Watling Avenue Site

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Iceni Projects

Watling Avenue Car Park Site Fee Proposal for Linkcity | November 2021


Introduction The Project Our Experience Proposed Team



4 10 20 30



“The judges said this entry was a breath of fresh air to read. Iceni stood out as different, creative, colourful and innovative. They’ve not been afraid to break away from the mould and be themselves, having developed their own successful and imaginative approach to clients and staff offering above and beyond what is expected from a large consultancy. “The judges were especially impressed by Iceni’s tribal ethos, in the sense that they have created a culture which is staff focused and highlights the importance of their wellbeing above all else.”

RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2021



An Introduction to Iceni Projects

A Multi-skilled Consultancy Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. From our offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, and Manchester, we deliver on a variety of schemes across the UK.

We have always sought to provide the “skills of a planner with the instincts of a developer”. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance. We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and onthe- job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate.

To Iceni, thinking strategically is what we fundamentally believe to be the right way of doing things; to assess needs, evaluate constraints and maximise opportunities. It’s about having a strategic vision for a site, often looking beyond the immediate constraint of development management policies, and utilising a diverse range of skills to deliver large scale infrastructure and development projects. We have the expertise to deliver strategic planning at a sub-regional and local level, advising local authorities on evidence and strategy development across England. Our services include advising local authorities on aligning their evidence on housing need and economic growth, to deliver a collaborative approach to strategic planning.

We are able to provide specialist advice in the fields of archaeology; built heritage and townscape; delivery; design; EIA management; engagement; planning; sustainable development and transport. Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects.

 Former BT Telephone Exchange


 B&Q Cricklewood Lane


Ian Anderson Chief Executive

 Colny Hatch Lane




Your Strategic Adviser Archaeology

Built Heritage & Townscape






Impact Management

Birmingham The Colmore Building 20 Colmore Circus Birmingham, B4 6AT T: 0121 262 4148 2 6

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Glasgow 177 West George Street Glasgow, G2 2LB T: 0141 465 4996


London Da Vinci House 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH T: 020 3640 8508

Manchester This Is The Space 68 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3EJ T: 0161 509 2840


The Team Structure of Iceni IMPACT MANAGEMENT Ian Anderson Chief Executive

Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning

ARCHAEOLOGY Claire Cogar Director

BUILT HERITAGE & TOWNSCAPE Laurie Handcock Director

James Jaulim Associate

PLANNING Anna Snow Director

Callum Fraser Director

Chris Jones Director

TRANSPORT Clive Burbridge Director

Fred Peters Director

Mike England Director

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Gary Mappin Director

Gemma Jenkinson Director

DESIGN Paul Drew Director

Conor McKee Director

Ian Gallacher Director

Ian Mayhead Director

ECONOMICS Nick Ireland Director

Matt Kinghan Director

Paul McColgan Director

ENGAGEMENT & PLACE Ciron Edwards Director

Philippa Curran Director

James Waterhouse Director

Jamie Sullivan Director

John Mumby Director

Kieron Hodgson Director

Leona Hannify Director

Nick Grant Director

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The Project

Introduction The Project Our Experience Proposed Team


The Project

4 10 20 30


The Project

The Site We understand the site to primarily comprise the existing car park off Barnfield Road located in Burnt Oak. Additional land is the existing builders yard to the immediate west on the other side of the Silk Stream, plus the existing library building further to the east on the corner of Watling Avenue and Orange Hill Road. It is understood that the library building is to be viewed as ‘phase II’ of the proposals. To the east of the site is the London Underground northern line and there are various bus routes that run along Watling Avenue and the surrounding street network. In planning terms, the site has the following Development Plan designations. The Silk Stream is identified as a Site of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation and the whole site and wider area within the Watling Estate Conservation Area. Watling Avenue itself is a Primary Shopping Frontage and has a range of retail, leisure and commercial operations running along it. A notable point is that the site is partially in Flood Zones 2, 3a and 3b, albeit the exact extent of these zones is unclear from the mapping system the Environment Agency provides. This will require further clarification from a Flooding Consultant / Engineer. EMERGING SITE ALLOCATION The emerging Barnet Local Plan has recently gone through public consultation on its Regulation 19 version (consultation ending in August 2012) and will now progress towards Submission version ready for submission to the Secretary of State for Examination. Within the draft plan, the site is subject to the allocation referred to ‘Site No. 6’ and refenced as ‘Watling Avenue car park & market (Burnt Oak Town Centre)’. The proposed uses are referenced as ‘80% residential floorspace with 20% of floorspace for mixed uses including the station building, commercial (E uses) and car parking’ with the indicative residential capacity


stated as 160 dwellings. This is considered to be a positive and proactive position from the Council to bring forward what is an accessible site in an area with a range of services in close proximity. In terms of the implications of flooding, the draft allocation states the following.

‘The Flood Zone 3 covering much of the site means that proposals must be subject to the sequential and exception tests and demonstrate how flood risk will be managed and mitigated; the SFRA Level 2 sets out mitigation measures. Development should be located away from those parts of the site at the highest level of flood risk’. Therefore, whilst the position of the Council to bring forward the site is sensible, there are flood matters that will inform the form, scale and quantum of development that can be provided on site.

The Project


The Project

Our Understanding of the Project We have been provided with a comprehensive suite of documentation by DLA Architects which is incredibly helpful in terms of preparing this fee proposal. At the current time it is understood there are still two options that could potentially be brought forward. Option 1 – 341 dwellings, 248 sq.m library, 639 sq.m

nursery (with 124 sq.m playground) and 175 public parking spaces / 32 residential disabled access car parking spaces. A further 25 units will be provided on the builders merchants site. Option 2 – 321 dwellings, 250 sq.m library, 651 sq.m

nursery (with 96 sq.m playground) and 175 public parking spaces / 32 residential disabled access car parking spaces. A further 25 units will be provided on the builders merchants site. Both options are to provide a split of 50 % affordable housing and 50 % market housing. Of the Affordable provision, 70% is going to be provided as London Affordable Rent (LAR) and 30% Discounted Market Rent (DMR is understood to be 80% of market level). Discussions with Officers at Barnet have already been undertaken with broad support for the proposal given, subject to further design development to meet the relevant policy guidance. Iceni are not aware of any discussions being undertaken with the GLA. As set out above, there are 2 elements to the project. Firstly the delivery of the car park site and then secondly, as a standalone project, the redevelopment of the existing library site. It is understood (at a very high level) that the library site will come forward as a mixed use scheme with commercial uses at ground floor with residential accommodation above.


The Project

Planning Considerations The below provides our high level thoughts on the development considerations for the proposal and thoughts on strategy as required. PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT The site’s location in a town centre with good transport links means the site is an obvious one for redevelopment, especially given it mainly provides a car park at the moment. The mix of uses proposed within both schemes will provide a strong balance of uses that will benefit the wider community and provide modern, functional spaces and places that can be used by a broad cross section of the people in the wider area. From the information that Iceni have it would appear that Officers at Barnet are broadly supportive of the principles of the proposal. In terms of the library site, given its town centre location, the principles of new ground floor commercial is supported by national, regional and local planning policy. Similarly as is the introduction of new residential accommodation, subject to meeting other planning policy requirements. APPLICATION APPROACH The scheme broadly comprises three elements i) the man car park site ii) the builders merchants and iii) the library site. As referenced above, it is understood the existing library site is considered to be ‘phase II’ given it needs to continue to operate as a library until the new one is operational. Due to the specifics of the site it is considered that a full planning application be made rather than an outline approach. Not only is the process quicker for a full application there does not appear to be any need for phasing of the development i.e. it can all come forward at the same time. However, it may be worth considering preparing a ‘hybrid’ application for the proposal which includes the car park and builders merchants site as ‘full’ and the library site as ‘outline’. This would allow a comprehensive proposal but crucially tie in the

new library to the loss of the old through planning condition(s) / S106 obligation(s). This would free up the existing library site for alternative land uses that may be more profitable / attractive to the area. FLOOD RISK The flood risk associated with the site will require some work given in principle a Flood Zone 3b site should not be providing more vulnerable land uses (which residential is). It is felt that the proposed uses provide a number of benefits to the wider area which would likely meet the Exception Test for sites in Flood Zone 3a. The fact that site provides large areas of hard standing at the moment is replicated in both Options 1 and 2 meaning there will be an element of like for like replacement with car parking at ground floor level in either scheme meaning the situation would get no worse. In addition, there are benefits to potentially be provided such as sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) and the provision of other methods of attenuation to assist in flood control. A ‘dry means of escape’ for residents would also need to be devised and agreed with the Council and other stakeholders albeit all of the accommodation is raised above floor level and the area demarked as Flood Zones 1 and 2 doesn’t extend outside the site boundary. This is a matter that could be discussed as the project progresses. SCALE / MASSING / DESIGN It is acknowledged that the scheme is currently at early stages and further design development would need to be undertaken during the pre-application process. From what Iceni have seen it appears a sympathetic and logical design approach has been made whilst looking to secure the most viable development for the site, balanced against the need to provide community uses and a significant level of affordable housing. The proposal is clearly a change to what is currently at site and introduces a new form of architecture to the area and this has to be balanced against the impacts that occur


The Project

because of it. Given it’s location within the Conservation Area a thorough assessment of significance and impacts will need to be undertaken to further develop the design alongside an assessment of long views and townscape matters. A Heritage consultant should be brought into the Design Team as soon as possible. CAR PARKING A loss of public car parking, especially one that is close to a public transport hub and / or a town centre will always raise questions from both local residents and businesses. Fear of lack of accessibility and trade will likely be raised by stakeholders during public engagement on any scheme coming forward. It is acknowledged that the proposal re-provides a number of public parking spaces which is a notable benefit, however a robust and nuanced communication strategy will need to put together to demonstrate the wider public benefits of the proposal over the net loss of public parking spaces. It is considered this is achievable given the quality of the development coming forward. In terms of parking for the development itself, the GLA will push for as little car parking as possible in line with the ambitions and policies within the London Plan 2021. A minimum of 3% disabled parking will need to be provided for residents, with the ability to provide a further 7% should demand arise. Cycle parking will need to be provided in line with the London Plan. EIA Given the nature and scale of the proposals, they would be required to be screened for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) during the early stages of pre-application discussions – with the planning scheme evolved in accordance (should an EIA be required). It is unclear who is leading on this element of work and therefore this quote does not include a proposed scope and fee for assisting with this. However, this fee proposal would cover the preparation and submission of an EIA Screening Request to Barnet Council.


The Project

Scope of Works and Fee Proposal The below tables provide an overall Scope of Services for the car park site in isolation. Scope and feel level for the subsequent delivery of the Library site are provided after them. WATLING AVENUE CAR PARK SITE – SCOPE OF SERVICE AND FEE PROPOSAL Stage 1 – Planning Input to Initial Design Work Attendance at a site visit / walkover. Attendance at a Project Inception meeting. Preparation of planning policy audit / briefing note setting out relevant local and London Plan policy standards for the scheme. Input into Planning Programme (to be managed by project manager). Advice re. necessary technical reports and design material – provision of 1 x written advice note. Allowance for attendance at 1 x Project Team meeting.

Stage 2 – Design Review and First Pre-application Meeting with LBB Review and provision of planning advice on design scheme and design options – allowance for review of 2 x drafts. Attendance at Project Team meetings over 2 months – allowance for 2 x meetings. Provision of 1 x written advice note to the Project Architect re. pre-application requirements. Preparation of Pre-application planning statement – setting out the initial strategy and justification for the proposals. Review and provision of written comments on Pre-application Design Document (prepared by the Project Architect) – allowance for 1 x written advice note. Attendance at 1st Pre-Application meeting. Provision of key headlines re. the above and 1 x written advice note regarding next steps.

Stage 3 – Design Development and Input to PPA/Pre-Application Preparation and negotiation of a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with LBB – allowance for preparation of 2 x drafts of the PPA. Preparation for, and attendance at PPA / further pre-application meetings with the LBB – allowance for 2 x meetings. Preparation and circulation of minutes and key actions arising from each PPA / pre-application meeting to the Project Team (allowance for 6 x written advice notes). Preparation of 1 x formal pre-application submission to the Greater London Authority (GLA) – including Framework Planning Statement and completion of request form. Attendance at 1 x GLA pre-application meeting at City Hall. Review of written pre-application advice received from the GLA, with a summary of headline matters and priority actions – provision of 1 x written advice note. Negotiate and agree the scope of the planning application submission material and validation requirements with the Planning Officer – allowance for 1 x written correspondence. Agree draft Heads of Terms of S106 Agreement

Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)



The Project

Stage 4 – Engagement and Consultation/Finalising Submission Scheme (3 months)

Attendance at 2 x meetings with key political stakeholders (Ward Cllrs and Leader of the Council). Attendance at 2 x public consultation events. Calculation of the planning application fee (to be paid by applicant). Review of all sub-consultant technical reports, including providing comments and feedback – allowance for review of 1 x draft. Assistance with the planning input into the Design and Access Statement (DAS) prepared by the project architect. Review of DAS and provision of comments – allowance for review of 1 x draft and written feedback. Ongoing review of all draft drawings and plans required for planning submission (allowance for review of 1 x draft). Preparation of Planning Statement. Preparation of all Planning Application Forms and Certificates. Preparation of the LB Barnet and Mayor Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) forms. Collation and submission of the planning application via the Planning Portal. Drafting of necessary Planning Notices.

Stage 5 – Negotiation of Planning Application to Determination (based on 13-16 week determination period) Liaison with the Planning Case Officer to ensure the timely registration and validation of the planning application submission. Review of Stage 1 response from the GLA, with written summary of headline matters and priority actions. Preparation for, and attendance at post-submission meetings the Project Team – allowance for 2 x meetings. Correspondence with GLA Case Officer throughout the determination period (assuming 13 weeks). Ongoing correspondence with the Planning Case Officer throughout the 13 week determination period. Review of 1 x draft of planning conditions and provision of 1 x written response to Planning Case officer. Review of the Planning Officer’s draft Committee report – providing comments / clarification as necessary (allowance for 1 x review and provision of comments). Preparing deputation and representing applicant at Planning Committee; Review of Draft Heads of Terms and draft Section 106 Agreement (to be led by applicant’s lawyers) – allowance for review of 1 x draft and provision of written comments.

Stage 6 – Post determination and Stage 2 Referral

Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)

Review and advice on GLA Stage 2 referral and associated decision (post decision being made by

LBB’s Planning Committee). Correspondence with GLA Case Officer (as per above) in helping to expedite Stage 2 decision.



The Project

BURNT OAK LIBRARY SITE – SCOPE OF SERVICE AND FEE PROPOSAL The below scope of service and associated fee level is based on the fact that the library site comes forward quickly after the Car Park site and that a notable level of discussions, stakeholder involvement and planning documentation already undertaken can be used to inform the application preparation and submission. Saying that, there is likely still a need to undertake various further preapplication meetings and stakeholder meetings as the site comes forward. Stage 1 – Design Development / Design Review Review and provision of planning advice on design scheme and design options – allowance for review of 2 x drafts. Attendance at Project Team meetings– allowance for 2 x meetings. Updates as required of 1 x written advice note to the Project Architect re. pre-application requirements. Preparation of Pre-application planning statement – setting out the initial strategy and justification for the proposals. Review and provision of written comments on Pre-application Design Document (prepared by the Project Architect) – allowance for 1 x written advice note. Provision of key headlines re. the above and 1 x written advice note regarding next steps.

Stage 2 – Design Development and Input to PPA/Pre-Application • Preparation and negotiation of a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with LBB – allowance for preparation of 1 x draft of the PPA. • Preparation for, and attendance at PPA / further pre-application meetings with the LBB – allowance for 2 x meetings. • Preparation and circulation of minutes and key actions arising from each PPA / pre-application meeting to the Project Team (allowance for 2 x written advice notes). • Negotiate and agree the scope of the planning application submission material and validation requirements with the Planning Officer – allowance for 1 x written correspondence. • Agree draft Heads of Terms of S106 Agreement

Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)



The Project

Stage 3 – Engagement and Consultation/Finalising Submission Scheme

Attendance at 1 x (further) meeting with key political stakeholders. Attendance at 1 x (further) public consultation events. Calculation of the planning application fee (to be paid by applicant). Review of all sub-consultant technical reports, including providing comments and feedback – allowance for review of 1 x draft. Assistance with the planning input into the Design and Access Statement (DAS) prepared by the project architect. Review of DAS and provision of comments – allowance for review of 1 x draft and written feedback. Ongoing review of all draft drawings and plans required for planning submission (allowance for review of 1 x draft). Preparation of Planning Statement. Preparation of all Planning Application Forms and Certificates. Preparation of the LB Barnet and Mayor Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) forms. Collation and submission of the planning application via the Planning Portal. Drafting of necessary Planning Notices.

Stage 4 – Negotiation of Planning Application to Determination (based on 13-16 week determination period) Liaison with the Planning Case Officer to ensure the timely registration and validation of the planning application submission. Preparation for, and attendance at post-submission meetings the Project Team – allowance for 2 x meetings. Ongoing correspondence with the Planning Case Officer throughout the 13 week determination period. Review of 1 x draft of planning conditions and provision of 1 x written response to Planning Case officer. Review of the Planning Officer’s draft Committee report – providing comments / clarification as necessary (allowance for 1 x review and provision of comments). Preparing deputation and representing applicant at Planning Committee; Review of Draft Heads of Terms and draft Section 106 Agreement (to be led by applicant’s lawyers) – allowance for review of 1 x draft and provision of written comments.


Base Fee (+ VAT)


Base Fee (+ VAT)


The Project

Clarifications and Detailed Matters To clarify, each of the figures referred to in this proposal are exclusive of VAT, costs and reasonable disbursements.


Our fees cover the deliverables listed above. Any changes to the specified scope of work may be subject to additional fees.

Further clarifications are set out as follows.


Scope as set out ends at the receipt of the Planning Decision Notice.


The fees set out above assume an 18-month programme broken down as per the prescribed timescales for each stage of works. Should this programme extend or change significantly, then we reserve the right to review of our fee proposal. Scope ends at receipt of Stage 2 report from the GLA.


We have carried out a confidential conflict check within Iceni Projects and can confirm that we have no conflict with regards to advising on this site and can commence work immediately from instruction.


To progress this instruction, we will require your written confirmation of our appointment in accordance with this fee proposal and the enclosures, your confirmation of the instructing client entity is also kindly requested.


Any and all work during Judicial Review Period and subsequent discharge of planning conditions is excluded.


Invoices will be submitted on a monthly basis unless otherwise agreed.


We have sought to provide a comprehensive fee proposal that covers all stages of the project and, as far as possible, negates the need to seek a fee uplift during the life of the project. However, as the planning process is heavily influenced by third parties, additional work may be required. We will confirm any alteration to scope / fee level to you before incurring any additional cost.


Time spent travelling in connection with this instruction is chargeable.


All pre-app and application fees to be paid to LBB and GLA are excluded and are to be paid directly by the client.


Allows for attendance at x1 public consultation event only and assumes coordination of event and production of consultation material is led by appointed engagement consultant.


Does not allow for partial re-submission of material during determination period.


Fee assumes EIA is not required.


The total meetings we have costed for are set out in the Scope above. Should additional meetings be required then they will be charged at a rate of £700 exc. (to cover prep time and attendance at the meeting itself) for Design Team Meetings, £1,200 + VAT and disbursements for meetings with the LPA/ GLA (inclusive of prep time). Should additional formal pre-application meetings be required these will be subject to a fee of £2,500 exc. – again covering time for preparation and attendance at the meeting itself.


Our Experience

Introduction The Project Our Experience Proposed Team


Our Experience

4 10 20 30


Our Experience

Former BT Telephone Exchange Barnet Iceni Projects (Planning and EIA) are currently advising Telereal Trillium with the prospective redevelopment of the BT Telephone Exchange, Colindale. Notably, this includes a ‘hybrid’ application (part detail / part outline) for up to 500 residential units and 3,000 sq.m of flexible commercial space fronting Edgware Road, in the London Borough of Barnet. The development proposals also include a part-16 storey tower – to create a pivotal gateway into this part of Barnet, with the Site located in-between both Colindale and Cricklewood Opportunity Areas (earmarked for significant residential and employment development).


Our Experience


Our Experience

B&Q Cricklewood Lane Cricklewood Iceni projects have secured a resolution to grant for a mixed use, residential led scheme on the B&Q site on Cricklewood Lane in Cricklewood. Currently an underused site comprising retail warehouse units, the proposal sees the delivery of 1050 new dwellings, with ancillary retail & commercial uses at ground floor. The permeability of site is enhanced by the provision of some 45% of the site being given over to publicly accessible space. Notably, the scheme also provides a new civic square for Cricklewood alongside enhancements to the existing Cricklewood Green which is a designated Asset of Community Value.


Our Experience


Our Experience

Colney Hatch Lane Barnet Iceni provided pre-acquisition work on the delivery of a new mixed use scheme of some 200 new dwellings and a discount supermarket on a vacant site previously occupied as a car garage. The scheme provided a notable opportunity to make best use of the land, balanced against transport matters associated with the new retailer, support for such a use against the ongoing vitality and viability of the surrounding town centres and also the overall massing & design of the proposal impacting the Metropolitan Open Land immediately adjacent. The development has received a resolution to grant from Barnet and is currently going through the Stage 2 process with the GLA.


Our Experience


Our Experience

Barnet Council Iceni’s experience of working with Barnet Council have developed relationships with a number of key personnel. Steve MacDonald – Head of Service Fabien Gaudin – Head of Planning Andrew Dillon – Head of Major Projects Mark Springthorpe - Team Leader (for the area which

covers the site). Elizabeth Sutherland-Thomas – Deputy Manager (for

the area which covers the site). Carl Griffiths – Principal Officer in the Major Projects

Team Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos – Principal Urban

Designer Devinda Kumarasinghe - Transport Manager

In terms of the Committee structure, Barnet have four planning Committees. A scheme of this size would be reported to the Strategic Planning Committee. The Committee has a majority of Conservative representation with the remainder made up of Labour Councillors. It is chaired by Cllr Eva Greenspan (Cons Finchley Church End Ward) who Iceni know well from our current work in Barnet.


Our Experience


A Strategic Adviser

Introduction The Project Our Experience Proposed Team


A Strategic Adviser

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Proposed Team

Proposed Team As a Planning Director John Mumby shall assume overall responsibility for the instruction and provide strategic direction. The day-to-day management of the project will be led by Clara Blagden, an Associate at Iceni. In addition, support will be given by George Baines, an Assistant Planner. All of the proposed Team are currently working with DLA Architects on other schemes on urban sites within London. John has over 15 years experience in the private sector and has a wide range of experience of delivering complex mixed use schemes on urban sites. John is well versed in working proactively with local authorities, the GLA and other stakeholders to secure support for large scale proposals on both allocated and windfall sites, working across a number of London Boroughs and other urban areas across the country. John is currently working on three live projects within the borough of Barnet. Clara works on a number of residential and mixed-use developments across London and the South-East and is experienced in providing advice to clients and managing the planning application process. Her clients are in both the private sector (to developers, property funds, retailers etc), as well as within the public sector to local planning authorities. Projects range in size from smallscale constrained sites within London, to larger scale sites for the repurposing of town centre floorspace. Clara also has a background in retail and commercial planning with specific expertise in justifying policies relating to main town centre floorspace within new retail and commercial developments, or as part of larger mixed-use schemes. George is an Assistant Planner in Iceni’s London Planning Team, working on a number of large residential led schemes across London, he assists the project team on day to day tasks, while liaising with clients and local authorities. Recently, he has worked on projects in Croydon, Watford, and Camden, and also a significant public realm improvement scheme in Brent. George also assists on smaller applications and carries out planning appraisals for the wider team. 32

Proposed Team

John Mumby Director, Planning T: 020 3640 1028 M: 07887 294 390 E: jmumby@iceniprojects.com

John provides valued advice to clients to maximise opportunities and identify an optimum strategy to achieve the best outcome. John joined Iceni’s Planning Team in December 2017, following over 12 years experience in the private sector for CgMs Consulting and RPS. John holds a Bachelors degree in Architecture and Town Planning from the University of the West of England, Bristol. Extensive experience has been gained from a wide breadth of projects from intricate, small scale schemes to large urban development projects and John has a proven ability to provide quality advice on the full range of consultancy services from feasibility to completion including, where necessary, through the appeal process. Projects have been undertaken nationwide, covering a spectrum of planning, environmental, heritage and political factors. Range of experience covers residential, commercial and mixed use developments, Local Plan site promotions and allocations, as well as a good understanding of the Neighbourhood Plan process. John has notable knowledge of retail developments ranging from out of town bulky goods schemes to small format convenience goods stores, having advised a national food retailer on planning matters for over 10 years. Consultancy services are provided to international retailers, property funds, volume housebuilders and student accommodation providers, as well as urban developers looking to maximise opportunities. Advice is provided regarding traditional development opportunities as well as portfolio and asset optimisation, seeking to advise on the most commercial and realistic outcome for clients. 33

Proposed Team

Clara Blagden Associate, Planning T: 020 3725 3859 M: 07879 818 428 E: cblagden@iceniprojects.com

Clara is commercially aware and personable, with exceptional client management skills; allowing her to consistently deliver outcomes which meet the requirements of clients, whilst addressing technical planning matters. Clara is part of Iceni’s Urban Planning Team. She has developed a wide range of experience with a strong emphasis in the commercial sector, working on a national basis across the UK. Clara is a specialist in retail, warehousing, foodstores, shopping centres and commercial leisure schemes in and out of town. She also advises on town centre repurposing to create ‘mixed use’ destinations as well as a range of other commercial land uses including: offices, logistics / distribution centres, trade parks and hotels. Clara sat on the Board for ‘Young Accessible Retail’ for a number of years, both as Chair and the Planning Representative. Clara previously worked for both Montagu Evans and Savills in their Commercial Planning Teams. She holds a Masters degree in Planning from the University of Manchester and Bachelors from University of Birmingham. She is a Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).


Proposed Team

George Baines Assistant Planner T: 020 3640 1026 M: 07799 369 986 E: gbaines@iceniprojects.com

George joined Iceni in October 2020 as an Assistant Planner and has recently graduated from the University of Sheffield, where he studied for 4 years towards an integrated masters in Urban Studies and Planning. During his time at university, George benefited from a number of work experience opportunities both in the public and private sector which confirmed his desire to follow a career in urban planning. George is excited to start his planning career with Iceni and has already begun working towards gaining experience for his RTPI application assisting on a variety of projects both large and small, carrying out appraisals, writing planning statements and providing assistance to various members of the team. Outside the office, George is a keen tennis player and walker. He is looking forward to moving to London and exploring many of the pubs and tennis courts that the city has to offer!


The Sustainable Development Scorecard The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPPF-based assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective. The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard. The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commission aims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment.


Archaeology | Built Heritage & Townscape | Design | Economics | Engagement | Iceni Futures | Impact Management | Place | Planning | Transport

Birmingham: The Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham B4 6AT Edinburgh: 11 Alva Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4PH Glasgow: 177 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 2LB London: Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH Manchester: This Is The Space, 68 Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3EJ www.iceniprojects.com iceni-projects iceniprojects iceniprojects

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