7 Tips for Coping with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are your biggest problem when you start to quit your addiction. Your ability to defeat them and your cravings together will determine whether you successfully quit alcohol forever or not. There are a range of tips and tricks available to help with dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Using the help of alcoholrehabs.org.uk, we are going to go through some of the best tips for coping with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Drink Water The best way to stop withdrawal symptoms is to drink water. Water replenishes your electrolytes, which helps to combat feelings off fatigue and dizziness. It is essential to drink water because dehydration is one of the most common problems former alcoholics face when they are in the middle of trying to quit. Balance Your Blood Sugar keeping a balanced blood sugar level will help you to fight off many of the most common withdrawal symptoms. Your liver is an organ that metabolises sugar in the body. Alcohol is metabolised into sugar. You need to come up with a way of replacing this supply of sugar. Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables is a good way to do this. Build a Support System Rehab clinics recommend building a strong support system of healthy and sober people who can step in and comfort you when your withdrawal symptoms begin to get on top of you. They can consist of anyone from family members to close friends. It is good to have a helpline you can also contact 24/7 should you start to have problems at unsociable hours. Surfing the Urge Urge surfing is where you simply ride out the urge. The theory goes that over time you will come to anticipate times where your cravings will start to overwhelm you and you will have no problems riding them out. This does not mean you should purposely seek out opportunities to urge surf. It means every so often you should ride it out through simple power of will. Avoidance Options Avoid the bad influences in your life. Stay away from the vicinity of any bars and cut contact with your drinking friends. The easiest way to avoid letting withdrawal symptoms get on top of you is not put yourself in situations where you inadvertently amplify them. It is not a sign of weakness;it is just being intelligent about your recovery. Medications Alcohol rehab clinics often prescribe medications to help with the effects of withdrawal symptoms. The most common ones are disulfiram. Take note that these are only accessible via a prescription. Depending on your withdrawal symptoms, these medications may differ. Everyone needs a tailor-made plan. Remember Why You Quit
Sometimes you need to reflect on why you decided to quit drinking in the first place. Redirect your mind to the reason why you decided alcohol was harming your ability to flourish. Not only does it act as a distraction, it acts as an anchor point for you to hold onto when you become tempted to drink again. Some patients like to keep mementos and trinkets to this reason, such as a picture of a family member.