The Adventures of Trenton Burgesson and His Father and the Birds

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the adventures of Trenton burGesSOn and HIs Father And ThE birds a novel by

James Hunt

This book is dedicated to no one. Because that is the only person who should read this.

The Adventures of Trenton Burgesson and His Father and The Birds

TablE of conTents Table of Contents.......................................................................11 Chapter 1....................................................................................15 Chapter 2....................................................................................17

Copyright Š 2013 by James Hunt. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Artwork copyright Š 2013 by Zach Van Horn.

Some of these stories are works of fiction and any resemblance to any living persons, places, or events are purely coincidental. ISBN: 978-1482632224 ISBN-10: 1482632225 First Edition

“ 'Begin at the beginning,' the King said, very gravely, 'and go on till you come to the end: then stop.' “ -Lewis Carroll

Chapter 1 Trenton was odd.

Chapter 2 When Trent was a young man, his father would take him out to the woods and tell him to listen to the sound of the birds and to learn from what they said. He told him they knew things about this world that humans could never comprehend because they were too busy trying to make a paycheck and drive their motorcycles and dine with the rich and famous to stop and listen to the birds. He said the birds could decipher complex equations that held the answers of the universe. His father had pronounced cheek bones. His father was also a SChIZopHREniAc. The End



James Hunt is a robot Zach Van Horn is a water buffalo

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