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Urbanistic Architecture, User Experience

Fig. 25. Colmar town location Fig. 27. Unterlinden Museum site plan

Canal Piscine

Fig. 26. Colmar town topography photographs

The City is so picturesque due to its trading wealth, its past as an economic powerhouse in the 15th, 16th, 17th centuries. There is a clear topography of architecture with pitched roofs with timber frame and terracotta tiling being typical.
The Museum is part of the Country’s Contrat de Projects Etat-Region from 2007 to 2013, a seven-year planning agreement between the French state and the Alsace region, as a cultural initiative to expand the galleries and exhibition spaces of this museum. Colmar City being the principal financial backer of the project, with additional backing from private sponsors. The 83,000 sq.ft. project cost was 54 million Euros.21

The project seeked to firstly restorate the basilica with medieval and archeological pieces, to freshen up and bring back life to spaces in the monastery that had deteriorated, add new gallery spaces for transitioning periods of art and museography, to add contemporary art museum extension. 21 Architectural Record, Musée Unterlinden, Medieval Makeover: With a few carefully considered interventions, Herzog & de Meuron expands a storied museum, 2016, <https://www.architecturalrecord. com/articles/11643-musee-unterlinden> (accessed 18.12.19) Gallerie

Fig. 28. Unterlinden Museum isonometric Existing renovated in red, new buildings in blue
Fig. 30. Above: Ground floor plan Fig. 31. Below: Lower ground floor plan La Maison Ackerhof