In Focus: Birkenhead School Annual 2019-20

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P r e p - Ju n i o r H i g h l i g h t s Prep Science By Mrs Clarke, Science Subject Leader What an exciting year we have had in Prep Science! In Prep we value the questions that children ask us. During a range of exciting scientific opportunities the children have explored and found answers together. They need time and space to explore and they have learned from their mistakes. At all times curiosity has been invited. We are very privileged that every junior class has timetabled access to the Science room. Science Clubs have continued to run very successfully throughout the year both in the Infants (Miss Harris) and Juniors (Mrs Clarke). Chemistry, Physics and Biology programmes have been followed in a practical and explorative way. We are thrilled to have followed and been awarded the exciting Crest Awards at Star and Superstar levels. CREST is the British Science Association's scheme for STEM project work that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. We have close links with Seniors who also complete Crest awards at higher levels. For the older students involvement in the award scheme can lead to improved GCSE grades and an increased interest in continuing in STEM education and careers.

Digital Leaders

Throughout the year, social media has been used to demonstrate to a wider audience the vast range of practical opportunities on offer to our pupils. These pictures have included projects completed for the Crest award scheme and also practical work in Science lessons.

After passing a careful selection process which provided an opportunity for them to show off their skills, the elected students have had some exciting opportunities, most notably a trip up to Senior School to try out Virtual Reality technology with Mr Parry. With excitement levels high, this unique experience allowed the Leaders to take a tour around the human heart, climb out of a space station and even use a light sabre! It’s fair to say, they were inspired by what they saw and there was plenty of discussion amongst the group afterwards about whether all future lessons could be conducted in this way. We will see…

British Science Week Junior Prep celebrated British Science Week in March. Year 3 made marshmallow 3D structures, Year 4 made ice cream, Year 5 explored how air pressure could be used in a magic experiment and Year 6 made a root beer ice cream float in order to explore states of matter. All children were invited to enter a national poster competition based on Our Diverse Planet.

By Mr Pillow, ICT Subject Leader

With the Digital Leaders initiative now firmly established in Prep, seven enthusiastic candidates from Years 5 and 6 took on the role of pioneering ICT and computing across Prep for the academic year.

Reliable, knowledgeable and patient in their approach, they organised and ran their own clubs with children in Years 1 and 2, where they taught them essential coding skills each week in ‘Scratch Jnr’. Additionally, the Prep ICT teachers have been grateful for the assistance and support during lessons, where the Leaders have assisted with children logging on and any pupils who need a helping hand with their work. I would like to thank all of the Digital Leaders for their hard work and commitment to the role throughout their time in School this year. This year’s Digital Leaders were: Ted Golding (Y6) Prem Nagra (Y6) Daniel Moreton (Y6) Zach Ellis (Y6) Holly Mei (Y5) Charlotte Hope-Thompson (Y5) Charlie Dodd (Y5)


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