Affordable Housing
Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer.
We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft –the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the-job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.
We’re proud to say that we’re an award-winning consultancy. We’ve a positive, creative mindset, and we’re passionate about what we do. Ian
Given the scale of the housing crisis across the UK, it is not surprising that the delivery of housing is at the top of the agenda for the new government. The need for affordable housing is multifaceted with the costof-living crisis, high private rental costs, and a rise in homelessness and overcrowding cited as key factors that have led to demand far outstripping supply.
As part of the election campaign, the Government stated that they plan to deliver the ‘biggest increase in social and affordable housebuilding in a generation’ (Labour Party Conference. The launch of the new NPPF has seen the Labour Party commit to this, with the introduction of mandatory housing targets, more emphasis on reviewing Green Belt boundaries, and a drive for more affordable housing on ‘Grey Belt’ land. Whilst Labour has introduced these changes with the intention of delivering more affordable housing, it is yet to be seen whether or not this will make any difference.
This welcome renewed focus on housing and in particular affordable housing, brings the role of Registered Providers and other agencies and stakeholders to play an increasingly significant role in the delivery of affordable housing.
Registered Providers face their own current challenges, with the ageing and poorly performing condition of much of the existing stock and the need to retrofit properties to meet modern building standards, as well as the availability of suitable land for development and funding constraints. These challenges have historically underpinned the delivery of rental homes and affordable housing options.
The requirements for local authorities to increase delivery of affordable housing will inevitably encourage more local
authorities to seek the support and partnership of Registered Providers and other partners to achieve targets. With the right support from Government, Registered Providers can be at the forefront of the largest delivery of affordable homes to tackle the housing crisis.
We understand the importance of delivering high-quality residential development and working with stakeholders and communities to achieve this. Our staff have the right skills and experience to work effectively with Providers. Our Place-led approach puts the community and their needs at the heart of proposals for new development - and this approach is increasingly being used as an effective way of engaging with stakeholders including harnessing the importance of resident ballots.
Iceni understands that for Providers who develop and hold properties, development is about more than just bricks and mortar. It is about creating accessible, affordable homes that people aspire to live in. It is about the communities created alongside the homes and building trust in the process. We work with clients to develop and act on new initiatives, monitor through Iceni Intelligence, and deliver creative ideas and approaches.
Iceni has extensive experience working alongside Registered Providers, Developers, site promoters, and Local Authorities to deliver significant affordable housing. With the recent Government announcements, we are looking forward to the new opportunities that arise to help deliver affordable housing where it is most needed. This brochure provides an overview of our most relevant projects, which show our skills and expertise in navigating the planning and development process to bring forward much needed affordable housing.
Authority: Basildon Borough Council
Proposal: 587 new homes and 5,424sqm of commercial floorspace
Services: Planning
Status: Approved and various phases now complete
The hybrid application for the £100 million regeneration of the 1960’s Craylands Estate in Basildon was first granted permission in March 2017.
Iceni has since worked on the reserved matters for the South Phase of the development, on behalf of Swan Housing Association in coordination with its delivery partner NU Living. The development utilises innovative off-site construction and delivery methods for the new modular homes from their new factory which can deliver up to 300 modular homes per year.
Iceni have also be working on various discharge of conditions, non-material amendments and reserved matters applications in relation to the West Phase of the development, which utilises a pioneering custom-designed approach to the delivery of new high-quality modular housing. This allows new owners to completely customise their new home from the house-type and layout, to the external finishes and brickwork.
Authority: Barking & Dagenham London Borough Council
Proposal: 170 affordable homes as part of a wider 396 home development
Services: Planning; Transport
Status: First phase constructed
Iceni acted on behalf of joint clients, Be First Ltd and Lightquote Ltd, to secure a Committee resolution to grant planning permission for 396 new homes and flexible commercial floorspace in Barking Town Centre. Be First Ltd are effectively the development arm of London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) Council with a mandate to drive regeneration in the Borough.
The high-density development comprised a 20 storey and a 29 storey tower within close walking distance of Barking Station, on a site which was a key regeneration objective of LBBD.
The 396 units comprised 43% affordable housing; comprising a mix of low cost rented, affordable rented, and shared ownership units. In one block and private rented units in the others.The scheme required referral to the Mayor of London and the careful consideration of the level of affordable housing and tenure mix. The affordable block has now been completed by Be First and successfully occupied Work on the second phase is due to start soon.
Authority: Windsor and Maidenhead Borough Council
Proposal: 229 homes, commercial space and wider public space development
Services: Planning; Built Heritage & Townscape; Impact Management
Status: Permission Granted (Development Commenced)
Iceni assisted Countryside Partnerships with the competitive tender to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead for the regeneration of four key council-owned sites around Maidenhead Town Centre, including strategic planning advice and planning strategy to support the tender submission.
Following the announcement of Countryside as the council’s chosen development partner, Iceni was appointed to prepare the planning application for the York Road redevelopment site, the largest of the development sites. In addition to coordinating the planning application, Iceni also prepared the heritage, townscape, social infrastructure and economic assessments. The £94 million regeneration scheme comprises 229 dwellings including 30% affordable housing, across four different tenure types. A further 8% of market housing has also been converted to affordable housing through the support of public subsidy.
The scheme also includes cultural/community/commercial floorspace, a new civic square and a new waterside route along the York Stream. These public realm improvements formed a key part of the proposals as Maidenhead Town Centre lacked a high-quality public space. The site previously comprised surface car parking resulting in a harsh landscape and detracted from the urban environment.
Authority: Barking & Dagenham London Borough Council
Proposal: 1,575 new homes as part of estate regeneration scheme
Services: Planning; Transport; Economic Impact Assessment; Engagement
Status: Permission Granted (Development Completed)
Our planning and transport teams were instructed by East Thames Group (Subsequently L+Q) and the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham in September 2013 to prepare a hybrid planning application to facilitate the regeneration and renewal of the Gascoigne Estate in Barking.
Iceni were instructed to prepare a hybrid planning application comprising the demolition of 16 existing residential towers across the eastern portion of the estate and development of up to 1,575 new homes, two new schools and a range of supporting commercial and community uses. Iceni worked alongside two project architects; Allies and Morrison advising on the outline Masterplan, and Levitt Bernstein advising on the detailed element for 421 new homes.
Iceni led negotiations with the GLA which principally focussed around the residential tenure mix proposed within the scheme. Key was justifying the change in tenure split and the socio-economic case for the removal of an 80% social rented residential development, and re-provision of a much higher proportion of private, shared-equity and rented homes.
The hybrid planning application was submitted in May 2014 which reflects a very short programme for a scheme of this scale. Planning approval was granted in October 2014 with unanimous political support.
Authority: London Borough of Bexley
Proposal: 73 new homes and accompanying commercial space
Services: Planning
Status: Permission Granted (Development Completed)
Iceni was instructed by London and Quadrant to act as planning agent for a residential scheme in Erith, London Borough of Bexley.
The scheme, which was granted planning permission , delivers 73 new homes and a commercial unit on the site of the demolished Erith Swimming Baths.
The site is located within a designated Local Plan (2015) Opportunity Area, and also within the Erith Western Gateway Masterplan. The site is therefore located within a strategically important regeneration area.
Provision has been made for future residents to choose between sustainable modes of transport with cycle parking integrated within the development and Erith train station located within a 15-minute walk of the site.
The consented and newly completed scheme presents innovative solutions to deliver a mix of housing types including flats, mews houses and a short terrace. Communal amenity provision is provided within the decked courtyard area, whilst private amenity is delivered in the form of balconies and innovative roof terraces.
Authority: Lewisham Council
Proposal: 406 new homes and accompanying retail, commercial and work space
Services: Planning; EIA
Status: Permission Granted (Development Commenced)
Iceni advised London & Quadrant (L&Q) and Chesterhouse Properties on the redevelopment of the former Thurston Road Industrial Estate in Lewisham.
Planning Director Andrew Gale assisted L&Q and Chesterhouse Properties in securing planning consent for 406 residential units, 6,771 sqm flexible retail, commercial and live-work units and an additional 9 units measuring 839 sqm for A1, A2 and B1 uses. The proposals also include a landscape podium level providing private amenity space for future residents.
The scheme has now been successfully delivered and is fully occupied. A number of retail and commercial business are now thriving in the spaces at lower levels.
This site has helped kick-start the wider regeneration around Thurston Road.
Authority: Knowsley Council
Proposal: Redevelopment of derelict site for 266 dwellings Services: Planning; EIA; Sustainable Development Status: Pending Determination
Iceni was instructed by Engie to prepare and submit a planning application to transform a derelict 16-acre site off Whitefield Drive, Kirkby.
The scheme, approved by Knowsley’s virtual planning committee in Summer 2020, will deliver 266 new homes, with a mix of private rent, affordable rent and shared ownership properties available. 66% of the development will comprise affordable homes – a mixture of 2, 3 and 4-bedroom properties, the tenure split for the affordable units is 50% affordable rent and 50% intermediate in the form of shared ownership provision.
The proposed development will be constructed by Engie on behalf of Registered Provider Your Housing Group who will retain and manage the properties.
The site is located close to Kirkby Town Centre and is designated as a Development Opportunity Site, benefitting from its accessible location along with existing green space nearby. Through an extensive pre-application process including a Places Matter design review panel, the scheme has evolved and now includes a core set of design themes that have been closely adhered to across the entire site. The inclusion of taller buildings to the site perimeter, coherent street edges to aid legibility are examples of these themes.
Authority: North Lanarkshire Council
Proposal: Residential development (72 units) with access, change in ground levels, landscaping and supporting infrastructure
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
On behalf of AS homes Limited, Iceni has been successful in securing planning permission for new residential development at Abernethyn Road, Newmains.
The development provides a total of 72 mixed tenure, residential properties consisting of 26 homes for private sale and 47 affordable homes.
The site benefits from established tree belt to the east and west which is retained alongside the new development. New landscaping and planting of native species enhances biodiversity and an emphasis on active travel sees the introduction of new pedestrian routes, linking the site with the established footpath network.
A centrally located amenity green space forms the focal point of the development, encouraging active play and community interaction. The homes benefit from high quality, contemporary finishes including feature brickwork panelling and modern detailing. Homes have been designed with a tenure blind approach, ensuring a coherent streetscape.
Authority: London Borough of Camden
Proposal: Delivery of affordable housing units and new community facilities as part of the Council’s Community Investment Programme (CIP)
Services: Planning; Built Heritage & Townscape; Sustainable Development
Status: Complete
Iceni has been advising Camden Council on the redevelopment of this site since 2016. Funded by Council’s Community Investment Programme, the aim of the project is to secure the long-term future of the Highgate Newtown Community Centre (HNCC) and Fresh Youth Academy (FYA) on the site by demolishing the existing buildings and providing a modern fit for purpose facility and provide new housing.
Iceni helped secure planning permission in 2019 for the comprehensive mixeduse redevelopment of the site. The development included the provision of new community facilities for HNCC and FYA and 41 homes, comprising 34 market housing units and 7 affordable housing units.
Camden was recently advised that they would be granted new funding from the UK Government Home Office to withdraw the private market housing in order to house Afghan refugees who have been living in Home Office-run bridging hotels in the borough since August 2021. Iceni secured amendments via a 73 Application in August 2023 to facilitate this change in tenure to 100% affordable.
Authority: South Lanarkshire Council
Proposal: Erection of residential development (81 dwellings) with associated roads, parking, amenity space and associated works
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni have been working with JR Construction and Link Group to support the residential development located south of Goremire Road, Carluke. The site is allocated in the LDP for residential development as part of the wider Carluke Community Growth Area.
Planning permission was granted on 07th September 2023 for 81 residential units for 100% affordable housing. To the north of Goremire Road sits existing residential development. The areas adjacent the western boundary of the site is largely dominated by existing open spaces and wider countryside. The approved layout incorporates a mix of 2-storey houses and cottage flat properties, comprising a total of 81 units across 23 blocks. The development seeks to maintain and better local walking and cycling routes, providing key pedestrian link through the site and connecting to the wider landscape.
Authority: London Borough of Barnet
Proposal: Proposed social housing residential development (Barnet Homes) with landscaping, car and cycle parking provision and other associated works for garage and infill site at Coppetts Road, London, N10 1JS
Services: Strategic Planning; Built Heritage & Townscape
Status: Approved
Iceni was appointed by Barnet Homes to prepare and submit a planning application to provide 15 homes, all for social rent. The landscape-led and pedestrian friendly design centred around a shared community garden will help to revitalise the underutilised brownfield site.
Iceni was appointed to lead on the preparation of the application, managing the pre-application consultation process with support from a stakeholder engagement specialist. The team worked closely with Barnet Homes and the architect, to ensure that the development on this unconstrained previously developed land is able to seamlessly integrate into the surroundings.
The scheme is part funded by the Greater London Authority’s Homes for Londoners: Affordable Homes Programme. The Applicant, Barnet Homes, is committed to bringing forward the site efficiently and will retain for long-term maintenance and management, integrating the site within the wider Martin’s Walk Estate which is also under their ownership. The scheme was approved by Barnet Council in December 2022.
Authority: London Borough of Croydon
Proposal: 75 new homes, at 32% affordable housing
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni provided planning services for Optivo, a Croydon based Registered Provider (now part of Southern Housing), in relation to this site on Bensham Lane, Croydon.
Permission was granted in May 2022 from Croydon Council for the delivery of 75 new homes on an old industrial site in a residential area.
The site formally comprised an old factory building that was out of keeping with the wider context and was incompatible with the surrounding residential uses by way of noise, activity and the need for frequent deliveries to and from the site. The lack of ability to secure a viable occupier for the premises allowed alternative uses to be considered, including new affordable housing on behalf of a RP. A quality scheme stepping up from the rear to the front of the site and the creation of a strong street scene allowed amenity space to be provided via a central courtyard. The proposal seeks to provide 32% of the dwellings as affordable housing, to be located within a further block.
Authority: Bracknell Council
Proposal: 193 flats as 100% affordable housing
Services: Strategic Planning
Status: Approved
On behalf of ‘Thames Valley Housing’ Iceni submitted a planning application for 193 flats (140 shared ownership/53 rented) over 5-10 storeys at Amber House in Bracknell Town Centre (0.6ha) within Bracknell Forest Borough Council.
The acute need for affordable housing was key in addressing the loss of employment floorspace in the town centre. The 100% affordable proposal was successfully determined. The scheme sought to integrate with the significant redevelopment of Bracknell Town Centre, and whilst not part of that specific scheme, the site had to incorporate publicly accessible routes to better link the new town centre to several retail parks and the nearby local council offices.
Authority: London Borough of Lambeth
Proposal: Development of the vacant site to provide 76 socially rented homes, with landscaping, amenity, disabled parking and cycle parking
Services: Planning; Enagegment; Built Heritage & Townscape
Status: Permission Granted
Iceni provided planning, heritage and townscape, and engagement services to MTVH on this unique site next to Tulse Hill Station, in Lambeth. The site is on a prominent corner position on the edge of Avenue Park Road and Thurlow Park Road, just outside Tulse Hill District Centre.
As one of the longest standing vacant sites in Lambeth, the Council were supportive of the site being brought forward for much needed social housing.
Iceni led the planning process, taking the scheme through almost 2-years of pre-application meetings with the Council. The final scheme involved the provision of part 5, 6 and 7-storey buildings stepping up along Avenue Park Road. The development comprises 75 social rented homes, as well as significant landscaping and public realm improvements.
Authority: Redbridge
Proposal: 98 affordable homes, with landscaping and public realm improvements
Services: Planning
Status: Permission Granted
On behalf of Countryside Partnerships, TTL Properties and London Underground Limited, Iceni was successful in securing planning permission for 98 affordable homes with 100% affordable units on an allocated site within the London Borough of Redbridge. The proposals comprised of 23 affordable rent units and 75 shared ownership units in 3 blocks, ranging from 5 to 4-storeys in height, alongside new communal amenity space, residents allotments and play space and an ecological corridor.
The proposals were mindful of the surrounding constraints, including close by neighbouring residential dwellings to the western boundary, Fairlop Country Park beyond the railway track to the east, mature trees and various heritage constraints, including the Grade II listed Barkingside Railway Station and the associated Barnardo’s Conservation Area further to the west. The final design of the proposals is considered to constitute a successful response to the listed station by providing a subtle reference to the red brick detailing, helping to provide a betterment to the setting of the building compared to the existing builders’ merchants.
Authority: Newham
Proposal: 350 residential homes, with commercial floorspace and public realm improvements
Services: Planning; Transport
Status: Pending
On behalf of our client, Populo Living Limited, Iceni has submitted an application for the redevelopment of vacant brownfield land at Pier Road, North Woolwich, London. Planning permission was submitted to the London Borough of Newham for 350 residential units with 36% affordable housing.
Populo Living is a private housing company, 100% owned by the London Borough of Newham (LBN). Its core objective is to build more and better homes for Newham residents.
This application seeks to redevelop the existing site to provide a mixed-use scheme including private residential units with a proportion of affordable units comprised of both social and intermediate rental tenures. The scheme will also provide ground floor flexible, commercial units including makerspaces and a café along with associated public realm improvements, extensive landscaping to provide amenity space for residents, blue badge parking along the servicing road to the north and cycle parking for both residential and commercial uses.
Authority: Canterbury City Council
Proposal: 220 homes as 100% affordable housing Services: Strategic Planning; Sustainability
Status: Outline permission secured in March 2023
In 2022 Iceni was instructed as the planning consultant by Quinn Estates to prepare and submit an Outline Application for 220 dwellings, a through road, biodiversity reserve and public open space on Land to the South of Church Lane, Seasalter, Whitstable. The site sits on the edge of, but outside, the settlement boundary and relied on the fact that Canterbury City Council had not met their Housing Delivery Test requirements.
Iceni secured the outline permission in early 2023 and Hyde Group purchased the site. Whilst the sale was going through Iceni was retained by both Quinn Estates and Hyde to undertake a non-material amendment to the scheme, to prepare a Deed of Variation to the Section 106, to prepare and submit a Preliminary Affordable Housing Statement, and to confirm with Canterbury City Council that CIL would not be levied on any affordable housing.
We have been retained by Hyde as the planning consultant on the project to deliver the site as 100% affordable by preparing a further non-material amendment, submit two Reserved Matters applications, and to discharge conditions.
Authority: Manchester City Council
Proposal: Erection of part three, part four storey building to provide 29 new apartments
Services: Planning
Status: Approved October 2022
Iceni’s Manchester office were appointed by Southway Housing Trust to prepare and submit a planning application for the redevelopment of part of a well-known site in South Manchester known as the Chorlton Irish Club. Following the club’s closure, Southway Housing purchased part of the club’s large car park, to deliver a fully affordable housing scheme, within the popular suburb of Chorlton. The scheme will provide 29 shared ownership apartments.
Iceni were appointed to lead on the preparation of the application, managing the pre-application consultation process with support from a stakeholder engagement specialist. The team worked closely with Southway Housing and the architect, View Associates, to ensure that the development on this highly compact site, with sensitive neighbouring boundaries, is able to seamlessly integrate into the surroundings.
The team carefully managed the project during the determination period, meeting with interested stakeholders including local ward members and residents in person and via online meetings to hear their feedback. To respond to resident comments, the scheme’s design evolved and was amended over the course of a number of months. This led to a positive outcome at planning committee, where the scheme was welcomed by local ward members, recognising the impact that a 100% shared ownership scheme would have on the locality.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07875 672 061
Clients value Andrews’ balanced approach and trust him to obtain the best outcome.
Andrew was schooled in the ‘art’ of town planning whilst working for two local authorities, Tunbridge Wells and Canterbury, in Kent. This experience taught him early and valuable lessons in how the UK planning system and development industry interact. He has continued to develop his professional and commercial skills having worked as a planning consultant in several large multi-disciplinary firms.
His previous role was as a Partner at Drivers Jonas Deloitte, where he led a team focusing on large-scale residential and mixeduse developments. He acts for landowners and local authorities through to niche-developers and national house-builders.
Complex and demanding projects, where clients’ expectations and requirements have to be judged against both policy and political influences, is where Andrew thrives most. He brings many years’ experience from both a public sector and large-corporate perspective and leads the planning side of the Iceni business.
Andrew has worked with many affordable housing providers including L&Q, Hyde, Peabody Orbit and Clarion, delivering a range of schemes from estate renewal programmes through to asset management - he oversees Iceni’s role on a number of RP Frameworks that Iceni is appointed to.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 0141 473 7338
Gary operates at the forefront of town planning to unlock value for clients.
Gary is a skilled planning consultant with over 25 years of experience advising clients in the private and public sector throughout Scotland. He has a track record in advising on major development proposals, understanding the policy and detailed planning considerations and forming highly constructive working relationships with local planning authorities and other stakeholders.
Gary set up Mappin Consulting Ltd in 2013, having previously been the Regional Senior Director for GVA Grimley in Glasgow from 2005 to 2008. In June 2016 Gary opened the first regional Iceni Projects office in Glasgow, followed by Manchester in 2017. Iceni Projects was the Royal Town Planning Institute’s Planning Consultancy of the Year in 2016.
Gary is chairman of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Commercial Property Forum and is a Trustee of The Crichton Trust, an award winning regeneration project based at the former Crichton Royal Hospital complex in Dumfries He also sits on Glasgow City Council’s City Centre Strategy Board.
Gary is currently advising on major projects such as Moda Living’s Holland Park build-forrent development in Glasgow, and the proposed Rosewood Hotel at the former Royal High School in Edinburgh.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07741 656 453
Ashleigh’s policy understanding and determination assists in the smooth and successful delivery of projects.
Ashleigh is an Associate Director Planner in Iceni’s Planning Team and since joining in May 2018 she has been involved in a wide range of projects and has provided tailored advice to clients to enable them to progress their site through the planning system.
Ashleigh is passionate about the delivery of affordable housing and has worked alongside a number of Registered Providers to get planning permission for affordable led housing schemes. Most recently, Ashleigh helped Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing achieve planning permission for a 100% social rented scheme in Lambeth. Ashleigh now leads the Affordable Housing sector group at Iceni.
Ashleigh started her planning career at Peter Brett Associates, where she worked on complex evidence base research for a variety of local authorities in London and beyond. Her interest in urban planning stemmed from an undergraduate degree in Geography and Sociology from the University of Aberdeen, followed by an RTPI accredited MSc in City Planning and Regeneration from the University of Glasgow. She became an RTPI Chartered Planner in 2018.
T: 07805 926 150
T: 07827 944 637
T: 07442 709 956
The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.
The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.
iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.
The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help.
iSite wont be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.
Archaeology | Built Heritage & Townscape | Design | Economics | Engagement | Impact Management
Landscape | Place | Planning | Transport
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London : Da Vinci House, 44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH
Manchester : WeWork, Dalton Place, 29 John Dalton Street, Manchester, M2 6FW | iceni-projects | iceniprojects | iceniprojects