“The judges said this entry was a breath of fresh air to read. Iceni stood out as different, creative, colourful and innovative.
They’ve not been afraid to break away from the mould and be themselves, having developed their own successful and imaginative approach to clients and staff offering above and beyond what is expected from a large consultancy.
“The judges were especially impressed by Iceni’s tribal ethos, in the sense that they have created a culture which is staff focused and highlights the importance of their wellbeing above all else.”
RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2021
Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer.
We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the-job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.
The Industrial and Logistics sector is one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of property, and its impressive growth and evolution only increases the appeal to those involved. Our experience in the sector leaves us ideally positioned to provide our clients with the trusted advice they need.
The industrial market continues to be a leading light in property, responding to the ever changing habits and needs of people who increasingly expect goods to come to them – and not the other way around. Iceni has the proven track record and required knowledge and experience to give expert advice in this ever expanding sector, from the very large distribution facility to the local depot or distribution hub.
promoters/developers alike in determining the amount and type of space needed on a siteby-site, district-wide, or regional scale basis.
We provide specialist advice in the fields of archaeology; delivery; design; economics; EIA management; engagement; heritage; planning; sustainable development, townscape and transport. Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects.
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
From our offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, and Manchester, we deliver on a variety of schemes across the UK. Our services are offered from project inception through to occupation on site. We also have considerable knowledge in the assessment and need for employment floorspace to assist local authorities and site
The Colmore Building
20 Colmore Circus
Birmingham, B4 6AT
T: 0121 262 4148
Edinburgh 14-18 Hill Street
Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ
T: 0131 370 3486
Da Vinci House
44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH
T: 020 3640 8508
201 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 2LW
T: 0141 465 4996
WeWork, Dalton Place
29 John Dalton Street
Manchester, M2 6FW
T: 0161 509 2840
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer
James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning
Claire Cogar Director
Jonathan Stewart Director
Paul Drew Director
James Jaulim Director
Ian Mayhead Director
Sam Griffiths Director
Nick Ireland Director
Matt Kingham Director
Silke Gruner Director
James Waterhouse Director
Jamie Sullivan Director
Laurie Handcock Director
Paul McColgan Director
Nick Walker Director
Gemma Gallant Director
Philippa Curran Director
Callum Fraser Director
Chris Jones Director
Gary Mappin Director
Ian Gallacher Director
John Mumby Director
Kieron Hodgson Director
Leona Hannify Director
Lewis Westhoff Director
Lorna O’Carroll Director
Authority: n/a
Proposal: Due diligence portfolio review
Services: Planning
Status: Completed
Iceni Projects was instructed by Global Logistic Property (GLP) to undertake a due diligence portfolio review on the acquisition of the UK development pipeline of Gazeley (pre-planning / planning) portfolio in 2017/18.
The acquisition by GLP ultimately won ‘Corporate Deal of the Year’ at the recent 2018 Property Awards and represents access to the largest industrial development pipeline in the country. Iceni’s strategic level advice on the development potential and likelihood of success of individual sites across the country contributed towards a successful outcome in discussions.
Iceni’s portfolio review service provided a clear and concise format in which investors and those operating outside of the UK were able to use to review and analyse planning matters associated with each site. This included a review of: the historic planning decisions and conditions associated with each permission; legal obligations enforced by the Local Authority; state of implementation of development on each site; current and future zoning on each site; recommended actions and questions for clarity; and discreet liaison with relevant local authority personnel to obtain the most up to date position on each asset and provide appropriate planning strategy advice.
This service served to add value to the acquisition by providing an independent opinion on planning matters associated with the portfolio. Our commercial and strategic capabilities allowed us to identify key opportunities to diversify the current planning position on a number of sites, which could be influenced by national and local infrastructure changes, including HS2.
Authority: Milton Keynes Council
Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to deliver 2 new warehouses
Services: Planning | Engagement
Status: Under Construction
Iceni acted as lead consultant on the preparation and submission of a planning application for the intensification of the site to provide 24,000 sqm of B1c and/ or B8 uses with ancillary offices on an allocated employment site.
The team successfully overcame a number of key considerations for the proposal such as design (height, bulk and massing) and technical constraints associated with the adjacent wildlife corridor designation, highways and drainage.
The application was unanimously approved at Planning Committee in October 2020.
The team are currently working with GLP and a prospective occupier to incorporate amendments to the units to meet their operational requirements.
Authority: Hinckley and Bosworth and NW Leicestershire
Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to provide c. 1mill sqft of industrial space
Services: Planning | Transport
Status: Approved (Ongoing)
Iceni is providing strategic planning advice to Curtis Hall on the remediation and redevelopment of the 143-hectare site, known as the former Nailstone Colliery. The site is located cross-boundary between Hinckley and Bosworth Council, with the remainder in North West Leicestershire.
The proposals comprise approximately 100,000 sqm of B8 and B1 floorspace, and the economic uplift in the site value will enable the restoration of the former Colliery with the creation of a country park, with ecological enhancement and public access managed together.
The development benefits from Outline Planning Permission and Iceni, working alongside the wider Design Team secured approval for the reserved matters in 2015. Enabling work commenced on site in Spring 2016 following approval of the pre-commencement conditions for Phase one, and Iceni is continuing to work alongside the Design Team to ensure subsequent phases can be implemented in the near future.
An application for a new highways access has recently been approved by Iceni which will significantly improve traffic management and the desirability of the site for prospective end user.
Authority: Thurrock Council
Proposal: Provision of new large-scale employment space
Services: Planning | Transport | EIA | Engagement
Status: Approved
Iceni Projects was appointed by Cogent Land LLP to promote Ponds Farm through the plan-making process and to advance an outline planning application, with a supporting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Iceni Projects advised on planning; EIA co-ordination and transportrelated matters.
The outline planning application sought up to 38,686m2 of employment floorspace and a new means of vehicular access. In determining the outline application, the Planning Committee supported the employment benefits of the site; the defensible boundaries of the site; its strategic positioning and that the site was identified in emerging planning policy. Given the positioned of the site in the Green Belt it was subsequently referred to the Secretary of State who confirmed that it was not necessary to “call in” the planning application.
Whilst the site had inherent constraints of being positioned in the Green Belt, which required a robust planning case to be made (with a support Environmental Impact Assessment) it was well positioned next to the Strategic Highway Network (the M25 and A13 corridors). The site is also situated with close proximity to London Gateway Port and the Port of Tilbury. The site also has the potential to provide up to 900 full time jobs.
Since securing planning permission the site has been acquired by SEGRO, with the unit being leased to Ocado for a new Customer Fulfilment Centre.
Authority: Norwich City Council and Broadland District Council
Proposal: 79,000sqm industrial and office space for aviation industry.
Services: Transport
Status: Approved (Ongoing)
Iceni’s Transport team helped secure planning consent for the proposed airside Norwich Aeropark at Norwich International Airport.
Planning consent was unanimously granted by the planning committees of both Norwich City Council and Broadland District Council for a 79,000 sqm site comprising hangar and office space which will be developed on 40 hectares of land to the north east of the main runway. It is anticipated that the completed development will provide over 2,200 jobs.
The first phase, which comprises 13,800sqm and an access road connecting to the A140 roundabout, will see Air Livery consolidate its UK business in Norwich, creating a total of 150 jobs. The plans were recognised as a great opportunity for providing much needed increased skilled and unskilled employment, and for putting Norwich at the forefront of the aviation industry.
Iceni’s Transport Team advised the client on transport matters producing a Transport Assessment to support the application which involved extensive consultation with the Local Authority and Highways Agency.
The proposals also included a phased package of Travel Plan measures for both the new Aeropark and also the existing Airport, which previously did not have the benefit of Travel planning.
Authority: Sheffield City Council
Proposal: Industrial and Urban Logistics park
Services: Engagement
Status: Approved (Ongoing)
Iceni Engagement delivered the community and political engagement programme for the development of industrial and logistics floorspace that will create an investment of up to £100 million.
The 19.3ha former Outokumpu stainless-steel manufacturing site has been unoccupied since 2011. Peel Logistics Property, a specialist UK logistics and industrial business, has proposed the development of up to 77,500sqm of B1c, B2 and B8 uses. Through a hybrid planning application, the industrial and logistics floorspace will provide office, industrial and storage and distribution workspaces.
Peel Logistics Property’s development of the site will create up to £100 million of investment which will enable the delivery of a design-led urban regeneration on one of the largest sits in Sheffield. This will create a wide range of job opportunities, up to 2000 to 3000 jobs, on a currently unused site. Alongside this it will also deliver wide ranging environmental improvements to the site and the wider area.
Iceni Engagement supported the pre-application planning process by delivering political engagement, including Councillor briefing meetings, community stakeholder engagement; a public consultation event and proactive and reactive media relations. A Statement of Community Engagement was produced to support the planning application submission.
Authority: Various Authorites
Proposal: n/a
Services: Transport
Status: Completed
Iceni Transport advised Ocado on all highways and transport matters relating to their new Customer Fulfilment Centres (CFCs) in Andover, Erith, Purfleet and Bristol which were their third, fourth, fifth and sixth CFCs to be built in addition to existing sites at Hatfield and Durdon.
CFC Andover in Walworth Business Park is a 240,000 sq ft facility with a capacity of 70,000 orders per week. CFC Erith, fronting the A2016 Bronze Age Way, is a 563,000 sq ft CFC with the capacity to handle in excess of 200,000 orders per week. CFC Purfleet, currently under construction adjacent to the A13/A1306, will be a 305,000 sq ft facility with the capacity to handle c. 100,000 orders per week. CFC Bristol will be a 150,000 sq ft facility with the capacity to handle c. 30,000 orders per week.
In addition to the CFCs, we have also advised Ocado on smaller local distribution centres (they call them spokes) in Bicester and Park Royal (also with SEGRO) and an express delivery site in Tuffnell Park.
Iceni Transport worked closely with each local authority, as well as TfL and Highways England as required, to consider the suitability of the level of parking proposed and also consider the impact of the increased parking on the surrounding highway network. For all sites, parking in excess of the maximum parking standards for a B8 use were secured to accommodate the short term high parking demand occurring before shift changeovers when staff due to start their shift and those finishing are on site at the same time.
Authority: Various Authorities
Proposal: Change of Use and redevelopment of employment sites
Services: Transport | Planning
Status: Completed
Iceni Transport and Planning teams, have advised Wrenbridge on numerous employment sites across the UK, including redevelopment of existing employment sites, change of use applications and construction of new developments on previously undeveloped land.
The majority of these are speculative applications for open employment use, typically facilitating B1c, B2 or B8 uses on the sites. For each site, Iceni Transport provide early advice on access and parking to aid in the due diligence process and provide full highways and transport advice for each site, undertaking all elements required to secure planning approval. Selected projects outlined below:
Crompton Way, Crawley – redevelopment of an existing employment site to provide two units with a combined GFA of 4,689m2 for B1c/B2/B8 use.
Beam Reach Park, Rainham – change of use application for the existing 3,500m2 unit to extend the use of the site from B1, B2 and ancillary B8 use to allow for B1, B2 and B8 use.
Crabtree Manorway North, Belvedere - redevelopment of previously undeveloped land to provide a 4,313m2 B1(c)/B2/B8 employment unit.
Picardy Manorway, Belvedere – development of previously undeveloped land to provide a 6,324m2 B1(c)/B2/B8 employment unit.
Authority: Leicester and Leicestershire Districts
Proposal: Study to consider the long term future requirements of the warehousing sector
Services: Economics
Status: Ongoing
Iceni directors, working with GL Hearn, led this ‘horizon scanning’ exercise to consider the long term changing nature of the warehousing sector in the centre of the UK, the largest market for super sheds.
The report considers the big change to the sector such as decarbonisation, e-commerce and automation. It identifies a floorspace requirement to 2040 for large scale warehousing across the county and how this could be accommodated, using a range of techniques and acknowledging the surging demand in online retail that has been fast forwarded by Covid-19. The changing nature of warehouse employment is discussed, emphasising the increased focus on technical jobs over lower skilled and lower paid work that is driven by the sectors automation and efficiency.
The report provides an important forward looking position statement for the logistics industry which has become a nationally critical sector. It reviews the changing nature of the sector and how this affects property requirements in terms of size and height of units, their functions and preferred locations and how this affects the replacement demand for new properties. The study was producing in close consultation with leading industry partners
Authority: Milton Keynes Council
Proposal: S73 application to incorporate amendments to the existing unit/ full planning application for a new unit.
Services: Planning
Status: Under Construction
The 6.37 hectare site is located on the eastern side of the Milton Keynes Eastern Expansion Area, to the north of the existing Magna Park Logistics Park.
GLP sought to amend the layout of the current warehousing unit, reducing the yard/ parking area and relocating the drainage attenuation pond to create space for a smaller additional c. 8,000 unit. This required a S73 application for the amendments to the original scheme and full planning application for the new unit.
The team worked closely with the Council to overcome landscaping and highways issues and both applications were approved under delegated powers in August 2020.
Authority: London Borough of Haringey
Proposal: Redevelopment to provide 8 industrial/ warehouse units
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni are advising SEGRO on the redevelopment of a 3.2 hectare area of employment land in a key Locally Significant Industrial Site in the London Borough of Haringey. The proposals seek to deliver an exemplar urban logistics scheme and intensify the use of the site whilst achieving a more positive relationship to neighbours.
The development includes over 17,000 sqm of flexible B1(c)/B2/B8 floorspace over 8 units of varying sizes in order to maximise the potential tenants that can be accommodated. The proposals will be of a high quality design and incorporate measures to maximise sustainability benefits, enhance the local public realm, provide a pleasant working environment and minimise impacts on neighbours.
The proposals were informed by extensive work to consider the relationship of the development to nearby residential dwellings, as well as engagement with key stakeholders, officers, politicians and local residents.
The planning application was approved in December 2020. Iceni led the planning aspects of this scheme and coordinated the planning submission, as well as providing an economic assessment of the benefits of the development.
Authority: Milton Keynes Council
Proposal: Reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission (12/02204/ MKPCO) for a distribution warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (total floor area of 53,370 sqm) and associated access, multi-storey car parking, manoeuvring areas and landscaping.
Services: Planning
Status: Completed
Iceni secured reserved matters approval for Plot 510 (known as ‘Altitude’) at Magna Park to meet the operational needs of a prospective occupier.
The development consisted of a large distribution warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices, providing a total floor area of 53,370 sqm. Construction is now completed, in accordance with the outline planning permission and reserved matters approval.
Iceni worked closely with GLP and the prospective occupier’s own team to agree new additions and amendments to the approved scheme in order to satisfy their specific requirements. The team successfully overcame a number of key considerations associated with the amendments, including trees, ecology, parking, lighting and landscaping. These were all successfully resolved and permission was granted in February 2019.
Iceni Transport advised Qatar Navigation on all highways and transport matters relating to a new Logistics Park built on previously undeveloped land as part of a wider industrial zone development on the outskirts of the city.
The 100 acre site includes over 134,500m2 of warehouse space, lorry parking for 244 lorries, accommodation for 4000 employees, a mosque and a clinic. As well as advising on the transport matters associated with the development this project also included design of a new dual carriageway and access from it to serve the site.
Iceni advised AG Thames Holdings on their application to extend their existing 13,378m2 food distribution centre in Thames Road, Crayford to provide a unit almost twice the size with a total area of 26,227m2.
Iceni worked closely with officers in the London Borough of Bexley to agree that no mitigation was required to existing junctions to accommodate the additional trips associated with the development.
In addition to industrial, logistics and other employment provision, we also have significant experience of mixed-use projects, including residential, employment, and other commercial and community uses, for example:
Iceni was instructed by Greystar to lead the preparation of a detailed application at the former GSK headquarters site in LB Ealing.
This application obtained approval for a residential-led mix of uses including: 1,965 new homes (including an element of affordable housing); 21,443 sqm of flexible commercial and community floorspace in use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and / or D2, a new two-form entry primary school, new pedestrian bridge across the canal, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works.
Our role on this is to support our client in maximising the value of their investment during the planning stage. A number of our clients have obtained former industrial brownfield sites in lower value areas. In the case of this site, Iceni are advising Dagenham Dock Limited, on the extensive redevelopment of the 20-hectare site at Dagenham Dock.
Iceni are advising on the preparation of a comprehensive, phased masterplan to facilitate the development of c.3,000 new homes and supporting commercial and community infrastructure.
Iceni coordinated the submission of a planning application to redevelop this large site in the centre of Norwich. The new scheme will provide two new central Plazas designed to significantly enhance pedestrian and cycle movements through the site in a legible and safe manner. It will include residential, cinema and retail space.
Acting for Consolidated Developments, Iceni advise on the St Giles Circus development in the West End. The scheme includes a ground-breaking urban gallery which will provide a publicly accessible curated space incorporating digital screens, in conjunction with a 2,000 capacity music and events venue and a mix of retail, leisure, hotel and office use, with rooftop restaurants and bars and the refurbishment of two listed buildings.
Iceni have been instructed by Green Monarch (Investors) and Catalyst Capital (Assets Manager) as the Planning Consultant, to lead on the planning application strategy and submission for the redevelopment of the Queensmere and Observatory Shopping Centres – in redeveloping the site for c. 1,000 residential units and over 750,000 sq.ft of new retail, leisure, and commercial floorspace. The scheme will also deliver enhanced public realm, in helping to regenerate the town-centre as a whole – and reinstate Slough’s Regional status.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07753 222 920
E: mkinghan@iceniprojects.com
Matt has a range of experience in economics, spatial planning and regeneration.
Matt joined Iceni Projects in 2020 and is a Director within our Economics Team. He previously led the Economic Planning Team at GL Hearn. His key strengths are in economic planning and evidence base work including employment land and commercial demand reviews, social and economic impact assessment, developing economic & industrial strategies, and Green Book business case appraisal. His experience ranges from urban renewal and town centre redevelopment proposals through to greenfield strategic sites and new settlements.
Matt’s recent project experience include assessing the economic and employment effects of major infrastructure projects including the expansion of Luton Airport and HS2 Phase 2b. He has undertaken economic assessments for Homes England to justify key site acquisitions through HE’s Land Assembly Fund which has included assessment of land value uplift benefits. He has also been involved in developing the business case for HIF funding bids for number of schemes.
He advises local authorities across England on economic development needs and opportunities for economic growth, from the Liverpool City Region to future of warehousing in Leicestershire and housing and economic needs on the Sussex Coast.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07875 672 061
E: agale@iceniprojects.com
Clients value Andrews’ balanced approach and trust him to obtain the best outcome.
Andrew was schooled in the ‘art’ of town planning whilst working for two local authorities, Tunbridge Wells and Canterbury, in Kent. This experience taught him early and valuable lessons in how the UK planning system and development industry interact. He has continued to develop his professional and commercial skills having worked as a planning consultant in several large multi-disciplinary firms.
His previous role was as a Partner at Drivers Jonas Deloitte, where he led a team focusing on large-scale residential and mixeduse developments. He acts for landowners and local authorities through to niche-developers and national house-builders.
Complex and demanding projects, where clients’ expectations and requirements have to be judged against both policy and political influences, is where Andrew thrives most. He brings many years’ experience from both a public sector and large-corporate perspective and leads the planning side of the Iceni business.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07807 773 885
E: imayhead@iceniprojects.com
Ian shares the leadership of the Urban Planning team, and specialises in the delivery major regeneration projects. His work ranges from largescale redevelopments on brownfield land, with particular knowledge of Build to Rent (such as Greenford Quay for Greystar) and Industrial and Logistics developments (such as Magna Park MK and Willen House for Gazeley). His skills lie in the management and motivation of project teams to coordinate and manage the planning application process for schemes of all sizes, from inception to completion on site.
Ian initially graduated in Geography and Applied French and went on to complete a Master’s degree in Planning, Policy and Practice from South Bank University. He went on to work as part of the team who represented the Olympic Delivery Authority and subsequently the London Legacy Development Corporation to deliver the Olympic Stadium and Media Complex on time and on budget.Compendium’ (English Partnerships) and Sustainable residential Quality (Government Office of London).
Ian joined Iceni Projects to assist on the delivery of a wide range of commercial, residential and mixed-use projects. Ian’s key strengths lie in his interpersonal skills and his ability to develop positive relationships with officers, stakeholders, and members of the project teams to achieve the best possible outcome for proposed developments.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07713 466192
E: pdrew@iceniprojects.com
Paul has a broad range of creative knowledge which he has developed over 35 years.
For the last 22 years he has been an urban designer and masterplanner working on a wide range of services producing designs for strategic growth and urban regeneration.
He leads the Iceni Projects Design Team where ventures include urban design frameworks for new settlements, urban extensions, mixed-use and urban renewal schemes.
This means continuing to work for the public and private sector with his passion for visualising designs, showing concepts and principles through design codes, design guides and design reviews. Critically the role is to help local stakeholders and communities understand design and its affect on their neighbourhood.
Previously Paul worked on the formation of design policy, both nationally and in London; such as ‘Better, Places to Live’ (DETR) and the ‘Urban Design Compendium’ (English Partnerships) and Sustainable residential Quality (Government Office of London).
When not engrossed in design, Paul peruses other aesthetic enquiries, often in art galleries or looking at international best practice in design.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07771 394 497
E: smills@iceniprojects.com
Clients appreciate Stuart’s attention to detail and ability to make the strongest possible case to achieve their goals.
Stuart joined Iceni Projects in 2015, having relocated to London from Hertfordshire. He is working on a range of residential, commercial and mixed-use developments, ranging from smaller scale redevelopment schemes to major urban extensions.
Stuart began his planning career with a brief spell at Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners in Newcastle following his MSc at Newcastle University, before joining JB Planning Associates in Stevenage in 2012. During this time he worked on a wide variety of projects for major house builders, investors, commercial operators and public sector clients.
His experience includes projects across London, the south-east and east of England, taking a leading role in the preparation of planning and listed building consent applications, co-ordinating multi-disciplinary teams, and providing technical input on matters such as housing land supply. Recent projects have involved major town centre mixed use schemes, industrial/ warehouse developments and the promotion of strategic sites through the Local Plan process, including representing clients at Examination. He also takes a keen interest in policy and legal aspects of planning, and has gained experience in the preparation of evidence for a successful Judicial Review against a Local Authority.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07875 681 532
E: locarroll@iceniprojects.com
Lorna utilises an analytical approach and attention to detail to deliver positive results for clients
Lorna joined Iceni Projects having worked within the Economics and Regeneration Team at a leading London based planning consultancy.
The focus of her work is producing and advising on socio-economic impact assessments for a wide range of development projects including residential, commercial, mixed-use and transport uses to support planning applications and to form part of Environmental Impact Assessments. She also has experience in preparing health impact and equality impact assessments for major projects.
Lorna has also led on the preparation and submission of planning applications –co-ordinating multi-disciplinary project teams and successfully negotiating with local planning authorities.
She also has experience promoting strategic housing and employment sites through the local plan process and has undertaken employment land, local economic assessments and growth option studies for both public and private sector clients, drawing on her aptitude to decipher technical evidence.
Lorna’s strengths include strategic thinking, strong analytical skills, attention to detail and an ability to effectively communicate technical information.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07817 735 309
E: cburbridge@iceniprojects.com
Clive is a transport planner with circa 30 years’ experience. Clive joined Iceni Projects in 2010 to set up the Transport Team, and has been an integral part of the Company’s subsequent expansion. He is also a member of the Quality Review Panel for Essex, providing independent reviews.
Clive originally took a BSc (Hons) Planning degree with spells at the London Borough of Redbridge and London Borough of Havering within the Development Control Departments. Thereafter he became a transport planner working for Kent County Council (KCC), during which time he obtained an MSc in Transport Planning. During the 5 years at KCC he worked on a wide range of diverse projects including the widening of the M2, the Channel Tunnel and Bluewater Shopping Centre.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07795 614 307
E: pcurran@iceniprojects.com
Philippa has the ability to work successfully with communities and local authorities to deliver high quality projects
Philippa is an experienced consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the field of strategic planning and engagement. She has been responsible for a range of planning, engagement and masterplanning work in the UK with extensive experience of public engagement and participation, preparing masterplans, development feasibility studies and regeneration strategies. She is an experienced project manager and regularly assists in brokering relationships between the public and private sector.
Philippa oversees a number of the growing public sector commissions within Iceni.
Recent project experience includes assisting The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to engage with communities in North Kensington, supporting engagement work in relation to the preparation of Joint Strategic Plans and preparing a number of masterplans and delivery strategies for key sites in Melton for Melton Borough Council. Her wider experience includes the Leatherhead town centre masterplan and delivery strategy for Mole Valley, the Caterham town Supplementary Planning Document for Tandridge District Council and the Twickenham Area Action Plan for The London Borough of Richmond, all of which are now in the process of being delivered. She has written numerous articles for trade press on the future of town centres and the high street.
The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.
The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.
iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.
The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help.
iSite wont be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.
To discuss iSite please email isite@iceniprojects.com
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPFbased assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective.
The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard.
The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commissionaims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment.