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Aston Students’ Union Recipe Book This recipe book is made en rely of student submi ed recipes so we apologise for any mistakes. Remember, be inven ve! We hope you enjoy these recipes and you come up with your own to submit next me! Aston Students’ Union Welfare Commi ee 1

Hints &Tips •

Always cook your food thoroughly

Chicken juices should run clear when cooked •

Always store food properly

Meat should be stored away from cooked food

There’s no harm in cooking too much!

You can always freeze food and eat at a later date

Keep fresh herbs in a glass with water

Good mul -use condiments Ketchup/Tomato Puree

Mayonnaise Salt & Pepper

Worchester Sauce

• •

BBQ Sauce


Basic Kitchen Stocking Measuring Jug

Wooden Spoon


1 x Frying Pan


Sharp Knife


Baking Trays

2 x Saucepans

− −


Oven Gloves −


Oven-safe dishes − −

Crockery Cutlery


Starters, Soups & Light Bites 4

Ham and Celery “don't knock it ' ll you've tried it” soup - Ber e Smith Serves 4 It's a cheap and tasty comfort food and also great to do as a big batch and then freeze for emergency meals.

Ingredients 2 slices of old bread chopped into small squares (1inch) 8 potatoes peeled and chopped into quarters. 3 cans of CONDENSED celery soup. 1-2 ns of ham chopped into bite-size cubes 2 chopped onions 2 chopped cloves of garlic Pinch of celery seeds* Pinch of dill weed * 1 bay leaf 4 s cks of celery chopped into small pieces 1 stock cube (either chicken or veg) Salt and pepper to taste *these herbs are op onal as they might not be worth buying for your store cupboard.

Method In a big saucepan, par boil the potatoes with the stock cube – this should take around 5-10 minutes. When they have finished, do not remove the water and add the cans of soup, onion, ham, garlic, celery and herbs. Cover and leave on a low heat for at least 1 hour or un l the potatoes are fully cooked and the soup has thickened. The lower the heat and the longer it is leK to cook, the be er is will be. Remember to keep s rring the soup to make sure the bo om doesn't over cook. For the croutons, half fill a deep frying pan with sunflower oil and heat un l a crumb would turn crispy if dropped in.... then add your croutons and turn over un l golden brown.


Mixed bean chilli soup - Ayesha Syed serves 4

Ingredients 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 red pepper, deseeded and chopped 1 green pepper, deseeded and chopped 125g bu on mushrooms, sliced ½ tsp chilli powder, or to taste 1 tsp ground cumin 400g can mixed pulses, drained and rinsed 400g can chopped tomatoes 600ml tomato juice 300ml vegetable stock 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

TO SERVE: 4 tbsp half-fat crème fraîche, fresh coriander sprigs

Method Prep: 20 mins | Cook: 25 mins Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Add the onion, garlic and peppers and fry them gently, s rring constantly, for 2–3 minutes un l soKened. Add the mushrooms, chilli powder and ground cumin and cook gently, s rring, for about 30 seconds. Tip the mixed pulses and tomatoes into the saucepan. Add the tomato juice, stock and chopped coriander. S r well, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat. Par ally cover the pan with a lid and simmer gently for 20 minutes un l all the vegetables are tender. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish each por on with 1 tbsp of crème fraiche and some coriander sprigs. Tips: Canned mixed pulses contain soya, pinto, black-eye, red kidney and aduki beans, and chickpeas. If unavailable, use any combina on of these beans or just a single type. Rinse thoroughly in a sieve under cold running water to remove as much salt as possible. *Add chilli powder according to your own preference. True chilli powder is very fiery so you only need a li le. Chilli seasonings are blends of spices which usually include cumin and are milder, so you could add up to 1 tbsp and omit the separate cumin. *A 750g jar of tomato paste could be used instead of the combined canned tomatoes and tomato juice, with a li le extra stock as needed. 6

Carrot and fresh coriander soup

Spicy aubergine purée with toast soldiers

– Ayesha Syed serves 6

– Ayesha Syed serves 4



1 tablespoon of olive oil 4 large carrots, peeled and roughly chopped 1/2 large onion, roughly chopped 900ml (1 1/2 pints) vegetable stock large bunch fresh coriander, roughly chopped


1 large aubergine 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp tomato purée 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin pinch of chilli powder (op onal) 1 tsp sugar salt and freshly ground black pepper

Prep: 5 mins | Cook: 15 mins | Extra me: 5 mins


Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the carrots and onion for a few minutes un l the onion has soKened a li le. Pour in the vegetable stock and add the coriander. Bring to the boil, and cook un l the carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly. Puree the soup un l smooth, using a hand blender or food processor. Reheat before serving if necessary. Serve with crusty bread.

Prep: 30 mins | Cook: 5 mins Place the whole aubergine under a preheated moderate grill and grill for 20 minutes, turning it halfway through cooking. Allow to cool slightly, and then cut the aubergine in half, scoop out the flesh with a spoon and place in a sieve over a bowl to drain for a few minutes. Heat the oil in a non-s ck frying pan, add the tomato purée, garlic, coriander and cumin and s r over a gentle heat for 30 seconds. Add the chilli powder if liked, for a spicier note. Add the aubergine, sprinkle over the sugar and season with salt and pepper. Crush the aubergine with a fork and keep s rring for about 5 minutes un l you have a creamy purée. Serve hot, warm or chilled with toast fingers. Serve with Toast, Hummus Dip and Marinated Cucumber Yoghurt 7

Easy Omele e Recipe - Ayesha Syed Serves 1

Ingredients 3 Eggs Salt and Pepper Bu er Grated cheese (op onal) Mixed herbs (op onal)

Method Mix the eggs in any sort of bowl or jug you like (a pint glass works well!) with salt, pepper and herbs if desired. Heat the bu er (or oil) in a reasonably large frying pan. Pour in the egg mixture slowly and swirl the pan a li le to even it out. AKer 30 seconds or so the top should firm up, at this point add grated cheese if you like. Con nue cooking a li le un l the cheese begins to melt, then fold the omele e in half with a bendy spatula If it’s nice and cooked on the bo om already then serve, otherwise, con nue cooking on each side a li le more! Some mes I make an omele e with loads of onions, chopped sausages and vegetables in. If you do this then you probably won’t be able to fold it so instead, pop the pan under a grill to finish the top off aKer it’s cooked underneath!


Stued Peppers - Priya Silverstein Serves 2-4

Ingredients 4 peppers Olive oil Bacon 6 mushrooms Half an onion Half a s ck of celery 150g riso o rice Splash of white wine Half a stock cube Seasoning Boiling water (approx. 500ml) Bu er Cheese 1 clove garlic Lemon juice Spring onions

Method Preheat the oven to 200 degrees cen grade. Cut 4 peppers in half, deseed and roast for 15 minutes. Add a lug of olive oil in a frying pan, and add chopped bacon. Chop about 6 mushrooms When the bacon is crispy (about 5 minutes) add the mushrooms and fry for about 5 more minutes. Put half an onion into a food processer with half a s ck of celery & pulse un l ďŹ nely chopped. Heat a lug of olive oil in a frying pan, scrape in the veg and s r regularly. Add 150g riso o rice to the pan and s r well for 1 minute. Pour in a splash of white wine & crumble in half a stock cube. S r un l wine is absorbed. Season. Add a mug of boiling water and s r well. Keep coming back and adding good swigs of boiling water every few minutes. You'll probably need about 500ml in total When you have added all the water and the riso o is just a li le bit too wet (remember it's going to be baked as well) crush a garlic clove in. S r in a knob of bu er, grate in some cheese and add a good squeeze of lemon juice. Add the riso o to the peppers, sprinkle with the bacon & mushroom mixture, and grate some cheese on top. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes. Chop a spring onion or two, and sprinkle on top before serving 2-4 halves per person 9

Chicken Satay

Potato Wedges

- Stuart Wigham

- Stuart Wigham

Serves 2+

Serves 2+



1x packet 450-500g of chicken breast diced 3x heaped table spoons of peanut bu er smooth or crunchy, whatever your preference 1x glug of soy sauce (enough to slacken the mix) Up to 1 tube of tomato puree 1x Crushed garlic clove – use two if you like garlic 1x level teaspoon of dried crushed chilli’s

4-6 large potatoes (wash/rinse them first!) depending on how many people you’re trying to feed. Black pepper Salt 1x large glug Olive oil

Method 1. Preheat the oven to around 180°C 2. Mix all the ingredients together making sure that the chicken is coated evenly. 3. Place in an ovenproof dish, cover with kitchen foil and place in the oven for 20mins. 4. Remove from oven and mix again. 5. Place back in the oven for a further 15-20 mins (check that the chicken is cooked thoroughly by cuZng a piece in half and make sure the juices from within the chicken are clear and the meat looks white). 6. S ck on skewers to serve.

Method 1. Preheat the oven to around 180°C 2. Chop the potatoes into wedges 3. Place in a large container and mix the rest of the ingredients using the oil first to help the rest s ck to the potato 4. Place onto a baking tray (I normally line with baking paper to stop it s cking, but if it’s a good one you shouldn’t need to do this or be prepared to scrape off the tray at the end!) and into the oven for 20mins. 5. Take out and turn each potato over and place back in the oven for a further 20mins (Keep an eye to prevent burning).

Enjoy the two together with a nice glass of whatever you fancy! 10

Main Meals (Ingredients can be subs tuted in most dishes to create tasty vegetarian or vegan op ons)


Prep Sauces - Luke Morgan Cheese Sauce

Italian Tomato Sauce

Ingredients 1 heaped tablespoon plain our 1 heaped tablespoon of bu er 1/2pint of milk Lots of mature cheddar cheese (as cheesy as you like it) 1 teaspoon of mustard (op onal )

Method 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7.

Slowly melt the bu er over a medium heat S r in the our and fry for 1-2 minutes Pour in a small amount of the milk and keep s rring un l the mixture is smooth Repeat this un l you have added all the milk Once all the milk is added, con nue to s r and heat for a couple of minutes un l the sauce starts to thicken slightly. Now s r in the cheese. S r in mustard (if using) and add salt and pepper

This basic cheese sauce is very tasty when s rred into some cooked pasta with some smoked bacon, mushrooms, frozen peas (these will just defrost from the heat of the sauce and pasta) or any other veg!

Ingredients 1 diced onion 2-3 cloves of garlic (Crush with the knife on its side and chop lots!) 1 n of chopped tomatoes 2-3 tablespoons of tomato puree 3-4 fresh basil leaves – chopped 1 tablespoon of sugar

Method 1.


3. 4. 5.

Fry the onions over a medium heat (Set hob to 3 or 4) for about 5 minutes, con nually s rring them Add the garlic and fry for a further 2 minutes and con nue to s r Add the nned tomatoes and s r un l heated through Add the tomato puree, basil and sugar S r and cook through, un l the tomatoes have broken down

A nice, simple sauce for spagheZ bolognaise, or to go with any other pasta and veg/meat combo you like!


Rice/Noodle Based Dishes How to cook rice: The Basics - Jake Delaney Ingredients Rice (roughly 50-70g per person)

Method 1. 2. 3. 4.

Soak the rice in cold water ďŹ rst siZng in a sieve. Boil water in a pan Add the rice to the water Simmer for around 10 minutes, the rice should s ll have a li le bite when you test it before draining and serving.

Simple Riso o Recipe - Ayesha Syed Serves 4

Ingredients 1 onion 6 rashers streaky bacon, chopped 300g riso o rice 1 litre hot vegetable stock 100g frozen peas

Method 1. 2.



Chop the onion and bacon and fry in a pan of oil ll nearly browned Add the rice and brown slightly Slowly add some of the stock so it just covers the rice, then reduce the heat to a simmer Keep adding the stock when it becomes dry a li le at a me (this is important, otherwise the riso o will become stodgy!). AKer about 15 mins the rice will be nearly done... Add the peas and cook a minute or so then serve, cover with parmigiana cheese if you have it! 13

Thai Green Curry Recipe - Ayesha Syed Serves 2-4

Ingredients 2 chicken breasts 1 can coconut milk, or low fat coconut milk 1 onion 1 aubergine 1 chopped green chilli Thai Green Curry Paste Rice

Method 1. 2. 3.


To make the curry, cook the paste in a large non-s ck wok or large frying pan over a low heat, for 5 minutes. Cut the chicken into strips and add to the pan with the chopped onion. Cook for 5-8 minutes or un l no longer pink. Add the aubergine chopped. S r in the coconut milk and simmer for about 10 minutes or un l the chicken is cooked through. Sca er over the chilli and serve with rice.


Easy Vegan Tofu Chilli - Ayesha Syed Serves 8

Ingredients 1 (349g) carton Blue Dragon Tofu Firm Silken Style 1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 100g (4 oz) nned or frozen sweetcorn 1 (400g) n kidney beans 1 (400g) n chopped tomatoes 1L (1 pint 15 oz) water salt and freshly ground black pepper

Method Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 1 hour | Extra me: 5 mins In a medium bowl, crumble the tofu and toss with the chilli powder and garlic. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, and sautĂŠ onion and celery un l tender. S r in the tofu mixture. Con nue cooking about 5 minutes over low heat. Mix in the sweet corn, kidney beans and tomatoes. Add water and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low, season with salt and pepper and simmer about 50 minutes.


Mango S r fry

Thai Chilli Chicken

- Lewis Keal

- Lewis Keal

serves 2

serves 2

Ingredients 1 ripe mango 2-4 tablespoons Mango Chutney 400g – 500g chicken breast cut into strips Op onal: 1 ripe avocado Serving: With rice, or in pi as, or in wraps

Method 1. 2.


4. 5. 6. 7.

Marinate chicken strips in mango chutney for about 20 mins Peel and cut both mango and avocado into strips or chunks no thicker than 1cm, keep both fruit pieces separate. Fry chicken in the chutney its been marinated in un l cooked through 5-10 mins on high heat Drain if required. Add mango pieces and fry for 3-5 mins Add avocado pieces and fry for 2 mins Serve with either rice, in pi as or in wraps

Don’t be put off by the chilli in the tle this dish isn’t very hot. Add op onal veg if you want.

Ingredients 400-500g chicken cut into strips 60ml coconut milk 2tbsp oyster sauce 2tbsp fish sauce 2tbsp Soy sauce (light) Fresh basil leaves cooking oil 1tsp sugar 2 cloves of garlic/ 2tsps easy garlic or garlic puree Add other vegetables as desired.

Method 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mix the coconut milk, oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce and sugar in a bowl/cup/jug Heat oil in a frying pan Fry the garlic on a medium heat for 3-5 mins, s rring constantly Fry the chicken with the garlic un l cooked through Drain the chicken of fats Add the sauce and fry for 3-5 mins Add the basil leaves and fry for 2 mins Serve with garnish and either rice, pi as or wraps


Chicken and Vegetable S r Fry Recipe - Ayesha Syed Serves 2-4

Ingredients 2 chicken breasts cut into strips Dash of Oil 1 garlic cloves 2 carrots, peeled ½ onion ½ red pepper ½ yellow pepper ½ green pepper 200g bean sprouts 1 tbsp dark soya sauce 3 tbsp oyster sauce Sesame seeds, toasted Egg noodles

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cook noodles in a pan of water un l soK Slice all your vegetables and chicken in prepara on while noodles are cooking Add the chopped onion into a hot wok with the oil, then shortly aKer add garlic Add all the sliced chicken and brown Add remaining vegetables Add cooked noodles when chicken is cooked (check a large piece is cooked through!) Add soy sauce and oyster sauce (add more or less to taste) Serve and enjoy!

Note: You can vary this recipe easily with different vegetables and meats depending on what you have in the cupboard. Give it a go, it’s hard to get a really bad tas ng combo!


Chilli Con Carne - Andrew Rogers Serves 4-6 Note: ingredients such as cumin, garlic, rice, stock cubes, chillies and red wine vinegar will all last a very long me and you can get several uses out them, your first shopping trip to pick up chilli ingredients will probably cost in the region of £10-15 depending on where you go.There aKer restocking on things like mince and kidney beans will be come in at under £10 and give you plenty of servings.

Ingredients Essen al: 500g Beef Mince/Vegetarian alterna ve Olive oil 2 ns chopped tomatoes Chopped fresh or dried chillies (Start with 1 tbsp. of chopped chilli, add more to taste) 1 or 2 beef or vegetable stock cube (depending on mince type) 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped or crushed 1 n of kidney beans, wash and strain in a colander 2 tbsp ground cumin 1 Onion finely chopped Op onal: 1 n of chickpeas Red and green peppers A splash of red wine vinegar

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Heat some olive oil in a large sauce pan on a medium/high temperature, adding beef mince and cooking un l brown Add in garlic, chilli, onions and cumin, s rring regularly Once onions have soKened and turned translucent, add chopped tomatoes and stock cubes Add kidney beans and leave to simmer for 20 minutes, s rring occasionally Serve on top of rice, in tor lla wraps, with potato wedges, with nachos or on a jacket potato If you want to make this dish go a li le bit further chop and add in your favourite coloured peppers to give the dish a crunchy texture, nned chickpeas can also really bulk out the dish and make healthy addi on, add these at the same me as the kidney beans. And for an extra tangy kick that’ll make your chilli stand out from so many others, add a splash of red wine vinegar to the mix, use sparingly! 18

Vegetable paella - Ayesha Syed Serves 4

Ingredients 3 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 courge es, trimmed and diced 2 carrots, peeled and diced 250g paella or riso o rice 227g can chopped plum tomatoes 1/2 tsp turmeric Pinch of paprika 800ml vegetable stock, hot 100g French beans, trimmed and cut into short lengths 100g frozen peas 2 tbsp chopped, fresh flat-leaf parsley Salt and freshly ground black pepper Sprig of flat-leaf parsley to garnish

Method Prep: 15 mins | Cook: 30 mins 1.


3. 4. 5.

Heat the oil in a paella pan or deep frying pan. Add the onion and garlic and cook gently for 2 minutes without leZng them brown. Add the courge es and carrots. Sauté everything for 5 minutes over a high heat, s rring constantly. Tip in the rice, s r, then add the tomatoes with their juice. Add the turmeric and paprika to the stock and pour into the pan. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes, s rring occasionally, un l the rice is tender. Meanwhile, cook the beans and peas in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and add to the rice 5 minutes before the end of cooking. S r in the parsley and season to taste. Turn off the heat, cover and leave to rest for 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with flat-leaf parsley. Tip: LeKover diced chicken or cooked vegetables could be used. Sauté quickly in a li le oil before adding to the paella three-quarters of the way through cooking.


Pasta Based Dishes How to cook pasta: The Basics - Jake Delaney Ingredients Pasta (roughly 75g-100g per person)

Method 1. 2. 3. 4.

Boil water in a pan Add the pasta to the water Simmer for around 8-10 minutes. S r occasionally. Drain.

Macaroni cheese - Jake Delaney Serves 2-4

Ingredients Equal parts Cheese:Flour:Milk Start with around 200g as a basic measure Around 80g of Macaroni Pasta per person Op onal: Add some cooked meat

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Cook the macaroni in a large saucepan of boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Add the milk to a pan and heat. Add the cheese and s r whilst hea ng. The cheese should melt into the milk. Add the our slowly to thicken. At this point you will have to use your own judgement. Taste the sauce. If you want it more cheesy, add more cheese. If you want it thicker, add more our. If you want it thinner, add more milk. Add all the components if you want more sauce. Add any op onal extras you want. Drain the macaroni and pour into the sauce. If you want some added texture, you can put the mixture into a dish and grill or oven cook for 10 minutes.


SpagheZ Bolognese - Lewis Keal/Jake Delaney serves 2

Ingredients 1 Onion - Diced 400g Mince Tin of chopped tomatoes 400g SpagheZ Cooking oil Herbs Op onal: 1 Pepper - chopped Stock Gravy Granules (to thicken at the end) Worcestershire Sauce Soy Sauce Cheese Bu ered French Bread/Garlic Bread

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.

Heat oil in a frying pan Fry onions on a medium heat for 5-10 mins Add mince and fry ll browned Op onal - use a slo ed spoon and remove some of the fat Op onal - Add the pepper and fry for 5 mins Add the n of chopped tomatoes, s r and bring to boil Start the pasta cooking Once boiling reduce heat and add herbs - the herbs you add here are personal choice (I add pepper, mixed herbs, nandos sauce, soy sauce, Worcester). Keep mixing and tas ng ll you are happy, then put the heat on the lowest seZng and move on to the pasta. Once the pasta is cooked and the sauce has reduced to the thickness you want serve. Sprinkle over cheese as you desire. Serve with some bread for dipping.


Veggie Lasagne - Priya Silverstein Serves 4

Ingredients 1 onion 1 clove of garlic Olive oil Vegetables (your choice – I recommend mushrooms, peppers and leeks) 1 jar tomato pasta sauce 1 n tomato soup Tub of rico a Seasoning – herbs and sauces (to taste) Quorn mince Milk Packet ready made cheese sauce Cheddar cheese Lasagne sheets

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees cen grade Chop 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic Sauté in 1tbs olive oil Meanwhile, chop up any veg you fancy (I recommend mushrooms, peppers and leeks) Add each to the pan as you start chopping the next, and s r every once in a while When the veg has browned (about 5 mins from the last addi on) add a jar of tomato pasta sauce, 1 can of tomato soup (trust me), and half a tub of rico a Now's the point where you add all herbs and sauces known to mankind (I recommend hot sauce, chilli powder, Caribbean seasoning and mixed herbs) Now add a pack of Quorn mince, and s r in Leave to simmer while you prepare the cheese sauce Add the recommended amount of milk to a packet of dried cheese sauce, and keep s rring on a medium heat un l thickened Add as much cheddar as you fancy and the other half a tub of rico a Now start layering up your lasagne in a baking tray with high sides, in the order: lasagne sheets, quorn sauce, lasagne sheet, quorn sauce... Etc, ending with lasagne sheets, topped with your cheese sauce Now cover the whole thing in more cheddar and bake for 30-45 mins


Pasta Marinara - Priya Silverstein Serves 4

Ingredients 400g pasta 1 clove of garlic 1 onion Olive oil Vegetables (your choice) 1 pack cooked mixed seafood Seasoning (herbs and sauces to taste) Fresh basil (to serve) Cheese (to serve)

Method 1. Cook 400g of pasta according to packet instruc ons 2. Chop 1 onion and 1 clove of garlic 3. SautÊ in 1tbs olive oil 4. Meanwhile, chop up any veg you fancy (I recommend mushrooms, peppers and leeks) 5. Add each to the pan as you start chopping the next, and s r every once in a while 6. When the veg has browned (about 5 mins from the last addi on), add a pack of cooked mixed seafood (I recommend mussels, prawns and squid - it's on oer at Sainsbury's!) and fry for about a minute 7. Add a jar of tomato pasta sauce 8. Now's the point where you add all the herbs and sauces you want. 9. When the pasta is cooked, add it to the sauce, and toss together 10. Serve up into 4 bowls, and top with basil and grated cheddar


Winter Warmers Easy Garlic and Rosemary Chicken

Corn Beef Hash

- Ayesha Syed

Serves 2

- Lewis Keal

Serves 2



2 skinless, boneless chicken breast ďŹ llets 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon dried rosemary 1 tablespoon lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 25 mins

300-500g of potatoes One n of Corned Beef One n of baked beans Salt Bu er Milk Op onal: half a cup of peas half a cup of sweetcorn







Preheat oven to 190 C / Gas mark 5. Cover the chicken breasts with garlic, then sprinkle with rosemary, lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste. Place in a baking dish and bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes, or un l juices run clear (baking me will depend on the thickness of your chicken breasts). Serve with your choice of vegetables or cous cous.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Peel, chop and put potatoes on the boil for 30-40 mins Empty beans and corned beef into a pan or microwaveable bowl and mix up ensuring to break up the corned beef Either bring to boil on the hob or microwave Microwave the peas and sweetcorn in a jug with water, covered for 3-5 mins and then drain and add to the corned beef and beans Drain potatoes and mash, add salt, bu er and milk to taste. Serve


Basic Stew/Casserole - Lewis Keal Serves 2-4 This dish isn’t really a quick one but is tasty and you can easily make too much and simply freeze it in por ons. Also pre y much everything in the recipe is op onal, a stew can basically have everything in it.

Ingredients Meat diced, about 200-250g per por on Veg 100-200g per por on, (onions, peppers, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, swede, parsnips, leeks) peeled and cut into chunks Wine, 50ml per por on, red - Beef, Lamb; white – pork, poultry Bouquet Garni Stock Herbs Thickening agent cooking oil (depends which method)

Method There are two methods, one fast with more effort or one slow. Both serve with rice or potatoes Slow Method 1. Place diced meat and veg in an oven proof dish. 2. Make stock, add herbs to stock and wine and taste, mix the herbs in the hot stock un l you are happy with the flavour. 3. Add stock to the dish 4. Mix thickening agent with cold water and add about a quarter of a cups worth of mixed agent to the dish and s r it in vigorously 5. Add bouquet garni as it is string and

all (once dish is cooked do not eat this but remove and bin it), ensure all veg and meat is covered by the liquid, if not add more stock/boiling water. 6. Cover and place in preheated oven at 180 for 2+ hours, the longer it is leK the more tender the meat, check the dish occasionally and do not allow it dry up, you can also s r it when checking it. Fast method 1. Heat oil in a frying pan. 2. Add onions and fry for 5-10 mins 3. Add all hard vegetables (carrots, parsnips or swede) and fry for 5-10 mins 4. Add all soK vegetables (not the above) and fry for a further 5 mins 5. Add the veg to an oven proof dish 6. Put the frying pan back on the heat and fry the meat un l cooked through 5-10 mins 7. Add the meat to the oven proof dish 8. Make stock, add herbs to stock and wine and taste, mix the herbs in the hot stock un l you are happy with the flavour. 9. Add stock to the dish and s r. 10. Add bouquet garni as it is string and all (once dish is cooked do not eat this but remove and bin it), ensure all veg and meat is covered by the liquid, if not add more stock/boiling water. 11. Cover and place in preheated oven at 180 for 30+ mins, the longer it is leK the more tender the meat, check the dish occasionally and do not allow it dry up, you can also s r it when checking it. 25

Roasted Vegetables with Couscous - Ayesha Syed

Toad in the Hole - Ayesha Syed Serves 4

Serves 8



8 quality large pork sausages 110g (4oz) plain white flour 1 Table spoon of wholegrain mustard 300ml (½ pint) milk 2 small eggs ½ tsp salt

1 large courge e, thickly sliced 100g mushrooms, quartered 1 red pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil 750ml water 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided 350g couscous 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar


1. Place the flour in a bowl, then make a well in the centre and break in the egg, then mix in half the milk using a spoon, con nue un l smooth then Method add the remaining milk and a table Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 30 mins spoon of mustard. 2. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 230°C 1. Preheat your grill to high heat. 3. Beat or whisk the mixture un l fully 2. Brush vegetables lightly with combined. Allow to rest for 15 to 30 olive oil, and place them under minutes, whisk again before use. the grill. 4. Fry the sausages in a pan to lightly 3. Cook, flipping over occasionally, colour and remove excess fat, reserve un l just tender. the fat. 4. While the vegetables are grilling, bring water, salt, 1 tablespoon olive 5. Place the fat in a small dish n adding a li le oil, if needed, to bring the oil and couscous to boil in a large amount of fat up to about 4 tbsp. pot. Once the water has come to a Heat the fat un l smoking hot then boil, remove the pot from the heat pour in the ba er. Add the sausage and let it stand 5 minutes. Fluff with chunks to the dish and place into the a fork when done. Let couscous cool hot oven for about 5-10 minutes at to room temperature. 230°then reduce to 200°C and bake 5. Toss couscous with veggies and for 20 to 30 minutes or un l the drizzle with remaining olive oil ba er around the sausages has risen and balsamic vinegar. and is a deep golden brown. Serve immediately with vegetables and a nice onion gravy.


Homemade Burgers- Ayesha Syed Serves 2-4



Combine the beef, beaten egg, onion, mustard and seasoning together. Shape into burgers which are about 1cm thick. Heat the oil and bu er in a large frying pan, fry 4 burgers at a me over a high heat for 1 minute each side. Reduce the heat and cook for 6-8 minutes, turning occasionally. Keep warm whilst frying the remaining burgers. Serve the burgers in a bun lined with le uce.

450g lean minced beef 1 Egg 1 small onion, finely grated ½ tsp English mustard Salt and pepper 2 tbsp vegetable oil 25g bu er 8 burger buns 8 le uce leaves Op onal: Cheese

Stack-o’s or Mexican Lasagne - Will Davies Serves 2-4

Ingredients 500g Beef Mince / Quorn Mince 1 Jar of pasta sauce 1 pack of fajita seasoning 1 pack of tor llas Cheese of choice. Onion, Pepper, Carrot, Sweetcorn, Mushroom, Courge e... Any vegetable you want basically.

Method 1. Chop up the vegetables as fine or chunky as you choose, fry them in oil ll soK. Remember to give longer me for harder veg. Add the mince to brown. 2. Once cooked through, add the pasta sauce and leave to simmer if you want to let the flavours mingle. S r in as much fajita seasoning as you want. 3. Add enough to a casserole dish to cover the bo om, place a tor lla on top, then another layer of sauce, wrap, sauce, wrap un l you run out or over flow. 4. On the top wrap, grate on some cheese. 5. Place in the oven at 200C for about 6 minutes, ll the cheese has gone golden and crunchy. 6. Remove, and serve with rice or salad. 27

Co age Pie - Lewis Keal Serves 2

Ingredients 1 onion diced 400g mince 300g-500g potatoes Cooking oil Beef or Vegetable Stock Herbs Bu er Milk Op onal: 1 peppers, diced 1-3 carrots, diced half a cup full of peas half a cup full of sweetcorn As much or li le as desired Cheese, grated or breadcrumbs

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Peel potatoes, chop and put on to boil for 30 to 40 mins. Heat oil in a frying pan Fry onions on a medium heat 5-10 mins Op onal, add carrots and fry for 5 mins Add mince and fry un l brown on a high heat, boil ke le and prepare stock while browning meat 6. Op onal, drain fat, this makes it healthier, keeping the fat will add avour 7. Add peppers and stock 8. Bring to boil and s r oKen, add herbs and spices to taste – personally I use mixed herbs, sage, Worcester sauce, soy sauce dark. 9. Leave to simmer ll it has thickened, how thick is personal preference, you can also add thickening agents if you wish, though these should be mixed with cold water before adding to the frying pan. 10. Put peas and sweetcorn in a microwaveable jug, add water and microwave for 3-5 mins with the jug covered, drain and then add to the frying pan. 11. Once the potatoes are done, drain and mash with a li le salt, milk and bu er, all to taste. 12. Once the meat and sauce has thickened you have two op ons, serve immediately with the mash, or, put sauce and meat in an oven proof dish, top with mash potatoes and oven cook for 20 to 30 mins, there is also an op on here to top with grated cheese, or breadcrumbs. 28

Delicious Puds 29

Eggless Healthy Pancakes - Ayesha Syed Serves 1-4 (depending on how many you want eat)

Ingredients All-purpose flour- 1 cup Cinnamon- 1/2 tsp Sugar- 1 tsp Salt- a pinch Bu er Oil- 1 tsp Baking powder- 2 tsp Vanilla extract- 1 tsp Milk- 1 cup You can add water to get the right consistency too Topping of your choice!

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mix all the dry ingredients and set them aside Mix together the wet ingredients and add them to the dry ones S r well but note that lumps in the ba er are alright (your ba er shouldn't be too thick though) Heat a pan and add some bu er to the pan Once the pan is hot enough, add the ba er. Cook un l golden brown A empt to flip ;) Serve with your choice of topping

SMOOTHIE - Ayesha Syed Served 2

Ingredients 1/2 a large banana 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 cup skim milk 1/4 cup thick plain yoghurt (or your favourite flavoured yoghurt) 1 tbs rolled oats 1 tbs flaxseed (op onal) Maple syrup, to taste (sub honey if desired)

Method Blend all ingredients on high in a blender un l desired consistency is reached. Taste and adjust sweetness with maple syrup. 30

Chocolatey Banana Brownies! - Neil Bushell Serves 4+

Ingredients 185g bu er (cut into small cubes) 185g dark chocolate (broken up into small pieces) 85g plain flour 40g cocoa powder 50g white chocolate (chunks) 65g milk chocolate (chunks) 2-3 bananas 300g caster sugar 3 large eggs

Method 1.


3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


Put bu er and chocolate into a bowl. Fill a small saucepan about a quarter full with hot water, then sit the bowl on top of the pan. Put over a low heat un l the bu er and chocolate have melted, s rring occasionally. While you wait for the chocolate to cool preheat oven and turn the oven on to 180°C. Grease up your baking n with bu er. AKerwards p flour and cocoa powder into a sieve held over a medium bowl, and tap and shake the sieve to get rid of lumps. Prepare your bananas by peeling the skin off and slicing them into small segments. Break the eggs into a large bowl and p in the sugar. Whisk the eggs and sugar un l they look thick and creamy. This can take 3-8 minutes. Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the eggy mousse, then mix in a figure of eight, mix un l it is a mo led dark brown colour. Gently fold in the flour/cocoa powder using the same figure of eight ac on as before. The mixture will look dry and dusty at first, but keep going and you’ll get a thick and fudgy mixture! When done drop in the chocolate chunks and banana chunks and s r them in. Pour the mixture into the prepared n. Spread the mixture out so it covers the whole n. Put in the oven and set your mer for 25 minutes. When the buzzer goes, open the oven, pull the shelf out a bit and gently shake the n. If the brownie wobbles in the middle, it's not quite done, so slide it back in and bake for another 5 minutes un l the top has a shiny, papery crust and the sides are just beginning to come away from the n. Leave the n to cool for a few minutes, aKer which place it in the fridge for about ten minutes to help it cool down. . Cut into squares or whatever shapes you like, serve to hungry friends to impress! Don’t forget to keep the rest in a container so they can be eaten at a later date : ) 31

Cake in a Cup - Ber e Smith Serves 1

Ingredients One large cup or mug 4 tablespoons of flour 4 tablespoons of sugar. 2 tablespoons of baking cocoa. (op onal) 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder. 1 egg. 3 tablespoons of milk. 3 tablespoons of oil. Small splash of vanilla extract.

2 minute cookie dough! - Sarah Ta ersall Serves 1

Ingredients 2 tbsp of bu er 2 tbsp of granulated sugar 2 tbsp of brown sugar 2 tbsp of egg; whisked Bit of Vanilla essence (not a necessity but nice) Roughly about 2 1/2 tbsp of self raising flour Milk Chocolate (30p bars from Sainsburys chopped up!)

Method 1. 2. 3. 4.

Method 1. Add dry ingredients into cup and mix. 2. Add egg, and mix thoroughly. 3. Pour in oil, vanilla, & milk and mix. 4. Set your cup in the microwave for 2 1/2 - 3 minuets. Watch carefully to make sure it doesn't explode!! 5. Remove cup from microwave and enjoy a hot, tasty cake.

5. 6.

Use a microwaveable dish. Mix the sugar and bu er together with a fork, Mix in the egg and vanilla essence, Add the flour then, if you need the milk because its become too dry, add the milk in, in small amounts though just to make the consistency right. You don't want it to be liquidy. Then mix in your chocolate. Add the mixture into the microwave for 2 minutes, depending on how you like it you can take it out before that or leave it for the full 2 minutes; this makes it spongey.


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