Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer.
We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the-job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.
The Health Sector is changing fast, with the NHS beginning to make radical moves towards the integration of health and social care services, and an increased emphasis on disease prevention instead of treatment. Interest has risen in the connection between spatial planning and health, and how disease prevention can be woven into the design of our built environment, with The Healthy New Towns programme as the most visible outcome to date. Iceni’s experience leaves us ideally positioned to provide our clients with the trusted advice they need to benefit from the new opportunities arising from changes in the sector.
challenges, can contribute to best practice strategic design and will always challenge the planning constraints that can restrict or prevent design solutions which support better health and well-being from being achieved. And we are always innovative; our Social Value Framework, for example, identifies desired physical or mental health outcomes through stakeholder consultation and produces measurable metrics that can be tracked through the stages of the development process, in order to measure the success of design interventions, and to inform and improve future development.
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
Iceni has a proven track record in Health and Wellbeing, from valuation experience for NHS property in the south east of England, through bespoke planning advice, to Health Impact Assessment for major schemes and project delivery, Iceni can advise from project inception to building occupation. Our strength as a strategic consultant comes not only from our knowledge, but our willingness to continue to learn as the sector changes. We understand the economic
Our work is interlinked with Iceni’s expertise in archaeology; delivery; design; EIA management; engagement; heritage; planning; sustainable development, townscape and transport. Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects.
The Colmore Building
20 Colmore Circus
Birmingham, B4 6AT
T: 0121 262 4148
Edinburgh 14-18 Hill Street
Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ
T: 0131 370 3486
Da Vinci House
44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH
T: 020 3640 8508
201 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 2LW
T: 0141 465 4996
WeWork, Dalton Place
29 John Dalton Street
Manchester, M2 6FW
T: 0161 509 2840
Ian Anderson Chief Executive
Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer
James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning
Claire Cogar Director
Laurie Handcock Director
Nick Walker Director
Jonathan Stewart Director
Paul Drew Director
James Jaulim Director
Sam Griffiths Director
Nick Ireland Director
Matt Kingham Director
Paul McColgan Director
Gemma Gallant Director
Philippa Curran Director
Silke Gruner Director
Ian Mayhead Director
James Waterhouse Director
Grant Director PLANNING
Callum Fraser Director
Chris Jones Director
Gary Mappin Director
Ian Gallacher Director
Jamie Sullivan Director
Fowler Director
Burbridge Director
John Mumby Director
Kieron Hodgson Director
Leona Hannify Director
Peters Director
Lewis Westhoff Director
Lorna O’Carroll Director
Authority: Thurrock Council
Proposal: New Build Stadium, Office Space, Healthcare and Hospitality Facilities
Services: Built Heritage and Townscape | Engagement | Planning | Sustainable Development | Transport
Status: Pre-submission
Langdon Hills Golf and Country Club is a prestigious facility in the heart of Thurrock. The 27-hole course has panoramic views over Essex and the London skyline.
The golf club also provides important community and civic space. Many residents of Thurrock and wider Essex have celebrated weddings, birthdays, Christenings and other functions at the club. Langdon Hills Golf and Country Club has also played an important fund-raising role and has attracted visitors from afar.
Notwithstanding the above, golf is changing to reflect wider societal changes. Golf clubs across the country have seen failing participation rates; members lacking time; family pressures and competing pressures from other sports and leisure activities. New potential members want action through shorter courses, technology, and updated food and beverage options. Members also want leisure options for the wider family, such as crèche facilities, a gym and pool.
In this context, Iceni Projects have worked with the Heronslea Group in developing a hybrid
planning application that will enhance the golf facilities. This includes:
A golf course redesign to provide a new shortcourse to meet current trends in the sport. The objective of this short course is to increase participation rates and provide greater appeal to younger / older players.
A new state-of-the-art driving range facility will be provided. It will incorporate the latest ball tracking technology that provides instant feedback on video screens. This supports the progression of enthusiasts but also fun for beginners.
Integrated to the driving range (and short course) will be a golf academy. This will provide specialist coaching which is currently lacking from the existing set-up. The academy will be open to the public and will have a close links with local schools.
A new wellness and mindfulness centre.
A decision is expected in 2020.
Authority: London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Council
Proposal: Redevelopment of former biothane plant to provide a 89 unit specialist care facility, with private abs communal healthcare, therapy, leisure & social facilities.
Services: Engagement
Status: Resolution to grant Planning Consent
Iceni Engagement successfully implemented an engagement strategy for an Extra Care facility in West London to deliver much needed assisted living facilities in the local area.
Located in Kew, the proposals seek to redevelop an existing brownfield site into a specialist Extra Care facility with a strong emphasis on community integration through the introduction of communal facilities. This is a central tenet of Red & Yellow’s approach to care, seeking to combat loneliness and provide a home with care, rather than a care home.
Furthermore the proposals will also improve access to Metropolitan Open Land which forms part of the site.
Key benefits of the project include: transforming an unattractive and derelict
Biothane Plant into a modern development of 90 quality apartments; facilitating stateof-the-art approaches to medical care for people with dementia; community facilities such as a children’s play area and community café to improve interaction with locals and deliver for the community as a whole.
Ongoing and effective engagement with elected members of LB Richmond Council, local residents and GLA officials was essential to the project, especially during a period of significant political change that saw an entirely new administration and all new ward councillors being elected to power following the local elections.
Following submission of the planning application we supported Red & Yellow in implementing a support generation campaign, which resulted in over 250 support representations submitted to Richmond Borough Council.
Authority: Thurrock Council
Proposal: New hospice and enabling development of 80 homes.
Services: Engagement | Planning | Transport
Status: Under Construction
Iceni Projects secured detailed planning permission for a new hospice in Thurrock. The hospice will be managed by St Luke’s Hospice who are palliative care specialists for Thurrock and Basildon. St Luke’s Hospice is a highly regarded charity which cares for people whose illnesses are no longer curable, enabling them to achieve the best possible quality of life during the final stages of their illness.
Prior to the submission of a planning application, Iceni Projects had been working closely with the landowners to secure an allocation in the Local Development Framework. This culminated in the creation of Policy CSTP11: Health Provision which recognised the need for a new hospice in the Borough that would be delivered through an enabling development of 80 homes.
The hospice comprises of a two-storey building with a GIA of 1,407sqm. It provides the following benefits:
Significant increase in bed capacity for inpatient stays to meeting rising demand;
Provide visitor rooms, enabling family and friends to visit and stay overnight at the end of their loved one’s life;
Allow greater flexibility in treatment patterns and reduce the need for hospital admissions;
Improve care for seriously ill patients who have complex needs by providing modern facilities and specialist equipment in a purpose-built environment;
Delivering care within the community;
Enhance the healing and therapeutic environment for patients and their families by providing complementary therapy treatment rooms and creating peaceful and tranquil gardens - an essential aspect of specialist hospice care, and
Provide space for the Hospice to expand its outpatient facilities, including a new learning support centre, children and adult counselling and support services.
Iceni Projects also advised on transport and community engagement.
Authority: Camden London Borough Council
Proposal: 41 New Homes with supporting Community floor Space and Public Realm.
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni Projects have been advising Camden Council on the redevelopment of this site since 2016. Funded by the Council’s Community Investment Programme, the aim of the project was to secure the long term future of the Highgate Newtown Community Centre (HNCC) and Fresh Youth Academy (FYA) on the site by demolishing the existing buildings and providing a modern fit for purpose facility.
To enable the delivery of the new community facilities, Iceni Projects helped secure planning permission in June 2017 for a comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of the site. The development included the provision of 31 private residential apartments, built above 2,000 sqm of Class D1 community floorspace, within building ranging from 3 to 4 storeys and set around a new public square.
Despite the numerous benefits of the development, the application was subject to a high level of objection from a wide range of stakeholders, requiring a sophisticated understanding of the area and engagement approach. These stakeholders included: the Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee, the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum, ward councillors, and numerous local residents. Iceni Projects advised on the planning strategy from the outset of the project, leading the design team through pre-application engagement with officers and stakeholders, multiple presentations to the Council’s Design Review Panel, and successfully presenting the application to the Council’s Planning Committee.
Following a financial review of the project by Camden Council, Iceni were retained to secure a number of amendments to the scheme to increase it’s viability. In March 2019 a Section 73 Application was approved which increased the overall quantum of residential units to 41 as well as a reconfigured community centre and public realm.
Construction of the project is due to commence in Q2 2020.
Authority: Westminster City Council
Proposal: 9 new homes & refurbished Class D1 floorspace for flexible healthcare use
Services: Planning
Status: Approved
Iceni Projects advised and secured planning consent on behalf of the London Diocesan Fund for the comprehensive refurbishment and extension of their building in Bayswater, Westminster to provide new improved purpose-built Use Class D1 floorspace for continued use by the National Health Service (NHS).
The scheme has emerged from the ambition of securing the long-term future Use Class D1 floorspace on site to provide the NHS with purpose-built, flexible and modern facility including the reconfiguration of the entrance to provide level access for visitors which widens the offer to the local community needs.
The scheme also includes the delivery of 9 residential dwellings through the sensitive conversion and extension of the existing building.
Iceni are currently advising on a number of amendments to the scheme to further improve the floorspace and enable the long-term use of the building.
Authority: Thurrock Council
Proposal: Health Impact Assessment
Services: Impact Management
Status: Completed
Health Impact Assessments evaluate the potential health impacts of a proposed scheme on both the existing and future population in a defined local area. Iceni Projects prepared a full Health Impact Assessment report to support the submission of a hybrid planning application for 2,500 homes, a new primary school, a medical centre, community and retail floorspace and open space provision at Arena Essex, Thurrock.
The Assessment was undertaken after a continuous dialogue with Thurrock Council, Public Health Thurrock and the NHS. Following feedback from these discussions resulted in the creation of a bespoke Health Impact Assessment Matrix, which reflected the complexity and scale of the project, and addressed key concerns flagged by consultees. The Assessment considered both construction and operational phases of the proposal as well as cumulative effects from developments in the surrounding area as agreed with the Council.
On behalf of South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, (SLaM), Iceni coordinated and submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to support the full (detailed) planning application for the redevelopment of Lambeth Hospital Site within the London Borough of Lambeth (LBL). The proposal comprised a residential development for approximately 553 dwellings and supporting land uses, flexible community and commercial space, open space.
The site was identified as being well placed to deliver residential development, however, within the site there were several environmental constraints to consider, including:
Location within the LBL Air Quality Management Area, (AQMA);
Visual considerations, impact on the surrounding residential properties, regarding loss of light and overlooking to surrounding properties;
Proximity to numerous heritage assets;
Locally Listed Buildings within the site;
Transport concerns for London Road Network;
Noise from the 108A Landor Road and London Ambulance Station 117-123 Hubert Grove;
Iceni were responsible for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This included drafting and submission of the EIA Scoping Report, coordination and management of the EIA consultant team, drafting the introductory and concluding ES chapters, reviewing each of the technical assessments and coordination, management and production of all volumes of the Environmental Statement (ES), including the nontechnical summary.
In addition, Iceni also authored the Traffic and Transport, Water Resources and Flood Risk, Socio-Economics, Archaoelogy and Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment ES chapters. Moreover, Iceni was responsible for undertaking Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment, a Transport Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment (including Surface Water Drainage Strategy), an Archaeological Appraisal and a standalone Health Impact Assessment, submitted as part of the planning application.
Authority: Various
Proposal: Management of the NHS’s portfolio of Green Belt Sites across England Services: Planning
Status: Ongoing
Iceni Projects acts as the ongoing consultant for the management of the NHS Property Services portfolio of Green Belt sites across England.
Iceni’s day to day work on this project involves keeping up to date on the local plan position of the various site’s respective authorities to monitor for opportunities for representations. This involves regular monitoring of websites, committees, and discussions with policy officers to ensure the information we have is as up to date as possible, and the circulation of a formal update providing either a confirmed schedule of upcoming consultations, or, an indication as to when the Council is expected to consult on their plan.
Following this, Iceni Projects lead on the preparation and submission of representations in cases where the land is surplus to the NHS requirements promoting the release of the sites from the Green Belt.
Along with the Iceni planning team, our in-house Urban Design team has assisted on a number of these instructions to demonstrate how a masterplan can be formed for the sites for their potential repurposing.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07967 630 348
E: ianderson@iceniprojects.com
Ian is always seeking to identify opportunities to add value for his clients, and to further the growth of Iceni Projects.
Having previously been a director at Town Planning Consultancy and in turn RPS, Ian has experienced working for both private-run and PLC planning firms. In turn, Ian worked for a private property company, led by two entrepreneurs, where he both acquired sites and managed them through the planning process.
Ian has taken the key ingredients that made those businesses successful and instilled them into the fabric of Iceni: A business mind-set characterised by hard work, strategic vision, common-sense, topical awareness, and speed of thought.
Ian relishes working with clients, be that on site identification, business planning or project strategy.
Ian currently works on a range of strategic, retail, and residential projects, and also serves in an advisory capacity to a number of property companies.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07795 447 976
E: hallan@iceniprojects.com
Helen is an experienced project manager of planning technical teams and offers planning expertise through the lifecycle of the planning process.
Helen is a Chartered Associate Town Planner and enjoys engaging with stakeholders and design teams to secure high quality and viable schemes for her clients. She has worked in both the private and nonprofit sectors and her focus has largely been on the regeneration of brownfield sites in London and the Southeast of England delivering medium to large scale mixed-use developments, including a recent focus on delivering leisure and health care developments.
She has experience in successfully leading and managing planning applications including presenting schemes at design team meetings and pre-application meetings with local planning authorities. She has played key roles in large multidisciplinary teams, offering sound planning advice and has a good understanding of balancing a client’s brief alongside planning policy requirements.
Helen’s strengths include commercial awareness, project management, a calm and level-headed approach to planning problems and strong client communication skills.
T: 020 3640 8508
M: 07875 681 532
E: locarroll@iceniprojects.com
Lorna utilises an analytical approach and attention to detail to deliver positive results for clients.
Lorna joined Iceni Projects having worked within the Economics and Regeneration Team at a leading London based planning consultancy.
The focus of her work is producing and advising on socio-economic impact assessments for a wide range of development projects including residential, commercial, mixed-use and transport uses to support planning applications and to form part of Environmental Impact Assessments. She also has experience in preparing health impact and equality impact assessments for major projects. Lorna has also led on the preparation and submission of planning applications –co-ordinating multi-disciplinary project teams and successfully negotiating with local planning authorities.
She also has experience promoting strategic housing and employment sites through the local plan process and has undertaken employment land, local economic assessments and growth option studies for both public and private sector clients, drawing on her aptitude to decipher technical evidence.
Lorna’s strengths include strategic thinking, strong analytical skills, attention to detail and an ability to effectively communicate technical information.
The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.
The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.
iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.
The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, pre-application meeting, public consultation event or committee |presentation, iSite can help.
iSite wont be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.
To discuss iSite please email isite@iceniprojects.com
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPFbased assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective.
The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard.
The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commissionaims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment.