ALCEON RFI TechnologyOne - WIRED

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connection, collaboration and culture IDEAS







09-25 _ CONTENTS _ 003




Sometimes a single decision can transform an entire organisation. We explore how TechnologyOne redefined their workspace, and in turn redefined the enterprise software industry.

A destination, a precinct, a muse and a community, TechnologyOne’s new home has broken the corporate mould and set a new global benchmark for ‘living at work’.

TechnologyOne has used public art to forge deep connections with the local community, sponsoring street and indigenous artists to create an expansive mural to tell the Northshore story.




T1-HQ has received global acclaim for its innovative application of green space to create a verdant indoor canopy. A living, breathing built environment that enlivens and inspires.

Endlessly reconfigurable to meet changing needs, T1-HQ is a network of interconnected neighbourhoods that encourage ‘serendipitous collisions’ of people and ideas.

Wellness expert Adriaan Window of Aecom reflects on the process of delivering a workplace inspired by best-practice wellness design to bring out the best in people.


Boasting a Dutch-style network of cycle paths and generous end of trip facility, T1-HQ runs on pedal power. Find out how nurturing a corporate ‘cycle culture’ has changed commuting for the better. 017 MAKING THE RIGHT MOVES

In expansive Australian cities, excellent transport connections are essential for a productive workforce. T1-HQ gets access right with bus, ferry and an international airport at their doorstep. 018 SMART THINKING


Smart thinking happens in smart buildings. At T1-HQ, connective technology makes life simpler for everyone, allowing employees to focus on important tasks while the tech takes care of the rest. 020 REVERSING THE BRAIN DRAIN

TechnologyOne attracts global talent like moths to a flame. Just what is it about T1-HQ that is winning back the world’s best talent, one tech innovator at a time?

004 _ MASTHEAD _ 09-25

ALCEON Director Todd Pepper Director Justin Reidy Project Director Paul Huston

AECOM Principal - Lead Sustainability - Green Star and Wellness Consultant Adriaan Window Technical Director - Lead Electrical - Security - ICT Technology Engineer Duncan Richards Associate Director - Lead Mechanical engineer Jason Kent Principal - Lead Structural Engineer David Cartwright Technical Director - Lead Civil Engineer Ken Bourke Principal - Lead Fine Engineer Dwayne Smith Senior Consultant - Lead Hydraulics Consultant Sean Bell Principal - Lead Acoustics Engineer Sam Clarke Principal - Lead Faรงade Engineer Grant Maher Associate Director - Lead Vertical Transport Engineer Wayne Blaire

GRAYSTONE General Manager - Construction Bruce Loxton Director - Development and Property Management Kirsty Heymink Development Manager - Development Sophie Betts Senior Cost Planner - Construction Peter Darling Senior Contract Administrator - Construction Matt Anderson

HASSELL Principal Board Director Caroline Diesner Associate Andrew Currie Landscape Principal Anthony Brookfield

TechnologyOne For any enquiries please contact Paul Huston:


Below: TechnologyOne turns a way of thinking into a way of life.

The Power of One



ack in 2017, on the 30th anniversary of their inception, Australia’s largest enterprise software company, issued a challenge. TechnologyOne went to market with a brief to find the best location for their new global headquarters, one that reflected and met the key cultural, philosophical, creative and commercial cornerstones of their ethos, ‘The TechnologyOne Way’. In typical TechnologyOne style, they wanted something different, innovative and original, with a precinct, building and environment that resonated with their staff and customers, and showcased their unique identity and beliefs. In 2025, have they achieved their objective? Has the ‘The TechnologyOne Way’ been realised by moving away from the urban environment of the inner city and relocating to an innovative technology community which reinforces wellness, activation and engagement? The answer is a resounding yes. TechnologyOne have always believed that investing in people was their key to building and retaining a world beating team. They have always known that by redefining the ways their people worked, lived and played, they could unlock new levels of creativity and innovation. Taking bold steps towards facilitating better connection and collaboration is part of their DNA. Back in 2017, they knew that taking ‘The TechnologyOne Way’ to the next level would need a workspace that was bolder and more exciting than a disconnected office tower in the middle of a concrete jungle. So, they completely reimagined their environment on the banks of the Brisbane river, at an urban oasis called Northshore Hamilton.

That’s where, in 2021, TechnologyOne created T1-HQ, a living, breathing, creative space alive with imagination and innovation, with technology its life-force, a heart of green and a soul all its own. This is a place that encourages customer engagement, embraces the natural environment, embodies a commitment to team and culture and provides the platform for TechnologyOne to continue to evolve and grow as it delivers on its vision to transform business and make life simple. Today in 2025, with their global headquarters at Northshore Hamilton, TechnologyOne continues to be an international success story, with offices in 10 countries and more than 1,500 employees around the world. This special 2025 edition of WIRED celebrates the incredible vision of TechnologyOne to turn a way of thinking into a way of life. That’s the power of one.

Editor WIRED

08 _ LET’S GET TOGETHER _ 09-25

Let’s get_together New ideas are here

T1-HQ exemplifies the TechnologyOne brand. How it looks and feels, the way it functions and simply goes about doing what it does best. It’s a place where fresh air straight off the river breathes life into new ideas, clears busy brains working hard on cracking problems and simply makes everyone feel good. T1-HQ

TechnologyOne has come a long way since it began in 1987 when Brisbane was a sleepy town, not the dynamic new world city of today. Back then, people sat at desks all day, didn’t see sunlight until they went home, and saw their working and home lives as entirely separate domains. This was the working way for years, and in 2025 still is for many people. There had to be another way; a simpler, smarter and more productive way. TechnologyOne had always applied this approach to the way it did business. So, why not apply that smarter thinking to where you did business? That’s how T1-HQ came to life. T1-HQ is many things

A destination, a building, a precinct and a community. Yet you can’t attach conventional labels to it, because T1-HQ doesn’t fit any mould or conform to what everyone else thinks. It’s innovative and evolutionary in a way that draws people in and allows ideas to take shape, which is why T1-HQ is the home of TechnologyOne.

It’s where, if you’re a parent, you can do your job and spend lunchtime with your kids at the precinct’s day-care centre. Or you might prefer to play a game of table tennis, tinker on a project in the maker-space, bust out a quick session in the boxing circuit, go for a run or walk along the river, or meditate in the yoga space. And if you’re looking for places to relax and unwind after work, you can always wander across the road to The Shed to enjoy a beer at the local

craft brewery, indulge in a glass of wine at the local wine bar, or grab a bite at Eat Street Markets. If you’re seeking some retail therapy the Portside precinct has everything you need. All this energy and a whole lot more comes together at T1-HQ, like a giant magnet that just seems to attract people to another way of thinking and working. And once you’ve made that connection, it’s hard to leave because there’s nothing else that comes close. Even in 2025 the word “icon” is so over used, but T1-HQ is a permanent exception.


THE ART OF COMMUNITY LIVING An important consideration for TechnologyOne at T1-HQ was to create a space to foster artistic expression and contemplation. They gave Brisbane street and indigenous artists a massive blank canvas to create a mural that captured the essence of the city and reflected the history of the area. The result was a big, bright and colourful masterpiece that tells a hundred different stories about local life.



rriving at TechnologyOne and taking a good look around, the first thing you notice is the environment. It’s all so open, planned and considered, where everything feels balanced and just right. There’s grass and gardens, the sun shines warmly with bright dappled light through established trees, and the air is fresh and clean.




09-25 _ BETTER DY DESIGN _ 011


aroline Diesner headed up the team behind the design, layout and elements that make TechnologyOne’s home at T1-HQ an oasis on so many levels, literally. Here’s what she had to say.


Underpinning the approach to the landscape design was the desire to create a place which is inviting and stimulates activity and wellness, providing a range of opportunities to engage with the outdoors. A series of landscape experiences have been established within the development, driven by the building form and its placement within the site.



At the main entry to the building there’s a plaza which seamlessly integrates pedestrian movement, vehicle drop-off and softening landscaping. The space is flexible and provides opportunities to gather and enjoy programmed events. The front of house landscaping adopts flowing forms, referencing the roof line of the architecture. Drifts of groundcover planting align with canopy trees to create an experience which changes as people move around the site. The ground level is further enlivened by a circuitous running track. The integration of this dynamic feature promotes activity which is both accessible and visible. Resting and work out points are provided along the route of the track. To the rear of the site and orientated on the two permeable axes through the building are two feature activity walls used for climbing and other fitness activities. Materials are high quality, natural and hard wearing. Stone paving establishes a prestigious feel combining with lushly planted soft landscaping to bed down the built form within a balanced, interesting and energetic sub-tropical outdoor experience.


On the roof of level 2, large amenity decks are provided. These are both predominantly sheltered with the perimeter space enjoying sunlight and views of the surroundings. The two spaces are themed on dynamic wellness activities with one seen as a Quiet space and the opposite deck offering more of a Loud experience. The Quiet deck focuses on a meditative experience with a yoga space, communal table and a relaxed hang out deck with bean bags and lounge seating. The planting is deep and lush, creating a more immersive, enclosed experience while still maintaining outward viewing. Long feature benches are integrated for resting. The Loud deck is for the really energetic. It includes a boxing ring and outdoor gym class space. These dynamic and somewhat boisterous activities have a more outward feel with a permeable landscaping edge. A resting deck is included to take a time out. These areas are shaded by the massive curved deck, a nautical tribute, which provides much needed shelter from the hot Queensland sun.


The roof deck is an opportunity to create an experience in the sky where one can enjoy the elements and atmosphere. Shaded breakout spaces are provided in the midst of the expansive sedum covered deck.


Workplace_Concepts This is a workplace that supports the culture and values of TechnologyOne. The built form is the hardware, a fixed element that remains relatively static. It is the platform that enables the software – the people and the organisation - to change, grow, contract, to live, to evolve. It is a workplace designed to support the business and its people. Just as a house is not a home without people, a building can only provide the foundation - the space, while it is people, their culture, values and activities, that create ‘place’.

The ability to walk out into a courtyard or deck fundamentally changes the perception of what a workplace can be. Meetings can be held internally in a sunny corner of the building, or blacked out for high intensity sessions. Long working walls for whiteboards or pin up space can wrap around a meeting room or run the full length of the floorplate. Elements can be assembled and disassembled quickly and easily, dictated by user preference.

The Town Hall entry puts TechnologyOne, ‘on show’. This space is the portal to the business. It is the public driving hub where clients, consultants and visitors meet. It is noisy and active, as outreach programmes with industry, and research and educational groups convene. The building then allows degrees of privacy and security via internal and external spaces.

Embedded throughout the building are principles of biophilia. This innate desire to seek connection with nature enhances the user’s social, psychological and physical wellbeing. The provision of large light wells and voids, filled with plants, with clear visual connections to the outside environment, blur the sense of inside/outside. Deck spaces, externally and internally, enable users to actively utilise these spaces, supported with technology, for both work and social purposes.

Large, open floorplates create discrete neighbourhoods that interconnect at various points across the built form via stairwells and bridges. They provide a diversity of settings, from highly activated staff hubs, to themed destinations that pull people across the floorplates, to encourage ‘serendipitous connections’. The destinations vary in use, from free form co-working spaces, to forums (casual amphitheatre type spaces) and project rooms.

“The best place doesn’t mean fancy ping pong tables and five-star chef catered food. The best workplace is somewhere people feel valued, somewhere they can do the best work of their lives and feel like they’re making a difference in the world.” VOIDS PROVIDE 3 DIMENSIONAL CONNECTIVITY.




0 1 4 _ A H E A LT H Y AT T I T U D E _ 0 9 - 2 5





TechnologyOne has always taken a holistic view of how they look after their peoples’ well-being, state of mind and health in general, advocating that happier, healthier staff are more energetic, creative and enjoy their work so much more. Wellness expert Adriaan Window of Aecom reflects on the process of delivering a workplace inspired by best practice design that brings out the best in people.

ven from the early stages our proposed design aimed to deliver a world-class facility for TechnologyOne. We wanted to understand the driving factors for seeking sustainability and wellness outcomes and ensure the workplace delivered against clearly defined goals. Gaining a 5 Star Green Star rating and a 5.5 Star NABERS were definitely achievable, but we decided to go above and beyond to achieve a WELL Silver Core and Shell certification, which would provide a launch pad for TechnologyOne to then aspire towards Gold and Platinum tenancy ratings. Our initial design concept included:


Landscaped sky rooms providing a relaxing oasis embedded in the workplace to promote enhanced productivity and wellness; Generous end-oftrip facilities with touch-down space for cyclists and runners; Embedded gymnasium and inter-tenancy stairs to promote workplace exercise and activity;

Abundant façade area – 1.5x a simple rectangular floor plate – creating fantastic visual amenity for the workspace and ample access to natural daylight, so the majority of workstations are no further than 10 meters from a source of natural light; Water efficient systems and rainwater harvesting; Energy efficient building services;

Healthy indoor environment by adopting materials with low volatile organic compounds and third-party certified sustainability credentials; Exemplar passive design features including large eaves, external shading and naturally ventilated external sky rooms; Locally-sourced recycled timber, celebrating the heritage of Hamilton Northshore.




e always knew that the project would involve an iterative design process and were excited by the opportunity that presented. We endeavoured to anticipate what TechnologyOne wanted and then had the opportunity to work closely with them through a detailed design process to identify the elements they wished to retain and new elements to enhance our concept. While we had an initial vision, it was productive and rewarding to work with TechnologyOne to improve upon this vision and then make it their reality. The most exciting part of the project, in addition to delivering a truly world class facility, was partnering with TechnologyOne to workshop some stretch goals and aspirations:


WE EXPLORED a science-based carbon neutrality target and roadmap over the life of the building to 2050 and beyond, including delivering best value for TechnologyOne over the lease period.

WE FACILITATED a stretch to a 6 Star Green Star rating and targeted a US-based LEED sustainability rating to demonstrate the sustainable integrity of the TechnologOne brand to international customers.

WE UNDERSTOOD the need for resilience and the impact that climate change-driven severe weather events presented for delivery of customer service. We responded to this by undertaking resilience planning and climate change adaptation studies.

WE ASSESSED the whole-of-life sustainability integrity of the building through comprehensive life cycle analysis.


020 _ WELL CONNECTED _ 09-25




hen WIRED went to visit TechnologyOne for a grass-roots perspective of life there, we chose pedal power, still one of the best and easiest ways to reach TechnologyOne thanks to the myriad of interconnecting cycle paths all over Brisbane. Because just as all roads once led to Rome, there’s a dedicated cycle path leading to T1HQ, and paths keep on winding around and about this beautiful green space. And if you needed any more proof, just take a look at the bike rack at TechnologyOne, where the hundreds of push bikes ridden to work by staff are housed in a state-of-the-art end of trip facility, complete with freshly laundered towels, a range of organic cleaning products, hair dryers, irons and charging stations. All the things you need to get you ready for work in the morning. However, don’t just take our word for it. WIRED went around and spoke to some of the people who work at TechnologyOne to get their thoughts on life at Northshore Hamilton.

GOING NATIVE LUCY TechnologyOne “I’m your classic outdoors girl. Although I live in an apartment at Toowong, I absolutely thrive on fresh air and surrounding myself in nature. I structure my weekends around getting outdoors and hitting hiking trails all over SEQ. I was so happy to discover that I can catch the CityCat to work at Hamilton Northshore. It means I get to start and end every day with the breeze in my hair. It’s a beautiful way to travel.”

RIDE ON LEE TechnologyOne “With cycle paths everywhere these days, it’s so easy to get around Brisbane on two wheels. I ride to work here at TechnologyOne all the time. It’s good exercise, super easy because the area is relatively flat, and we have the best facilities when you arrive. You can secure your bike, grab a quick shower, then just head to work.”

MAKING THE RIGHT MOVES TechnologyOne has always attracted the right people, and part of the attraction is that TechnologyOne makes it so much easier to get on with the job, and get home when you’re done.



1-HQ offers multiple transport choices, many leading straight to the front door. There’s cycle paths, shuttle and public bus services, and Brisbane’s famous CityCat service. Whatever moves you, four wheels, two wheels or none at all, TechnologyOne makes getting to and from work a walk in the park. RIVER ROCKETS

The Brisbane River is one of the most enjoyable transport systems in Australia, and anyone at TechnologyOne can consider the river their own superhighway aboard the flotilla of CityCats which berth right there at Northshore Hamilton. High speed and highly efficient, there’s no better way to fly. PARK IT

TechnologyOne is changing the world, but there are some things that never change. Yes, even in 2025, driving to work is still the preference for some. But there’s no point having a car in your working life unless you have somewhere to park it. When TechnologyOne made their home at T1-HQ, they made sure there was plenty of parking available, with over a dozen charging stations for eco-friendly electric cars. The road network around T1-HQ delivers immediate access to the Gateway, Airport Link and Southern Cross way, with the upgraded Kingsford Smith Drive ensuring quick connection to the CBD. BUS IT

TechnologyOne employs busloads of people, so it makes sense to have a dedicated bus service running here. People on the north side of town who take the train to work just have to get off at Doomben station to connect with the 304 service for a quick trip to Northshore Hamilton.


T1-HQ is a very, very smart building, one which is technologically enabled, with automation at its heart. It’s so teched-up and intelligent, it almost thinks for itself. Here are just a few of the features.



03 // WI-FI



A fully integrated building management system includes a high level interface with electrical, hydraulic and mechanical services. The system uses a multi-vendor open protocol system which can be accessed through a mobile phone app called My Control.

A distributed antenna system is deployed within the building to ensure mobile communication is possible from any device through all common areas, with no dead-zone anywhere, including lifts and carparks.

A public Wi-Fi connection throughout the whole building delivers off mobile network coverage for occupants and visitors. Data capture on the location of mobile devices enables predictive analysis of daily and weekly trends to underpin tailored building management responses. Wi-Fi connectivity enables other technologies to be deployed.

An online management system maximises utilisation of the basement carpark. It has the ability to be scaled from a pre-booking, self-service system to a fully managed solution using video sensing, parking compliance management, guidance systems with mobile app integration.

CCTV is provided in key areas so everyone can feel safe and secure at all times. End of Trip booking and management arrangements are integrated with the system to provide security in the allocation of cycle and locker facilities.

09-25 _ SMART THINKING _ 023

Finding_the way TechnologyOne is doing things so differently at T1-HQ that many people in the technology industry have sat up and taken notice.

Just one example is the Wayfinding apps which increase productivity, improve connectivity and simply make life easier. How does it all work? Here’s what the man behind Wayfinding at TechnologyOne, Brett Hooker, had to say. Sometimes the bigger the office space, the bigger the problem when it comes to finding people for a meeting or just a catch-up, especially if they work across multiple departments, or operate independently and are on the move all the time. It’s not only frustrating chasing people up, it can really affect productivity. One way to locate people quickly is by having a Wayfinding app on your smartphone or tablet. It’s like Google Maps for workspaces and makes it easy for everyone to find people and places. 06 // CONNECTION


The building is connected to several carrier networks, providing resilience and capacity – the backbone that supports the building and the business.

The clever combination of design and technology create an environment which provides harmonious transition for people throughout their work day. The whole building is designed to adapt to new technology as it and the world evolves.

Wayfinding can save time finding a co-worker in an unfamiliar part of the building, help locate a spare conference room for an impromptu work session, or find a meeting place equipped with the right technology for a presentation.

Wayfinding apps also enable agile working environments, where personal desks have been replaced with task-oriented work spaces, which promotes a collaborative culture. Welldesigned Wayfinding apps allow people to quickly find a space that’s right for the type of work they need to do, and find the people they might want to work with on that task. Or you might want to choose a work space that suits your mood, like close to a window in the morning, or somewhere quiet when you need to concentrate. With Wayfinding apps, you can locate the right people and the perfect space in seconds using your smartphone or tablet.





Talent attraction and retention from all around the world and why it works.

ustralia has bred some of the best and brightest minds in technology over the years. Super smart people with fresh ideas, tons of ambition and a lot to offer the industry. Yet like hundreds of others before them, they jumped at the first opportunity to catch a plane out of here to hit the States, Europe or Asia, wherever they thought could really shine and make a difference. Reversing the brain drain of young Australian minds heading of overseas is something TechnologyOne gave a lot of thought to when it came to creating T1-HQ. They reasoned that if you could develop a world class community for technology innovation, people wouldn’t want to leave their homeland. At the same time, the best and brightest from other countries would be attracted here. It’s a talent retention and attraction strategy that’s really paid off for TechnologyOne, which now has a united-nations of staff from all around the planet who wouldn’t work anywhere else. And there are many good reasons why.





“I grew up in San Fran and started work in Silicon Valley straight after college. But the Valley is feeling its age, getting rough around the edges. I wanted a change and a new challenge. I heard about TechnologyOne, looked into what it took to come over and work for them in Australia, and here I am. It wasn’t until I began that I realised how cool the whole T1-HQ concept is. It’s such an advanced, technology enabled workplace, designed to be agile and flexible, and it’s so open and easy to get around. Put that all together in a place like Brisbane, with perfect weather yearround, it’s hard to beat.”

“I’m a Brisbane girl. Went to QUT, got my degree and like a lot of my friends took off overseas for the bright lights of the big world. I ended up in London working as a software developer with one of the biggest brands around. And you know what? For a big company, they thought really small. I got out of there, tried a few others in London, and had one gig in Germany, but they all thought the same way. When I came home for Christmas two years ago, I caught the ferry one day and ended up at T1-HQ. Wow, what a place. I enquired about a job, and before I knew it I was part of the TechnologyOne family. Bye, bye London, hello home, working at the best place in the world.”

HUMAN RESOURCEFULNESS If anyone knows why it’s important to have the right people, and look after them, it’s TechnologyOne’s head of HR Paul MacRae. The competition in the enterprise software space is fierce and TechnologyOne is a challenger brand in this space. To be competitive globally we need to have and hang onto the best people in the business, and arm them with the right spirit, attitude and values. We need to give them the confidence to take on the opposition, and know they can win. Having the best work space possible plays an important role achieving this.

Could you provide a snapshot of your business? TechnologyOne is to this day, Australia’s largest enterprise software company, with the best integrated enterprise software model anywhere in the world. Since 1987, we’ve been continually profitable, setting record revenues, and that looks to be the case again in 2025. Today, we have offices in 10 countries and over 1,500 employees, with a customer base that includes over 1,500 leading corporations, government departments and statutory authorities. You’ve always done things differently. We’re justifiably proud of our many points of difference. From a vertically integrated business model and a globally certified Software-as-a-Service offering, no technology firm in the world can claim our unique list of achievements, let alone anything comparable to our consistent growth trajectory. This steep growth curve drives our continual evolution and rapid expansion. And you’re Brisbane through and through. Absolutely. Another proud point of difference. We started in Brisbane and it is well and truly our home. Many of our international competitors are surprised to know we are here. I like to think that we have helped put Brisbane on the map as a serious player in world business, particularly in new technologies. What was the vision for your T1-HQ? We wanted a headquarters that was much more than a place to do business. A home worthy of the impact our company has made on the industry globally. It had to reflect us, our brand identity and values, all that we stand for. Our culture created by the talented people who define the ‘TechnologyOne Way’, our world class innovation and achievements. I wanted to break new ground for a groundbreaking business, and that’s exactly what we did. You wanted to give your people something special. Our people are central to our business and our concept of place. We invest many resources and much time building a winning culture. Perhaps that’s why we’ve been the Australian Business Awards Employer of Choice on so many

occasions. Our values and ‘The TechnologyOne Way’ are present in all aspects of what we do. Our working space must support our teams to deliver sophisticated world-class technology for thousands of enterprise customers around the world. We established T1-HQ with our eyes firmly focused on the future, to create a headquarters that would inspire innovation, attract a global talent pool and become a hub for world-leading enterprise software technology.

our brief for a new headquarters, Hamilton Northshore had four commercial buildings, a lot of open space and some significant residential developments. It was only the beginning of a new community, but we could see the potential and possibilities. Open land right on the river, close to the city, it was an opportunity not to be missed. Time has proven our decision right, with Hamilton Northshore now a precinct unlike any other in Australia, with TechnologyOne at its heart.

So T1-HQ is an investment in people? Totally. In the technology sector, the war for talent is ferocious. T1-HQ enables us to attract the best and brightest graduates and innovators, by offering a workplace culture which complements their thirst for cutting edge design and early adoption of hi-tech gadgetry and automation. We pride ourselves on delivering innovative solutions for customers by providing our staff with an energising and dynamic workplace. T1-HQ is designed for our people first and foremost, to meet their requirements and encourage collaboration, generate creativity, and inspire thought leadership.

Did you come up with the idea of the famous hack days? I wish. Hack days have been an incredible concept and success story, something which many people in the technology industry talk about. The fact that we hold them 4 or 5 times year, that everyone downs tools and comes together as one for a day devoted to innovation is a unique initiative and now a TechnologyOne tradition.

What made you decide Hamilton Northshore was the place for you? Back in 2017, when we released

Where do you hold hack days? Our new headquarters has a massive open space called the Village Green, which can accommodate over 300 people. The Village Green is also where we hold what we call town hall meetings once a month to discuss what’s going on, what’s new and anything else of importance to the TechnologyOne community. Sarah Maltman



dward Chung has been CEO of TechnologyOne since 2017 and was one of the key drivers behind establishing T1-HQ at Northshore Hamilton. Although a busy man with a lot on his plate, he found time to talk with WIRED.


09-25 _ INTERVIEW _ 027

“I wanted to break new ground for a groundbreaking business and that’s exactly what we did.”


INSIDER FAST FACTS: INSIDE & OUT Compiled by Amira Arasteh








4 / OPEN

5 / ART

On Monday to Thursday a different local food truck arrives at T1-HQ, providing an everchanging menu of international street cuisine.

A full scale commercial kitchen makes catering for on-site events deliciously simple. The kitchen is open to staff and provides an inviting space for cooking workshops.

Recycled timber from century old wharves that once ran the length of the Northshore area have been used extensively throughout T1-HQ.

Minimal walls within the building creates an open, connected culture.

The main building is a showcase for local and indigenous art that captures the spirit of Brisbane and the river.

09-25 _ INSIDER _ 029





8 9 10 11



8 / GROW




The popular Eat Street Markets are on the doorstep and are open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Self-sustaining retail precinct with its own heart and culture, appealing to multi-generational occupants.

T1-HQ has been designed to grow and expand to meet future demand, with the ability to extend into adjacent land as needed.

Open connectivity extends to the surrounding green and recreation spaces.

Easy access to Portside and boutique retail spaces.

Diverse opportunities for work – bean bags / the decks and outside spaces to get fresh air.

0 3 0 _ D E TA I L S _ 0 9 - 1 7


The backstory

Alceon is an Australian advisory, investment and capital raising business which is wholly-owned by its executives. Since inception in February 2010, the team has funded approximately $2.0 billion of equity and debt investments, across a total asset base in excess of $3.0bn. We have extensive access to equity and debt capital with a significant and responsive high net worth and family office investor base and key institutional relationships through which additional capital can be accessed. Alceon has made investments in a range of asset classes and industries, including residential, retail and commercial property; financial services; aged care and affordable housing; engineering services; and tourism and leisure.


Companies that made T1-HQ possible While TechnologyOne had the vision to establish something as groundbreaking as T1-HQ, they needed a team to make it happen. TechnologyOne found the right people they needed through four companies: Alceon, AECOM, Graystone and HASSELL. It’s them who made T1-HQ a reality, and they deserve to be recognised. Here’s how they describe themselves and what they do so well.

It’s one thing to imagine a better world, it’s another to deliver one. AECOM does just that because of the way we’ve come together. We are built for a single purpose: to design and deliver infrastructure that improves people’s lives, protects our environment and seeds opportunity for change, growth and resiliency. Overcoming the tough, interrelated challenges our clients face requires a company that can provide the broadest perspective and a full range of support. A company like AECOM, 85,000+ people strong in over 150 countries, whose integrated design, build, finance and operating capabilities provides an edge in delivering what others can only imagine. In Australia and New Zealand, we leverage our team
of advisors, engineers, designers and planners to work together to positively impact lives, transform communities and make the world a better place. Importantly, AECOM’s core values in respect of safety and sustainability are embedded into all of our projects for the benefit of our clients. Our teams are equipped to provide project communications and stakeholder engagement and management for our client’s projects. AECOM continues to broaden its market presence across the full asset life cycle for our clients – Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Maintain. We also offer a broad range of market sector specific services with the objective of providing our clients access to a complete endto-end suite of capability. Our clients can opt to use all or part of this capability, according to their requirements.



GRAYSTONE Graystone is a privately-owned construction company with a 40 year track record delivering high-end commercial, retail and residential facilities in South East Queensland. We build the buildings that people love to occupy for their work, home and recreation. Graystone is a builder that values relationships. We prioritise our relationships with our clients, our team and the community, and demonstrate our core values of respect, accountability and honesty in every aspect of our work.The heart of Graystone’s expertise is its project management capability. We work closely with our clients in the initial design stages to develop a comprehensive and value-engineered project brief to deliver the most efficient,

well-designed, stand-out facilities. Our dynamic team comprises experts in cost planning and estimation, contract administration, construction management and site management. We complement our in-house expertise with the skills and knowledge of a group of longstanding and trusted external consultants. Professionals that have worked with Graystone for 30 years and understand the Graystone methodology. Graystone was the winner of the 2017 Queensland Master Builder Awards for commercial construction in the $5 - $50 million category for the 6,000sqm Puma Australia headquarters also located at Northshore Hamilton.

HASSELL HASSELL is a leading international design practice with studios in Australia, China, South East Asia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. We judge the success of the buildings and places we design by the way people use and enjoy them the clients who commission them, the people who inhabit them. Good design is about helping clients meet their needs and objectives. It’s also about the way people feel when they experience it – a sense of meaning, connection and belonging. Our design values are shared globally across

all the HASSELL studios, by the talented people who work in them: architects, interior designers, landscape architects, urban designers, planners and specialist consultants. We work together in integrated design teams because they produce the best outcomes for our clients. The increasingly complex projects that clients bring to us demand a culture built on collaboration, creativity and innovation in design thinking and delivery. Openness and empathy with our clients ensure their interests are at the heart of everything we design.

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