January 2011 JamaicanEats newsletter

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JamaicanEats postcards. Collect them or send a tasty card to friends

JamaicanEats magazine newsletter Check out our sponsors for Delicious Discoveries & Spicy Eats Mmm... Mmm M mm... JAMAICAN ME HUNGRY! mm

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Serving quality oducts cts to the community ity Jamaican pr products y for over thirty-two o years.

So easy to cook with

MAKE the spice in your life

January 2011

RECIPE OF THE MONTH: Gungo/Pigeon Pea Soup e-mail: info@jamaicaneats.com

Photo by Carlington Wilmot

NEW: JamaicanEats postcards COMING... Send a taste of the Caribbean around the world with our series of 12 gorgeous postcards. Printed on brilliant white, 14pt ultra-thick stock,each 4 x 6 card has a gorgeous colour picutre on the front and the corresponding recipe in black & white on the back. Collect them as keepsakes or send them as a scrumptious taste of the Caribbean to friends, family and colleagues around the world. JamaicanEats members each receive a set of the 12 cards as a benefit of membership. Click here, or go to www.jamaicaneats.com to order yours.

Lively up your food with real Jamaican seasonings and spices. Easispice, sold in supermarkets, grocery stores and wholesales across Jamaica. EASISPICE Manufacturers Limited 1 Great George St., Savanna-La-Mar, Jamaica, Tel: *876) 955-8753 easispice@cwjamaica.com










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Take T ake a little Jamaic Jamaican can FFolk olk Song blend in RegRegg jerk well with ethnic ina & Dancehall, je hhe et ggae ae erk it w ell wit th tthe thhnic in Jamaica pinch fluences tthat hat Jamai ica has, dash in a pinc ch off ‘irie have ‘ir ie ttalk’ alk’ and mek me m ttell ell yyou, ou, yyou ou ha ve Jah Jaa listen it’s likee music ttoo cuisine. I mean lis ten ttoo tthis his - it ’s lik earss ttoo an any Jamaican worth weight tthe he ear ny Jama aican w orth his w eight in saltt Breakfass Ackee Mackerel Runa of A - Br reeakffass ckeee & Saltfish, Mac kereel R undown Green Dumpling do wn wid Gr reen Banana, anana, Callaloo, Dum mplingg Johnny Cake. Roast and Johnn ny Cak e. R oast Breadfruit. Breeadfruit. A boxxlunch Tripe Cow Brown lunc ch of T ripe and d Beans, Co w Head, Br own n Curry Escoveitch Bammy. SStew tew FFish ish or Cur ry Goat. Esco veitcch & Bamm my. Chicken Pork. Talk Conch Jerkk Chic a about Conc Jer ken or P orrk. T alk ch Soup, Cow ‘Hoxtail’ Peas. Co w FFoot, oot, ‘Hoxt tail’l’ wid Rice & Pe eas. Goongooo Peas Red Peas Pepperpot with Spin-Pe eas and R ed Pe eas Soup, P epperrpot wit th Spin ners. Turned Yam ners s. T urned Corn Corn Meal. Y am Pie and Cocoo Sweet FFritters. rittteerrs. Gizzarda, Gizzard da,, Sw eet Potato Potatoo Puddingg and d Cassava Pone. Otaheite, Rose Cassava P one. Ot taheit a te, SStar tar or R ose Apple, Ugli and Ortanique. Matrimony. Naseberry. a l an a ue. Matr Naseber ry. Ug gli nd Or taniq imon ny. Hard Bread. d Dough Br read d. Friday Fridaay night pot pot tun dongg an’ Pan-chicken. an’ is Jerk Jerk or P an-cchic h ken. SStreet trreet ffood ood - tthe he ffood ood d of the the people.

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from Nyam a Jamaica ttakes Nyyam akkes up tthe he slack slack fr om the thee highly Caribbean, highly acclaimed Culinaria: C Culinar ia: The Car ibbean,, beginning tthe first series culinaryy rrehe fir stt in a ser ies of culinar eality tr travel bookss up avel book u tthe he hills and down down tthe hee dales of several Caribbean several Car C ibbean islands. This is a photographic wondrous documentation, documentation, a pho tographic w ondrouss experience many author Roseexperience of tthe he man ny people aut hor Ro ose Parkinson meets, interaction with, mary mary P arkinson mee m ts, has int eraction wit h,, or mer merely placely ggets ets ttoo kno kknow w about; about; the the manyy plac es visit visited, parish parish, during ed, par ish ttoo par ish, dur ing her yyears ears on tthe Jamaica. ‘Cotching’ he island of Jam maica. ‘Co otching’ a rride ide on n her bumpy delicious culinary h bum b py but b t de d elicious li i culinar li y tr ttravel, avel,l on n occasion, ar aree Jam Jamaican friends, Noraican fr iends, Chef N orma Shir Shirley international photographer ley and in nternational pho otographer er Cookie Kinkead. Kinkead.

st rread lovers This is a must ead ffor or lo vers of

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n Get one of the favourite holiday dishes of the late Norma Shirley - forever the Grand Dame of Caribbean cuisine. n VALENTINES ooh la la. Win the heart of your Valentine with a yummy chocolate feast. n EASTER BUN Sweet potato bun and more. We’ve got tasty recipes for this traditional Jamaican Easter treat.

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AVAILABLE A VAILABLE A IN TIME F FOR OR CHRISTMAS! CHRI RISTMAS! F or further further information inffor ormation ation e-mail: rrosemaryparkinson@hotmail.com osemaryparkinson@ho k tmail.com For

Letters from JamiacanEats magazine facebook group You are doing an awesome job of representing Jamaica with this magazine. The pictures make you want to just reach for whatever is in them. The stock is quality. There are just not enough superlatives to describe this magazine. Again thank you for such an outstanding connection to home. - Jeanette Haynes

Click here, go to www.jamaicaneats.com for where to eat, buy Caribbean food. OR to advertise your restaurant/product

Your Passport to Caribbean Eating

Around the World

Love the cover of the latest issue! This magazine is so well put together that it makes me so proud. Please advise as to the best way to get a subscription. - Stacey Walker Note: Click here or go to www.jamaicaneats.com to subscribe or become a member

Send a delicious gift to family & friends Bring a taste of the Caribbean to their doorstep. Click here to send a membership or subscription to family and friends.


Sign up and become a member today; become a subscriber or renew your subscription @ www.jamaicaneats.com


Vegetarian Gungo/Pigeon Pea Soup 1 pound dried gungo peas, soaked overnight in cold water OR 4 cups cooked (canned) gungo peas 16 cups vegetable stock 1 sweet potato, peeled and diced 1 cho cho (christophene), peeled and diced 1 small dasheen (taro), peeled and diced 2 carrots, peeled and diced Spinners (small flour dumplings) 1onion, diced 2 escallions, chopped 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 scotch bonnet pepper, de-seeded 4 ounces coconut milk Salt and black pepper, to taste 1. Combine peas and stock. Bring to boil. If

using canned peas go to step 3. 2. Cook for 1to 11/2 hours or until peas begin to split. 3. Add (canned) peas, potatoes, carrots, cho cho, dasheen, spinners, onion, thyme, scotch bonnet. Let boil then reduce to a simmer. Add coconut milk, salt and pepper. 4. Simmer for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring as the food cooks and the soup thickens. Serves 6.

Create a spark a moment a connection magic

MEat lovErs: Add salted beef, pig’s tail or stewing beef. First, remove (boil or soak) excess salt from the meat, then add to step 1. Kidney beans can also be substituted for gungo peas.

We’re still looking for a good old-fashioned Bulla Recipe

Photo by Jeffrey Marshall


We’re received one yummy Bulla recipe to date from Jennifer Mullings, who discovered this crusty treat when she moved to Jamaica some years ago. Get her recipe in the Dec-March 2011 issue, and/or send us yours to info@jamaicaneats.com. Bulla is a traditional Jamaican treat. The sweet cakey dough is baked to a golden or dark brown crustiness.

Get juicy results and tasty profits Crisply written, stylish, professional newsletters, brochures, business releases and web site will get you noticed every time. For all your writing and publishing needs, contact, Grace Cameron

604.484.4260 e-mail or sweetpotatopress@yahoo.com

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