portfolio jakub kubát

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Ing. arch. Jakub Kubát

+420 607 786 jakubat.comkubatjakub@yahoo.cz957

* 1995 Jihlava, Czech Republic

_V-ray, Twinmotion

language proficiency

_czech /native/, english /C1/, german /C1 - Deutsches Sprachdiplom/

_Chalmers2019University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 2020

work experience

exchange semester Nikolaus-Komernikus Gymnasium, Weißenhorn, Germany 2006_2014

_The office for urban planning Jihlava / intern, various scales of urban projects 2015_2016

_Architectural competition Hlásná Třebáň

_National2018_2021ChengKung University, Tainan, Taiwan

_Workshop2020„Manutecturing“ NCKU Taiwan / creating manufature/architecture design 2019

_Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


_Faculty of architecture CTU Prague bachelor‘s degree in architecture and urbanism

_Casua /www.casua.cz//intern,mainly large scale housing projects 2018

_Faculty of architecture CTU Prague master‘s degree in architecture and urbanism

_FAM architekti /www.famarchitekti.cz/ / one of principal designers of an architectural study of a new building for faculty of architecture VUT Brno, reconstruction of current objects fot faculty of fine arts 2021

_Ehl & Koumar /www.ehl-koumar.cz/ / intern, various projects and competitions 2020_2021

preferred workflow

_Care for Architecture / Venice Biennale, Czech and Slovak Pavillon participated with a project in exhibition 2016


_AutoCAD, Rhino, Archicad, Sketchup

_Grammar2014_2018school,Gymnazium Jihlava

competitions, workshops, exhibitions

Sustainability“ Chalmers, Sweden / various projects from social to enviromental sustainability

_Eva Heyworth architekti / intern, mainly interior designs 2019

_future visions of housing / housing typology, sustainability _peace peas/ workshop, human rights _urbanism /hostiviceaddition to the urban structure / participation with a citizens and urban office

_chalet in beskydy mountains / private client

_hub with a housing extension / bachelor thesis, technical drawings / multifunctional building with a tram loop

_multipurpose house hlásná třebáň / architectural competition

_town house with black box, zátory / urban gap, block, typology

_transport connection jamrtál / new vision of urban connections

_czech cultural and diplomatic centre in taiwan / diploma thesis, civil building

_fam_ehl&koumararchitektitable103/102/98/92/84/74/58/54/46/40/34/30/6/104104104104104104104104104104104104104of contets

_extension of the slovak national gallery / part of a Venice Biennale 2016 exhibition

_residential houses smíchov, habitat III / housing typology, urban block

Czech House in Taipei. Cultural and diplomatic representation of the state abroad. Cooperation, understanding, mutual inspiration. I don‘t want to propose to Taiwan, a progressive, democratic country that should/could be an inspiration to us in many ways despite something (PRC, geopolitical situation). This is not and should not be the purpose of a national cultural institute such as the „Czech

The basis of the design is thus a platform formed by a tall board house. 7 meters narrow, 80 meters long, and 45 meters high. 11 above-ground floors. I bend the board at the level of the fifth floor, thus creating an imaginary cornice that is located at the approxi mate level of the surrounding buildings. Most of the building programme is located in the platform/board, which is divided vertically accor ding to the degree of accessibility/security. The first five floors should be accessible to anyone. On the other hand, the premises of the consulate - re presentation, residences, which require a different level of importance, privacy, and accessibility, are located on the top three floors. I separate opera tions with different spatial requirements from the platform. These operations also have a different architectural character - they are a multifunctional hall, part of the consular premises, and stair towers.

The platform and that „other“. Polarity and contrast between proposed masses. The objects that I sepa rate from the board have a different characters. If I perceive and design that plate/platform as a light open steel frame structure, then everything else is solid, rigid, heavy, stiff ,and concrete. At the same time, however, I adhere to the concept of a clean facade, which is why the facades of these objects are (mostly) designed as solid.

The construction solution of the building is adapted to the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area. That‘s why I design the house from light steel elements. A steel frame, which is then reinforced with reinforced concrete cores (in which the stairs, elevators are located). Objects and operations sepa rated from the board are structurally independent.

of the building is based on the original distinctive urban structure of the Wanhua district in Taipei: the house thus stands out at the same time but also completes the urban outlook. A distincti ve but non-violent house. Therefore, I propose a slab house as a basis, which defines the necessary distances with its floor plan footprint. At the same time, I do not mortgage the entire plot. I leave its southern part free for further development.


studio Ondřej Císler, Lenka Milerová prague, 2021

diploma thesis


should be open, perhaps even transpa rent, but at the same time safe. I see the institution of cultural and economic representation as an open platform for dialogue, inspiration and cooperation. Thus, I perceive the representation mainly in terms of respect and the mission of the proposed object. „Czechness“ should not be obvious at first glance. It should primarily take place inside that plot plat


6/104 czech house taiwan

I perceive the platform as something open, per meable, maybe even transparent. The light frame construction is complemented by two layers of facade. Glazing and textile facade. The solution is adapted to the hot and humid climate of Taiwan. At the same time, the white textile facade achieves the desired effect of simplicity and contrast with the surrounding buildings, whose facades are very de tailed, full of lattices of inscriptions and different window shapes.


8/104 czech house taiwan


The original structure is no longer so legible. However, the original west-east axis is still noticeable. Another aspect was the implementation of atria into the design. The analysis of the original structure suggests the creation of atria (re latively small), but the height of the district changed and the atria gradually began to recede. Narrow alleys, passageways, and crevices are thus used more for Thesunlight/ventilation.solutionisaslabhouse, which is complemented by associated volumes, that are based on the urban structure.

_The plot for the proposed building is located in the Wanhua district of Taipei. It is a historical district with dynamic development. The original structure of low buildings (mostly up to three floors above ground) with an atrium was gradually replaced by new buildings. Their form and volume are quite different.

10/104 czech house taiwan


From my own empirical experience from my stay in Taiwan, I create an object that is as ventilated and airy as possible. The premise is that the textile blinds will be closed most of the time, to prevent direct penetration of the sun‘s rays into the interior. On the contrary, the glazing should be open. The entire building can thus be ventilated in both directions. This solution can substantia lly eliminate the use of an AC.

12/104 czech house taiwan

_The fundamental element that creates that platform, is a module. A module based on the structural solution of the object. Its basis is thus a vertical con struction of steel columns, which are arranged in a square at an axial distance of 5200 mm.

In the longitudinal direction, I complete the square module with walkways. The walkways, which are covered with tex tile blinds, serve not only as a possible extension of the interior, but above all as a double, ventilated facade system.


_10th - consulate - representative lounge


store, gallery

_9th - consulate - representative dining

_11th - consul‘s residence

consulate - official entrance multifunctional hall workshop space, elevation workshop space, elevation workshop space, elevation language rooms


_The complicated construction program is separated especially within the verti cal axis. From the most accessible (pub lic) spaces located on the lower floors to the purely private spaces of the consul‘s residence, which is located on the hi ghest, eleventh floor. The central part of the building is made up of the necessary office spaces.

contrary, the top three floors of the building are dedicated to the repre sentative and residential function of the consulate. Here I propose spaces for festive dinners, lounges, and generous guest

_8th - offices of czech cultural centre

two guest/messenger apartments

On the first three floors, there are spa ces that should be accessible/permeable to any visitor. The ground floor houses a visa department, a catering business, a commercial space, and a central recep tion/information center for the entire building. The next two floors are prima rily dedicated to the permanent exhibi tion of the Czech Cultural Center. Above that, there are spaces for workshops and

two guest apartments

of czech centre‘s


_1st - consulate - visa department _2nd - consulate - offices

_3rd - consulate - offices _4th - consulate - archives _5th - consulate - meeting room _6th - consulate - consul‘s office _7th - offices of czech economical



The operation of the building is divided into three main vertical communicati ons. Two staircase „chimneys“ serve as emergency escape routes, which are supplemented by an elevator wall with two-way access.

At the same time, a two-way elevator wall separates the operation of the con sulate from the public part of the Czech Cultural Center.

_ In a relatively small space, there can be found anyone from ordinary visitors, through managers to high-ranking di plomats. The entire facility is carefully arranged in such a way as to ensure the safety, comfort, and anonymity of im portant persons, but at the same time in such a way that the facility is as accessi ble as possible to every visitor.

16/104 czech house taiwan _1st floor - consulate, open platform - bistro, czech shop, gallery _2nd floor - consulate, hall, foyer, open platform - gallery


18/104 czech house taiwan _6th floor - consul‘s office, open platform - lecture spaces, research, library_4th floor - consulate, hall, open platform -gallery, lecture, workshop spaces


20/104 czech house taiwan _9th floor - representative dining area of cunsulate, guest apartments _11th floor - luxury apartment for the consul, separate and safe entrances


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24/104 czech house taiwan b c d e f gh a a b hc

25/104 d e gf

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28/104 czech house taiwan

private client prague, 2022


The concept of the building is simple - transverse ly and longitudinally ventilated house, structurally made of CLT panels. The facade is also woodenfrom singed planks.

The cottage is designed as a single-story mass with a gable roof. On the ground floor, there is a bedroom, a spacious bathroom, plenty of storage space, a kit chen and a living room. By opening the space to the roof, a raised day part is created. Above the bedro om there is an office, additional storage spaces and the possibility of sleeping for visitors.

The floor plan is designed as an open, free, raw space. Individual functions in the cottage are se parated by cabinet walls. The kitchen and miller‘s stairs to the attic are also located in these elements. The austere character of the building is completed by repetitive openings in the facade. The large over hang of the roof serves not only as a natural shiel ding of the building but also as a covered outdoor space - a veranda.

Private project of a small cottage in the Beskydy Mountains (Czech Republic). The client‘s will was a design of a small holiday chalet with the potential for permanent housing (for a couple).

30/104 chalet in beskydy mountains


32/104 chalet in beskydy mountains


for the winter semester 2020 was DENSITY. As a group of students, we designed one city block in Prague, Zátory. Each student had his assigned plot, but the goal was to collaborate as much as possible, to create a passable, living block with a multifunctional character.


34/104 town house with black box, zátory

The upper floors of the apartment building con tain 15 residential units - mainly 2-bedroom and 4-bedroom apartments. The overall geometric com plexity of the plot is reflected both in the facade, which is broken by bay windows to the street, cre ating a distinct relief and also in the floor plans of the apartments, which are composed and shaped by individual rooms.

On a parcel with a complicated shape, I am pro posing two distinctive buildings connected under ground and on the second floor.


Firstly an apartment building to the street, offering a classic urban parterre with commercial space. In the inner block, I use the complicated shapes of the plot for the mass of the multifunctional hall. This volume offers an open bar/foyer/gallery on the ground floor. The hall itself is located on the se cond floor and it is designed as a BLACK BOX with a transformable auditorium embedded in the floor. The facilities, dressing rooms, offices, and other necessary spaces for the operation of the theater are located on the second above-ground floor in the town house. These two objects are thus connected by a bridge there.

Curvature, space, usability, practicality. The optimal ratio between built-up area, mass, number of floors and the total area of the building was focused on finding.

studio Ondřej Císler, Lenka Milerová prague,


36/104 town house with black box, zátory _2_1stnd _3rd _8_5thth_7th_6th

37/104 _4th floor - 3 apartments, black box

38/104 town house with black box, zátory


MULTIPURPOSE HOUSE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBÁŇ 40/104 multipurpose house hlásná třebáň

designing the premises of the new municipal office based on the traditional urbanism of the cen ter of the village of Hlásná Třebaň. We create new public spaces defined by materials, developing an atmosphere and impulses for the general public to meet. We emphasize the quality of the spatial soluti on, design and construction simplicity, the economy of individual objects and their mutual communicati on. A new center of events is emerging, which does not try to compete, but to enrich the potential of social life. Houses communicating with each other, clearly anchored urbanistically in the residence‘s schwarzplan, respond to the scale of the village. We design houses for everyone, serving the running of the municipality and the general public.

of the architectural competition was to design a multifunctional house/houses in the village of Hlásná Třebáň. The program included a fire station, technical services, a municipal office, multi-functional cultural spaces and commercial Weunits.are

architectural competition with Jonáš Mikšovský, Natalie Kristýnková prague,

On the ground floor, we place spaces primarily used by the public - front office and commercial areas on one side, an elevated hall, and library on the other. The flow of the public through the ground floor ful fills the potential of a lively place. The back office with the archive on the first floor is a quiet zone for office work. The fire station house is designed as purely utilitarian, serving exactly its purpose. We perceive the forecourt of the fire station as a scatte ring area for specific social events of the village, social spaces expand into it.


The growing urbanism of the center of the village becomes the inspiration for the proposal. The divisi on of functions according to the intensity and form of their use leads to the distribution of masses, we propose three houses. A house serving as an office, a house serving the public and social occasions, a house serving the technical operation of the mu nicipality. The mutual interaction of volumes co nnected by high-quality public space forms a living organism. The composition of geometric volumes gives the character of public spaces. By preserving mature greenery, we contribute to the atmosphere of the place.

The operations of the functional units are divided into individual volumes so that the energy demand of the buildings can be regulated depending on their daily workload. The objects are solved with a system of wooden CLT panels, technologically and materially simple.


42/104 multipurpose house hlásná třebáň VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ1 02 vstuphasiči Hasičská Karlštejnská vstupúřad kola vstupsál 03 05 06 04 01 obceměřítkojednoznačněpotenciálVznikáobjektůřešení,potkáváníprostranstvíurbanismuNavrhujemeVÍCEÚČELOVÝprostorycentradefinovanáseširokékonstrukčníajejichvzájemnounovécentrumspolečenskéhourbanistickyobce.Navrhujemeiširokéveřejnosti.

43/104 VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBAŇ Půdorys 2.NP M 1:200 01 frontoffice 02 pronajímatelné prostory 03 knihovna 04 sál 05 sklad 06 zasedací místnost 07 backoffice 08 technická místnost 09 balkón 06 07 09 08 Schwarzplan M 1:5000 Půdorys střechy M 1:200 VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBAŇ Půdorys 2.NP M 1:200 01 frontoffice 02 pronajímatelné prostory 03 knihovna 04 sál 05 sklad 06 zasedací místnost 07 backoffice 08 technická místnost 09 balkón Karlštejnská kola05 06 07 09 08 04 Schwarzplan M 1:5000 Půdorys střechy M 1:200 VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBAŇ HASIČSKÁ HLÁSNÁ TŘEBÁŇ 7 000 3 400 2 750 6 000 0 000 0 000 8 000 KERAMICKÁ 0 000 5 000 3 600 8 000 0 000 HASIČSKÁ HLÁSNÁ OBECNÍTŘEBÁŇ ÚŘAD 3 600 0 000 7 000 3 600 2 750 6 000 0 0000 000 8 000 3 600 8 000 0 000 2 Varianty uspořádání sálu Společenský sál - workshopProstory backoffice ZasedáníPromítání Workshop SlavnostŘezpříčný M 1:200Řez podélný M 1:200 Pohled z průchodu mezi domy M 1:200 Pohled ulice Hasičská M 1:200 Pohled z předprostoru Hasičské stanice M 1:200 Pohled ulice Karlštejnská M 1:200 3 600 0 000 2 750 6 000 5 000 8 000 3 600 Varianty uspořádání sálu Společenský sál - workshopProstory backoffice ZasedáníPromítání Workshop SlavnostŘezpříčný M 1:200Řez podélný M 1:200 Pohled z průchodu mezi domy M 1:200 Pohled ulice Hasičská M 1:200 Pohled z předprostoru Hasičské stanice M 1:200 Pohled ulice Karlštejnská M 1:200 VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBAŇ HASIČSKÁ HLÁSNÁ TŘEBÁŇ 3 600 0 000 7 000 3 400 2 750 6 000 0 000 0 000 8 000 6 000 0 000 5 000 3 600 0 000 3 600 0 000 7 000 3 600 2 750 6 000 0 0000 000 3 600 0 000 2 Varianty uspořádání sálu Společenský sál - workshopProstory backoffice ZasedáníPromítání Workshop SlavnostŘezpříčný M 1:200Řez podélný M 1:200 Pohled z průchodu mezi domy M 1:200 Pohled ulice Hasičská M 1:200 Pohled z předprostoru Hasičské stanice M 1:200 Pohled ulice Karlštejnská M 1:200 VÍCEÚČELOVÝ DŮM OBCE HLÁSNÁ TŘEBAŇ HASIČSKÁ HLÁSNÁ TŘEBÁŇ 3 600 0 000 7 000 3 400 2 750 6 000 0 000 0 000 8 000 6 000 0 000 5 000 3 600 0 000 HASIČSKÁ HLÁSNÁ OBECNÍTŘEBÁŇ ÚŘAD 3 600 0 000 7 000 3 600 2 750 6 000 0 0000 000 8 000 3 600 8 000 0 000 2 Varianty uspořádání sálu Společenský sál - workshopProstory backoffice ZasedáníPromítání Workshop SlavnostŘezpříčný M 1:200Řez podélný M 1:200 Pohled z průchodu mezi domy M 1:200 Pohled ulice Hasičská M 1:200 Pohled z předprostoru Hasičské stanice M 1:200 Pohled ulice Karlštejnská M 1:200

44/104 multipurpose house hlásná třebáň


This concept should be then applied to a chosen plot/plots or an urban situation. A frequent problem of apartment buildings is the complicated transfor mation of their floor plans to more contemporary typologies. It must not be forgotten that the resi dents of apartments are not only nuclear families. Cohabitation, singles, multigenerational families, partial subleases, commercial premises....


assignment of the semester was to design a typology that would fulfill a definition of at least some of these aspects :

The apartments, the building is austere, rigid and raw. Prefabricated concrete, aluminum, expanded metal, concrete screed, and light wood - birch are Thisused.

The future vision of the apartment building shou ld thus be easily transformable. Individual housing units need to be simply connected, divided, rooms added, etc. if needed.

Furthermore, the aspect of how the space of the apartment feels is truly important. I conceive the apartment and the space of the apartment as raw space, full of daylight, which can be divided and furnished in any way by its owner. This allows fle xibility and variability over time, as well as inclusi veness. The house aims to be as flexible as possible, to offer raw space and great freedom in variation.

studio housing inventions ARKI37, Björn Gross göteborg,


concept of typology is firstly applied to the corner urban gap in the city center of Göteborg. The given typology is suitable for this narrow plot of land, in the corner I adjust the floor plans so that the entire urban block is complete. The second example, more conceptual use of the given typolo

A typology of „ the courtyard gallery“ apartment building is designed. As an entrance to the apartments, an access balcony is used, which is fo llowed by a transition zone - private / semi-private / part of a common gallery. A framework of sliding windows and curtains is creating privacy and secu rity. A simple system of cores for technology ensu res variability in the size of apartments - based on the number of modules. Apartments can grow and shrink as needed.

46/104 future visions of housing

Therefore, when designing, I start from the smallest unit - the module. I want to offer the maximum po ssible and usable space at a more affordable price. I try to achieve this with the simplicity and repe titiveness of these prefabricated modules, which allow for easy and fast construction and thus re duces the cost of its implementation. The overall openness of the module should not only help the transformability and furnishability of the apartment but should also initiate greater social ties between the residents. Through the access balcony and tran sition zone.


gy, is the gradual construction of other narrow brownfields and urban blind spots. In Göteborg, there are gradually fewer (or completely unused) used areas of the harbour docks and piers in the city center. A theoretical solution to the lack of housing in the city and its densi fication is offered here.



48/104 future visions of housing _3 modules _5 modules_2 modules

_4 modules _7 modules

access privatetransitionbalconyzone

_module designed with a wid th of 3550 mm. It offers wide possibilities of further use, by dividing the module itself or by connecting with other mo dules. The module could be divided into three parts: ac cess balcony (exterior), tran sition zone, and the private part of the housing.


50/104 future visions of housing


the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.

the right to freedom of thought, con science and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in tea ching, practice, worship and observance.

This makes the road both unsafe and inaccessible, forcing the Palestinians to find alternative routes to their place of worship.

we propose a shakshuka stand as a basis for potential discussion and gradual opening of the barrier. A dish that brings the two groups together. Hence the name peace peas.

the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.



Mosque in the centre of the city of Hebron (Al-Khalil), also referred to as The Tomb of the Patriarchs, is said to be the burial site of Abra ham and his family. Therefore, the old town, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, is strongly entan gled with the history and culture of both jews and

_Article Everyone,22as

a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free de velopment of his personality.


_Article Everyone24has

workshop „beyond sustainability“ Chalmers in cooperation with Agnes Janfalk, Isabel Waidacher, Miranda Raynolds, Johanna Klocke göteborg,

been tensions between the Palestinians and the Israeli citizens ever since, with attacks and harassment on both sides. After an attack on mus lims praying in the Al- Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994, the situation drastically changed: The Israeli army intervened, taking security measures to protect the settlers from any possible harm which basically me ant the strict separation of Israelis and Palestinians.

In the 1997, in accordance with the Hebron Pro tocol, the city was divided into the 10 zones H1 which is under Palestinian control, and H2 which is administered by Israeli forces and contains the an cient city centre. About 800 settlers inhabit Hebron today, protected by 2000 soldiers. Approximately 30 000 palestinians live in the same area, being se verely restricted in their movements and every-day life by controls, prohibitions and harassments.

current division proposed division

small objects such as benches, tables and greenery into this barrier so that the whole Prayer Road is at least a little less unpleasant

The situation is especially tense around the Al-Ib rahimi Mosque, which is shared by both religious groups - each using one side of the building. We de cided to locate our project on “Prayer Road”, which leads up to the mosque and is partly divided into a jewish and a muslim side. At present, the division is uneven, with the Palestinian side being approxima tely half the size of the Israeli side, as well as being used as a trash heap by the settlers.

the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

54/104 peace peas

_Article Everyone18has


inhabiting the city for centuries, living side by side peacefully. This state ended with the Hebron massacre of 1929 and the resulting evacua tion of all jewish households from the city. Only in the late 1960’s would Israeli people return to Heb ron, first establishing an illegal settlement northeast of the old town and later claiming buildings in the city

_Article Everyone27.1has


We are aware of the complicated situation and the creation of unrealistic solutions. In the first step we keep the division, adjusting it to be the same on both


_Article Everyone13.1has


56/104 peace peas



are no basic things such as a liveable city center, smaller meeting points and spaces for recre ation and cultural use. This town is currently mostly used just for sleeping. Residents spend most of their time in Prague.

Our task was to complete civic amenities, create a square and connect the city with a new network and also densify and create some new housing units.

Another significant expansion followed at the turn of the millennium by the construction of extensive development projects for individual family housing. A major change in the structure was the constructi on of giant storage halls in the east of the cadastral area, which often form the view horizon of the vill



58/104 urbanism

is a town in the Central Bohemian region. It lies on the road connecting Prague and Karlovy Vary, at the western border of Prague. According to official data, there are approximately 8500 inhabi tants. It is a typical example of urban sprawl. The city is rapidly growing thanks to its location nearby the capital and also its relative affordability.

The proposal aims to connect today‘s impenetrable places and interconnect existing structures. Existing roads are calmed down. Areas for civic amenities are marked out on the territory. Especially the cul tural house, school and sports facilities.

The northern part of the city is delimited in the south by the busy road Československé armády street, and in the north by the railway line. The area currently consists of large impenetrable blocks and areas, often with industrial use.

The design thus complements the existing structu re with denser buildings, including solitary family houses, terraced houses, and apartment buildings. The proposed population density is 92 people per hectare, which will allow the creation of new civic amenities.

The area is characterised by a large difference in the structure of buildings. There is an older and growing “small side” structure, several solitary apartment buildings, and newer row developments. Furthermore, there is a very low population density of 40 inhabitants per hectare.

studio Boris Redčenkov, Vítězslav Danda in cooperation with Jonáš Mikšovský, Katarína Bendíková prague, 2019

The small city of Hostivice consists of four historical settlements - Břve, Litovice, Jeneček and Hostivice. The administrative connection took place in 1950, since 1978 Hostivice has been a town. The most significant expansion occurred mainly in the 1930s by the construction of family houses in the east of Hostivice and in the west of Litovice.


_densification of the existing urban structure, creation of optimal conditions for the development of civic activity and services 142p/ha43p/ha 57p/ha55p/ha 54p/ha27p/ha50p/ha50p/ha129p/ha13p/ha 74p/ha69p/ha


of new blocks and division of existing ones, creation of new roads - especially for slow traffic

60/104 urbanism



_new urban structure and

_new communications public spaces


_pre-existingnewurban structure

_pre-existing public spaces

_pre-existing communications

62/104 urbanism hostivice a bba


64/104 urbanism hostivice cdcd


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70/104 urbanism hostivice


72/104 urbanism hostivice


The solution is therefore to create a train stop supplemented with the necessary civic amenities. The proposed train stop is raised and elevated with a platform located midway in between the train tracks. On the elevated road, the train enters the embankment, which gradually rises from Albertov so that a passage through Ostrčilovo náměstí leads through it.

The Jamrtál Valley was heavily shaped by rail. The rail link was created even earlier than the con struction of the first objects in the block structure we know today. It is the characteristic shape of the whole valley that is given by the morphology of the terrain and Botič stream on the north, and also by the railway on the south. While Botič is modified, along its banks there is a bike path and a park, and the facades of the adjacent buildings correspond to it. On the contrary railway‘s surrounding is just full of untreated greenery and occasional waste dumps. Nowadays, the railroad does not bring anything, but in the course of time it has become a large line barrier that severely separates Jamrtál from the northern slope of Vyšehrad and Pankrác Plains. The only connection to these areas is currently possible only through unsatisfactory underpasses.

On the easternmost tip, I am completing the structu re of the block by creating an office building, which from a new passage through the territory results. At the parterre level, a café and public toilets are designed. The free space that comes under the stop itself is filled with recreational sports - a public swimming pool. This function is missing in the terri tory and at the same time, it appropriately uses the specific geometry given by the stop. The passage at the extension of Svatoplukova Street also offers a café / bistro and a convenience store. Further, the elevated train tracks continue towards the rail way bridge that crosses Sekaninova and Botič. This space is used for a long-term rental parking space.

TRANSPORT CONNECTION JAMRTÁL Ondřej Císler, Miroslav Pazdera prague, 2018

transport belongs to any contempo rary city. Currently, there are several lines of subur ban railway “S” in Prague, but further development is hampered by the lack of stations. The old ones were often abolished, dilapidated, or no longer comply with today’s regulations.

The point under the Nuselský bridge is the focal point of the whole territory, where there are seve ral routes and directions, and several more types of public transport. I also support this node with underground escalators, which connect the Vyše hrad railway station with the metro station. A small transfer terminal is thus created.

74/104 transport connection jamrtál

The task of this semester was to find the key pro blems in the Jamrtál valley and analyse them. On this basis then create a proposal. I was mainly concerned with connecting the whole valley to the rest of Prague, especially in terms of transport in Railwayfrastructure.urban

The whole project is simple and functional so that it offers the necessary, but at the same time, it was not a burden for the surroundings. The stop itself is therefore closed and covered with a polycarbonate facade on the sides. The stop roof is designed to penetrate natural daylight through it. Although the station is closed, it is open, light and spacious.



76/104 transport connection jamrtál

_current and potential train stops in prague

77/104 _platform _pool _transport crossing _parking_office

78/104 transport connection jamrtál _2_1stnd


80/104 transport connection jamrtál


For my design I chose the Spartakiad loop Královka, which is located directly opposite the hotel Pyrami da, currently, there is only a tram loop and not very well-kept greenery. It is a land where several types and structures of buildings meet. I suggest here a HUB with apartments. Mass follows the block buil ding of old Břevnov, which lies to the west of the land, to this area with mass intercourse. On the other hand, the form of the object reflects also the functionalist line-up situated in the northwest of the


studio Hradečný, Hradečná prague, bachelor2017/18thesis

tram loop, parterre, parking


As for the functional use of the building, I decided to supplement the area with the most missing fun ctions in the area - office space, housing, parking, tram stop. The tram enters the building from Bě lohorská Street, where the commercial parterre is added here, following the relatively rich parterre of Bělohorská Street towards Bílá Hora. I design offices of two kinds. On the second floor, there are classic rentable units, the other two floors are dedicated to coworking workplaces. Within the slope of the terrain, there are three floors of collective garages. There is a lot of lack of parking spaces nearby. Due to the morphology of the terrain and the elevati on levels of the surrounding buildings, I decided to create a gradation within which the housing units are located.

84/104 hub with a housing extension

not only complements the existing buil ding structure but also urbanises and makes the entire land accessible. I leave the unfinished part of the land in the park so that it directly follows the existing park Královka. I move the tram loop directly into the building, which allows me the slo pe of the terrain. The building is a separate block, which is open to the south for noise and sun, offe ring a semi-public courtyard with a café.


The task of this semester was to find a tram loop in the area of Prague that can/should be processed, urbanized, and the surrounding area itself. Within the territory of the capital, these are large areas, which in most cases lack further use and do not communicate with the city, creating only a barrier within a city.



_1st floor - office space

_3rd floor - apartments

86/104 hub with a housing extension

Profilit Micro Opal K25, sound insulation 57dB



METAL aluminum acoustic pa nels, which are not only the cladding material of the inner partitions, are also active part of the designed furniture and lights.

The office space, which was designed as a HUB, meets the acoustic requirements for the indoor

ALPHAPERF METAL acoustic panel

_3 bedroom apartment with office/guest room, large terrace 152,5 + 41,0m2


Marmoleum decibel dB18

Small work cells and meeting rooms are desig ned for acoustic separation with the triple Profi lit Micro Opal with 57dB. Profilit is opaque and light permeable.

88/104 hub with a housing extension

_detail - plan and section - pre-set aluminium frames with integrated shutter system

_detail - cross-section of tramway turntable

A tram turntable is designed within the buil ding. To ensure that the vibration does not spread to the sur- rounding areas, not only the swiveling of the swivel itself, but also the track bed structure was designed.

The supporting structure of the railway is thus inserted into the so-called dynamic filter. In the framework of the supporting structure of the railway, another gravel bed is proposed, in which the rail grating with the groove rail NT1 lies. This rail is com plemented by anti-vibration flanges made of Regumami recy- cled material (the manu facturer reports vibration reduction of up to 90%, noise reduction should be up to 35%). This composition is complemented by an anti-vibration mat made of two recyclates. STERED ID 250 and CONIRAP 0.1.


90/104 hub with a housing extension



As one of the biggest problems of the current SNG, I see a lack of adequate exhibition space, which is quite low compared to the national galleries of si milarly large and developed countries. On average, several hundred square meters of exhibition space are missing. However, there was not enough spa ce in the undeveloped parts of the SNG for such a number of new exhibition spaces.

The exhibition Care for Architecture: Asking the Ar ché of Architecture to Dance highlights the struggle for preservation, reconstruction and restoration of the premises of the Slovak National Gallery (SNG) in Bratislava. This set of buildings was partly reali zed in the years 1969–1979 according to the pro jects (1962, 1963, 1967–1969) of the leading Slovak architect Vladimír Dedeček. The result was never unequivocally accepted by the public, and it took a lot of effort by many actors, including architects, to keep the complex from disappearing. The SNG model in 1:17.78 scale together with the screens installed on the walls of the pavilion document the reactions of the public, artists and architects of se veral generations. Through this theme, the exhibi tion enters into the discussion with the assignment of the 15th Biennale of Architecture in Venice with the conviction that, in addition to solicitude and concern, new architectural concepts and projects.

The proposed solution brings new generous spaces to the gallery, which are located above the SNG buildings, not only because of the proximity of the Danube. By launching the “feet” from the new exhi bition mass to the nodal points, a “spider “ has been created that links the entire complex SNG microur banism. This allows easy access to the entire area. The proposed object also brings an element of art -historical elevation, ie from the oldest collections in the lowest situated barracks, through more mo dern art in Dědeček’s bridging, to the present one located in new flexible spaces.

92/104 extension of the slovak national gallery

The task was to create experimental music and exhibition spaces as an extension to the historical buildings of the Slovak National Gallery in Brati slava. The assignment was connected with the rea lization of the national pavilion at the La Biennale di Venezia 2016 exhibition. I cooperated with Ivana Nechajová on the project.

Another problem of the current SNG is its complexi ty and lack of clarity, which is due to the fact that it is a combination of old barracks and new SNG objects designed by the architect Dědeček.

studio Hájek, Hulín prague, 2016


94/104 extension of the slovak national gallery _1st

95/104 _2nd

96/104 extension of the slovak national gallery


The second object is created as a 3D puzzle of in dividual units so that each apartment has enough direct sunlight (according to a norm). Apartments are mostly maisonettes with a more generous la yout. The industrial history of the site is followed by a metallic technical facade.

studio studio Boris Redčenkov, Vítězslav Danda prague, 2016

The task was to create an apartment building or two apartment buildings on an assigned plot within one of the blocks that were built on the basis of the ur ban study of the A69 studio. The Habitat III project aimed to create the concept of a growing city for the present brownfield in Smíchov.

Within the block, I was assigned a northwest corner plot. Because of the two important elements that determined my design (the noise from Nádražní Street from the west and the lack of a sunny faca de), I decided to divide the plot into two apartment buildings with different characters. So I left a pu rely corner plot with north-west orientation and a minimal facade to the courtyard, and a plot with a purely north-south orientation.

The combination of fire safety and acoustic comfort solutions in the flats were the key factors for the corner house. The facade of this building consists of a front frame, which creates sufficient fire pro tection. Because of the acoustics (tram line on the street), most openings are designed as fixed, com plemented with ventilation chambers. The facade plasticity is enhanced by loggias

98/104 residential houses smíchov, habitat III

The principle of this project was to create a diverse city with block housing. Residential buildings within one block had common underground parking. They were also subject to joint regulation. Our block had a prescribed number of five floors with a uniform attic height for the entire block.



100/104 residential houses smíchov, habitat III _3bedroom apartment 95,8 + 10,5m2

101/104 _2nd floor _4th floor _3rd floor _5th floor

works for 2020_2021Ehl&Koumar 102/104

_residential complex, reconstruction of a sheepery Hostivice

_reconstuction of a residential complex, exterior especially Prague, Zbraslav

works for FAM architekti 103/104 _údolní2022 53, new faculty of architecture VUT Brno Brno


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