HiStoryPitch workshop photography
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Pinhole Camera Shooting
camera: pinholebox stenoflex exposure: 30-40s aperture: f130
Cyanotype Process The cyanotype process was one of the first non-silver technologies used to create photographic images. Originated in the 1840’s, it was not utilized in mainstream photography and was adopted as a copying technique, becoming known by the term “blueprint�, with its blue background reproductions of large architectural and mechanical drawings. The photograph can be taken with any camera, like a digital camera, and the resulting photo turned into a negative that can be used to make a cyanotype. Cyanotype is a very simple process. It involves treating a surface with iron salts that reacts to UV light. Wear rubber gloves when working with chemicals. In this case, Ammonium ferric citrate and Potassium ferricyanide. Two separate solutions are made and then equal quantities of each solution is mixed together in a third container.
Using a brush, simply paint the chemicals onto the material. Paper, card, textiles or any natural material can be used to print on. Decide how big your print is going to be, and cut your material to size. Make sure your working area is dimly lit, or lit with a low-level tungsten bulb. Once the material is coated, leave it to dry in the dark. Print a cyanotype by placing your negative in contact with your coated paper or fabric. Sandwich it with a piece of glass. Expose the sandwich to UV light. Natural sunlight is the traditional light source, but UV lamps can also be used. A photogram can also be made by placing items on the surface. Exposure times can vary from a few minutes to several hours, depending on how strong your lightsource is or the season where you are printing.
When the print has been exposed, process your print by rinsing it in cold water. The wash also removes any unexposed chemicals. Wash for at least 5 minutes, until all chemicals are removed and the water runs clear. Oxidation is also hastened this way – bringing out the blue color. The final print can now be hung to dry and be admired.
bird in the cage by marie
Outdoor Shooting
Coffee, Soda and Vitamin C
Studio Shooting
say cheese!
j a ku b
d eni s a
paw el
t e re sa
vero ni ka
t h o ma s
vi cto r
n i ko l a
es ther
m atej
v eronik a
di a n a
natal i a
ma ri e
y uri
sa n c h i t
ma t t h i a s
j ana
v ladimir
ra y mo n d
s chram m i
ev a
pe t e r
g ri t
g a bri e l a & ro st i a
Bildungsnetzwerk, Magdeburg 2013