Find New Talent To Promote Your Company!!
When it comes down to finding artists to promote your company or campaign, you must find out all the factors. Every element and feature must be on point; the design and the content should be your number one concern. User engagement is the main achievement commonly referred to as crowd sourcing. The layout of your page should be clear and broad, so that your fans will know what’s needed to apply or sign up. Art contests & art competitions can be a great and innovative way to showcase your brand to the world. To promote your campaign or company , you should have a concise and defined plan. Think of this famous proverb “Failing to plan, is planning to fail�. Your second objective would be to advertise it. Google for example holds logo contests for the homepage. The champion of the logo contest gets to win things and has their work showcased for millions of people to see. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are valuable because basically its free marketing. To create a great
art contest or art competition, you must use the best tools available to allow your fans to engage in a timely and organized manner.
The last thing you must do is choose the right partner. This is where Show America comes into play. work with you on developing an idea or event. We then create a micro-site to showcase your event. We also create the contract, which includes the package, length of contest and rounds. To conclude we would draw up the official rules of the art contest or art competition , and film a trailer to get people excited about your promotion. Show America provides a full contest platform for your art contest or art competition to find new talent and grow your brand in this social media world. Contact us today to get started on this exciting promotion opportunity!