Hurricane Isaac : Protect and Save Collectibles and Artwork

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Hurricane Isaac - How To Protect Your Collectibles and Fine Art

Hurricane Isaac is bearing down on the Gulf States as I write this. If you live or work in an area located near the ocean, in a coastal county, or on the bay, the protection of your family treasures, heirlooms, collectibles and fine art should be a major part of your disaster preparation and emergency preparedness. Securing or anchoring down your collectibles ahead of time will minimize any possible future damage, and possibly avoid insurance claims and heartache. The following steps are a few ways you can prevent any damage to your valuable collection prior to Hurricane Isaac striking. Prior To The Arrival of the Hurricane 1. Make sure all wall hanging supports are tightly secured. Always remember; wet plaster becomes very weak, artwork that hangs on any plaster walls could easily fall. Be sure that any art hanging on the outside

walls of your house are properly spaced away from the walls. Spacers may be bought from your local hardware center or made by screwing or taping boards on the backs of the frames. If you can, wrap or drape nonsticky art in plastic to help prevent any damage from water. Any works in glass frames can be taped, Plexiglas however should NOT be taped (it will me marred and it doesn’t break anyway). You should use Museum Wax for helping to anchor any framed art to the walls. See a video at 2. You should anchor down any collectibles (crystal, ceramics, statues etc) in your home as shown in the above video. 3. If any works should be taken down from the wall, put them in a room in the interior of your house. Items should be elevated a minimum of 3 inches above the floor on foam or wooden blocks. Any surfaces that are not tacky may be wrapped with plastic sheets. Stacked works should be separated with pieces of cardboard that are larger than the frames. 4. If you have outdoor sculptures they can be brought into the house or properly secured outside. You can protect any sculptures left outside from sand and flying debris by wrapping them in burlap bags or blankets tied securely with ropes. 5. List all of the works you have in the collection. Include specific notes concerning any already existing damage, be sure to include condition details for the bases and frames. Be sure and secure the list in a separate location, or even online. If the need for an insurance claim should arise you will need proper documentation. A client from Virginia Beach, VA lost documentation and artwork last year due to it all being at the same place… their claims went on for several years and were never negotiated to anyone’s satisfaction. Don't let this happen to you, always be prepared. This last suggestion may be a lot of work but it will SAVE YOU!

If you require the services of a qualified professional conservator, most quality art handling companies, art insurance companies, museums, art galleries and quality framers can most likely provide you with referrals for appraisers, conservators, fine art storage providers and art professionals near you. Be sure to get second or even third opinions because many art professionals may not have good judgment as to the best quality of professional conservation. Remember too that a good craftsman does not make, necessarily a good business man. So, while they may do a good job cleaning, for example, them may drive you crazy with estimates, timelines etc. So, ask around. Mimzy Allen, Art Researcher and Consultant Suggestions ustilized in this article came from “How to Save Your Stuff from a Disaster Click on “Products” on scroll on left. Art conservation questions? Call Scott Haskins 805 564 3438 Art appraisal questions? Call Richard Holgate at 805 895 5121 See a quick video tour of Fine Art Conservation Laboratories at Leave a comment! See a quick video on using Museum Wax

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