Iceni Futures

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An Introduction to

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Introduction The Iceni Toolbox Strategic Partnerships Our Projects Our People 2






Introduction | A multi-skilled consultancy Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer. We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the- job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first - and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.

ICENI FUTURES The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgement that now more than ever, we need to create future-proofed and sustainable development. The team’s role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice, that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients’ goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.

the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition. Iceni Futures: Smarter Sustainability

The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across



Your Strategic Adviser


Birmingham The Colmore Building 20 Colmore Circus Birmingham, B4 6AT T: 0121 262 4148

Built Heritage & Townscape


Edinburgh 11 Alva Street Edinburgh, EH2 4PH T: 0131 370 3486



London Da Vinci House 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH T: 020 3640 8508




Engagement Impact Management


Glasgow 77 West George Street Glasgow, G2 2LB T: 0141 465 4996

Manchester This Is The Space 68 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3EJ T: 0161 509 2840


The Team Structure of Iceni

DESIGN Ian Anderson Chief Executive


ECONOMICS Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer

James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning

Nick Ireland Director


Paul McColgan Director

James Waterhouse Director

Clive Burbridge Director

Jamie Sullivan Director

Fred Peters Director

John Mumby Director

Mike England Director

Kieron Hodgson Director

Rob Amey Director

LANDSCAPE Silke Gruner Director

PLANNING Matt Kingham Director

ARCHAEOLOGY Claire Cogar Director

James Jaulim Director


Callum Fraser Director

Chris Jones Director


Laurie Handcock Director

Gemma Gallant Director

Gary Mappin Director

Nick Walker Director

Philippa Curran Director

Ian Gallacher Director

Ian Mayhead Director

Leona Hannify Director

Lorna O’Carroll Director

Nick Grant Director

Simon Fowler Director



Iceni Futures: Smarter Sustainability “Our lifestyles, the climate, technology,

politics, the environment and the economic landscape are constantly changing. Sometimes change happens to us, sometimes change happens because of us. Change can bring threats as well as opportunities, it can be both daunting and inspirational. Iceni Futures can enable you to understand, drive and capitalise on that change.” The nature of our work means it can be difficult to capture all of the services that we offer. Each client, aspiration, barrier, product and idea can be different. Fundamentally, if you are looking to protect against or capitalise on the changing world, your project should start with Futures.


Futures Strategic Advice We provide strategic advice which is tailored to your site, company, strategy or product. Our advice is bespoke in terms of output. Whether it be a focus on climate change, new ways of living and building, new legislation, health and wellbeing or technological advancements, the Futures team can provide customised solutions.

Futures Initiatives and Approaches We understand the importance of elevating our existing ways of working and challenging current development processes and standards. Internally the Futures team integrate cutting-edge technology and advanced working practices which make the development process more effective and efficient for our clients. The team also work collaboratively with clients and partners to develop and integrate the latest products and systems into the development process.

Sustainable Development Services We provide tailored guidance and leadership on development projects, ensuring sustainable development is considered at all stages of the building lifecycle. We also provide the following specific services: Sustainability Action Plans, Energy Analysis, Sustainability Strategies, Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing, Flood Risk and Sustainable Drainage and Waste and Recycling strategies.




How can Iceni Futures help you? Whether you are seeking advice on upcoming legislation, new technology, sustainable neighbourhood solutions or data interpretation, we can provide guidance and solutions.

How could I utilise technology to allow my working practices to become more effective and efficient?

Can I enhance my prospects of site allocation by demonstrating that my site is sustainable and future-proof?

How do I meet Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance funding criteria?

How do I ensure my company and our developments are ready for new ways of working and living?

How do I demonstrate that my scheme is ready for the net-zero carbon economy?



What’s the best way to incorporate new technology within my scheme? How can I capitalise on emerging legislation and policy?

What are the benefits of a data-driven approach, and how do I build a strategy around it?

How do I create a carbon-neutral neighbourhood? How do I move from monitoring my portfolio to planning for the future?

How do I create a self-sufficient, sustainable neighbourhood?

What is a net-zero carbon masterplan?

Is our corporate sustainability strategy able to deliver netzero carbon emissions?

What new housing models should I incorporate in my scheme?

How do I place health and well-being at the heart of my development and what does that look like? How do I ensure my development will still be fit for purpose in 2050?


The Iceni Toolbox

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The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

Future Strategy Consultancy Iceni’s Future Strategy Consultancy service incorporates multidisciplinary advice from across the built environment, combined with wide-ranging market and local political knowledge to effectively explore and unlock the potential of companies and development sites to create opportunities both in the immediate and longer term. Iceni Futures place great importance on understanding a client’s culture, objectives and ways of working to provide a tailored consultancy service. Our approach is proactive, data-led and forward-thinking, whilst feedback is interactive, both with face-to-face workshops and simple visual strategy reports.


The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

The Sustainable Development Scorecard The Sustainable Development Scorecard is a means of assessing a development’s contribution to the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable development, as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework. Iceni’s Futures team is known for its innovative approaches to sustainability assessment. The team was responsible for the development of the Sustainable Development Scorecard ( uk/), a free-at-point-of-use website, designed to quantitatively assess built environment projects against economic, social and environmental sustainability as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework. The Scorecard provides a framework for planners, developers, local authorities and communities to engage in; to assess and improve a scheme’s response to sustainable development principles systematically, turning conflict into collaboration. The Scorecard is designed to provide a legacy of holistic sustainability, that goes beyond design and construction, putting sustainability at the heart of the operational phase of the project. The Scorecard was the recipient for the Technological Innovation of the Year at the 2018 London Construction Awards, and was shortlisted for an Innovation award at the RTPI awards 2019.


The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

iSite iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project - but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party - to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend. The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone technology, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project websites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, site team visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help. iSite won’t be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer. To discuss iSite, please email


The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

Iceni Place Sites don’t start with, and aren’t defined by, planning policy. They are defined by people. And people bring a melting pot of ideas and opinions. Not everyone will necessarily share the view that a site needs developing, regenerating or renewal, especially in areas undergoing massive amounts of change or those where nothing has happened despite the will to see it happen. They are sites that often mean more than an abstract red line on an OS plan, where physical and social barriers override site boundaries. Where people have a connection to their incidental bit of city, town or village they call home. They have a past, a present and a future. Just like people. Iceni Place delivers an approach that welcomes all of these views, fears, hopes and dreams into a collaborative process built on listening. It starts with people asking “What does success look like to you?” and ends with a legacy of better places.


The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

Iceni Intelligence Iceni offer a network of area-based experts that combine on the ground knowledge and digital platforms to report regularly on the following: Development plan changes; Delivery figures for housing / employment and the implications for future land release and policy change; Major development and the developers behind them; Key planning officers and members influence; and Changes in policy direction and new initiatives contained within the decision taking functions of authorities at local, county and sub-regional level.

Iceni intelligence ensures Iceni are at the forefront of all development and political matters. This informs our advice to clients on planning strategy and allows us to identify opportunities at the earliest stage.


The Iceni Toolbox


The Iceni Toolbox

Iceni Economics Economics is Iceni’s newest specialist team. The interface between our daily lives, the economy, property and housing markets has never been more important. We need to deliver the right homes in the right places, rejuvenate our high streets, facilitate growth in digital and e-commerce, make our economies resilient and ensure we have the workforce to do so. Iceni understands interactions between employment, demographics and property markets and has a national capability in providing specialist advice to support plan making, site promotion and making the case for development and infrastructure. We’ve brought together leading individuals in this area who are trusted advisors to the private and public sector from promotion and application to Local Plan evidence and expert witness. We have worked with or across over 150 local planning authorities.


The Iceni Toolbox


Strategic Partnership

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Strategic Partnership


Strategic Partnership

Urban Intelligence Iceni Futures work in partnership with the PropTech company, Urban Intelligence, to provide bespoke site finding services utilising a comprehensive digital database of planning policy information combined with a client’s specific development or investment criteria. The data collated is in a digital format, utilising personalised algorithms and combined with our planning and development expertise, which allows us to process and analyse sites quickly and over a large area. The automated approach reduces the time and costs of identifying sites and unlocking real estate value. Together, we are able to identify and evaluate sites based upon a variety of requirements which can include and are not limited to:


Parcel size Ownership type Building heights Site topography Access to town centres Proximity to schools and other local services and features Distance from environmental constraints Active travel locations Density requirements Protected Land (such as Green Belt or Employment Zones) CIL / Open Space requirements

Strategic Partnership


Strategic Partnership

LifeProven Working in partnership, Iceni Futures and LifeProven are able to comprehensively understand the impact physical assets have on end-user health and wellbeing and are able to guide clients at each stage of the project delivery cycle on how their design and budget can be maximised and protected to create more marketable and successful built assets. Combining scientific analysis and future trend analysis as the foundation for Corporate Strategy, Planning, Project Management and Wellbeing Consultancy, the end-to-end partnership aims to deliver property specifically to improve health, wellbeing and quality of life outcomes to occupants, improving development outcomes for asset owners and occupants.


Strategic Partnership


Strategic Partnership

Vu.City Vi.City is the largest and most truly accurate 3D interactive model development to date. Testing initial draft proposals or sites within this software can significantly optimise feasibility and pre-application stages leading directly to better decision making through the process. It is beneficial for the client and the planning process to be able to collaborate in this way, optimising strategy brought forward and cutting down on unnecessary delays in programme, scoping, etc. This is a 3D modelling tool which covers many parts of the UK but its particularly detailed in relation to the area of London. More and more Councils and consultee bodies, such as Historic England, are adopting this licensing to have their own facility in-house. Iceni Projects can consult more effectively with the relevant public bodies to achieve the best outcomes for a project through the use of Vu.City software.


Strategic Partnership


Our Projects

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Our Projects


Our Projects

Compass Park Bushey A new garden community for Bushey, providing a lasting legacy of care, education and lifetime homes, and a unique response to the climate emergency. The layout of the proposed masterplan has been developed using Garden City principles. These principles have been combined with cutting edge sustainability analysis to ensure the scheme will respond to the climate emergency by: Building new, zero carbon homes. Incorporating sustainable transport measures to eliminate the school run and reduce the need to travel. Planting enough new trees and hedgerows to offset the carbon dioxide emissions relating to transportation.

This unique approach to masterplanning and sustainability was a result of close collaboration between Iceni’s Futures and Design teams. The teams developed a new methodology to assess the carbon sequestration potential of new planting, based on masterplan layouts. Other key features include:


Historic landscape restoration A new community park A new primary school A new retirement community 850 new homes A community hub Health and wellbeing outreach facilities

Our Projects


Our Projects

Future Growth Strategy Redeveloping land for 10,000 new homes is a 30 to 40 year journey, which requires foresight and a vision for the future. The Iceni Futures team worked collaboratively with a range of other Iceni disciplines, including Planning, Engagement, Heritage and Transport, to anticipate how people’s lifestyles are likely to change over the predicted 30 year growth of a proposed new settlement of around 10,000 new homes in Essex. The team started with a number of fixed issues that will be taken as read in the development of the site, including zero carbon communities and high speed digital connectivity. The team undertook research on the local heritage and existing communities and used this to inform research on current and emerging lifestyle trends. Additional analysis was then conducted into the impacts our changing lifestyles are having on the design of new settlements. A number of key themes emerged from the analysis that will have an impact on the production of forthcoming masterplans. These themes will be woven throughout the emerging masterplan to ensure the new development is capable of responding to changing lifestyles.


Our Projects


Our Projects

1A and 3 The Mall Ealing Iceni Projects advised Urbane London on one of their first schemes as a development company which seeks to disrupt the traditional development and construction cycle of delivering homes. Urbane homes are digitally crafted and manufactured 100% off-site, meaning higher quality homes can be erected 40% faster and at a cheaper price than traditional construction, on any London site of any scale. This scheme at The Mall comprises 71 co-living units, varying in size from 13sqm to 24sqm, each with a double bed, kitchenette, bathroom and storage. The Iceni team previously secured planning permission for a 38 unit scheme on the same site, with the latest application representing an increase in unit numbers on a slightly larger site. This type of co-living is becoming increasingly popular in London, and is typically targeted at young professionals entering the private rented housing sector. It is intended that the development will create a vibrant community of young people, helping to establish a strong sense of place. The concept is based on providing services and amenity normally found in shared spaces of hotel environments, thus it does not fall under Class C3 (dwelling house) use and is instead deemed to be sui generis. The Iceni team are working closely with both the client and Ealing Council’s Planning Team to deliver a high quality scheme which pushes the boundaries of the traditional housing product and space standards whilst delivering much needed residential units at an affordable rent level.


Our Projects


Our Projects

114 - 118 Lower Marsh Lambeth The redevelopment of the council-owned land at 114-118 Lower Marsh and the adjoining Granby Place will deliver a retail and office led mixed use development. Conran + Partners sensitive and contextual New London Architecture Awards shortlisted design will repair and enhance this prominent site in the Lower Marsh conservation area, providing: A new, high quality development that makes a positive

contribution to the Conservation Area. New purpose built, flexible office (and employment) space appropriate for SMEs, to the benefit of the local economy. A new, retail active frontage that will contribute towards the vitality and character of the primary shopping area. A revitalised Granby Place as a public realm area for the benefit of the local community, workers and visitors. The opportunity to open up a through route from Granby Place to Launcelot street, a pedestrian link between Lower Marsh and Waterloo Station, and the potential to bring the arches beneath Station Approach Road into greater use.

The Iceni team supported the application by producing sustainability and energy statements, demonstrating the ability of the project to perform to exacting London Plan carbon dioxide emissions standards. This was achieved through a combination of fabric efficiency measures, intelligent lighting controls and rooftop PV panels.


Our Projects


Our Projects

214 Oxford Street Westminster Owned by Arcadia, Nike Town are one of the primary tenants at 214-236 Oxford Street. Their overarching ambition was to enhance their retail offer and the customer experience at the site, providing a bespoke retail offer which would extend their existing retail floorspace to the upper levels of this iconic Grade II listed building. Iceni obtained planning permission for extensive works to the listed building and changes of use to enable a pioneering ‘last-mile’ trainer delivery service. The new floorspace will be used to create a new unique, interactive shopping experience, which would also be able to host promotional events, and for the first time provide public access to the grand vaulted fourth floor space within this Grade II listed building. We have advised Nike Town in connection with their wider ambitions to transform their current retail operations at the Oxford Street site from the standard retail experience to a “House of Innovation” store which would result in Nike Town’s London store becoming known globally, similar to their current New York and Shanghai stores and proposed stores in Paris and Tokyo. Iceni demonstrated to Westminster Council that Nike Town’s ambition to transform the London store to a globally prestigious store would support the Council’s ambition to retain Oxford Street as the retail centre of London and a world class retail destination.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Abbey Retail Park Barking & Dagenham Iceni Projects have worked closely with Weston Homes and Broadway Malyan architects in the design of a landmark, residential led development close to Barking town centre. The regeneration scheme will provide over 1,000 new homes at market and affordable rates, together with retail, leisure, employment and community spaces on a vacant site adjacent to the River Roding. Significant space is given over to the public realm, including a riverside public square, linked to Abbey Green by a car free boulevard running through the site from east to west. The bank of the River Roding will also be naturalised to provide a green infrastructure corridor through the site which, together with an expanse of green roofs, will bring improvements to the site biodiversity. In order to maximise the scheme’s energy efficiency, the new homes have been designed to reduce energy demand for heating, and will connect to the Barking Town Centre heat network, minimising operational carbon dioxide emissions. The use of rooftop photovoltaic panels, integrated with the green roofs, will also provide on-site renewable electricity. The proposed scheme has been assessed using the Sustainable Development Scorecard methodology, achieving an excellent score for overall sustainability.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Ada Lovelace High School Ealing Iceni Projects further enhanced their education credentials by delivering planning permission for a desperately needed permanent secondary school for Kier Construction and to meet a challenging timetable. Iceni Planning, Transport, Engagement and Future were all part of a large project team. When fully open in 2021, the school will accommodate 1,300 pupils in a four storey building. The site was allocated in the Local Plan, but partially (the playing fields) remained in Metropolitan Open Land. The project team overcame a number of technical constraints including transport, noise, design, air quality and daylight/sunlight to deliver a scheme that was supported by officers. Iceni Futures successfully demonstrated that the development of the school would not lead to a loss of daylight/sunlight amenity to neighbouring properties. Iceni Engagement also scored a major success, with the application attracting over 400 letters of support. Even though there were nearly 100 letters of objections from local residents, including commissioning their own technical objection, the application was approved unanimously by Ealing’s Planning Committee.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Arena Essex Thurrock Iceni Projects were instructed in late 2017 to submit a hybrid planning application for up to 2,500 dwellings; a new lido with ancillary café; community pavilion; mountain bike / pump track; primary school; convenience retail store; open space and transport upgrades. This planning application was submitted in November 2018. Being extremely challenging from a technical perspective, and despite having been identified as being well-placed to support growth around the Lakeside Shopping Centre, development of the site historically stalled. The site was subject to a very large number of planning constraints including: Green Belt; existing uses (motorsport circuit); overhead pylons; protected cudweed; HSE consultation zones; an air quality management area; a susceptibility to traffic noise; a susceptibility to highway blockages and topographical challenges. Statutory and non-statutory consultees participated in several focused workshops that enabled inherent tensions between stakeholders to be unlocked. Furthermore, the Sustainable Development Scorecard was employed in successive iterations to demonstrate the scheme’s sustainability journey, with the submitted scheme achieving a very high level of agreement with the NPPF’s sustainable development principles, balanced across the economic, environmental and social pillars of sustainability. The Iceni team also produced daylight/sunlight analysis, together with sustainability and energy strategies for the scheme, employing measures to reduce development carbon dioxide emissions, such as high levels of passive design, heat pumps and rooftop solar PV.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Former Newton Railway Works | Ashford, Kent Iceni Projects acted for Quinn Estates, who in tandem with The Creative District Improvement Company, will deliver a signature mixed-use regeneration project at the historically significant, former Newtown Railway Works site in Ashford. The £250m scheme comprises a bespoke film studio complex providing 240,000 sq ft of dedicated production space, a 120-bed hotel, as well as additions and alterations to the Grade 2 Listed Locomotive Sheds to create over 300 apartments; creating an iconic new quarter in Ashford for people to live, work and visit. The scheme is vitally important for the Town given the potential to boost and diversify the economy into the media sector, whilst also delivering much needed housing. The scheme has the potential to stimulate wider regeneration and investment, particularly in the TV, Film and Media Sector, in an important and well connected Kent town with the potential to transform itself into one of the success stories of the South East. Ashford Borough Council granted the project planning permission on 22nd April 2020.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Former Strathclyde Police HQ | Pitt Street, Glasgow Iceni Projects are providing strategic planning consultancy services to support Moda Living in the redevelopment of the former Strathclyde police headquarters in Glasgow’s City Centre. The site itself occupies an entire city block in this prominent location. The proposed development includes 433 PRS apartments with associated amenities, underground car parking as well as usable outdoor space including roof terraces and a public courtyard. As PRS is relatively new to the Glasgow market, one of the key roles of the Scotland planning team was to negotiate the city council’s planning policy which does not account for PRS development. Therefore, the team led the discussions with the city council to ensure the necessary design elements were retained to ensure the viability of the proposal. Such issues included negotiation of amenity space, single / dual aspect ratios, car parking as well as apartment size requirements.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Imperial College London Portfolio Monitoring Iceni Projects work closely with Imperial College London to provide on-going bespoke monitoring services across their core and investment portfolios. Iceni’s day to day work involves providing strategic development advice in light of recent trends in the built environment combined with a particular focus on planning changes at a national, regional and local level and assessment of the impact of these changes on Imperial’s assets. This advice also sits alongside local level political and stakeholder monitoring. The output of this research is contained with a short, magazine style document which is combined with a monthly presentation and Q&A session on the recent updates. Working alongside the relevant Iceni teams, the monitoring service has led to the submission of representations at Local Plan consultation in support of Imperial’s assets and to the preparing of feasibility assessments and preparation of planning applications in line with strategic advice.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Joint Strategic Plan South West Herts The five local planning authorities within South West Hertfordshire (Dacorum Borough Council, Hertsmere Borough Council, St Albans City and District Council, Three Rivers Borough Council and Watford Borough Council) are working in collaboration with Hertfordshire County Council to consider what would be needed to develop a Joint Strategic Plan (JSP), with the intention to proactively plan for the area’s growth beyond 2036, up to and past 2050. Iceni Projects initially supported the six local authorities in South West Hertfordshire in preparing a Communications Plan to support the JSP programme, funded by the Planning Advisory Service (PAS). Following agreement of the Communications Plan, one of the early recommendations of the Plan was to deliver an initial piece of engagement with the community, prior to any formal work commencing on the development of the JSP. We led a digital engagement programme which focussed on gaining insight into priorities, issues and opportunities across the area. The aim was also to widen community participation early in the process, particularly amongst young people.


Our Projects


Our Projects

Richmond Street Townhouses | Manchester Iceni secured consent for a new townhouse development on Richmond Street, next to Canal Street, for the innovative and highly successful developer, Watch This Space. The scheme involved the comprehensive redevelopment of a derelict site to create seven three-bed townhouses with integral garages and one two bed maisonette apartment. The site is narrow and highly constrained; Iceni had to work collaboratively with the architect, Snook, to realise the development potential and come up with effective solutions to a number of challenges. The Richmond Street Townhouses are some of the first of their kind in Manchester City Centre, offering accommodation suitable for families, disrupting traditional city centre living and paving the way for more innovative city centre schemes


Our Projects


Our Projects

Sackville Road Hove Iceni Projects advised MODA Living and Audley on the redevelopment of the Sackville Trading Estate and Hove Goods Yard. The application, submitted in November 2019, consisted of 613 build to rent homes, 4,000 sqm flexible B1 office accommodation, a 265 unit specialist accommodation for older people, a health and wellbeing centre and retail floorspace on the 3.59 hectare site adjacent to Hove Station. Iceni’s team produced a One Planet Living strategy to accompany the application and to demonstrate the project’s commitment to delivering tangible sustainability outcomes during the design, construction and operational phases. Whilst a BREEAM pre-assessment was also provided, the One Planet Living strategy goes further, aiming to encourage new occupants and neighbours to make sustainable lifestyle choices, focussed on building a new, sustainable community in the heart of Hove. The commercial success of the build to rent market is dependent on maximising occupancy with low void periods, setting it apart from traditional housebuilding. To attract long-term residents, the quality of design, placemaking and wider community engagement is key. These factors go hand-in-hand with sustainable development principles and local authority objectives for the site, as the developer’s returns are focussed on the long-term operational success of the scheme, as opposed to sales. Through the use of a community heating system, utilising combined heat and power systems, the residential elements of the development were shown to achieve carbon dioxide emissions savings of over 20%, when compared to the Building Regulations baseline.


Our Projects


Our Projects

St Giles Circus London Borough of Camden As part of its ongoing work for Consolidated Developments, Iceni obtained a resolution to grant planning permission from Camden Council in March 2016 for the latest set of amendments to the approved £90m St Giles Circus development in the West End, alongside a number of new planning permissions and listed building consents for the development of the site. Designed by architects Orms, the revised scheme includes the delivery of two new primary street buildings on St Giles High Street, Andrew Borde St and Charing Cross Road, as well as the refurbishment of two listed buildings on Denmark Place. The larger of the two new buildings, which will total 9,290 sqm, includes a ground-breaking urban gallery which will provide a publicly accessible curated space incorporating 1,800 sqm of digital screens. The urban gallery will be used for a combination of brand launches, retail, advertising and screenings and will be operated in conjunction with a 2,000 capacity music and events venue contained within a 2,800 sqm basement box underneath the site. The smaller building, which will total 4,650 sqm, will include a mix of retail, leisure, hotel and office use, with rooftop restaurants and bars.


Our Projects


Our People

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Our People


Our People

Grace Wileman Futures Consultant M: 07807 350 354 E:

With her knowledge and experience of Geography and Sustainable Resources, Grace is well-placed to forge flexible solutions to the challenges of our ever-changing world. From formulating Sustainability and Energy Strategies, to designing Sustainable Drainage Systems, Grace is well-versed in advising on and analysing forward-thinking projects. She has worked on a wide range of projects, both individually and in collaboration with other consultant teams, ranging in size from single dwellings to major developments, and neighbourhood extensions. Alongside these, Grace has focussed on analysing the daylight and sunlight impacts of proposals, assessing the risk of flooding to future developments, advising on measures to mitigate and adapt to the changing climate, and developing waste and recycling strategies. Moving forward, she will also concentrate on delivering Biodiversity Net Gain, devising Circular Economy Strategies, and carrying out Whole Life Carbon Assessments. At the heart of Grace’s work is her drive to aid clients in achieving their sustainability-related goals and, in doing so, contribute to the much-needed move towards a more sustainable and resilient urban environment.


Our People


Archaeology | Built Heritage & Townscape | Design | Engagement | Futures | Impact Management | Landscape | Place | Planning | Transport

Birmingham: The Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT Edinburgh: 11 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH Glasgow: 177 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH Manchester: WeWork, Dalton Place, 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW iceni-projects iceniprojects iceniprojects

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