Wrap-your-own Spring Rolls

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Spring Rolls Serves 2 Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes Makes 4


Ingredients • 150g pack cooked rice noodles from chiller cabinet • 200g mixed vegetables, thinly sliced, red peppers, bean sprouts, carrots, spring onions • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped • Splash of light soy sauce • Chinese five-spice powder • 4 sheets of filo pastry • 25g butter, melted • Small piece of ginger finely chopped For the dipping sauce: • Small piece of ginger, grated • Pinch of caster sugar • 50g ketchup • 1 dessert spoon white wine vinegar • Sesame seeds for sprinkling

Method 1. Heat the oven to 180C fan. Put the noodles, vegetables, garlic, chopped ginger, soy sauce and a sprinkling of Chinese 5-spice powder in a bowl and mix together. 2. Fold each sheet of filo pastry in half and then spoon some of the mixture down one side of each sheet and brush with some melted butter around the edges of the pastry. Fold 2 sides over the filling and then roll them up completely. NB. FILO PASTRY BECOMES BRITTLE VERY QUICKLY. KEEP SHEETS THAT AREN’T BEING USED UNDER A DAMP CLOTH. 3. Lift the spring rolls onto a baking sheet, seam side down, brush with a little more melted butter and sprinkle with sesame seeds (optional). 4. Bake the rolls for 20-25 mins or until golden. Remove from the oven and leave to cool a little. 5. While the rolls are in the oven make a dipping sauce. Mix the ketchup, white wine vinegar, grated ginger and caster sugar together until the sugar has dissolved.

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