She selected me, and gave me the key The key to the teacher’s cottage to get her lunch Part of me felt free because I’m outside the school gate, What a nice breeze from the tree Oh but freedom comes with responsibility and at a price, I must make haste to get back inside the gate, I don’t want to be late…punishment can be no lunch or a punch. Why me, why didn’t she ask someone else I’m out here on the streets and my parents think I’m in history class Careful don’t walk on her grass Yes in times like these I talk to God and myself Why me Lord, I suppose since she trusts me and know my family But she knows my family work so hard to send me to school So why have me out here breaking the rule Teacher’s favorite is over rated, what a calamity I could get hit by a car or worse, I should have politely said no Who am I kidding, you don’t say no to a teacher’s request If something bad happens I can tell my parents it was at her behest Oh no Lord, woe…. Hold a minute the dogs tried to bite me I didn’t go to school to fight off dogs, what is this lesson Hurry up grab the sandwich from the fridge and head back Oh my Lord her adult son is home, and on the attack I am a small girl with no one but you Lord, help me I pray When I left home this morning, this was not how I planned my day Run pickney gal, run and don’t tumble down Forget the sandwich and go back to school, tell the teacher her son is not in Town Why me Lord, why me, you know she going to punish me Set me free Lord, set me free Miss, miss, the dogs attacked me and I couldn’t find your sandwich But I saw your son eating something, I have to sell her this pitch I can’t even tell her what really happened because she would not believe me Oh my goodness she is elated that her prodigal son is home from Town, what about what happened to me We have been given a longer lunch so she can go home and visit with her son Meanwhile I have to eat my lunch and copy notes off the board…..fun, fun, fun Everyone thinks I’m lucky….she selected me Everyone saw her smile, saw her happy No one knows I’m feeling crappy What lesson did I learn, I’m not lucky…I am simply blessed by the best. Written by Nathan Robinson
Jamaican Diaspora