Preeminent LNG Storage Tank Design At present utility of liquid natural gas for mankind is greater than ever. For a long period of time man was not able to bring it for effective use due to the lack of equipments and resources. But with the advancement of technolog y many useful tools and methods such LNG storage tanks come into existence that has made this thing possible.
Liquid natural gas is converted into cool liquid form at the temperature of 295F. Then it is stored carefully in an insulated double walled storage tanks. These tanks transport gas with the help of cryogenic flat bed trailers. They have well built design in which inner wall is made of stainless steel while the outer wall has a carbon body. There must be proper arrangement of tools within the tank for their smooth functioning and easy accessibility. At controlled pressure level the process of distributing liquid gas becomes easy. Thermo siphon heat ex change system makes the process of cylinder filling easy and reduces the risk of gas loss due to the evaporation. Approved by CCE these tanks provide complete safety to the user.
Liquid Natural Gas has broad applications in different sectors of our economy. Hence it is essential to choose the LNG storage tank design wisely otherwise they may put serious harms to our environment.