Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer.
We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the-job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.
Iceni’s experience in planning for education is as diverse at the sector itself. We understand that parents and individuals alike relish the wide offering that exists as they make one of the most important choices of their lives; and fundamentally, as you seek to meet these expectations in providing a first class experience for your students, we recognise the complex processes and planning issues you may face in your respective communities. We have wide ranging experience in applying bespoke planning strategies to each set of circumstances, reflecting tight timescales, land availability and constraints, as well as budgets and internal management procedures.
Our services include:
Preparation of Planning Strategies;
Formation and delivery of masterplans to facilitate campus-wide rationalisation and development strategies;
Land Portfolio Reviews;
Pre-application discussions with local authorities, county councils and external funders;
Stakeholder engagement strategies and management of public consultation/engagement;
Planning policy representations for promotion of land through emerging Local Plans;
Planning application coordination and management;
Post-submission management and liaison with statutory consultees;
Contribution towards external funding applications;
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
This brochure highlights some of our defining projects, from our input into the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s competitive ITT bid process to land rationalisation and management of higher education land portfolios. The list below is by no means exhaustive but provides an insight into some of the planning services that we provide.
Flexibility in planning – preparation of minor material amendments of recently approved schemes;
Participation in Design Review panels;
Advice on strategic land opportunities through the Development Plan process and site-specific planning applications, and;
Independent evaluation of existing Estate Strategies.
The Colmore Building
20 Colmore Circus
Birmingham, B4 6AT
T: 0121 262 4148
7 Alva Street
Edinburgh, EH2 4PH T: 0131 370 3486
Da Vinci House
44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH
T: 020 3640 8508
201 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 2LW
T: 0141 465 4996
WeWork, Dalton Place
29 John Dalton Street
Manchester, M2 6FW
T: 0161 509 2840
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer
James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning
Claire Cogar Director
Jonathan Stewart Director
Paul Drew Director
James Jaulim Director ECONOMICS
Nick Ireland Director
Matt Kingham Director
Silke Gruner Director
Callum Fraser Director
Chris Jones Director
Laurie Handcock Director
Nick Walker Director
Paul McColgan Director
Gemma Gallant Director
Philippa Curran Director
Gary Mappin Director
Jamie Sullivan Director
John Mumby Director
Kieron Hodgson Director
Leona Hannify Director
Lewis Westhoff Director
Lorna O’Carroll Director
Ian Gallacher Director
Nick Grant Director PLANNING
Ian Mayhead Director
James Waterhouse Director
Simon Fowler Director
Authority: Ealing London Borough Council
Proposal: 4 Storey, new secondary school for 1300 pupils
Services: Planning | Engagement
Status: Approved and Close to completion (due mid 2020)
Iceni Projects further enhanced their education credentials by delivering planning permission for a desperately needed permanent secondary school for Kier Construction and to meet a challenging timetable. Iceni Planning, Transport, Engagement and Sustainability were all part of a large project team.
When fully open in 2021, the school will accommodate 1,300 pupils in a four storey building. The site was allocated in the Local Plan, but partially (the playing fields) remained in Metropolitan Open Land. The project team overcame a number of technical constraints including transport, noise, design, air quality and daylight/ sunlight to deliver a scheme that was supported by officers.
Iceni Engagement scored a major success, with the application attracting over 400 letters of support. Even though there were nearly 100 letters of objections from local residents, including commissioning their own technical objection, the application was approved unanimously by Ealing’s Planning Committee.
Authority: Hertfordshire County Council
Proposal: New state secondary school for approximately 1200 pupils
Services: Planning | Engagement
Status: Approved and Completed
Iceni Projects is working alongside the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and Kier Construction to deliver new schools across England.
Iceni provided leading planning advice to Kier Construction throughout the ESFA’s bid process, and thereafter prepared and submitted a planning application for a new school on the site on behalf of Kier Construction and the Danes School Trust, culminating in a resolution to approve the development at planning committee in February, 2018.
Requiring significant land shift on Green Belt land in order to provide on-site sporting facilities, Iceni successfully demonstrated Very Special Circumstances to Three Rivers District Council and worked closely with the Council throughout the planning period. Iceni Engagement lead on community and political consultation ensuring that local business owners and key stakeholders were supportive of the proposals.
Planning permission was granted in March 2018 on behalf on Kier Construction and the Danes School Trust.
The much needed development for 1206 pupils with accompanying sports facilities and playing fields will be delivered on time for the start of the academic year in September 2019.
Authority: Epping Forest District Council
Proposal: New state of the art Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) School
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni Projects, on behalf of the Anderson Foundation, obtained resolution to grant planning permission from Epping Forest District Council in December 2014 for the development of a new state of the art Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) School.
Following both officer and Area Planning Committee South recommendation for approval the application received overwhelming support from the District Development Control Committee.
The development on the disused former Tottenham Hotspur F.C. Training Ground, located within the Metropolitan Green Belt, has been designed to accommodate up to 128 pupils aged 4-19 and includes a mixed use games area, playing fields, 100 parking spaces and a minibus drop off area as well as landscaping and highways improvements.
The facility will be funded by the provision of 60 dwellings on site as well as contributions from the Anderson Foundation.
Authority: Ealing London Borough Council
Proposal: 2,118 new homes; 20,710 sqm of flexible commercial and community floorspace, a new two-form entry primary school, new pedestrian bridge Services: Planning | Transport | Engagement Status: Approved
Iceni was instructed by Greystar to lead the preparation of a detailed application at the former GSK headquarters and former Sunblest bakery site in the London Borough of Ealing.
This application obtained approval for a residential-led mix of uses including: 1,965 new homes (including an element of affordable housing); 21,443 sqm of flexible commercial and community floorspace in use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and / or D2, a new two-form entry primary school, new pedestrian bridge across the canal, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works. Iceni has coordinated the planning application submission, including the Environmental Impact Assessment. The application was submitted in September 2016 following engagement with the local community, Council and GLA and approved at Committee in March 2017.
Iceni continues to act through the construction process with regards to the necessary planning conditions to enable prompt delivery on site, and most recently obtained approval of a Minor Material Amendment for an additional 153 homes enabled by, and helping to facilitate, a modular build.
Authority: Havering London Borough Council
Proposal: Portfolio Management
Services: Planning | Transport
Status: CISIC Under Construction
Iceni Projects has been retained by Havering College of Further and Higher Education (HCFHE) over the past five years to advise on the rationalisation and redevelopment of its three primary sites across the London Borough of Havering. The College and Council have partnered across a portfolio of sites which they both own in order to deliver a range of regeneration benefits across the borough.
Most recently we have been advising both the College and the Council on the potential release of a Green Belt site for new residential development, this has involved making representations to the London Plan and the emerging Havering Local Plan.
We continue to advise the College on the implementation of a new construction skills building at its Rainham campus for which we recently secured planning permission as well as the potential disposal of part of the Ardleigh Green campus for alternative uses (including residential, a care home and custom-build housing) which would provide income to the College, enabling it to invest further in the main campus.
Authority: Havering London Borough Council
Proposal: Academy, Further Education College, Primary School and Special Educational Needs (SEN) School
Services: Planning
Status: Ongoing
As part of the wider Havering College of Further and Higher Education (HCFHE) campus sites, Iceni Projects supported proposals seeking the potential relocation of the Quarles Campus at Harold Hill and the incorporation of the College within the Harold Hill Learning Village.
This 35 hectare site included a new Academy, Further Education (FE) college, primary school and Special Educational Needs (SEN) school. In this instance we advised the various education bodies including the local authority and a new academy.
The project demonstrated the value of developing strong relationships between key bodies, in this instance a key local education provider and the local authority.
These relationships were of particular value when it was necessary to obtain the support of other parties, notably the Greater London Authority, TfL and Sport England. Having both Havering College and Havering Council aligned on key outcomes meant that these conversations were as positive and constructive as possible.
Authority: Camden London Borough Council
Proposal: Redevelopment of Vacant Site to Provide a Mix of Student-Facing Services with a Wide Range of Social Learning Spaces Under Use Class D1 Services: Transport Status: Completed
Iceni Projects have worked closely with UCL over the past decade to help them realise their goal of redeveloping their Bloomsbury campus. The jewel in the crown of the campus redevelopment is the new student centre located on Gordon Street which will provide a focal point for study, events and student life.
The student centre opened in February 2019 and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every single day of the year. It provides a number of essential facilities for students at UCL, including 1,000 study spaces, a café, group study rooms, quiet study rooms, a meditation room, a prayer room, a student enquiries centre and access to the new Japanese garden.
Iceni’s Transport Team advised UCL on transport matters producing a Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Delivery and Servicing Management Plan to support the application which involved extensive consultation with the Local Authority. The proposals also included the relocation of the existing zebra crossing on Gordon Street in order to improve the pedestrian environment surrounding the New Student Centre and within the main campus area.
Authority: Havering London Borough Council
Proposal: Application for reserved matters seeking approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in respect of a 2-form entry Primary School together with a 30 place FTE nursery
Services: Strategic Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni Projects acted as planning consultant on behalf of Kier Construction to secure reserved matters planning permission for a 2-form entry primary school and nursery as part of the wider Beam Park development, secured by a hybrid planning permission in Havering.
Iceni Projects initially provided leading planning advice to Kier Construction throughout Education and Skills Funding Agency bid process and subsequently prepared and submitted the reserved matters planning application. Iceni managed a large applicant team and worked proactively alongside the Council to develop a proposal which made the most efficient use of land whilst aligning with the Beam Park Design Guide that was approved under the hybrid planning permission in 2018.
The proposals delivered the vision of the hybrid permission and provided a a high-quality primary school to serve the needs of new and existing residents. The school provides a civic presence to the new public square that is at the heart of the Beam Park development as envisioned by the Beam Park Design Code.
The planning application, managed by Iceni Projects, was received well by the Council’s Development Management Team and after addressing the matters raised by the Design Review Panel was subsequently granted permission in August 2021. Iceni continues to act through the construction process with regards to the necessary planning conditions to enable prompt delivery on site.
Authority: London Borough of Camden
Proposal: School for 1,250 pupils
Services: Planning | Engagement
Status: On-going
Iceni Projects advised the London Borough of Camden in connection with the part redevelopment and part refurbishment of Parliament Hill School and William Ellis School in Highgate. The project, funded by a £30 million investment from the Council’s Community Investment Programme (CIP), comprised a number of modern extensions which will provide several new wings for the schools, as well as vital refurbishments and remodelling of the old Victorian buildings and dining hall to create a 21st century learning environment.
Parliament Hill School, which caters to 1,250 pupils, will benefit from improved science rooms, sports facilities, dining rooms and a brand new teaching block. The works to the neighbouring William Ellis School involve a new-build extension for food technology, drama and music lessons, in addition to internal refurbishments and improved learning spaces. As part of the site wide project, a new state-of-the-art building for the school’s shared sixth will also be provided.
Located in the Dartmouth Conservation Area, part allocated within the Hampstead Heath Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) designation and in close proximity to a number of prominent residential buildings, the proposals were subject to a high level of scrutiny from a wide range of stakeholders.
Iceni Projects were the lead consultant and guided the project through an extensive 8 month pre-application and stakeholder engagement programme, before submitting the application in September and securing planning permission at the Council’s Planning Committee in December 2017.
Authority: London Borough of Harrow
Proposal: Hybrid application - improve the school’s teaching and administration facilities.
Services: Iceni Planning, Engagement, Townscape, Impact, Transport
Status: Under construction
Iceni secured planning permission in September 2021 for a Masterplan to improve the North London Collegiate School’s teaching and administration facilities. The hybrid application was split into three phases over the next 15-20 years and includes new education and administration buildings as well as improvements to sporting facilities.
The Masterplan will deliver much needed facilities to improve the school administration and teaching spaces, as well as sports facilities and overall legibility through the site. The Masterplan particularly responds to a crucial need to improve female participation in science and engineering career fields. Phase 1 is currently under construction and creates specialised technical spaces for design, technology and engineering as well as additional teaching spaces for art. This new facility is designed to promote collaborative learning and is known as the IDEAS hub. The later phases of the Masterplan include improvements to sports, music, performing arts, drama and the junior school.
The Masterplan integrates new buildings with the existing facilities and respects the various designations of Metropolitan Open Land, listed building and conservation area status as well as the Registered Park and Garden status of the site and surrounds.
Iceni Projects worked closely with the School from the initial strategic input, to detailed planning application stage, and now through the construction phase; by providing technical planning, heritage, transport, engagement and health impact expertise to support the Masterplan.
Working on behalf of Tilbury Douglas, Iceni’s Manchester Office prepared and managed the full planning application for the development of Halcyon Way, a new Special Education Needs (SEN) school for children in Oldham, Greater Manchester. The new facility provides places for 152 pupils, aged two to eleven, of which 12 will be early-years places and will be part of the Kingfisher Learning Trust.
The scheme gained consent in 2020 and the 3,231 square metre new building has been delivered using latest mixed reality technology. It includes a two-storey building with a range of therapy and sensory spaces, as well as external play areas and car parking facilities.
Iceni Projects led a large project team across a six-month period, preparing the planning application and hosting a public consultation event across two days to engage the community with the proposals.
The school includes a one-storey building, external play areas, and car parking facilities, as well as a range of therapy and sensory spaces and a hydrotherapy pool, which will be available for hire by the local community.
Prospect House Primary Specialist Support School is a Local Authority commissioned special primary Free School. This is a specialist support school for children with severe or profound learning difficulties and associated additional needs. The development of the school will therefore address the increasing demand for Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) school places in the county and provide employment opportunities for local people across a range of roles, including specialist teachers and support staff.
The school is now complete and open.
Iceni was instructed by Barking and Dagenham College to advise on the extensive refurbishment of part of its Rush Green Campus in Romford in order to deliver an advanced technology centre for higher and further education students. In order to raise the necessary capital to fund the refurbishment, Iceni assisted the College with the preparation of an outline planning application for residential development on surplus Green Belt land within the college campus. We assisted the College in developing a justification for the residential proposals on the basis of ‘enabling’ development for educational purposes and led negotiations with both the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and the Greater London Authority, whilst also promoting the site for release from the Green Belt through the Local Plan.
Iceni provided advice to Carshalton College on options for the improvement of their existing campus site in Carshalton, including the acquisition of adjoining sites and the re-planning of the campus, including new facilities and access routes. The site was constrained and had been subject to piecemeal developments over previous periods, and our work involved re-planning the campus looking at options for improved accessibility, new sporting facilities to support both the College and the local community, and the expansion of the College on to several adjoining sites. Our dialogue with both Sutton Council and the Greater London Authority gained support for the scheme and approvals were obtained to a tight timetable to ensure the deployment of funding.
Iceni provided advice to Croydon College regarding their education provision across London Borough of Croydon. We gave particular advice on a potential site acquisition to the south of Croydon which would facilitate a re-provision of education space across their land holdings, this would comprise part of a mixed-use development of significance. We also provided inputs to the masterplanning of the town centre regeneration around their existing facility, and how that linked in to the Council land holdings on the adjacent sites and the wider regeneration around East Croydon station.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07875 672 061
E: agale@iceniprojects.com
Clients value Andrews’ balanced approach and trust him to obtain the best outcome.
Andrew was schooled in the ‘art’ of town planning whilst working for two local authorities, Tunbridge Wells and Canterbury, in Kent. This experience taught him early and valuable lessons in how the UK planning system and development industry interact. He has continued to develop his professional and commercial skills having worked as a planning consultant in several large multi-disciplinary firms.
His previous role was as a Partner at Drivers Jonas Deloitte, where he led a team focusing on large-scale residential and mixeduse developments. He acts for landowners and local authorities through to niche-developers and national house-builders.
Complex and demanding projects, where clients’ expectations and requirements have to be judged against both policy and political influences, is where Andrew thrives most. He brings many years’ experience from both a public sector and large-corporate perspective and leads the planning side of the Iceni business.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07805 926 150
E: jsullivan@iceniprojects.com
Jamie has a strong technical understanding of planning, with a wide range of experience on complex development projects.
Jamie works on a variety of different schemes including large strategic greenfield developments and complex brownfield developments. He seeks to build relationships with officers and deliver collaborative solutions to technical and practical issues. Jamie also advises a significant number of clients when acquiring sites and prides himself on delivering a highly commercial insight in to the relevant planning constraints and opportunities.
Jamie has worked on a wide range of care and age-friendly housing projects ranging from retirement communities through to assisted living schemes and everything in between. He is Iceni’s Sector Lead on Care and Age-Friendly Housing.
As well as being a regular commentator on the issues facing the sector, he also seeks to influence change on Government policy having previously undertaken a secondment as a Planning Policy Advisor for HM Treasury and produced the Housing in Later Life toolkit with HousingLIN and support from MHCLG.
T: 0161 509 2840
M: 07817 766 294
E: jentezari@iceniprojects.com
Justine brings a wealth of knowledge and a positive attitude to planning projects.
Justine joined Iceni Projects in October 2018 as an Associate in the Manchester office, having spent the previous eight years working her way up through the ranks at a Manchester based planning consultancy. With a commercial focus to her advice, Justine builds strong relationships with clients, adding value to projects.
Since graduating in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of Sheffield in 2011, Justine has worked on a diverse range of schemes, with a key focus on delivering housing and mixed use development on both greenfield and brownfield sites.
Working across all stages of the planning process, from initial advice to the coordination of large complex projects, Justine is proficient in managing technical consultants, preparing detailed reports, attending consultation events, and negotiating with stakeholders. Justine has extensive experience in planning applications, appeals and site promotion work.
The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.
The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.
iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.
The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help.
iSite wont be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.
To discuss iSite please email isite@iceniprojects.com
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPFbased assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective.
The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard.
The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commissionaims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment.