Dido and Aeneas Cast List Ciara Williams Dido Finlay Gordon Aeneas Mallika Bhagwat Belinda Verity Walker Second Woman Lizzy Howse Third Woman Emily Pulford Sorceress Grace Harvey First Witch Abi Saverimutto Second Witch Matthew Oulton First Sailor Shannon High, Madeleine Hill, Edward Oulton Spirit Chorus Lucy Andrews, Mallika Bhagwat, Will Blessing, Sam Bowler, Joshua Coyne, Charlotte Cullen, Finlay Gordon, Freya Hannan-Mills, Grace Harvey, Shannon High, Madeleine Hill, Ben Hillyer, Lizzy Howse, Caroline Hurst, Paulo Infante, Oliver Jones, Natasha Keeling, Chris Lansdown, Simon Lawrence, Katie Leyland, Euan McGrath, Rebecca Othick, Edward Oulton, Matthew Oulton, Noor Pasha, Emily Pulford, Hattie RogersonBevan, Abi Saverimutto, Andrew Sherman, Millie Southworth, Louisa Titu, David Turner, Verity Walker, Ciara Williams
Many congratulations to all those who auditioned – the standard of singing was extremely high. Please spend some time over half term listening to the piece and start learning your lines!