Iceni Projects - Norfolk Showcase

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Introduction Our Team Our Experience Other Projects Added Value

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“The judges said this entry was a breath of fresh air to read. Iceni stood out as different, creative, colourful and innovative. They’ve not been afraid to break away from the mould and be themselves, having developed their own successful and imaginative approach to clients and staff offering above and beyond what is expected from a large consultancy.

“The judges were especially impressed by Iceni’s tribal ethos, in the sense that they have created a culture which is staff focused and highlights the importance of their wellbeing above all else.”

RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2021

An Introduction to Iceni Projects

A Multi-skilled Consultancy

Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. From our offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, and Manchester, we deliver on a variety of schemes across the UK.

We have always sought to provide the “skills of a planner with the instincts of a developer”. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.

We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and onthe- job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate.

We are able to provide specialist advice in the fields of archaeology; built heritage and townscape; delivery; design; EIA management; engagement; landscape; planning; sustainable development and transport. Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects.

To Iceni, thinking strategically is what we fundamentally believe to be the right way of doing things; to assess needs, evaluate constraints and maximise opportunities. It’s about having a strategic vision for a site, often looking beyond the immediate constraint of development management policies, and utilising a diverse range of skills to deliver large scale infrastructure and development projects.

We have the expertise to deliver strategic planning at a sub-regional and local level, advising local authorities on evidence and strategy development across England. Our services include advising local authorities on aligning their evidence on housing need and economic growth, to deliver a collaborative approach to strategic planning.

Norwich Aeropark
Anglia Square
Garden Farm

Your Strategic Adviser

Birmingham The Colmore Building 20 Colmore Circus Birmingham, B4 6AT T: 0121 262 4148

Edinburgh 7 Alva Street Edinburgh, EH2 4PH T: 0131 370 3486


201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW T: 0141 465 4996

London Da Vinci House 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH T: 020 3640 8508

Manchester Dalton Place 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW T: 0161 509 2840


The Team Structure of Iceni

Ian Anderson Chief Executive

Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer

James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning


Claire Cogar Director


Laurie Handcock Director

Nick Walker Director


Jonathan Stewart Director

Paul Drew Director


Nick Ireland Director

Matt Kinghan Director

Paul McColgan Director


Gemma Gallant Director

Philippa Curran Director


James Jaulim Director


Silke Gruner Director


Callum Fraser Director

Chris Jones Director

Gary Mappin Director

Ian Gallacher Director

Ian Mayhead Director

James Waterhouse Director

Kieron Hodgson Director

Leona Hannify Director

Lewis Westhoff Director

Lorna O’Carroll Director

Nick Grant Director

Simon Fowler Director


Clive Burbridge Director

Fred Peters Director

Mike England Director

Rob Amey Director

Jamie Sullivan Director

John Mumby Director

Introduction Our Team Our Experience Other Projects Added Value

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T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07967 630 348


Ian is always seeking to identify opportunities to add value for his clients, and to further the growth of Iceni Projects.

Having previously been a director at Town Planning Consultancy and in turn RPS, Ian has experienced working for both private-run and PLC planning firms. Ian worked for a private property company, led by two entrepreneurs, where he both acquired sites and managed them through the planning process.

Ian has taken the key ingredients that made those businesses successful and instilled them into the fabric of Iceni: A business mind-set characterised by hard work, strategic vision, common-sense, topical awareness, and speed of thought.

Ian relishes working with clients, be that on-site identification, business planning or project strategy. Ian currently works on a range of strategic, retail, and residential projects, and also serves in an advisory capacity to a number of property companies.

James Jaulim Director, Planning

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07799 369 968


James is a driven and


focused town planner with extensive experience on a wide variety of development projects.

James joined Iceni Projects having previously worked at a London based planning consultancy and within client organisations, including the Olympic Delivery Authority and at Heathrow Airport Limited on the Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO) project.

He has a proven record of providing planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) advice, managing and working within large, multidisciplinary teams, and developing and co-ordinating planning and environmental strategies. His experience spans infrastructure, residential and commercial developments at the pre-application, determination and delivery stages of projects.

He has significant experience working with local planning authorities and negotiating with key stakeholders. With strong communication skills, he is adept at delivering complex consents, often within tight deadlines.

He is a Chartered Town Planner (RTPI) and Practitioner member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07736 314 143


James combines his planning and project management skills to deliver results.

James principally works on larger, strategic planning applications, often accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment. This frequently involves site promotion, allocation, the co-ordination of planning application submissions and, where necessary, appeal work.

Before joining Iceni Projects, James began his planning career working for the Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation, whose remit was to help with the largest regeneration project in Europe. This included managing the production and implementation of six area action plans and successfully challenging the East of England Plan, which culminated in its formal revision. He was instrumental in the determination of numerous largescale planning applications for residential and employment uses on strategic Green Belt and brownfield sites, which, in most instances, were heavily constrained.

James has over 15 years planning and project management experience which is supported by a MRTPI accreditation and a PRINCE2® practitioners qualification. James has also completed an MBA with distinction at Henley Business School.

Lorna O’Carroll Director, Planning

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07875 681 532


Lorna utilises an analytical approach and attention to detail to deliver positive results for clients

Lorna joined Iceni Projects having worked within the Economics and Regeneration Team at a leading London based planning consultancy.

The focus of her work is producing and advising on socio-economic impact assessments for a wide range of development projects including residential, commercial, mixed-use and transport uses to support planning applications and to form part of Environmental Impact Assessments. She also has experience in preparing health impact and equality impact assessments for major projects.

Lorna has also led on the preparation and submission of planning applications – co-ordinating multi-disciplinary project teams and successfully negotiating with local planning authorities.

She also has experience promoting strategic housing and employment sites through the local plan process and has undertaken employment land, local economic assessments and growth option studies for both public and private sector clients, drawing on her aptitude to decipher technical evidence.

Lorna’s strengths include strategic thinking, strong analytical skills, attention to detail and an ability to effectively communicate technical information.

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Norwich Aeropark


Iceni’s Transport team helped secure planning consent for the proposed airside Norwich Aeropark at Norwich International Airport. Planning consent was unanimously granted by the planning committees of both Norwich City Council and Broadland District Council for a 79,000 sqm site comprising hangar and office space which will be developed on 40 hectares of land to the north east of the main runway. It is anticipated that the completed development will provide over 2,200 jobs.

The first phase, which comprises 13,800sqm and an access road connecting to the A140 roundabout, will see Air Livery consolidate its UK business in Norwich, creating a total of 150 jobs. The plans were recognised as a great opportunity for providing much needed increased skilled and unskilled employment, and for putting Norwich at the forefront of the aviation industry.

Iceni’s Transport Team advised the client on transport matters producing a Transport Assessment to support the application which involved extensive consultation with the Local Authority and Highways Agency. The proposals also included a phased package of Travel Plan measures for both the new Aeropark and also the existing Airport, which previously did not have the benefit of Travel planning.

Garden Farm


Iceni successfully secured planning permission on behalf of Generator Group LLP for 75 residential units together with associated accesses, public open space and community facility at appeal.

The main focus areas were: (1) housing land supply; (2) the sustainability credentials of the settlement, and (3) whether the proposals would be premature in the context of the Local Plan.

It was concluded that the proposal would bring about significant benefits in the provision of new homes including affordable

Units, and this is not outweighed by any adverse effects of the proposal.

Iceni were instructed on planning, social-economics and transport related matters.

Anglia Square


Iceni secured a resolution to grant consent for the phased redevelopment of a large site in the centre of Norwich, which is currently occupied by a dated 1970s District Shopping Centre site, through working closely with Norwich City Council. This included consent for up to 1,250 homes; 11,350 sqm of hotel floorspace; 9,850 ground floor flexible retail, services, food and drink, office; 1,150 sqm commercial floorspace; a new place of worship; and a new cinema.

The new scheme will provide two new central Plazas designed to significantly enhance pedestrian and cycle movements through the site in a legible and safe manner. It will be defined by a new ‘Landmark Tower’ of up to 20 storeys in height, which will be one of the tallest building in Norwich alongside the Cathedral spire.

Iceni were responsible for the preparation of the Planning Application, accompanying Environmental Statement and Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment. Delivery services included development consultancy, planning and development viability and was critical in attracting in excess of £12 million in grant from Homes England.

Greater Cambridge Employment Land & Economic Development Evidence 2019 / 2022

Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (South Cambridgeshire DC)

Iceni has been leading the preparation of economic and employment land advice to the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service. Our work has included detailed work with the Councils, Cambridge Econometrics and local stakeholders to consider the performance and growth potential of the Greater Cambridge Economy including the development of scenarios for future economic growth to 2040.

We have then provided advice on employment land provision, including considering the economic role and floorspace provision in different strategic development locations. Our conclusions on future economic performance are a key driver of the scenarios for housing need, and we have been advising the partnership on overall housing provision.

An initial assessment was completed in 2020; and Iceni has been re-engaged to update the analysis and conclusions in 2022. In addition Iceni staff have led advised local authorities across Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk on the need for different types of homes.

This joint evidence is intended to inform and support the preparation of Local Plans across the sub-region.

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LB of Ealing

Iceni was instructed by Greystar to lead the preparation of a detailed application at the former GSK headquarters and former Sunblest bakery site in the London Borough of Ealing.

This application obtained approval for a residential-led mix of uses including: 1,965 new homes (including an element of affordable housing); 21,443 sqm of flexible commercial and community floorspace in use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and / or D2, a new two-form entry primary school, new pedestrian bridge across the canal, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works. Iceni has coordinated the planning application submission, including the Environmental Impact Assessment.

The application was submitted in September 2016 following engagement with the local community, Council and GLA and approved at Committee in March 2017.

Iceni continues to act through the construction process with regards to the necessary planning conditions to enable prompt delivery on site, and most recently obtained approval of a Minor Material Amendment for an additional 153 homes enabled by, and helping to facilitate, a modular build.

In addition to this, amendments to the scheme have incorporated changing the construction methods of the build to rent blocks to modular construction, amending the site’s landscaping scheme, and amending the triggers of Conditions to better suit the construction process, where necessary. Iceni are also managing the discharge of planning conditions as and when necessary to allow Greystar to deliver the scheme promptly on site.

Arena Essex, Lakeside London Strategic Land

Iceni Projects were instructed in late 2017 to submit a hybrid planning application for up to 2,500 dwellings; a new lido with ancillary café; community pavilion; mountain bike / pump track; primary school; convenience retail store; open space and transport upgrades. This planning application was submitted in November 2018.

The site is extremely challenging from a technical perspective and has a very large number of planning constraints. For this reason, the site has historically stalled, notwithstanding a singleissue review as part of the former Regional Spatial Strategy that identified the site as being well-placed to support growth around Lakeside Shopping Centre. These constraints include: Green Belt; existing uses (motorsport circuit); overhead pylons; protected cudweed; HSE consultation zones; being within an air quality management area; a susceptibility to noise from the A13 dual carriageway and M25 motorway; being in an area prone to highway blockages and as a former quarry site there are also significant topographical challenges.

In responding to the above, Iceni Projects prepared a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) that responded to the number and breadth of statutory and non-statutory consultees. This PPA was supported by Thurrock Council as the Local Planning Authority and is now being used as the basis for all PPAs in the Borough.

Consultees were also agreeable to several focused workshops that were framed around: (1) transport access; (2) the environment and ecology; (3) health and wellbeing; (4) amenities (e.g. noise, air quality, daylight / sunlight) and (5) utilities and water management. These workshops enabled inherent tensions between stakeholders to be unlocked and provided a platform to share the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be discussed. A separate business orientated group was set up with businesses in the Lakeside Basin as the largest amalgamation of retail space in Europe – so sensitive to any changes to the highway network.

West Horndon Settlement Extension Thurrock

West Horndon is a very special location with compelling characteristics of a new town.

It has an existing railway station that provides a direct link into Fenchurch Street, London in circa 28 minutes via C2C, together with wider access to Thurrock and Brentwood’s urban area. It has good road connections, with the A127, A128 and M25 nearby.

It benefits from the majority of the land being in one principal ownership, and a local authority that recognises the need for development. West Horndon is on London’s doorstep, but not reliant on the City for employment. Thurrock has the greatest potential for employment of any borough outside of London with DP World, Thames Enterprise Park and Port Tilbury in the Borough. And moreover, the longstanding community on the Brentwood side of the railway line will form an integral part of what we aim to achieve, where people are proud to call West Horndon their home.

However, EASL’s vision goes far beyond this. We passionately believe that it is possible to create an exceptional place, that is financially viable, contributes to the provision of infrastructure; delivers a positive return to our landowners, and ongoing benefits to the local authority and community it will come to serve. We shall achieve these objectives by applying good masterplanning and prudent asset management and development. West Horndon is a project for the long term. It takes a company with an 60 year heritage to understand that.

One Portal Way


Iceni Projects have been acting on behalf of the site owners Imperial College London and their appointed Development Managers Frame RE. The proposals are to redevelop the current employment site for the provision of much needed new homes, workspaces, shops, community space and public green spaces.

The site is strategically located between North v station and the Acton Elizabeth Line station, and within walking distance from the future HS2 hub in Old Oak, making it one of the best-connected areas in the UK. As a result, the area, which forms part of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC), has undergone dramatic change over the past few years.

One Portal Way is the largest and most centrally located site in North Acton. However, the site is currently inaccessible to the public being surrounded by security features, railings, parking and vehicle access points associated with the site’s current tenant Currys plc (formerly Dixons Carphone). Therefore the site presents a significant opportunity to bring about real and much needed change to the public realm offer in North Acton. The proposed scheme maximises the site’s potential to knit together other developments, forming a new vibrant place with a 1.8-acre central public garden.

The scheme comprises 1,325 new homes including homes for rent and sale, 35% of which will be affordable. On top of this, the scheme includes mix of co-living, coworking space, studio space and purpose-built workspaces.

Iceni Projects led the design team on the project and coordinated the submission of the planning application on our client’s behalf.

214 Oxford Street

Oxford Street

Having worked on 214 Oxford Street for the best part of 10 years, Iceni know this building and the issues like nobody else. Our clients have included Ingka Investments, IKEA, Arcadia, Nike, Miss Selfridge, Vans, Topshop, as well as other private individuals who have wanted to invest in the building.

We have advised on retail, office, last mile delivery, leisure, internal changes, external changes, intensifying servicing arrangements, signage, enforcement cases, and most recently, development opportunities at roof level for a new bar and restaurant overlooking Oxford Street.

From a long standing relationship with Arcadia, Iceni have been introduced to a wide range of businesses that have sought to invest in and enhance the building.

On behalf of Nike, we advised and obtained permission for their ambitious plans to transform their iconic Nike Town store from the standard retail experience to a “House of Innovation” store which would result in the London store becoming known globally, similar to their New York and Shanghai stores and proposed stores in Paris and Tokyo. This included a pioneering ‘last mile’ trainer delivery service.

On behalf of a world renowned bar, restaurant and club owner, in 2020/21 we advised and engaged in pre-application discussions with Westminster to develop a roof top bar and restaurant, which would rival some of the great rooftop uses in the City and along the South Bank.

We are currently advising Ingka Investments who are seeking to transform the building and introduce a new landmark IKEA store in the former Topshop unit.

On behalf of various occupiers, Iceni has also provided advice and obtained consents for numerous internal and external alterations associated with the retail uses, which has included the installation of a new shopfronts and signage along Oxford Street, Regents Street and Great Portland Street, and works to enable public access for the first time to the grand vaulted fourth floor space.

Nike Town

Oxford Street

Nike Town are one of the primary tenants at 214-236 Oxford Street. Their overarching ambition was to enhance their retail offer and the customer experience at the site, providing a bespoke retail offer which would extend their existing retail floorspace to the upper levels of this iconic Grade II listed building.

Iceni obtained planning permission for extensive works to the listed building and changes of use to enable a pioneering ‘lastmile’ trainer delivery service. The new floorspace will be used to create a new unique, interactive shopping experience, which would also be able to host promotional events, and for the first time provide public access to the grand vaulted fourth floor space within this Grade II listed building.

We have advised Nike Town in connection with their wider ambitions to transform their current retail operations at the Oxford Street site from the standard retail experience to a “House of Innovation” store which would result in Nike Town’s London store becoming known globally, similar to their current New York and Shanghai stores and proposed stores in Paris and Tokyo. Iceni demonstrated to Westminster Council that Nike Town’s ambition to transform the London store to a globally prestigious store would support the Council’s ambition to retain Oxford Street as the retail centre of London and a world class retail destination.

Iceni also provided advice and obtained planning permission for alterations to a ground floor retail unit on the corner of Oxford Street and Great Portland Street including installation of a new shopfront and signage along both frontages. The resulting proposal provides a new, high quality shopfront and improves access arrangements to the existing retail unit on this Grade II listed building.

Museum Street


We are currently advising Lab Tech on the comprehensive redevelopment of this prominent site in Holborn.

The site is currently occupied by 16 storey Travel Lodge hotel and a multi-storey NCP car park, representing one of the final available development sites in the wider St Giles regeneration area.

The site represents a rare Central London opportunity to bring forward an iconic development in the heart of one London’s most important opportunity areas. The site occupies a strategically important and prominent position within the opportunity area and is surrounded by several high-profile development sites that have either been built out or are in the planning pipeline.

Through these new developments, the area is be transformed into a thriving new mixed use community. We are currently working collaboratively with Camden Council, the GLA , TfL, Historic England and other key stakeholders through extensive pre-application discussions to bring forward a major mixed use development on the site.

The proposed development will deliver 35,000 sqm of new floorspace, comprising office, residential, retail, leisure, a 21 storey tower, the refurbishment of listed buildings fronting on to Oxford Street, and major public realm improvements.

St Giles Circus


As part of its ongoing work for Consolidated Developments, Iceni obtained a resolution to grant planning permission from Camden Council in March 2016 for the latest set of amendments to the approved £90m St Giles Circus development in the West End, alongside a number of new planning permissions and listed building consents for the development of the site. Designed by architects Orms, the revised scheme includes the delivery of two new primary street buildings on St Giles High Street, Andrew Borde St and Charing Cross Road, as well as the refurbishment of two listed buildings on Denmark Place.

The larger of the two new buildings, which will total 9,290 sqm, includes a ground-breaking urban gallery which will provide a publicly accessible curated space incorporating 1,800 sqm of digital screens. The urban gallery will be used for a combination of brand launches, retail, advertising and screenings and will be operated in conjunction with a 2,000 person capacity music and events venue contained within a 2,800 sqm basement box underneath the site. The smaller building, which will total 4,650 sqm, will include a mix of retail, leisure, hotel and office use, with rooftop restaurants and bars.

Incorporating the music heritage of Denmark Street, St Giles Circus is a culturally significant site set to benefit from the £1bn transformation of Tottenham Court Road station and the arrival of Crossrail.

Iceni have now been advising on the project for over 5 years and are currently managing all planning aspects of the project as the construction process nears completion. Throughout the construction process we have managed the discharge of all planning conditions, S106 obligations, additional listed building consents and secured permission for multiple amendments through S96a and S73 applications, working collaboratively with the Council throughout.

Gascoigne Estate

LB of Barking & Dagenham

Iceni Planning and Transport were instructed by East Thames Group and the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham in September 2013 to prepare a hybrid planning application to facilitate the regeneration and renewal of the Gascoigne Estate in Barking. Iceni were instructed to prepare a hybrid planning application comprising the demolition of 16 existing residential towers across the eastern portion of the estate and development of up to 1,575 new homes, two new schools and a range of supporting commercial and community uses. Iceni worked alongside two project architects; Allies and Morrison advising on the outline Masterplan and Levitt Bernstein advising on the detailed element for 421 new homes.

Iceni led negotiations with the GLA which principally focussed around the tenure mix proposed within the scheme. Key was justifying the change in tenure split and the socio-economic case for the removal of an 80% social rented residential development, and re-provision of a much higher proportion of private, shared-equity and rented homes.

The hybrid planning application was submitted in May 2014 which reflects a very short programme for a scheme of this scale. Planning approval was granted in October 2014 with unanimous political support.

Iceni are now retained to advise on various amendments to the scheme and submission of future reserved matters planning applications.

Gascoigne Estate (West), Barking

Iceni Planning and Transport are now also advising the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham on an outline planning application for 850 new homes on the western portion of the Gascoigne Estate, Barking. Working with Fraser Brown MacKenna architects, an outline planning application was submitted to the Borough and GLA in June 2017 and is currently pending determination.

Abbey Retail Park

Weston Homes Limited

In 2018 Iceni Projects were instructed, on behalf of Weston Homes PLC, to submit a full (detailed) planning application for the redevelopment of the former Abbey Retail Park in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

The proposals comprised a residential-led development for approximately 1,100 dwellings, flexible commercial and employment space, a community facility, and associated public realm (including a riverside plaza). This planning application was submitted in December 2018. The application was supported by an EIA including Socioeconomic, Health Impact and Heritage and Townscape technical assessments.

Elephant Park


Iceni Engagement have supported Lendlease through multiple Reserved Matters Applications on Elephant Park, the challenging redevelopment of the Heygate Estate in Elephant & Castle.

Ciron Edwards, Engagement Director, has coordinated all public consultation and community stakeholder engagement on the project for the past eight years. Extensive and consistent community and political engagement has helped the project move through the highly controversial masterplanning phase on the project that underwent high levels of public, political and media scrutiny, and onto a more productive phase where the last three Reserved Matters Applications have been granted planning approval under delegated powers.

Overall the project includes over 3,000 new homes, the largest new park in central London for 70 years, 31,750 sqm of business, retail, community and leisure space, and a new, council managed, leisure centre.

Iceni Engagement are pleased to be continuing to support Lendlease through the remaining phase of the project that is due to complete in 2025.

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Added Value


iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.

The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So, whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help.

iSite won’t be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.

Added Value



The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.

The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.

Iceni Futures: Smarter Sustainability

Added Value


In order to understand the townscape performance of development proposals and their potential effects on the sensitive environments, we recommend testing important townscape views using 3D London model Vu.City, available under Iceni’s software license. Vu.City allows development proposals to be understood within their context through a virtual ‘walk around’. This approach allows the townscape implications of a scheme to be understood at the earliest opportunity and design modifications to be tested quickly.

We can accurately place architects’ models into Vu City and provide a high level townscape and heritage commentary for the benefit of the client team. To be able to undertake tests, we will require the Architects to provide us with their 3D model exported as an FBX file. Detailed guidelines on the requirement are provided on the Vu.City website: https:// Importantly, files need to be geo-located. If the architect has any difficulty geo-locating or needs to provide geo-location details separately, we can work with Vu.City themselves to place it.

The public sector is increasingly adopting Vu.City, including London Councils, such as Lambeth, Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Westminster, and national bodies such as Historic England. The GLA confirmed recently that the Mayor is intending to provide a ‘publicly available’ 3D model of London by the end of the year, while the new London Plan places new emphasis on 3D virtual reality and other interactive digital models to inform plan-making and decision-taking, and to engage Londoners in the planning process.

Should you be interested in using this service, we would recommend a consultation with our Townscape Team to discuss a bespoke arrangement that would be most suited to the team as the scope of the proposed amendments progresses.

Added Value

Iceni Place

Sites don’t start with, and aren’t defined by, planning policy. They’re defined by people. And people bring a melting pot of ideas and opinions.

Not everyone will necessarily share the view that a site needs developing, regenerating or renewal, especially in areas undergoing massive amounts of change or those where nothing has happened despite the will to see it happen.

They are sites that often mean more to people than an abstract red line on an OS plan, where physical and social barriers override site boundaries. Where people have a connection to their incidental bit of city they call home.

They have a past, they have a present and a future. Just like people.

Iceni Place delivers an approach that welcomes all of these views, fears, hopes and dreams into a collaborative process built on listening. It starts with people, asking “What does success look like to you?” and ends with a legacy of better places.

Birmingham: The Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT

Edinburgh: 7 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH

Glasgow: 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW

London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH

Manchester: WeWork, Dalton Place, 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW iceni-projects iceniprojects iceniprojects

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