Iceni Projects | Kent Showcase

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Introduction | A multi-skilled consultancy


Formed in 2005, Iceni is now the market leader and preferred consultancy for a fast-growing number of clients. We have always sought to provide the skills of an advisor with the instincts of a developer.

We achieve this by knowing our tradecraft – the technical skills that come through years of education and on-the-job experience that is recognised by professional accreditation. But it is also daring to be different; being proactive and thinking strategically. Our client relationships are built on trust, togetherness, enthusiasm, and a courage to challenge, where appropriate. The technical specialisms that the company hold have widened, but this fundamental objective remains the same. We are committed to putting our client’s interests first – and providing them with the tools to significantly improve their performance.

Iceni Projects have significant experience of working in Kent, spanning over many years. Our extensive knowledge and long-standing relationships with key stakeholders makes us best placed to advise on planning applications and land promotion in the county.

Beyond planning, we offer a variety of specialist services in the fields of archaeology; delivery; design; EIA management; engagement; heritage; sustainable development, townscape and transport . Our team are talented, relentless, intelligent, bold and experienced. Individually or collectively, you’ll know when you’re with Iceni Projects.

We have the expertise to deliver strategic planning at a sub-regional and local level, advising local authorities on evidence and strategy development across England. Our services include advising local authorities on aligning their evidence on housing need and economic growth, to deliver a collaborative approach to strategic planning.

To Iceni, thinking strategically is what we fundamentally believe to be the right way of doing things; to assess needs, evaluate constraints and maximise opportunities. It’s about having a strategic vision for a site, often looking beyond the immediate constraint of development management policies, and utilising a diverse range of skills to deliver large scale infrastructure and development projects.

Your Strategic Adviser


The Colmore Building

20 Colmore Circus

Birmingham, B4 6AT

T: 0121 262 4148

Edinburgh 14-18 Hill Street

Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ

T: 0131 370 3486


Da Vinci House

44 Saffron Hill, London, EC1N 8FH

T: 020 3640 8508


201 West George Street

Glasgow, G2 2LW

T: 0141 465 4996


WeWork, Dalton Place

29 John Dalton Street

Manchester, M2 6FW

T: 0161 509 2840

The Team Structure of Iceni


Ian Anderson Chief Executive

Andrew Gale Chief Operating Officer

James Bompas Director | Business Devt. & Strategic Planning


Claire Cogar Director

Jonathan Stewart Director

Paul Drew Director

James Jaulim Director ECONOMICS

Nick Ireland Director

Matt Kingham Director

Silke Gruner Director

Callum Fraser Director

Chris Jones Director

Laurie Handcock Director


Nick Walker Director

Paul McColgan Director

Gemma Gallant Director

Philippa Curran Director

Gary Mappin Director

Jamie Sullivan Director

John Mumby Director

Kieron Hodgson Director

Leona Hannify Director

Lewis Westhoff Director

Lorna O’Carroll Director

Ian Gallacher Director

Nick Grant Director PLANNING

Ian Mayhead Director

James Waterhouse Director

Simon Fowler Director

Clive Burbridge Director
Fred Peters Director
Mike England Director
Rob Amey Director

Iceni Intelligence

Iceni offers a network of Area-Based Experts that report weekly on the following:

ƒ Development Plan changes;

ƒ Delivery figures for housing/employment and the implications for future land release and policy change;

ƒ Major developments and the developers behind them;

ƒ Key planning officers and Members of influence; and

ƒ Changes in Policy Direction and New Initiatives contained within the decision taking functions of authorities at local, county and subregional level.

Iceni Intelligence ensures Iceni are at the forefront of all planning and political matters in these areas. This informs our advice to clients on planning strategy and allows us to identify opportunities at the earliest stage.

Kent Area-Based Expert

Isabella Ingram


T: 07990 372 954


Josie Doherty


T: 07799 035 831


Mary Helen Elliott


T: 07786 734 206


Lauren Cadore


T: 07909 528 393


Matthew Madden


T: 07909 530 312


Aisling Merriman


T: 07765 766 991


Lou Hirrien


T: 07350 404 895


Toby Bonny


T: 07788 912 615


Georgia Foy


T: 07799 089 425


Lydia Frimley


T: 07760 653 824


Yasmin Hamde


T: 0790 952 8468






















Iceni Projects

Facilitating Growth in Kent

Iceni’s key projects include:


Newtown Works | 300 & Film Studio

Waterbrook | 400 homes

Project Green | major employment

The Nurseries | 220 homes


Sturry | 1,100

Hoplands Park | 330

Merton Lane | 3,000

Bridge | major employment

Seasalter | 220 homes


High Halstow | 750

Folkestone and Hythe

Sellindge | 362

New Romney | 110


Lenham | 182


Gravesend | 250

Meopham | 500 homes


Stonehouse Park | 850

Halstead | 100


Betteshanger | 200

Deal | 1200 homes

Tonbridge and Malling

Aylesford | 350

Tonbridge | major employment


Ramsgate | 800

Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery Our

Projects Our People

Snapshot of Kent

1.6 million people

685,640 dwellings in Kent (86.8% private, 13% social and other 0.1%)

Two AONB’s

covering 33%

of Kent’s land area

Average house prices ranging from £2,350,000 p/hectare in Dover to £8,300,000 in Sevenoaks. In general, values in West Kent are considerably higher than East Kent.

Six Kent Authorities have a greater proportion of non-developed land than the national average.

47,129 housing units (granted permission as of 31 March 2020)

72,240 hectares of Green Belt Land

The largest nondeveloped land use in all areas in Kent was agriculture.

Nutrient Neutrality

Stodmarsh lies east of Canterbury and is a Special Protection Area (SPA), Ramsar site, Special area of Conservation (SAC), and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and parts are a National Nature Reserve (NNR). It is a site of national and international importance for a range of water dependent habitats and wildlife that relies upon them.

During 2017/18, a review of the internationally designated lakes at Stodmarsh identified that some of the lakes there had raised nitrogen and phosphate levels, leading to eutrophication of the lakes which occurs when an excessive amount of nutrients within a water body are present, resulting in increased plant growth that reduces the oxygen content in the water.

It is believed that the building of more homes will create a greater volume of water needing to go through Wastewater Treatment Works and this equates to more Phosphorus and Nitrogen in the River Stour and potentially entering the Stodmarsh. This has led to proposed development in those Kent authorities affected being held up until the issue could be resolved. Dover for example have found a resolution while Ashford are working on a Mitigation Strategy.

Nutrient neutrality SSSI catchment

SSSI subject to nutrient neutrality strategy


Land Values

Thanet has seen the largest increase of 12%.

Only 5 of the 13 Local Authorities saw an increase in land value between 2017 and 2019.

Sevenoaks had the highest estimated land value in Kent .

The average price ranges from £2,350,000 p/ hectare in Dover to £8,300,000 in Sevenoaks.

Key Contacts in Kent

Iceni have a number of key contacts within Kent including close relationships with many case officers and Kent County Council.

Key Contacts Include the following:

Local Authority / Body








Folkestone and Hythe



Tonbridge and Malling

Tunbridge Wells


Key Contact (Head Of Planning)

Simon Cole

Simon Thomas

Sonia Collins

Sarah Platts

Shazad Ghani

Rob Jarman

Richard Morris

Llywelyn Lloyd

James Freeman

Ashley Jackson

James Bailey

Carlos Hone

Dave Harris

Proposed / Possible Garden Communities

Folkestone and Hythe – committed to Otterpool Park which is set to supply c.40% of their housing target within their Plan Period | 10,000

Options of South East Faversham, South Faversham, South East Sittingbourne and Land at Bobbing. Details will follow within the next stage of their Local Plan. Maidstone


Garden Community at Lenham.

and Dartford

Ebbsfleet Garden City | 15,000 across brownfield land


Lodge Hill, Chattenden | Application approved on site, however the site was sold to MOD who later submitted an application in 2017 for 5,000 homes. This application was withdrawn and the site sold to Homes England who have significant reduced the number of units to 500.


Borough Green Gardens (Proposed) | 3,000 homes

Tunbridge Wells

Parish (Proposed) | 6,500 homes

Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery Our



Local Plan Progress


District CFS 18 19 EiP A Notes


Canterbury 

Dartford 

 Ashford will commence a review of the Local Plan in Summer 2023.

Adopted July 2017. A Regulation 18 Consultation is planned to take place in early 2024.

The Inspector has concluded the Examination in Public and has issued his report declaring the Local Plan ‘sound’ subject to modifications.

Dover  The Dover Local Plan was submitted to the Inspector for examination in March 2023.

Folkestone and Hythe 

Gravesham 

Maidstone 

Medway 

Sevenoaks 

Swale 

Thanet 

Tonbridge and Malling 

The Core Strategy Review was adopted 30 March 2022.

Stage 2 of Regulation 18 was expected January 2020, however it has not yet been undertaken. The Local Plan has been delayed due to Traffic Assessments which still need to be completed.

The Local Plan Review Main Modifications Consultation 2023 closed in December 2023.

Regulation 18 Part B is expected to go to Consultation in Q2 2024.

Reg 18 part 2 consultation closed in Autumn 2023. A report is to be published in late March 2024.

Members agreed to postpone the next formal consultation stage of the Local Plan Review. LDS to be updated.

A Reg 18 Consultation was scheduled to take place in September 2023 but has not yet been undertaken.

Regulation 19 consultation expected Q2 2024

Tunbridge Wells  Local Plan is at Examination

Map Key

Call for Sites / Regulation 18

Reg 19 / Submitted for Examination

Main Mods / Adopted







Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery Our




Political Portrait

Thelargest nondeveloped land use in all areas in Kent was agriculture.

4 out of 12 authorities are Labour

The largest nondeveloped land use in all areas in Kent was agriculture Overall Kent County Council consists of 61 Conservatives (i.e. 76.25%), followed by 7 Labour, and 6 Liberal Democrats and 4 Green party.

The largest nondeveloped land use in all areas in Kent was agriculture. Many Council’s have seen a shift in control following Brexit, the cost of living crisis and the war in Ukraine. The Conservatives have lost their previous control.

The largest nondeveloped land use in all areas in Kent was agriculture

7 authorities currently have no overall control; Ashford -Minority Ashford Ind and Green Canterbury – Labour led Coalition with Lib Dems Folkestone and Hythe – Green Controlled Maidstone – Minority Conservative Swale – Rainbow coalition Tonbridge and Malling- NOC but Conservative Tunbridge Wells – Joint led by Lid Dems




Map Key





Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery


Latest Housing Land Supply Position and Presumption

The 4 and 5 year housing land supply is a calculation of whether there is a deliverable supply of homes to meet the planned housing requirements over the next 4 or 5 years. This update was provided as part of changes to the NPPF in December 2023. A 5-year protection (para 76) has now been introduced, allowing authorities who adopt a Local Plan from having to maintain a 5YHLS. This only applied to applications submitted on or after 20 December 2023.

A requirement (para 77) for authorities who have an emerging Plan which has reached Reg.18, 19 or Examination stage now only have to demonstrate a 4YHLS, if the plan includes proposed allocations towards meeting housing needs.

These changes have resulted in 5 authorities who are protected from the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

This opens up opportunities for speculative applications as in decision-taking, the presumption in favour of sustainable development will apply. Notwithstanding this, the majority of Kent is situated within the Green Belt, therefore a robust Very Special Circumstances (VSC) will need to accompany any planning application proposals.

Whilst housing need can contribute to a VSC case, in most cases it does not outweigh protection to the Green Belt, therefore further VSC cases will need to be provided for example Retirement Housing, or Self Build Housing.

– Protected until March 2024, thereafter presumption applied due to lack of 5YHLS



Housing Delivery Test Measurement

The Housing Delivery Test compares the net homes delivered over three years in each authority to the homes required over the same period.

When compared with the figures published in 2020, 7 Kent Local Authorities have seen decreases in their Housing Delivery Test Calculations, demonstrating that delivery is falling within the County.

Out of the 13 Local Authorities, 2 are required to produce an Action Plan, 2 are required to apply a Buffer and 5 are subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

These figures are based on the recently published 2021 Housing Delivery Test Measurement results published in 2022.

Housing Delivery Test Measurement (2021)




Map Key


Buffer Applied

Action Plan Required

Exceeded 100% Target


Housing Targets

Adopted vs Standardised Method

Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery


Newtown Works


Iceni Projects acted for Quinn Estates, who in tandem with The Creative District Improvement Company, will deliver a signature mixed-use regeneration project at the historically significant, former Newtown Railway Works site in Ashford. The £250m scheme comprises a bespoke film studio complex providing 240,000sq ft of dedicated production space, 120-bed hotel, as well as additions and alterations to the Grade 2 Listed Locomotive Sheds to create over 300 apartments, to create an iconic new quarter in Ashford for people to live, work and visit.

The scheme is vitally important for the Town given the potential to boost and diversify the economy into the media sector, whilst also delivering much needed housing. The scheme has the potential to stimulate wider regeneration and investment in an important Kent town with the potential to transform itself into one of the success stories of the South East.

The Strategic Planning Team coordinated the planning application for the site and produced a supporting Planning Statement and Economic Benefits Statement, whilst Iceni’s Heritage Team led on the crucial heritage issues associated with the five listed buildings on-site, which has required constructive working with Historic England, Ashford’s Conservation Team and the scheme architects - Hollaway.

Dartford Cricket Club


Iceni Projects helped obtain planning permission for the demolition of the existing Dartford Cricket Club pavilion and the construction of a replacement pavilion with associated amendments, extensions to the car parking provision, new storage shed and cricket nets.

Iceni worked closely with the rest of the project team to ensure that there were no detrimental effects as a result of the development at the Hesketh Park Ground.

Hesketh Park has been home to Dartford Cricket Club (DCC) since the start of the 20th century. Dartford Cricket Club is one of the world’s oldest Cricket Clubs dating back to 1727. The club celebrated its 275th anniversary in 2003. Teams of the club also play at the nearby grounds of Waller Park, Darenth and Oakfield Park, Wilmington.

Along with the new pavilion, new nets and scoreboard were also introduced. The club aim to improve its pitches by erecting the new nets and installing a rainwater harvest and sprinkler system.

There is a considerable fixture list for all age levels with competitive teams from under 9s to under 17s and then at senior level. The club has various senior section teams and a Junior Section which is fully integrated into the club structure and provides an excellent coaching programme and practice facilities for young people aged 6 and above. The club is also actively supporting the development of women’s and disabled cricket.

In addition to cricket, the pavilion provides a base for a cycle club, a running club and the St Johns Ambulance, whilst also being made available for hire as part of private functions and events.

Stonehouse Park Sevenoaks

Stonehouse Park is a proposal for a new settlement in the Green Belt in Sevenoaks comprising: 850 new homes; state of the art sports facilities and pitches for Sevenoaks Hockey Club and Sevenoaks Rugby Club; a primary school; a business hub; a new local centre; a retirement village and extensive parkland. The site is the former Broke Hill Golf Course.

Iceni’s strategic planning team is providing Quinn Estates with consultancy advice on employment land, socio-economic, and open-space matters. We produced a series of technical assessments that that formed part of the planning application.

The outputs included an Employment Land Assessment to justify the quantum of employment; Open-Space assessment to demonstrate the need for the sports facilities; a socio-economic assessment that formed part of the EIA and an Economic Benefits Assessment to highlight the benefits the scheme has the potential to deliver.

We also prepared matters statements and appeared at the Sevenoaks Local Plan examination in public in respect of housing need, employment land and open-space.

Hoplands Park Canterbury City Council

Iceni obtained outline planning permission for up to 250 homes, commercial and industrial areas, and approximately 16ha of open space in 2017 for Quinn Estates.

We supported Quinn Estates to gain outline planning permission to develop the site for up to 250 dwellings, a neighbourhood centre and employment uses which was granted in 2017.

We have subsequently supported Redrow Homes to deliver the residential element of the scheme. This has included obtaining reserved matters permission for the site, including for 176 dwellings for Phase 1 (approved in 2019) and 72 dwellings for Phase 2 (approved June 2022), alongside a reserved matters submission for landscaping (approved March 2022).

Phase 2 included permission for a Wastewater Treatment Works as part of the scheme to achieve nutrient neutrality for the whole site alongside a sufficient uplift to achieve neutrality for another of Rredrow’s sites in Canterbury as a first in the District once it becomes operational.

A full planning application is now awaiting determination to deliver an additional 59 dwellings on the site.

Sellindge Folkstone and Hythe Council

Working on behalf of Quinn Estates, Iceni promoted the site through the Local Plan and submitted an outline planning application for a neighbourhood extension scheme.

Sellindge is a small settlement but one of the best strategically located settlements in the District. The site was unallocated when Iceni began promoting the site in July 2015, but had a draft allocated in the Regulation 18 consultation when the Council resolved to grant planning permission for the scheme in May 2018.

The principle of development was obviously a major issue to address and in this regard, a key part of the planning case was to demonstrate that the authority needed the homes sought in order to help demonstrate a 5 year land supply.

On 15th January 2019, permission was granted on land behind Rhodes House for up to 162 homes (including affordable, self-build and retirement housing), up to 929sq.m of B1 floorspace, a recreational ground and multi-use games area, allotments, nature reserve, highway infrastructure, associated landscaping and an expansion of the school from 1 Form of Entry (“FE”) to 1.5 FE (LPA Reference: Y16/1122/SH).

Following the approval of Rhodes House in 2019, Iceni continue to promote a further 200 homes at Elm Tree Farm.

Hermitage Lane

Tonbridge and Malling Council

Iceni is currently promoting Land to the East of Hermitage Lane at South Aylesford on behalf of Croudace Homes. We are working as part of multi-disciplinary team to seek an allocation for 350 homes in the Tonbridge and Malling Local Plan.

Iceni has been working as part of multi-disciplinary team to secure planning permission for 330 homes on Land to the East of Hermitage Lane at South Aylesford on behalf of Croudace Homes with supporting Sustainable Development Scorecard and a Housing Needs Assessment. The scheme was refused at planning committee against officer’s recommendation for approval and we are now working with leading Counsel to appeal the decision.



Iceni has secured detailed planning permission for 72 homes to the south of Lenham railway station. Development south of the railway line at the settlement significes a “crossing of the rubicon” and has created the potential to secure an additional 120 homes off a further phase, which Iceni are now promoting, both through the Lenham Neighbourhood Plan and through a detailed planning application.

A draft allocation in the Lenham Neighbourhood Plan is anticipated and the challenge for Iceni is to try and deliver our client a valuable planning permission in advance of the Neighbourhood Plan examination.

Iceni has formulated a good working relationship with officers at Maidstone Borough Council, as well as key consultees such as Kent County Council Highways and the Kent Downs AONB board and the Environment Agency.

Iceni are looking to submit a further 60 homes at Lenham.

Betteshanger Park Dover

Iceni assisted in the outline planning application for 210 homes at the former Betteshanger Colliery, Deal. Services included Planning, Heritage, Archaeology, Self Build Assessment and a Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment.

The proposed redevelopment of the site includes the construction of up to 210 units including 12 self-build plots. The site lies on the landscaped remains of a demolished 20th Century coal mine (Betteshanger Colliery), around 2km from the Deal.

Due to the site’s location, Iceni Archaeology were commissioned in order to assess the archaeological survival potential of the site and Iceni Heritage were commissioned to to provide advice regarding the setting of a variety of sensitive heritage assets. It was concluded that no material harmful impact on significance would arise through the proposed development on the site, due to the location of these assets in relation to the site as well as the proposed landscaping and screening of built form set out within the proposals.

Iceni Planning also produced a thorough suite of documents including a Planning Statement, Housing Land Supply Statement and a Self-Build Assessment.

Warren Court Farm Sevenoaks

After securing planning permission for 29 dwellings at Warren Court Farm, Halstead, Iceni continue to promote the wider site through the Local Plan.

In July 2017, Iceni submitted an application for 29 dwellings at Warren Court Farm, which benefited from an allocation (Ref: 17/02363/FUL). The site was considered previously developed land within the Green Belt and was subsequently approved in March 2018.

Iceni continue to promote the wider site (which is also located within the Green Belt) through the Local Plan by submitting representations and also attending the Examination in Public on behalf of Generator Group.

Generator and Iceni are now exploring the different options for the site, which include social / community infrastructure, self-build housing and retirement housing.

High Halstow Medway

Iceni’s Impact Management team has been instructed to prepare and co-ordinate an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) in support of a residential-led development for up to 790 dwellings, 2 FE primary school, and a variety of other infrastructure, on behalf of Redrow Homes.

The Site lies on the Hoo Peninsula and is identified as a development allocation in every spatial option presented in Medway Council’s Regulation 18 Local Plan. The Site comprises 39.96ha of greenfield land to the east of the village of High Halstow, the village comprises residential dwellings, areas of open / recreation space, shops, a primary school and other community facilities.

An EIA Scoping Opinion has been issued for the Proposed Development and assessment work is progressing to support this large, strategic application, which is due for submission later in 2022.

Manston Green Thanet

Iceni Projects have been working with Redrow to bring forward the site on the edge of the seaside town of Ramsgate.

An application for outline planning permission was granted on 13 July 2016 for the erection of 785 dwellings, highways infrastructure works (including single carriageway link road), primary school, small scale retail unit, community hall, public open space. The planning application was supported by iceni Planning, Sustainability, Transport and Environmental Impact Management.

The reserved matters application for Phase one was approved on 18 October 2019, including the erection of 220 residential dwellings. Iceni continue to work with Redrow to bring forward further phases of development.

Waterbrook Park

Ashford BC

We are assisting Mulberry Homes to deliver 400 dwellings and supporting neighbourhood facilities as part of a new residential development at Waterbrook Park, Sevington to the south of Ashford.

This has included the co-ordination and submission of a reserved matters application for the full development in August 2021. We are currently liaising with Ashford Borough officers to respond to queries and work towards determining the application. The scheme will incorporate a 2ha wetland to mitigate against nutrient neutrality. As part of our work we have engaged extensively with officers and local councillors to bring forward the scheme and have good working relationships with key stakeholders.

Sole Street, Hook Green and Meopham, Gravesham BC

Iceni is promoting land at Sole Street, Hook Green and Meopham as an infrastructure-led extension proposal through the Gravesham Local Plan Review.

The landholding currently lies within the Green Belt and benefits from two railway stations within easy walking distance of the site, and subject to achieving a sufficient critical mass of development, it provides an opportunity to create a more sustainable settlement through the creation of a new 2 form entry primary school in this location to forge more sustainable living and working patterns. The site’s credentials have been recognised by the Council, who have identified the site for development in the Regulation 18 Local Plan and Iceni are working with the Council to identify the most appropriate form and extent of development that respects the site’s location between settlements, whilst utilising the site’s exceptional sustainability credentials.

High Street, Tonbridge Tonbridge and Malling

Iceni Projects were appointed by Jasper to provide combined Archaeological, Heritage, and Townscape Assessment services in support of applications for a mixed-use development within Tonbridge town centre.

The redevelopment of the Site includes the demolition of the existing commercial unit and the construction of a 6 storey, 70 bedroomed hotel along with up to 10 residential units.

As the new hotel development will be situated in an area of archaeological importance, as defined by the local authority and within the immediate setting of Tonbridge Conservation Area, a number of highly significant heritage assets are within its immediate and wider setting, including the Grade I listed and Scheduled Ancient Monument Tonbridge Castle.

An innovative combined Archaeology, Heritage and Townscape Assessment was commissioned in order to assess the potential of the Site in relation to the historic environment. The Site and wider study area were comprehensively reviewed, with potential archaeological material identified on a portion of the Site which would be partially disturbed by a series of piled foundations associated with the redevelopment.

The report outlined in detail the impacts of the proposal on any surviving archaeology and provided sufficient information for the Archaeological Advisor and Conservation Officer to make an informed decision in support of the planning application.

South East Maidstone


Iceni Transport has significant experience within South East Maidstone. Over the last few years Iceni Transport has helped achieve planning permission for numerous developers, such as Bellway Homes and Jones Homes, across different allocated and non-allocated sites in south east Maidstone for in excess of 700 dwellings.

As part of the separate applications, significant consideration was given to the local and strategic transport and highway network so as to demonstrate that in conjunction with other development schemes coming forward within the area, that the existing infrastructure was either suitable or that appropriate improvement schemes could be implemented. This included the need for considerable assessment as well as significant discussion and negotiation with Maidstone Borough Council, Kent County Council and Highways England.

With existing issues of congestion in the area, the schemes comprised of various highway issues associated with the extension of south east Maidstone, which Iceni Transport were able to successfully overcome. These included impact on the wider trunk road network, as well as the effects of potential rat-running via country lanes. Mitigation measures such as the introduction of signalised and non-signalised junctions, an additional arm to a roundabout, road closures, footway improvements and cross site permeability for pedestrians, were all agreed as being benefits to the proposed developments and local area so as to adequately accommodate the expected level.

Our Projects in Kent Local Plan Evidence

Our experience of working in Kent also includes acting on behalf of Local Authorities in assisting them in producing Local Plan evidence.

This includes the following:

Maidstone: Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Tunbridge Wells: Review of Local Housing Needs

Expert witness advice on Five Year Housing Land Supply

Support at Local Plan Examination

Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery



Added Value

Nick Ireland Director, Economics

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07917 417 834


Nick provides robust technical expertise to support strategic planning and site promotion.

Nick specialises in providing advice on strategic planning and economic development issues including employment land and economic impact, housing need and five year housing land supply, feasibility studies and sub-regional spatial planning. He regularly acts as an expert witness at inquiries and local plan examinations. Before joining Iceni, Nick led GL Hearn’s Economics Team.

Nick has advised councils at a sub-regional level on strategic growth opportunities, including urban extensions, new settlements and strategic infrastructure. He led preparation of a Birmingham HMA Strategic Housing Study which encompassed a strategic review of Birmingham’s Green Belt; a Spatial Position Statement for the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH), and has work with other local authorities in Buckinghamshire, Kent and Sussex to assess potential locations for, and the feasibility of new settlements and large urban extensions.

He regularly provides expert witness advice on objectively-assessed housing need and five year land supply, and has led preparation of strategic housing market assessments for areas right across England. His expertise includes advising on housing mix issues and older persons housing and care needs.

James Jaulim Director, Impact Management

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07799 369 968


James is a driven and commercially focused town planner with extensive experience on a wide variety of development projects.

James joined Iceni Projects having previously worked at a London based planning consultancy and within client organisations, including the Olympic Delivery Authority and at Heathrow Airport Limited on the Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO) project.

He has a proven record of providing planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) advice, managing and working within large, multi-disciplinary teams, and developing and co-ordinating planning and environmental strategies. His experience spans infrastructure, residential and commercial developments at the pre-application, determination and delivery stages of projects.

He has significant experience working with local planning authorities and negotiating with key stakeholders. With strong communication skills, he is adept at delivering complex consents, often within tight deadlines.

He is a Chartered Town Planner (RTPI) and Practitioner member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

Mike England Director, Transport

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07875 560 532



experienced Transport Planner with knowledge of highways and transportation matters relating to both private and public sector projects.

Responsible for managing the day to day aspects of projects and retaining an on-going involvement in the technical design and assessment of development schemes, Mike is keen to liaise with clients and acquire further project work to complement the company’s existing instructions.

During his career, Mike has been involved in a variety of projects throughout the UK and Eire, working with fellow professionals on a wide range of schemes including retail (food and non-food), residential, employment, education, leisure, fast-food restaurants and motorist facilities.

Mike has been with Iceni since May 2012, having started his career at Atkins dealing with highway improvement schemes on behalf of Kent County Council. Mike then spent nine years at Waterman Boreham and two years at ADL Transportation, dealing with private development schemes.

Clive Burbridge Director, Transport

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07817 735 309


Trusted by clients to deliver a highquality product on time and budget.

Clive is a transport planner with circa 30 years’ experience. Clive joined Iceni Projects in 2010 to set up the Transport Team, and has been an integral part of the Company’s subsequent expansion. He is also a member of the Quality Review Panel for Kent, providing independent reviews.

Clive originally took a BSc (Hons) Planning degree with spells at the London Borough of Redbridge and London Borough of Havering within the Development Control Departments. Thereafter he became a transport planner working for Kent County Council (KCC), during which time he obtained an MSc in Transport Planning. During the 5 years at KCC he worked on a wide range of diverse projects including the widening of the M2, the Channel Tunnel and Bluewater Shopping Centre.

Clive then moved to Boreham Consulting Engineers (subsequently bought out by Waterman), where he spent 14 years reaching the position of Technical Director. During this time he built up several teams and was the driving force behind the company’s first regional office (Dublin). His clients included Hammerson, St Modwen, Capital & Regional, Berkeley Homes, Bellway, Ford, Royal Mail and Tesco to name a few.

Laurie Handcock Director, Built Heritage & Townscape

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07795 031 741


Clients value Laurie’s ability to dissect complex heritage arguments, and build a strong and comprehensive case in favour of development.

Laurie has been Director of Iceni’s Heritage Team since January 2016, following five years of consultancy experience at RPS CgMs, and leads the firm’s Townscape specialism, formally launched in 2018. He is an experienced, commercially minded heritage and townscape professional, whose focus and expertise lies in negotiating complex consents across a variety of scales. He has a particularly detailed knowledge of policy and legislation and its application, gleaned and kept keen by significant and on-going public inquiry experience, and is also adept at inputting into the design process.

His experience ranges from urban, mixed use heritage-led regeneration schemes to strategic housing and infrastructure projects, and detailed work with sensitive, highly graded buildings and landscapes. He cut his teeth working on the redevelopment of London Bridge Station and leading on heritage matters in the delivery of an Outline Consent for Alconbury Weald, a major employment and residential development of the Second World War and Cold War airfield of RAF Alconbury.

Claire Cogar Director, Archaeology

T: 020 3640 8508

M: 07799 369 997


Claire is the Director of Archaeology at Iceni Projects and she is building a team of talented specialists, all of who have extensive experience of development led archaeology in the construction industry.

Claire is an experienced, pragmatic and professional archaeologist who enjoys the challenge of managing the interface of archaeology, legislative requirements and demolition/ construction in an efficient, effective way in support of development. Claire is currently the Project Director for archaeology at the Middlesex Hospital Annex in Camden, the site of a unique Grade II listed Workhouse undergoing refurbishment.

Prior to joining Iceni, Claire worked as a Senior Project Manager for MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) and managed large urban excavations in Greater London and multi hectare rural schemes across the UK. She has also managed works on the Thames Tideway and HS2 Infrastructure schemes, and has carved out a niche in undertaking the archaeological and heritage components of large scale public sector health projects including St Bartholomew’s Hospital - City of London (including the Maggie’s Centre and Nuffield Health), Guy’s Hospital - Southwark, Kent Medical Campus - Maidstone, The Royal Berkshire Hospital - Reading and St Thomas’ Hospital - Lambeth.

Introduction to Kent Local Plan Progress Political Portrait Housing Delivery

Iceni Futures

The Iceni Futures team was set up in response to the rapidly changing world and the acknowledgment that more than ever, we need to create futureproofed and sustainable development. The teams role is to assess, predict and influence change across the development industry. In practice that means exploring how places and people will function in the future, analysing existing barriers and providing strategic advice which aligns with clients goals and aspirations to ensure development is fit for the future.

The team doesn’t claim to be experts in every new discipline or product, but they understand the existing barriers and outdated development processes that persist across the industry and the importance of working innovatively and smarter to deliver client visions and change that actually works. It’s understood that each client will need tailored advice and the Futures team look to work collaboratively to provide advice which is tailored to a specific site, company strategy or product. Essentially, if you’re looking to plan for or capitalise on the future, Iceni Futures can be there to support you and drive that ambition.

Iceni Futures: Smarter Sustainability


iSite pulls together a number of services to enable the promoter of a project – but equally the respective consultant, local authority, consultee, local community and wider interested party – to gain the knowledge and understanding of a site or location that historically has only been possible from an in-depth site visit. Moreover, many projects are of the size and scale that even a physical site visit renders difficult to comprehend.

The key focus of iSite is to provide an intelligent digital design and consultation tool. This incorporates the use of drone photography, 360° camerawork (think Google Street View for buildings), interactive, virtual consultation halls and project web sites that can pool together all of the information for effective file management and sharing. So whether you need to initiate an initial site survey appraisal, team site visit, preapplication meeting, public consultation event or committee presentation, iSite can help.

iSite wont be for everyone. We understand that. But if you are looking for cost-effective ways to progress with your proposals, it could be the answer.

To discuss iSite please email

The Sustainable Development Scorecard

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has running throughout it the ‘golden thread of sustainable development’. In spite of this, there is no clear-cut, NPFbased assessment criteria to consider a site or project’s sustainable development credentials, making current assessment processes both tricky and subjective.

The Sustainable Development Commission was established to address this recognised issue with our planning system. Made up of a balanced cross-section of industry professionals, the Commission has debated the issues and found solutions, culminating in the creation of the Sustainable Development Scorecard.

The Scorecard website is free to use and accessible to anyone with a vested interest in development, including developers, architects, planners, community groups and members of the public. By crystallising the NPPF’s guidance into a simple, online analysis tool, the Commissionaims to provide a more consistent approach to sustainable development, leading to a more sustainable built environment. iceni-projects iceniprojects iceniprojects

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