED’S We started the Arduino workshop by learning how to set up an LED circuit through Arduino and code it to blink over a certain time period with different brightnesses. We also learnt to code multiple LED’s into a circuit and created a traffic light effect.


In small groups we began to explore with Arduino. We started by coding and assembling a single LED to blink over a time interval.

We assembled the circuit for the LED; this connected the breadboard and the LED with the Arduino board. The Arduino was then powered through the USB connection.

After assembling, we then coded the LED to blink using the Arduino software.


With the code uploaded to the Arduino, the LED then blinked based on the settings we set.

After coding a single LED to flash, we then attempted to code multiple LED’s and decided upon the challenge of a traffic light effect.

We coded the 3 LED’s to function like a traffic light though changing the coding in the Arduino software.


WORKSHOP: DIGITALREAD & DIGITALWRITE After exploring with LED’s, we then began to introduce the input of a button which would change the state of the LED’s. This was accomplished using the Arduino software under the digitalRead component, which sets a state for the button.


We first changed the coding of the Arduino to include the button using digitalRead. We then used digitalWrite to change the output of the LED when the button is pressed.

We first added a button to the breadboard circuit with a single LED which turned on when the button was pressed.

We then began to explore further and reproduced the traffic light effect when the button was pressed.


WORKSHOP: ANALOGREAD & ANALOGWRITE After exploring with digitalWrite and digitalRead, we then learnt about analogWrite and analogRead, and also Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in order to fade LED’s, change their brightness when blinking and introduce ultrasonic proximity sensors.


To fade an LED we used the PWM pin on the Arduino and changed the code using analogWrite and analogRead.

The LED fades between 0 minimum and 255 maximum. We changed this variant to test different brightness settings for the LED.

We explored with fading the LED over different time intervals and through different colours using an RGB LED.


Using analog and digital coding, we tested a proximity sensor which measures distance and changes output after a certain threshold.

If the distance between the object and the proximity sensor was less than the stated amount in the code, the red LED would be lit up.

If the distance between the object and the proximity sensor was more than the stated amount in the code, the green LED would be lit up.


DESIGN BRIEF: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST With a brief and basic introduction and workshop into Arduino, we were then given a design brief in which we had to use Arduino to create a form of interaction design. We had three days to generate an idea, produce an outcome and then exhibit it.



After the workshop, we were given our design brief. In our groups we had to produce a design which pleaded for its life, with an exhibition at the end of the project where viewers would decide if it would survive or be killed.

With the design brief given, we immediately began to brainstorm potential ideas in our group. We were told that our final design would have a kill switch which would stop power going to the Arduino, therefore killing it. The aim was for the viewers not to press this, so our design had to use interaction to plead for its life. We looked into things which died quickly, things that made

the viewer/owner emotional, temptations and even reverse psychology. We mainly thought about things that the viewer wouldn’t want to kill, such as cute animals; we also thought about things people are scared of, such as spiders, which might scare them away from wanting to press the button. The theme that appealed to us the most initially was temptation and the idea of good and bad.

We began to think about the design brief and initial exploration ideas.

We mind mapped potential ideas for a design which pleads for its life.


We initially began to explore the idea of temptation with the comical angel and devil which appear over a person’s shoulders. A tempting treat would lure in the user and the devil would agree to this, whereas the angel would plead the user not to take it. If the treat is taken, the design failed to keep its life. The attempt would be to use ultra sonic proximity sensors and audio which functions as the user moves their hands to and from the treat.

In our groups, we had to act out our potential idea to the rest of the year group. This helped us to see more design opportunities and the flaws to the concept, as well as getting opinions off others. As we couldn’t use recorded audio in the Arduino, we had to think of another concept. After thinking of ideas, we noticed that the ultra sonic sensors looked like eyes. This then triggered the idea of robots. We then thought of a robot couple who have been together for millions of years, but the user can only kill one of them. The design concept is to show the love the robots have for one another through Arduino in an attempt of emotionally convincing viewers not to kill one of them and leave the other on their own.


FINAL DESIGN: CONCEPT, MAKING & DEVELOPMENT With ideas explored and a final design in mind, we then started to plan and make our design. This involved three processes, setting up and coding the Arduino, creating the model/final design and creating an exhibition and scene for the design.



With our final idea in mind, we began to think about how we could communicate our interaction effectively using Arduino. We explored with the different components which would make the robots plead for their lives.

Though the coding of the Arduino, the proximity sensor would detect when they are close together, making their hearts flash more frequently and their heartbeats become faster paced.

We began to assemble the proximity sensor to the Arduino and labeled the wires as it becomes difficult when lots of wires are involved.


For our final idea, we wanted to create an inseparable robot couple. The attempt was to emotionally convince the viewers not to kill the design as only one of the robots can die, leaving the other one on their own. Through using Arduino, we wanted to emphasise the love each of the robots have for one another. We worked both on a visual and auditory level. When the robots are together, their

hearts will flash faster and their heartbeats become more fast paced. When the robots are apart from each other, their hearts flash at a much slower pace as well as having a slower heartbeat. These robots would only be happy when they are looking at each other in the eyes and holding hands. Through backdrops, we also wanted to emphasise the feelings of the robots when together and when apart.

Coding as we went along with the ultra sonic proximity sensor and the red LED in place, we set the distance required between the sensor and object to a suitable distance.

At a distance less than 5cm, the LED is flashing the fastest. As the distance from the sensor slowly increases, the LED flashes less frequently.

Only when the robot couple are looking at each other directly and holding hands close will they be happy.


With two Arduino boards set up, we could then test them when they are together, altering the settings for the heartbeat and LED.

With the LED complete, we then created the heartbeat sound effect using a buzzer. We altered the pitch and tempo using code and tested this with the proximity sensor.

We then linked the buzzer up to the same Arduino as the LED and proximity sensor. We added masking tape to the buzzer to diffuse the sound and to make it more subtle. The sound of the heartbeat was now linked with the pulsing of the LED.


With the Arduino assembled and the coding uploaded, we then began to create the robots. We wanted to go for smaller robots to emphasise the ‘cute’ aspect.

Starting with the head of the robot, we wanted to make sure the ultra sonic proximity sensor would still work when placed in the cardboard.

With the proximity sensor working, we then assembled the rest of the robot, making sure there was enough room for the Arduino board and the breadboard inside.


We used a frosted acetate for the heart to diffuse the LED when flashing. The head of the robot was kept detachable so that if any wires became lose, we could fix them easily and quickly.

We added feet to the robots so that the USB to power the Arduino could pass through the robot and allow them to stand up on the table.

With the robots complete, we then focused on created a scene. Keeping to the theme of the robots, we created a pixelated world with speech bubbles. We created two scenes: one for when the robots are together, and one for when they were apart.


FINAL DESIGN: OUTCOME & EXHIBITION With the final design complete and the scenes created, it was time to exhibit our work to staff and students who would then decide if our design would survive or be killed. We presented our idea and then demonstrated it via interaction design through Arduino.


Toborobo: We gave each of the robots a name, logo and a slogan in order to better communicate our idea and to make it more catchy and intriguing.

When together: When the robots are holding hands and looking each other in the eyes, their hearts flash quickly and their heartbeats become fast paced. This is set in a scene of sunshine with positive speech bubbles.

When apart: When the robots are apart, their hearts flash slowly and their heartbeats become slow paced. This is set in a stormy unhappy scene with negative speech bubbles.


Video footage

With our exhibition set up, it was then time to demonstrate our concept and receive the verdict from staff and students.

We demonstrated the influence of the two scenes, when they are apart, and when they are together, changing the backdrop when appropriate.

After demonstrating the concept, the verdict was to keep the robots alive, meaning our design passed the test for survival of the fittest.


SELF-REFLECTION Overall, I felt this was a really interesting and fun project that made a refreshing change from the longer projects. Having only four days to learn Arduino and implement it into a design and then exhibit it was intense, but taught me a lot about the usefulness of Arduino in Product Design. With the skills learnt from this project, I am now able to consider the new possibilities that can communicate my future ideas and design concepts. Although the workshop only taught us the basics of Arduino, when it came to creating our own design, it forced us to learn new components to Arduino, such as the buzzer and proximity sensor. I feel that Arduino is a learn-as-you-go process, and because of this is a constant learning procedure. In terms of our design concept, I felt we were successful in meeting the requirements of the design brief as our design was chosen to survive. I believe our concept was most powerful on an emotional level as no one wanted to separate a happy couple. I also think many viewers enjoyed the ‘cute’ aspect to the

scenarios and design, and felt this was another reason for them keeping it alive. My favourite part of the project was the assembly and coding of the Arduino. I felt this was the most interesting and challenging part as finding the problem to a coding error was difficult but led to good problem solving. I truly learnt the possibilities of Arduino through this project and I am excited to implement these skills into future projects. I also enjoyed the exhibition as it was exciting to see which designs were going to be kept alive and which ones were going to be killed. It kept the presentations interesting. I felt the timing for this project was perfect as it kept us working at a fast pace whilst constantly learning new skills. The design brief was also well-timed and allowed us to produce an outcome which communicated our idea well. If there was more time for this project, I would have liked to develop the scenes for the robots further, although the scenes we created worked well on a minimalistic style.



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