Architecture Portfolio

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[JakubTokar cz y k]


3r d year 2nd year

[t i t l e]pl ace,year [t i t l e]pl ace,year [t i t l e]pl ace,year [t i t l e]pl ace,year [„ I nsi de� ,Spor tCent er]Zaragoza,2012 [Cubehouse]Nysa,2011

[Cubehouse] semest er :I I I ,2011 pl ace:Nysal ake,Pol and subj ect :Ar chi t ect ur alDesi gn

Pr oj ectdescr i pt i on. The assumpt i on was t o desi gn housef orf ami l y2+3. I deawast odesi gnbui l di ngwhi chi s basedon cubes-ever ysi ngl ecube i saonef unct i on. The mai nf eat ur ei nt hathouse i s communi cat i on,f ort hatIdesi gned st ai r case i nt he cent erofhouse t o make t hatzone t o emphasi ze t hi s f eat ur e. By t hatapl i cat i on f ami l y can have

bet t ercont act ,even when somebodyi si ndi f f er entf l oor .



[mai nf l oor]

[sect i on]

[1stf l oor]

[2stf l oor]

[westel evat i on]


[I nsi deSpor tCent er ] semest er :I V,2012 pl ace:Al cani z,Spai n subj ect :Ar chi t ect ur alDesi gn

Pr oj ectdescr i pt i on. Conceptwas t o desi gn pl ace t o spor t smen on t he deser t . Pl ace wher et heycant r ai n,t akear estand be cl ose t ot he compet i t i on base neart oAl cani z.

I nspi r at i on was a br oken gr ound. I nt hatpr oj ectIt r i ed t o compar emy f i r sti deaandgoi nsi det hegr oundt o hi de f r om st r ong sun,al so t o make goodf unct i onsi nt hebui l di ng.Shape of bui l di ng i s separ at e t o t hr ee

spaces: ent r ance, t r ai ni ng, l i vi ng.

Sect i onwi t hl eani ngr oofhel psvent i l at i on. Thi si sal i f e,somewher ei nsi dei n t he mi ddl e ofnowher e.Thi si s an oasi si nsi de t he deser t ,i nsi de t he gr ound.

[I nsi deSpor tCent er ]

[I nsi deSpor tCent er ]







[I nsi deSpor tCent er ]

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