Importance of W3 Standards in UI UX Design

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Importance Of W3C Standards in UI/UX Design BRING YOUR WEB DESIGN TO THE NEXT LEV EL

W3C Standards In 1994, W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) the standards organisation introduced some rules and orders for a wide cyber-frontier, so the website look and function the same in various browsers. And every IT company who offers UI/UX Design Services should be aware of its impact on web designs. The motto of these standards was to lead the World Wide Web on its potential developing standards, guidance and protocol for long-term growth. In this entire process, web designers need to pass designs (UI/UX) through these standards for work equalities. So far more than 90 standards or W3C recommendations have been generated, which passes through the strict process of review, formulation and implementation. To know how W3C standards work, you should know about these standards first.

What are the W3C Standards? W3C are international web standards that have the extreme potential to enable developers to build rich interactive web experience. The full strength of the platform depends on many technologies that W3C and its partners are creating. It includes CSS, SVG, WOFF, the Semantic Web stack, XML, and a variety of APIs etc.

The W3C Standards 1

Web Design and Standards


Web of Devices


Web Architecture


Semantic Web


Web Services


XML Technologies


Browsers and Authoring Tools

Key W3C standards for UI UX Design The W3C recommendations for UI/UX design depends on how accessible your page is. And for that, these below website parts need to consider.

JavaScript and web APIs



Audio and Video

3 Graphics



5 Internationalization



7 Mobile App


9 Math on The Web

Importance of W3C Standards - For Designers Overview Web standards are the guidelines to ensure it works equally for everyone. These standards also improve issues of accessibility, security, privacy, security, and globalization, while balancing the speed, public accountability, and quality on the Internet.

Importance of W3C Standards - For Designers Overview Web accessibility depends on several web components and interaction working together. It also depends on how WAI guidelines (WCAG, ATAG, UAAG) works.

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) This guideline explains how web content can be more accessible for people with disabilities. WCAG primarily intended for web content developers, authoring tool developers, web accessibility evaluation tool developers, mobile accessibility etc. A web page or app-related information comes under this guideline, such as:

Natural Information such as texts, images and sounds Code and markup that defines structure and presentations

Highlighted Points of WCAG 2.0 Guideline PERCEIVABLE


Provide alternatives for non-text content and time-based media. You can make content simpler with symbols, simple languages, large prints. And in case of time-based media, you can add a caption and audio descriptors.

Make site process entertaining with the inclusion of blinking, scrolling, moving and auto-updating information. Let the visitor have enough time to go through your content with the easy navigation and User-friendly site design.



Make site content readable and understandable that users don’t have to put efforts to understand what you are trying to say.

Whether its current or future user agent, make sure your site is compatible. We suggest you hire the best UI/UX developers for that.

ATAG (Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines) Authors ( Web developers and Designers and writers) use some tools (services and software) known as Authoring tools. It used to produce web content such as HTML editors, CMS that used to add actual content like blogs Social networking sites etc. ATAG explains:

How to make authoring tool accessible Helps in creating content that follows WCAG

UAAG (User-Agent Accessibility Guidelines) It explains how to make users agents accessible to everyone. These agents include browsers, readers, browser extensions, other apps and media players etc. UAAG is for some specific peoples such as:

People who want to choose the user agent People who want to encourage their existing user agent

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