Iceni Projects | South Essex Showcase

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An Introduction to Iceni Projects South Essex Experience

Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. From our offices in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, and Manchester, we deliver on a variety of schemes across the UK.

We have always sought to provide the “skills of a planner with the instincts of a developer”. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.

We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and onthe- job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate.

We are able to provide specialist advice in the fields of archaeology; built heritage and townscape; design; EIA management; engagement; planning; sustainable development and transport.

Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects. To Iceni, thinking strategically is what we fundamentally believe to be the right way of doing things; to assess needs, evaluate constraints and maximise opportunities. It’s about having a strategic vision for a site, often looking beyond the immediate constraint of development management policies, and utilising a diverse range of skills to deliver large scale infrastructure and development projects.

We have the expertise to deliver strategic planning at a sub-regional and local level, advising local authorities on evidence and strategy development across England. Our services include advising local authorities on aligning their evidence on housing need and economic growth, to deliver a collaborative approach to strategic planning.

Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope
Gas Works Field, Stanford-le-Hope
Arena Essex, Lakeside Basin

Your Strategic Adviser


The Colmore Building 20 Colmore Circus Birmingham, B4 6AT T: 0121 262 4148

Edinburgh 14-18 Hill Street

Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ T: 0131 370 3486


201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW T: 0141 465 4996

London Da Vinci House 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH T: 020 3640 8508

Manchester Dalton Place 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW T: 0161 509 2840

The Team Structure of Iceni

Ian Anderson Chief Executive

Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer

James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning


Claire Cogar Director


Laurie Handcock Director

Nick Walker Director


Jonathan Stewart Director

Paul Drew Director


Nick Ireland Director

Matt Kinghan Director

Paul McColgan Director


Gemma Gallant Director

Philippa Curran Director


James Jaulim Director


Silke Gruner Director


Callum Fraser Director

Chris Jones Director

Kieron Hodgson Director

Leona Hannify Director

Lewis Westhoff Director

Lorna O’Carroll Director

Nick Grant Director

Simon Fowler Director


Clive Burbridge Director

Gary Mappin Director

Ian Gallacher Director

Ian Mayhead Director

James Waterhouse Director

Jamie Sullivan Director

John Mumby Director

Fred Peters Director

Mike England Director

Rob Amey Director

Our Projects: We are incredibly lucky to be trusted by our clients to look after their projects


Ponds Farm, Aveley, Thurrock


Land LLP

Iceni Projects was appointed by Cogent Land LLP to promote Ponds Farm through the plan-making process and to advance an outline planning application, with a supporting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Iceni Projects advised on planning; EIA co-ordination and transport-related matters.

The outline planning application sought up to 38,686m2 of employment floorspace and a new means of vehicular access. In determining the outline application, the Planning Committee supported the employment benefits of the site; the defensible boundaries of the site; its strategic positioning and that the site was identified in emerging planning policy. Given the positioned of the site in the Green Belt it was subsequently referred to the Secretary of State who confirmed that it was not necessary to “call in” the planning application.

Whilst the site had inherent constraints of being positioned in the Green Belt, which required a robust planning case to be made (with a support Environmental Impact Assessment) it was well positioned next to the Strategic Highway Network (the M25 and A13 corridors). The site is also situated with close proximity to London Gateway Port and the Port of Tilbury. The site also has the potential to provide up to 900 full time jobs.

Since securing planning permission the site has been acquired by Segro, who are developing as a design and build opportunity. The outline planning permission, secured by Iceni Projects provides flexibility to develop the sites in three ways, depending on the requirements of the tenant.

Kemps Farm, South Ockendon, Thurrock Loughton Development

Kemps Farm, South Ockendon provides a perfect opportunity to deliver up to 30 new custom-build homes in the Borough.

Kemps Farm is conveniently located to the north of South Ockendon. It is positioned near to the train station that offers regular services to key employment nodes across the Borough. The site has few planning constraints. It does not suffer from contamination; does not have any ecological interests, and is not in an area that is prone to flooding.

Kemps Farm also benefits from a recent planning history that confirms residential development in this location is sustainable. This support for development is this location has been driven by elected Members, and has been also be considered by the Secretary of State following a referral to the National Planning Casework Unit (NPCU).

Since construction has commenced on site improvements have been made to accessibility and utilities within the vicinity of the site. As a consequence, Kemps Farm is well equipped to deliver up to 30 new homes for those people that want to build their own homes.

Members resolved to approve the application subject to Section 106 Agreement in early 2021. A formal decision notice is expected in September 2021 with a reserved matters application following later this year.

South Ockendon Extension, Thurrock


South Ockendon is a town of contradictions. Where a historic settlement is interlinked with post-war prefabricated housing that was designed to be temporary, but has become cherished family homes; where warehousing designed for lorries sits next door to a railway station intended for people; where open space within the town offsets traffic that runs through it.

The local authority has ambitious plans for South Ockendon. From improving the public realm around the station, to alleviating traffic impact; from delivering new schools and community facilities to advancements in health and well-being. EASL is one of a number of companies working with the authority. On behalf of landowners, it controls a significant area of land on the eastern side of the existing town. EASL is committed to playing a collaborative role in the evolution of the town, and looks forward to contributing its own thoughts and ideas, alongside existing residents and other landowners.

Mardyke Farm, Nr Aveley, Thurrock


GSE Group

Iceni Projects is promoting a HGV park and electric vehicle charging for the GSE Group through the emerging Local Plan.

The GSE Group has experience in managing lorry parks in southeast England, including The Ashford International Truckstop. This secure facility has real-time information concerning parking provision, restaurant and cafés, shower facilities, laundry services and Internet access. The site is open 24hrs a day and provides an enclosed facility, with CCTV coverage, and security patrols.

The GSE Group is developing a remote internet based intelligent pre-booking system that will enable operators to pre-book a specific parking bay, not just ensuring that one is available but levels of security in compliance with the Brussels directive and segregation for hazardous goods, refrigerated loads, livestock etc.

This international programme will prevent unnecessary mileage, out of time running, illegal and inconsiderate parking also providing authorities policing HGV parking to have real-time information on availability allowing them to enforce the law and insisting the driver pre-pays to reserve parking in controlled sites.

The GSE Group has identified a potential HGV parking-facility site immediately adjacent to the M25 in Thurrock. The site is extremely well positioned, as not only directly alongside the M25 motorway, but also a short-distance from the A13. The site is also a short distance from several waypoints, including the Dartford electronic tolls, and the London Low Emission Zone.

Arena Essex, Lakeside London Strategic Land

Iceni Projects were instructed in late 2017 to submit a hybrid planning application for up to 2,500 dwellings; a new lido with ancillary café; community pavilion; mountain bike / pump track; primary school; convenience retail store; open space and transport upgrades. This planning application was submitted in November 2018.

The site is extremely challenging from a technical perspective and has a very large number of planning constraints. For this reason, the site has historically stalled, notwithstanding a singleissue review as part of the former Regional Spatial Strategy that identified the site as being well-placed to support growth around Lakeside Shopping Centre. These constraints include: Green Belt; existing uses (motorsport circuit); overhead pylons; protected cudweed; HSE consultation zones; being within an air quality management area; a susceptibility to noise from the A13 dual carriageway and M25 motorway; being in an area prone to highway blockages and as a former quarry site there are also significant topographical challenges.

In responding to the above, Iceni Projects prepared a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) that responded to the number and breadth of statutory and non-statutory consultees. This PPA was supported by Thurrock Council as the Local Planning Authority and is now being used as the basis for all PPAs in the Borough.

Consultees were also agreeable to several focused workshops that were framed around: (1) transport access; (2) the environment and ecology; (3) health and wellbeing; (4) amenities (e.g. noise, air quality, daylight / sunlight) and (5) utilities and water management. These workshops enabled inherent tensions between stakeholders to be unlocked and provided a platform to share the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be discussed. A separate business orientated group was set up with businesses in the Lakeside Basin as the largest amalgamation of retail space in Europe – so sensitive to any changes to the highway network.

A decision is expected in late 2021.

The Lakeside Basin, West Thurrock Hammerson Plc

Iceni Transport, working on behalf of Hammersons, were involved with the planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of land within the Lakeside Basin, West Thurrock. The planning consent allows for the development of commercial use (large foodstore with petrol filling station, restaurant, drive-through restaurant and community uses), as well as up to 320 residential units and associated highways improvements.

The approval follows significant consultation with Thurrock Council, and represents a multi-million pound investment into the local area. The proposed development will create homes and jobs, whilst contributing towards Thurrock Council’s objectives of transforming the Lakeside Basin into a new town centre, as well as assisting with the Council’s proposals for the West Thurrock Way Integration scheme.

Iceni’s Transport Team advised the client on transport matters producing a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan to support the application which involved extensive consultation with the Local Authority and Highways Agency (now Highways England). The proposals also included a package of mitigation measures in line with the council’s aspirations for the area.

West Horndon Settlement Extension


West Horndon is a very special location with compelling characteristics of a new town.

It has an existing railway station that provides a direct link into Fenchurch Street, London in circa 28 minutes via C2C, together with wider access to Thurrock and Brentwood’s urban area. It has good road connections, with the A127, A128 and M25 nearby.

It benefits from the majority of the land being in one principal ownership, and a local authority that recognises the need for development. West Horndon is on London’s doorstep, but not reliant on the City for employment. Thurrock has the greatest potential for employment of any borough outside of London with DP World, Thames Enterprise Park and Port Tilbury in the Borough. And moreover, the longstanding community on the Brentwood side of the railway line will form an integral part of what we aim to achieve, where people are proud to call West Horndon their home.

However, EASL’s vision goes far beyond this. We passionately believe that it is possible to create an exceptional place, that is financially viable, contributes to the provision of infrastructure; delivers a positive return to our landowners, and ongoing benefits to the local authority and community it will come to serve. We shall achieve these objectives by applying good masterplanning and prudent asset management and development. West Horndon is a project for the long term. It takes a company with an 60 year heritage to understand that.

Dansand Quarry, Orsett

Recycled in Orsett Ltd

Iceni Projects have been working on the site since 2012, including successfully extending and renewing the planning consent for the continued extraction from the quarry. Additionally, the planning permission for the quarry area now also includes recycling aggregates and other products, which was renewed for a period of 10 years and included the phased restoration of the site.

Key considerations included the site ecology (due to nesting birds), landscaping and neigbouring impacts on residential amenity. Transport was also a key matter due to the requirements for adequate site access, management arrangements and use of HGVs. Political engagement with local members was hugely important during the planning process.

Land to the East of Princess Margaret Road, Linford


It is probably the case that most people would need to check their Google maps to find exactly where Linford is. They might also need to double-check where East Tilbury is situated. And the name ‘Bata’ might evoke a distant memory of shoes, but without entirely knowing why.

EASL has researched the history of the area, but just as importantly, it has also seen the future. It has witnessed the gradual refurbishment and transformation of the former Bata Shoe Factory (now known as the Thames Industrial Estate), and how a series of Bauhaus-inspired listed buildings have begun to form the catalyst of change at East Tilbury. How new homes have been skilfully inserted into the natural and urban landscape, reaffirming the decision of a Czech industrialist in the 1920’s to site a railway holt in the south Essex marshes and build a new settlement around it. EASL has reviewed the exciting plans for the Thames Estuary as whole, and seen how a relatively isolated community could serve to be a focal point for growth, all within direct access of London by rail, and a multitude of local job opportunities, principally at Port Tilbury and London Gateway port.

Linford and East Tilbury is a proud community, with a proud past. Handled carefully, it can also have a proud future. EASL will be working with the community to ensure that East Tilbury and Linford benefits from planned strategic infrastructure – not least, Highways England’s proposals for the Lower Thames Crossing.

East Tilbury Settlement Extension Cogent Land LLP

Iceni Projects has a strong and committed presence in the Thames Estuary.

We have over a decades’ experience in helping our clients to deliver sustainable growth across the region. Iceni works constructively with developers, local communities and councils, as well as regional bodies and national government, to support the Thames Estuary in realising its ambitious growth potential.

Key to this is long-term, strategic thinking. This means linking employment hubs to new and existing communities, facilitating growth through infrastructure investment and delivering meaningful benefits in the places where development is taking place.

East Tilbury is a place that is strategically well-placed in the Thames Gateway. It is positioned to the east of London; is well connected by rail and the Strategic Highway Network (with the M25 and A13) and has an abundance of economic-led projects coming forward in the area – including London Gateway which is the single largest economic regeneration project in the UK.

Notwithstanding the opportunities that East Tilbury presents it is a settlement that has a rich history. The area has historically provided an important defensive role, with a number of military structures positioned alongside the River Thames. However, more recently, East Tilbury has been shaped through the presence of the Bata Shoe Company. The company was established by Thomas Bata, who had plans to form a British branch in the village. His plans were for an original masterplan in the international modern movement style, introducing innovative designs at the date. The buildings and locations were all carefully designed to work as a self-sufficient social mechanism.

Gas Works Field, Stanford-le-Hope

Persimmon Homes

Iceni Projects initially promoted Gas Works Field through the Local Development Framework and secured an allocation for housing in 2011. The site was previously in agricultural use and was positioned in the Green Belt.

In 2017, Iceni Projects submitted a detailed planning application on behalf of Persimmon Homes for 127 homes. In preparing the planning application the team worked closely with the local community, the Environment Agency and Thurrock Council’s ecological advisers.

Manorway, Stanford-le-Hope

C&S Associates

Iceni Projects secured planning permission for 153 homes in Stanford-le-Hope on a site known locally as Manorway. It is now in the process of seeking a reserved matters application to enable construction to commence.

The site is conveniently located to the north of the town centre and is a short walk to Stanford-le-Hope railway station, which provides regular services to London Fenchurch Street and Southend Central. Section 106 contributions from the scheme will provide for improved pedestrian access to the station and a link with the adjacent scheme that is due to shortly be developed by Persimmon Homes (Eastern) Ltd.

The proposals include a large amount of open space which also be used to invertebrate interest to develop.

In preparing the application, Iceni Projects worked closely with the Local Planning Authority to get the site identified in the Local Development Framework. This the required regular submission of representations and attendance at the Examination in Public (EiP).

Malgraves Farm, West Horndon, Thurrock Skye Strategic Land

Iceni Projects secured planning permission for 80 homes and a new hospice at Malgraves Farm for Skye Strategic Land.

The site is currently has two developers on site. Redrow Homes (Eastern) Limited are developing the residential component with the first homes expecting to be occupied by December 2019 and Skye Strategic Land are developing the hospice which is scheduled to be completed by late 2020.

The proposed hospice will be delivered by St Luke’s Hospice. St Luke’s Hospice is a charity which cares for people whose illnesses are no longer curable, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life during the final stages of their illness. St Luke’s Hospice care for patients through its in-patient unit, out-patient clinics and day care unit, and numerous supporting services, encompassing support from post diagnosis, bereavement and survivorship.

The consented scheme will bring significant benefits arising from the need for a policy requirement to positively respond to an aging population in Thurrock as well as an ability to prioritise the delivery healthcare improvements in Thurrock; the requirement to provide a 5-year housing land supply, as defined in the NPPF; the linkages to London Gateway Port and Logistics Park and Thames Enterprise Park; highway / safety improvements within the nearby vicinity; and a newly created publicly accessible open space, with enhanced ecological value.

Iceni Projects advised on community engagement; planning, and transportation.

Langdon Hills Golf and Country Club, Thurrock Rischo Leisure Limited

Langdon Hills Golf and Country Club is a prestigious facility in the heart of Thurrock. The 27-hole course has panoramic views over Essex and the London skyline.

The golf club also provides important community and civic space. Many residents of Thurrock and wider Essex have celebrated weddings, birthdays, Christenings and other functions at the club.

Notwithstanding the above, golf is changing to reflect wider societal changes. Golf clubs across the country have seen failing participation rates; members lacking time; family pressures and competing pressures from other sports and leisure activities. New potential members want action through shorter courses, technology, and updated food and beverage options. Members also want leisure options for the wider family, such as crèche facilities, a gym and pool.

In this context, Iceni Projects have worked with the Heronslea Group in preparing a hybrid planning application for the following:

Detailed approval sought for: a new golf academy (with driving range; tuition space and function space for 150 guests); a redesigned club house (with wellness / mindfulness centre, reception space; restaurant space; bar space; function space (for 250 guests); shop; storage space; gym; swimming pool and spa; changing rooms; office space; kitchens and food preparation areas and other ancillary space). The creation of a new health-led community to include: 85 no. bungalows for the over 55s (Use Class C2); 36 no. apartments for the over 55s (use Class C2); 42 no. extra care apartments and a 64-bed care home (Use Class C2), and 4 no. key worker apartments. Demolition of existing buildings (clubhouse, hotel and green keepers building) and supporting infrastructure to include: a reconfigured main car park; a new car park for the golf academy; new vehicular access from Lower Dunton Road; landscaping; new bowling green; new walkways; a new bus stop to serve Langdon Hills Golf Club / St Luke’s Hospice; erection of a security gatehouse and surveillance. Outline approval sought for: a new quick play golf course; up to 12 no. apartments (Use Class C3) and a new redesigned green keepers building”.

Doesgate Farm


Wright and Steve Spratt

Iceni Projects was instructed by EW & SS Trading Ltd to submit an application for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment for residential use (Use Class C3) comprising the construction of 5 detached dwellings with associated access and landscaping.

Doesgate Farm is a traditional farmhouse and is surrounded by a number of barns. These barns have been replaced throughout history and are were in a poor state of repair. The most recent was added between 1990 and 1995. The separated farmhouse is Grade II Listed. Other characteristics of the site include a 65-metre driveway, paraphernalia associated with equestrian uses and the storage of shipping containers.

The scheme will result in demolition of the existing barns, which will be replaced by five houses. The scheme has been designed sympathetically, with the technical and architectural team adhering to a strict brief. This was to ensure that the proposals do not have a greater harm on the impact of the openness of the Green Belt and that the scheme is respectful of the nearby Listed farmhouse.

Construction is due to commence in early 2022.

Greenwise Nurseries

Iceni Projects successfully secured planning permission for a 31 custom-build homes in Vange, Thurrock. The application site was allocated as Green Belt in the adopted Local Development Framework so required the preparation of a robust Very Special Circumstances case and referral of the planning application to the Secretary of State.

This was a first-of-its-kind in Thurrock and, therefore, the site has been promoted through the emerging Local Plan as well as through the pre-application process with Thurrock Council. This meant that when the application was submitted there were no objections from either statutory or non-statutory consultees. On this scheme it was also agreed with the Local Planning Authority that the scheme was best-placed to provide off-site affordable housing to be delivered directly by Thurrock Council.

Iceni Projects provided a strategic role in preparing the application – advising on planning, engagement, sustainable development, transport and design.

The outline planning application was accompanied by a comprehensive Design Code that was prepared by Iceni Projects. This restricts what can be built in terms of building heights, frontages, materials and other key design considerations. The scheme will also be controlled through the submission of reserved matters applications.

Press coverage:

Vange, Basildon


Like many new towns, Basildon has enjoyed both positive and negative headlines over the years, with much of the latter coming from people that have never cared to visit. Basildon, in the 21st century, is a town –and borough – led by an ambitious administration and skilled senior officer group, with a focus on transforming the town centre, maximising the borough’s excellent road and rail connections to London and the South East, and its key position at the heart of the Thames Estuary National Priority Growth Region.

London Road, Vange, exemplifies these characteristics. Located within easy access to Basildon Hospital, the A13 – with proximity to extensive employment opportunities within the borough as well as the nearby ports of London Gateway and Port Tilbury – nearby school and established community, the site is an ideal opportunity to provide a residential extension to the urban area of Basildon. Basildon needs a range of housing types and tenures, and London Road Vange is well suited to delivering small to medium sized family housing, together with a policy compliant mix of affordable homes.

Basildon Town Centre


Iceni Projects are assisting Infrared Capital Partners with their ongoing ambitions to invest in the future of Basildon Town Centre. An outline planning application is due to be submitted in late summer 2020, comprising enhancements to the Eastgate Shopping Centre, a modernised and reconfigured Asda Supermarket.

The proposals will consolidate the retail function and provide new leisure and commercial facilities to strengthen the viability of the town centre, alongside promoting the evening and night time economy. Living accommodation is also proposed through the delivery of approximately 2,800 new dwellings, to include market housing, affordable housing and third age living space. Importantly the proposals also include major landscape improvements, new public and private gardens and green area, play space and cycle routes through the town centre.

Beechwood, Basildon Swan Housing

The hybrid application for the £100 million regeneration of the 1960’s Craylands Estate in Basildon was granted permission in March 2017 for up to 587 dwellings and 5,424sqm of commercial floorspace. Iceni are now working on the reserved matters for the Central Phase of the development, on behalf of Swan Housing Association in co-ordination with its delivery partner NU Living. The development will utilise innovative off-site construction and delivery methods for the new modular homes from their new factory which can deliver up to 300 modular homes per year.

Iceni have also be working on various discharge of conditions, non-material amendments and reserved matters applications in relation to the West Phase of the development, which utilises a pioneering custom-designed approach to the delivery of new high-quality modular housing. This allows new owners to completely customise their new home from the house-type and layout, to the external finishes and brickwork.

Basildon Town Centre

InfraRed Capital Partners

Iceni Projects are advising InfraRed on their significant landholdings within Basildon Town Centre, including the Eastgate Centre, a multi storey enclosed shopping centre.

Basildon Council are open and honest about their aspirations for Basildon Town Centre, having recently instructed investigations into a new masterplan for the centre, which will replace an old Masterplan document of a few years ago. Having recently upgraded the western end of the Town Centre including the creation of a new market area and public space, focus has turned onto creating a new identity for Basildon Town Centre to enhance the retail provision, provide approximately 4000 new dwellings and promote the evening and night time economy. The enhancement of linkages between the Railway Station and the Town Centre is included in this vision.

Iceni are assisting InfraRed in their discussions with the Leader of the Council, the Regeneration and Planning Teams and other key stakeholders in devising proposals for the eastern end of the Town Centre. This will comprise the consolidation of retail and other commercial floorspace, creating a truly pedestrian environment for users of the centre, promoting a new business hub and building new residential units to address a critical shortfall of town centre living.

Fossett’s Growth Area, Southend

Cogent Land LLP

Iceni Projects is promoting land to the north of Southend, located in both Rochford and Southend boroughs as a cross-boundary strategic growth option.

Addressing the need for upfront infrastructure investment, the proposal for this land includes a deliverable Eastern access road for Southend. The Southend Eastern Access Road will address existing infrastructure failings, whilst simultaneously unlocking economic and housing growth in the important area around Southend Airport.

Iceni Projects has entered early discussions with both Southend and Rochford Councils to discuss this collaborative opportunity to address their housing and economic growth needs through the Fossett’s Growth Area.

Ford Experience South Essex


The Ford Dunton Technical Centre is one of the largest automotive Research and Development facilities in Europe. It is the global centre for Ford’s engine, transmission, and commercial vehicle engineering comprising a critical employment site within Basildon, Essex.

Iceni (Planning and Transport) have secured a number of planning permissions for additional, associated employment facilities for Ford employees. This has included a day nursery, offices and various extensions/modifications to existing buildings on site - in supporting the sites long-term growth and expansion. Through continuing to advise Ford on this asset, Iceni have built a very strong working rapport with senior officers at Basildon Borough Council (both within the Planning and Highways departments) and understand the local dynamics, opportunities and priorities of the area well.


The Ford Dunton Technical Centre is one of the largest automotive Research and Development facilities in Europe. It is the global centre for Ford’s engine, transmission, and commercial vehicle engineering comprising a critical employment site within Basildon, Essex.

Iceni (Planning and Transport) have secured a number of planning permissions for additional, associated employment facilities for Ford employees. This has included a day nursery, offices and various extensions/modifications to existing buildings on site - in supporting the sites long-term growth and expansion. Through continuing to advise Ford on this asset, Iceni have built a very strong working rapport with senior officers at Basildon Borough Council (both within the Planning and Highways departments) and understand the local dynamics, opportunities and priorities of the area well.

Our People: It takes more than good planning to secure positive outcomes

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07967 630 348


Ian is always seeking to identify opportunities to add value for his clients, and to further the growth of Iceni Projects.

Having previously been a director at Town Planning Consultancy and in turn RPS, Ian has experienced working for both privaterun and PLC planning firms. In turn, Ian worked for a private property company, led by two entrepreneurs, where he both acquired sites and managed them through the planning process.

Ian has taken the key ingredients that made those businesses successful and instilled them into the fabric of Iceni: A business mind-set characterised by hard work, strategic vision, commonsense, topical awareness, and speed of thought.

Ian relishes working with clients, be that on site identification, business planning or project strategy. Ian currently works on a range of strategic, retail, and residential projects, and also serves in an advisory capacity to a number of property companies.

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07736 314 143


James combines his planning and project management skills to deliver results .

James principally works on larger, strategic planning applications, often accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment. This frequently involves site promotion, allocation, the co-ordination of planning application submissions and, where necessary, appeal work. Clients include housebuilders, strategic funds and property companies. Recent successes include a Secretary of State decision for 605 homes in Ashby-de-la-Zouch; the first self/custom build scheme in England to be tested at inquiry, and the co-ordination and submission of three planning applications in Thurrock for a 4,250 new homes combined.

Before joining Iceni, James began his planning career working for the Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation, whose remit was to help with the largest regeneration project in Europe. This included managing the production and implementation of six area action plans and successfully challenging the East of England Plan, which culminated in its formal revision. He was instrumental in the determination of numerous largescale planning applications for residential and employment uses on strategic Green Belt and brownfield sites, which, in most instances, were heavily constrained.

Lorna O’Carroll Director | Planning

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07875 681 532


Lorna utilises an analytical approach and attention to detail to deliver positive results for clients

Lorna joined Iceni Projects having worked within the Economics and Regeneration Team at a leading London based planning consultancy.

The focus of her work is producing and advising on socio-economic impact assessments for a wide range of development projects including residential, commercial, mixed-use and transport uses to support planning applications and to form part of Environmental Impact Assessments. She also has experience in preparing health impact and equality impact assessments for major projects.

Lorna has also led on the preparation and submission of planning applications – co-ordinating multi-disciplinary project teams and successfully negotiating with local planning authorities.

She also has experience promoting strategic housing and employment sites through the local plan process and has undertaken employment land, local economic assessments and growth option studies for both public and private sector clients, drawing on her aptitude to decipher technical evidence.

Lorna’s strengths include strategic thinking, strong analytical skills, attention to detail and an ability to effectively communicate technical information.

Leona Hannify Director | Planning

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07972 894 016


Leona leads a variety of complex and strategic projects.

Leona is a Director on the Strategic Planning Team and in her role promotes a wide range of large scale projects with a particular focus on greenfield residential-led mixed use schemes and renewable energy developments.

Leona’s keen understanding of the processes and procedures within planning, alongside her determination to succeed, enables her to manage the delivery of large scale strategic development sites.

Leona joined Iceni Projects in 2012 having worked on a number of high profile project portfolios in Ireland. Leona has secured planning permissions for a range of major commercial, residential and infrastructure projects across the UK. Many of these projects involve Environmental Impact Assessments whereby Leona plays a lead role in managing and coordinating large multidisciplinary teams.

In addition to her technical expertise, Leona’s key strengths include strong analytical, communication and interpersonal skills, which have been enhanced through her work with private and public sector clients and multidisciplinary project teams.

The Sustainable Development Scorecard

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPPF-based assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective.

The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard.

The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commission aims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment.

Birmingham: The Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT

Edinburgh: 7 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH

Glasgow: 201 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LW

London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH

Manchester: WeWork, Dalton Place, 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW

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