AIR Journal

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architecture design studio



This project was achievable with the greatest help from my team members and colleagues; Andrea, Sarah and Nicola. Thank you all for your dedication, it was undeniably the collaborative effort that made the final outcomes of this semester what they were. Also special thanks also goes to our tutors Angela Woda and Gwyll Jahn, whose help and guidance throughout the semester has been fantastic.

Andrea Piotrowski

Jake Nancarrow

Sarah Lam Po Tang

Nicola Inskip

Finally, thank you to David Lister and Stanislav Roudavski, the course coordinators for their advice, assistance and intellectual stimulation.




I am currently in my third year studying architecture at the University of Melbourne, and I have lived here, in Melbourne, my entire life. I have always had a strong interest in architecture, my first exposure to computer-aided-design came during my time at high school where I used what would be now a quite archaic form of CAD to model everyday items such as a computer keyboard, or grand piano in detail. It was not until my first year at university that my first real exposure to digital architecture came. This was in the form of Virtual Environments. This course taught me a lot about digital design and the fabrication process. Ever since I have continued to develop my skills in Rhino using traditional modelling techniques and it will be exciting to expand this into the realm of parametric modelling with grasshopper.



part a: case for innovation architecture as discourse

When we talk about architecture, or consider it as a discourse, it is important to consider the ideas that are generated and propelled forward, rather than simply the aesthetic appeal of the built works themselves. This is because the ideas that are generated, as a contribution to the architectural discourse, will last forever; long after the architecture itself is demolished or crumbles into ruins.

Gone are the days where the canonical works of the great architectural philosophers must be obeyed, such as the Vitruvian Principals. Architects are now much more free to design with out an overbearing imperative to follow strict orders and principles.1 However, with this freedom comes a responsibility, and this is to add to and continue the architectural discourse. It is therefore of great benefit to the City of Wyndham to embrace an architectural approach when considering a new ‘Gateway’ to the city. Not only will the design have the benefit of Architectural Discourse, past and present, it will also contribute to this discourse.



architecture as discoure

Museo Soumaya This ground breaking project at the heart of a former industrial district of Mexico City was a challenge from its conception; as a work of this calibre has never been seen in Mexico before.2

This project was designed to create a space to house a large private collection of art and the building was conceived as a container in which to hold this art. However, it’s function goes well beyond this when we consider it as part of the wider architectural discourse.3

However, it is undeniably successful on another level. As I have already mentioned it has the ability to transform Architecture in Mexico not for the design itself but for the discourse and discussion that it opens up. Furthermore, it is proof that such projects are possible in developing countries such as Mexico.

The design team engaged the help of the Gehry Technologies. This allowed the team to use parametric modelling to determine the most efficient means to clad the building yet still hold onto the design intent. 4 Drawing inspiration not only from Ghery Technologies, but similar works of Frank Ghery as well. Additionally the interior space is said to be reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wrights Guggenhiem Museum.5 This building has the potential not only to transform the locale in which it was constructed but also the rather conservative construction and design industry of greater Mexico. The success of this design its self is questionable. It dominates the space, does not relate well at a human level and is not particularly sensitive to the local context.



architecture as discoure

Convention Centre, Tanggu This project by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) engages the concept of structural emergence and was made possible because of a strong collaboration between Architects and engineers.

This collaborative nature has always been at the heart of this particular practice, and many of their projects have only eventuated as a result of it.6 The undulation of the roof in this convention centre clearly takes inspiration from the proximity of this site to the river, furthermore there is a direct correlation between this undulation and the internal use of the structure. Whilst this space is quite flexible, the roof structure is a direct function of the requirements below for performance and circulation. From here the practice implemented and extended parametric programs which they had previously designed. They used both Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Finite Elements (FEs) do optimise their design to have the be both structurally and materially efficient.7


computational architecture Computation is a tool for creation, and not devoid of human creativity as some might instinctively, but incorrectly, assume. It is a tool like any other, be it digital or analogue. Computation does not inherently allow for a greater range of forms or increase the number of achievable geometries. For the range of forms that can be created using computational methods is just the same as what can theoretically be created using a more traditional approach; and that range approaches infinity. What computation does allow, however, is for designers to explore the design space at greater breadth and depth, with increased efficiency. It is this efficiency that makes computation truly useful to a designer.8 Despite this, computation in Architecture has the power to transform. Computation, allows for an enormous amount or iterations to be tested and re-tested. Computation allows for performative design to be used on a whole new level. Traditionally, architectural design is quite inflexible in the sense that decisions made early in a project Methods of construction are ever changing and becoming more and more advanced. The relationship between design and construction are becoming closer, and in many ways this is enabled by computational techniques, as we will see an example of.



computational architecture One Main Street This project lies somewhere on the computerization-computation spectrum, leaning towards computational but not completely so. And whilst there was some preconception of the final form, it was ultimately highly dependent on the manufacturing process and building parameters.9 It harnesses the new process of an intertwined relationship between Computer-Aided-Design and Computed-Aided-Manufacture (CAD-CAM) and there is a strong sense of this when one looks at the building. It is this relationship that is the most important attribute of the design, and also what we can learn most from the project. It was the possibilities and limits of the manufacturing process that drove design process, and it was this collaborative process and understanding that allowed for high material efficiency.10 In this case, and for this very reason, the engagement in a computational design approach is vital in the Wyndham City Gateway project. Not only will it allow for material efficiency and thus reduced wasted materials, but also highly optimized and excellent aesthetic results.



computational architecture

Differentiated Wood Lattice Shell This project relies on computational techniques to allow for it to be realised. It was this technique of computation that also allowed for greater exploration of material properties. This was the first project of its kind to explore the range of lattice geometries based on the bending of wooden elements with different cross-sectional dimensions.11 The properties of the timber elements were critical in the development of the computational model. Because of this a more accurate structural and material optimisation could be employed.12 One of the most interesting components of this project is the was the way it was assembled. The lattice was created flat on the ground and then tensioned using the actuator bolts on each panel to a predefined torque to create the final form. This project clearly adds a great deal to the architectural discourse, in both its deep exploration of material properties, and innovative assembly process. Both of which will be highly valuable in our own project.



parametric modelling

Carpender Centre Puppet Theatre This project, designed by Michael Meredith & Pierre Huyghe, sits unusually within one of Le Corbusier’s last works, The Carpender Centre, and in stark to comparison to the Modernist design of the building that surrounds it. This project was made possibly using parametric technology which was used to develop the form. The organic form is, perhaps, emphasised by the moss which was grown over the structure. 13 The structure itself consists of nearly 500 tessellating polycarbonate panels14. This were modelled and fabricated using the digital model, which enabled and otherwise tedious process to happen much faster, a clear benefit of parametric modelling.



parametric modelling

Voussior Cloud This project, by iwamotoscott, takes inspiration from historic techniques of architectural construction the arch - and turns it on its head.

The arch, or vault, would normally use mass materials, such as stone, and transfer loads through compression. This method of load transfer would not normally be achievable with the use of thin sheets of laminate timber. These individual sheets, or ‘petals’, are all pretensions to a level that is parametrically determined based on the surrounding void spaces.15 It’s clear that much of the inspiration for this projects comes from the hanging chain models of great architects such as Antonio Gaudi. In this case however, the hanging chain models were developed parametrically. The parametric model was developed to refine the structure so that each element would work in pure compression in the way that it is intended, and in the same way a traditional vault/arch would.16 This project contributes to the Architectural Discourse in an important yet unusual way, it opposes preconceived notions of how arches should act and the properties of thin laminate timber.




parametric explorations Vase Experiment This was my very first ever experiment with parametric modelling. Prior to this I was very sceptical, yet still interested in the potential of parametric modelling. Even after completing this very simple task I found that once you overcome the initial setback and learning curves that there are immense benefits in modelling parametrically using Grasshopper. Once the parameters are set up, it took just seconds to create multiple iterations of the a

AA Driftwood Experiment After first creating a simple parametric model that somewhat resembled that of the AA Driftwood Projects I was then able to create contours to achieve the pictured effect. I choose to include this image, as I have always been interested in contours and the interesting forms that can be created as a result (such as One Main Street, pp. 12-13). I have used this method of contouring a highly curvaceous shape in the past in order to model it, although using flat contours rather than curved ones. This experiment took just a matter of minutes compared to the hours it took to create contours manually. I also found the method of using curved contours very interesting and full of potential.



As we have seen, the recent discourse in architecture leading to computational design and parametric modelling allows for great innovation. The precedent projects shown give great examples of the opportunity for innovation. My design approach will work contextually with the site in Wyndham City and will engage a range of processes in order to innovate. This may include, but not limited to, material efficiency and structural innovation.

learning outcomes As I briefly alluded to earlier I was initially quite sceptical as to the benefits of parametric modelling in Grasshopper as I was unsure of what it could offer me, and how it would enable me to model in a way that was different to more traditional digital modelling. After both my practical experiments in Grasshopper and theoretical exploration of the Architectural discourse surrounding this area of design, I now see it is of great benefit to me as a designer. In retrospect, I wish I had of embraced this technology before now. It would’ve have undoubtedly saved me hours on previous projects. Even my very first project in digital architecture could have been made more efficient using Grasshopper. My double helix lantern, had 64 individual hexagonal-pyramidal panels, and 30 rib structures, each of which were different from the others, and all had to be flattened, rolled out, notched and have tabs created. A process that would have been made significantly easier using a parametric system. This is true for many other projects that I have completed, including contouring of forms and landscapes to name just a few.



part b: design approach After exploring many other possible design approaches including structure and topology, we came to the conclusion that aggregation was the optimal approach for the Wyndham City Gateway Project. Aggregation provides a strong basis for our design for a number of reasons. Firstly, aggregation means innovation. It is a little explored aspect of design research, and as such any work produced in this field has the potential to be ground breaking. “The potential and the relevance of aggregate architectures lie in their ability to continuously adjust to system-external and system internal parameters … Thus the investigation of potential architectural applications is both a relevant and unexplored branch of design research.” -Achim Menges17 Furthermore, and in addition to the insight provided in the aforementioned quote, our team intends to take the concept of aggregation, which until now has only been explored on the installation level, to the level of a built work thus making it truly innovative.

Our design for the Border Crossing and Gateway into Wyndham aims to profit from this existing discourse and depict Wyndham as the super-power of waste-management. Currently Wyndham takes in waste from other cities and makes a profit from this. We propose that Wyndham will continue to increase it’s waste intake and as a result their profits will increase. The design will reflect Wyndham’s radical attitude towards waste. Finally, aggregation serves as an optimal solution to this design question as it has the intrinsic ability for growth. More aggregate can be easily added; analogous to the growth in power the city will experience. Obviously, this is all a fictional tale. It would be near impossible to garner voter support to create a rubbish-based economy. Our design, instead, is a comment on the extreme waste created in our consumption based society. The aforementioned arguments clearly apply here just as well.

Secondly, there is an existing discourse that exists in the area surrounding the management of waste. Local residents fear that Wyndham will regain the title of the ‘waste capital of Victoria’. Taking inspiration of the photographic works of Edward Burtynsky we were able to see the atypical beauty of waste. 18 19



Our initial explorations were based on the approach of structure. To begin with we first explored British Library Roof by Foster and Partners. Our interest in this project is based on it’s expressive use of structure, based on a simple yet powerful gridded structure. We created a definition that would allow us to explore this type of structure more in grasshopper. Our definition allowed us to control the dilation of the hyperboloid and ultimately the height of the structure. This is shown to vary along the y-axis of the matrix pictured here.

We also controlled the amount of supporting members that were used for the structure. This is represented along the x-axis of the matrix. The more more divisions made to the grid, the more refined the intended structure is. This does not necessitate an increase in interest though, and some of the earlier iterations produce some interesting rectilinear forms.

case study 1.0




For our next exploration of structure we chose to look at the ‘Birdsnest’ Stadium designed by Herzog and de Mueron. Like the British Library Roof this also is highly expressive in it’s use of structure. The definition a that we created to explore this structure was primarily concerned with geodesic curves that could be drawn over the form to emulate the structural members. We used a set of attractor points that we could move around the ground surface to define the location of the curves and thus creat opening where required.

We also controlled the number of base points and thus the amount of geodesics that would be created over the surface. The above matrix shows the changing location of attractor points along the y-axis, and the amount of curves created along the x-axis.

A T case study M2.0







From here we realised that structure as a design approach was far too generic and would not be the most beneficial approach to meet our design intent which would exploit the pre-existing discourse that surrounds the area. Turning to the little-explored branch of architectural design we began to embrace the concept of aggregation. We began with theoretical research of precedents and continued by developing a series of experiments which involved many different parametric and computational models as well as a set of physical prototypes.


Following our initial research and experimentations we began to classify three main areas: Fractal Packing Self-Organising Aggregations Explicitly Connected Aggregation The following sections will explore each of these in more detail.





In regards to the ‘fractal packing’ branch of aggregation our initial explorations began with a critical exploration of Aranda Lasch’s Morning Line pavilion. This pavilion embraces the use of fractal cycles to create both the overall form and the abstract patterning on each component.20 What was most interesting about this project was not the surface patterning which we saw as irrelevant to our design intent but the ability for this system of construction to not only be pulled down and re-assembled but also reconfigured.



This matrix (left) represents the computational explorations employed when exploring fractal packing. Each component is based on a recursive-fractal definition which varies along the y-axis based on the number of edges in the base geometry. The components are then simply connected by any of their faces or edges, in a similar manner to the Morning Line project.

The x-axis then shows the growth of the overall form based on the given rules for connection. This ability for growth is an important enabler for our defined design intent which draws inspiration from local issues. Figure 19 shows the physical prototyping of a similar process, whereby the recurring individual components are connected to the previous elements.




For the category we defined as self-organising aggregates we began by exploring previous projects which looked at the way individual elements, or aggregates, interact with each other when their connections were not defined and they are free to move around. We began by examining Designed Particle Aggregation 02 by Achim Menges. This project explore the way in which the overall form can be affected by a number of factors. The physical construction of this project was completed using a six-axis robot which enabled the control of the emission path, pouring speed and how time would effect density.21



Figure 21 Shows a matrix of explorations based on this type of self-organising aggregation. Whilst we were unable to create a parametric model that could emulate the complex self-organising nature of this process, we developed a system to test this using physical prototypes. Firstly an attractor line was created around which a field of points is formed. From this we then tested the way physical aggregates interacted when each element was were dropped along the path at a point defined by the field of points. Figure 22 shows a detail view of the connections created by the self organising aggregates. Each individual component was designed so that it would have a high level of connectivity with the components that surrounding it. Each component is able to connect to the others in a number of different and interesting ways depending on how it falls, where it is dropped from and the movement of the other components that surround it.




We now began to explore how aggregation could work if the connections between each aggregate element is limited and explicitly defined and controlled. As a starting point we looked at the Bloom project by Alisa Andrasek and Jose Sanchez. Each element is simple in it’s form but has been designed in such a way to allow for a limited number of connections to occur. The addition of each component allows for the growth of this pavilion and the size and simplicity of connection allow for people interact with the structure which can easily be changed and modified.22 Whilst the beauty of this design lies in the simplicity of connection, in our case we believe that there is potential for further flexibility between each connection.



We began our experimentations in the branch of aggregation with a simple definition that connect two circles with a rod at an angle of 1350. Due to the nature of the circular ends allowing for infinite possibilities of rotation. To limit these possible rotations we reduced this to 450­ increments; this was then rationalised into a prototype with 8 notches to allow for this defined rotation. Whilst this prototype allowed for many interesting and varied forms to be created it was limiting in it’s linearity. Due to this it is difficult to create massed accumulations using this definition.



Dissatisfied with the linearity of the previous prototypes we returned to precedent projects to look for new ways that we could create aggregations. We looked at a research project by Kokkugia which explored the connections between the ends of a three pointed element.23 Taking this project as a case study we developed a definition that would allow each element to be connected via the end plane of each arm. This additional direction which allows two additional elements to be connected to the previous element. This removes the issue of linearity that was experienced with the previous method.


To increase the level of flexibility in the system a triangular end was chose over the quadrilateral as used by Kokkugia as this gives more options for rotation of the added element as the quadrilateral is symmetrical about two axes allowing it to only two real options for rotation. This method has been represented in a matrix (left) which represents the ability of this method to show growth along the x-axis and the y-axis shows how this growth can occur in different manners based on the flexibility of the definition. The system was then tested using a physical prototype as shown in figure 28.




After exploring the various methods of aggregation it is evident that this technique is a perfect match with the Gateway and Border Crossing into Wyndham City. Whilst we have learnt that the fractal packing type of aggregation may be not of great benefit due to its lack of flexibility the other two options present us with a variety of options going forward. And regardless of which direction, or directions, we ultimately choose to go with there is no doubt that it will be the best choice for Wyndham City Council.

First and foremost, it has the potential to be genuinely innovative. Primarily because this type of design has been barely explored up until now, and certainly not on any level where it is used as a built work. Additionally, the existing discourse that surrounds the issue of the dump will be exploited by this design. This contextualises the design and will build on from and contribute to local issues. Finally, it’s inherent potential for growth means that it will be able to grow as the dump in the background grows, as well as the potential power of the city grows. This will serve to increase the discourse that will surround the design.






algorithmic diagrams

This image shows a diagrammatic sketch of the way the definition to create the explicit connection operates.

It begins with the a base geometry as the input. It then selects the planes about which to mirror about. These planes can be selected to chose the patch in which the aggregate growth will take. The definition then takes the base geometry and mirrors it about this plane. The geometry is the rotate around an access perpendicular to the centroid of this plane. This is set at intervals so that the edges of the face will line up with the previous geometry. Changing the rotation allows you to control the way the aggregated mass twists and turns. This process can then be repeated many number of times to allow the overall from to be created.



part c: system proposal Our proposition for a Border-crossing and Gateway into Wyndham City intends to be more than just a design, but a system. A system with the inherent flexibility to evolve and change while the city itself changes. The system that we propose can easily be adapted and modified to fit the current needs of the city; or more accurately, reflect the current situation of Wyndham’s biggest eyesore; the burgeoning mountain of trash. One of the greatest desires of Wyndham city is to reposition itself as a city that is more relevant to the current times, and the brief calls for a design (or in this case a system) that will reflect Wyndham as a forward thinking city. To do this our system proposes that the city steps out from what has become the norm of Wyndham to accept the refuse from surrounding areas.

and its inherent ability to create a wide range of possibilities, often leading to unforeseen results. These processes of aggregation produce masses and densities instead of surfaces. Whilst on its own the system of aggregation will be able to achieve our design intent, however, the individual aggregate element will be designed in such a way that it too will serve to benefit the design by emulating waste. Overall, the design will be read in a series of ways. And these readings will change on a regular basis due to the flexibly changing nature of the proposed system.

Our proposition, and as our system intends to engender is not that Wyndham simply stops accepting waste from neighbouring municipalities as this does not address the root cause of the issue. Instead, our design proposal is a comment on consumer society and the overuse of resources and excessive amounts of waste being poured into landfill. To do this, our system uses the concept of aggregation or the accumulation of identical part based on a series of geometric rules. This differs immensely from common construction techniques of modularity, which attempts to break structures into more manageable pieces of the whole. Aggregations are based on a single element








material experiments

To begin with it was necessary to conduct a series of material tests to determine what would be the most suitable material in the context of this design. Our team explored a range of casting materials which may have been beneficial to the project (figures 3133).

Beginning by exploring silicon we wished to explore how deformations from the flexible material may lead to more interesting and unpredictable results. However, it was evident that this material was far too flexible to be uses on a scale applicable to this project.

We then moved to explore how a variety of factors may lead to desirable erosion of each element which will lead to long term change in the system. (Figures 34-36) We experimented with a variety of different additives to the plaster mixture to determine how they may react to a variety of weathering conditions. Including abrasive winds, water and fire. The additives included steel strips and foam balls with would also create a lighter structure.

Secondly, we looked at the use of resin. We were interested here in how the translucent material may catch the light or have visible components cast inside. Whilst the results here we quite interesting. The use of resin is not practical on a larger scale and the variability of outcomes did not meet with our requirement to have a single aggregate element with little variation across the entire system. Finally, we tested the used of plaster in an attempt to emulate concrete. We decided, that the structural rigidity of the material and its aesthetic appearance would work well with our design intent.



element optimization


During our earlier material experiments we realized that weakest point of the element was the re-entrant corner where the arms met. To deal with this it was clearly necessary to reinforce this areas. To deal with this we elected to express this reinforcement in a steel frame as shown in figure 37. This will be designed to allow for some flexibility but in a more controlled manner than with the use of the silicon material. Our parametric definition which allows fleFibility in the creation of the base geometry which allows for a number of iterations to be trailed by easily changing parameters. The image above shows the change in the number of arms to allow for the connection of more elements.

Other parameters that can be changed include: Polygonal Shape of end Length of Arms Thickness of Arm Level of Tapering Length of Supporting Frame Curvature of Supporting Frame After trailing the various parameters we elected to use a three pointed shape, as the four pointed shape is limiting in as it is bi-symmetrical and any higher can become cluttered when additional components are added. The end shape was also a triangle, and the ratio between the solid arms and interior void space was 1:1.





method one: clustering:

The first method of aggregation employed by this system has been classified as clustering. This method of aggregation allows for the creation of massed accumulations of the individual aggregate elements. This method harnesses the geometry of the triangular end’s of the individual element and requires the rotation to be made in 120 degree intervals to allow for alignment of adjoining elements.


Where required, the user of this method in the system has absolute control over the placement of each element and the degree to which they are rotated. Alternately a pseudo-random input can be used to create interesting and varied outputs and a variety of iterations can be quickly created and tested. Figures 41-43 shows that significant changes to the overall form can occur when the number of elements and order of connection remains consistent and only a few elements are rotated. The rotation of just one element early on in the system can lead to significant changes down the line. A single rotation will alter the direction of growth and will affect the overall aesthetic of the aggregated form.





method two: tracking:

The second method of aggregation in the proposed system has been classified as tracking. When this method is employed the individual aggregate elements ‘track’ along an pre-defined input curve in order to approximate the path as defined by the curve. Figures 45-47 serve to show that any number of various curves can be used as an input for this method and the system will still operate; furthermore it is important to note that each curve can vary about all three-dimensions. What is perhaps more interesting than the ability for this system to merely follow the defined path is the unexpected results that occur. It is evident that the aggregate elements can only form to serve as an approximation of each input curve. Despite the fact that this may initially seem to be a downside of this method, it should, however, be embraced in its fullest. The approximation’s that are created lead to a number of interesting and unexpected outcomes. In some circumstances the system creates a straight line for a portion despite or move tangentially to the curve briefly before chasing back to follow the curve more accurately.



The interesting and unexpected nature of outcomes of this system make’s it an important tool for further exploration and creation beyond what could otherwise be rationalised through traditional methods. It is for this very reason that this system is one that is truly parametric and thus more relevant to the contemporary architectural discourse. 47




techtonic details

All of the aggregate elements are identical across the entire design, this provides economy in production.

The three arms of each element will be cast from concrete, the form for this casting will be similar to the diagram pictured above. The steel supporting arms are to be custom formed and will be cast into the concrete arms to allow for a secure connection. The elements that are to connected to the ground will do so in a manner similar to the image shown left.





final model Figures 52 and 53 show the construction process of the final 1:25. Whilst the scales are dramatically different and the means of connection are also different, the process of construction is very much similar at both real and model scale. The first elements are fixed to the ground and from here the next elements are added repetitively.


The connections are defined by the parametric model and for the construction of the real project each element may be labelled ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ on the ends of each arm and the degree of rotation can simply be defined as 0, 1 or 2, This will allow for the construction to follow the design as defined by the system. The system will be self-supporting and the completed form should require no additional supports. However, when under construction temporary props will be required to take the load until the next grounded element is installed.











algorithmic diagram

Figure 54 diagrammatically represents the way in which the ‘tracking technique’ operates as seen in figures 44-47. It begins by taking the individual element as the base geometry and a curve as the inputs. The definition the divides the curve into equal parts to create points and then it performs a series of task as shown to duplicate the element. This is then automatically repeated to allow the aggregations to create an approximation of the input curves.

learning outcomes

Looking retrospectively at my experiences of this course my opinion on parametric modelling and computational architecture has toed and froed. Initially I was unconvinced of its ability to create anything that the human mind could not concieve itself, and if it could such a creation would be devoid of personal creativity. I am now certainly convinced otherwise. Through many situations where I wrestled and struggled with grasshopper (and experienced great frustration at the time) I have learnt a great deal. Parametric design does not necessitate a blob-like outcome as some might believe, but instead a whole breadth of possibilities that may not otherwise be possible, and if so, certainly much more difficult and time consuming to create.



image references 1 Virtual Environments Lantern, Photograph 2 Manufactured Landscapes, Edward Burtynsky, Source: content/uploads/2012/08/1344128853-manufactured2.jpeg 3 Mueso Soumaya. Source: Peters, B. & De Kestelier, X (eds), Architectural Design: Computation, (London: John Wiley, 2013), 4 Convention Centre Tanggu. Source: ibid. 5 One Main Street, Source: 6 Differentiated Wood Lattice Shell. Source: 7 Carpender Centre. Source: Puppet_Theater_Harvard_Carpender_Center1.jpg 8 Voussior Cloud. Source: 9 Parametric Vases 10 AA Pavilion Reverse Engineer 11 Manufactured Landscapes, Edward Burtynsky. Source: archive/02220/TPG-11-_EB__2220871b.jpg 12 British Library Roof. Source: museum_mibrary. 13 British Library Roof Matrix. 14 Birdsnest Stadium. Source: beijing_national_stadium12.jpg 15 Birdsnest Stadium Matrix 16 Aggregate Architectures. Source: uploads/2012/03/HEA_ADMC_02.jpg 17 The Morning Line Pavilion. Source: uploads/2011/11/MOT-architectural-environments-for-tomorrow-5.jpg 18 Fractal Packing Matrix 19 Fractal Packing Prototypes 20 Designed Particles Aggregation 02. Source: WebAM_Research_04_Rice_DesPartAggregates02_AM 21 Self-Organising Aggregation Matrix 22 Self-Organising Aggregation Prototype Details 23 Bloom Pavilion. Source: 07/IMG_3382p.jpg 24 Explicit Aggregation Initial Prototype


25 Explicit Aggregation Matrix 27 Kokkugia Research Project. Source: Aggregation.jpg 28 Explicit Aggregation Prototype 29 Algorithmic Sketch A 30 Manufactured Landscapes, Edward Burtynsky, Source: content/uploads/2012/08/1344128853-manufactured3.jpeg 31 Material Test A- Silicon 32 Material Test B- Resin 33 Material Test C- Plaster 34 Erosion Test A- Metal Flakes, Water 35 Erosion Test B- Foam Balls, Fire 36 Erosion Test C- Foam Balls, Abrasion 37 Detail Model 38 Element Optimization Matrix 39 Rotation Diagram 40 Cluster Overlay Diagram 41 Cluster Diagram A 42 Cluster Diagram B 43 Cluster Diagram C 44 Offset Line Tracking Diagram 45 Line Tracking Diagram A 46 Line Tracking Diagram B 47 Line Tracking Diagram C 48 Ground Connection Detail 49 Form-work Diagram 50 Final Model 51 Final Model 52 Model Construction Image A 53 Model Construction Image B 54 Algorithmic Diagram B



1 Vitruvius, A Global History of Architecture 2 Romero, F., & Ramos A., Bridging A Culture The Design Of Museo Soumaya, in Architectural Design: Computation, Peters, B. & De Kestelier, X (eds), (London: John Wiley, 2013), p. 68. 3 ibid. 4 ibid. 5 Genocchio, B., Carlos Slim’s Museo Soumaya, Art Info, < story/37450/carlos-slims-museo-soumaya-money-cant-buy-taste> 2011, Accessed 12 March 2013 6 Besserud, K., et al., Structural emergence: Architectural and structural design collaboration at SOM, in Architectural Design: Computation, Peters, B. & De Kestelier, X (eds), (London: John Wiley, 2013), p. 50. 7 ibid. 8 Yehuda E. Kalay, Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer- Aided Design (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004), p. 12 9 dECOi Architects, One Main Street, <>, accessed 30 March 2013 10 ibid. 11 Menges, A., Differentiated Wood Lattice Shell, <>, access 30 March 2013 12 ibid. 13 Gewertz, K., An Egg Full of Puppets Singing, Harvard News, < gazette/2004/11.11/01-huyghe.html>, accessed 2 April 2013 14 ibid. 15 IwamotoScott Architecture, Voussior Cloud, <>, 2011, accessed 2 April 2013 16 ibid. 17 Menges, A., Aggregate Architectures, <>, accessed May 15 2013 18 Toscano, N, ‘Toxic mound in Wyndham to rise to 45 metres, < http://icd.uni-stuttgart. de/?p=5678>, accessed May 12 2013 19 Burtynsky, E. ‘Manufactured Landscapes’, < Film/Manufactured_Landscapes.html> Accessed May 8 2013 20 Ritchie, M., ‘The Morning Line.’, < ?category=pavilions>, accessed May 18 2013 21 Menges, A., Designed Particle Aggregates 02, < imagedb/WebAM_Research_04_Rice_DesPartAggregates02> Accessed May 10 2013 22 Bloom, Bloom-The Game, <> Accesed May 28 2013 23 Kokkugia, ‘Recursive Aggregation’, < title=Rhino_python_recursive_aggregation> Accessed May 3 2013

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.