We l c o me
ALi t t l e A b o u t Me Weddi ngst r ul yar eacel ebr at i onofl i f eandIl ovet obeapar toft hem! Thedayyouhavespentsomucht i mepr epar i ngf or ,dr eami ngofandi nves t i ngi nwi l lgobyso qui ckl yandt hati soneoft hegr eatr easonst oi nvesti naweddi ngphot ogr apherwhocant el lt he uni quest or yofyourday . Yourweddi ngi st r ul yaoncei nal i f et i meeventandexpect at i onsar ehi gh. Sopl easeber eassur edt hatmyexper i enceasaweddi ngphot ogr apherhast aughtmemany keyski l l st hatwi l lensur eyouhave unf or geabl eandi nspi r edi magest ol astal i f et i me. Iwoul dsayIam ar ar ebr eedofphot ogr apher , Idon’ tj ustshootweddi ngs,ILOVEweddi ngs andILOVEi nt er act i ngwi t hever yoneata weddi ng. khasbeendescr i bedasspont aneous, Mywor r el axed and r eal .I ’ dl i ke t ot hi nk i t ’ s a but qui r ky ,al i t t l echeekybutwi t hal i t t l ebi temot i on ashoff un Si nce2010I ’ vekeptmysel fbusywi t hal lt hi ngs andaspl weddi ngs,cont i nual l yshoot i ngt ocr eat ebeaut i tf r om t aki ngphot ogr aphs,myot her f uli magesandf uelmypassi on.Mydayscr eat - Apar oni sr unni ng&swi mmi ng.If i ndt hi st he i ngModer nI magehel pedmedevel opmyski l l s passi bestwayt ocl earmymi ndwhi chal l owsmet o notonl yasaphot ogr apherbutwi t hpeopl e. i ndmycr azi esti deas. shootweddi ngs,ILOVEweddi ngsandILOVE f i nt er act i ngwi t hever yoneataweddi ng. Il i vewi t hFi ancéeI r i sandourener get i c ki ngcockerspani el :Suzi e. Mywor khasbeendescr i bedasspont aneous, wor r el axedandr eal .I ’ dl i ket ot hi nki t ’ sabutqui r ky , nStMonans,Fi f e.I ’ m avai l abl et o al i t t l echeekybutwi t hal i t t l ebi temot i onanda Iam basedI cover weddi ngs anywher ei nt he UK and spl ashoff unabr oad. abr oad. Ist ar t edphot ogr aphywhenIwas19andbeena pr of essi onalsi nce.Af t erst udyi ngphot ogr aphy atcol l egeIst ar t edacompany ,Moder nI mage phot ogr aphi ngbar s&ni ght cl ubs.I n2009Isol d Moder nI mageanddeci dedIwant edanewpat h i nphot ogr aphy .
Mys el f ,I r i s& ourdogSuz i e
MY APPROACH Thedayy ouhav es pents omuc ht i mepr epar i ngf or ,dr eami ngofandi nv es t i ngi nwi l l gobys oqui c k l yandt hati soneoft hegr eatr eas onst oi nv es ti naweddi ngphot ogr apherwhoc ant el l t heuni ques t or yofy ourday . Yourweddi ngi st r ul yaonc ei nal i f et i me ev entandex pec t at i onsar ehi gh.Sopl eas eber eas s ur edt hatmyex per i enc easa weddi ngphot ogr apherhast aughtmemanyk eys k i l l st hatwi l l ens ur ey ouhav eunf or get t abl eandi ns pi r edi magest ol as tal i f et i me Iam nott het y peofphot ogr apherwhogoesar oundgi v i ngoutor der s ,t ak i ngt hec oupl e awayf orhour sonend. Thi si snotme,al t houghIl i k et ogeti nv ol v edIam t her et odoc umenty ourdayasi ts houl dbe,nat ur al . Il i k et obet her eal l day ,aweddi ngdoesnots t ar tat12: 00andf i ni s hat20: 00,Ic ov er ev er y t hi ngt hedayhast oof f er ,f r om ear l ymor ni ngpr epar at i onst ot heev eni ngdanc i ng. I ' mv er yf l ex i bl eandwi l l doany t hi ngt oens ur ey ouhav eaf ant as t i cc ol l ec t i onofi mages t oc her i s hf or ev er . I ' m abel i ev erofbui l di ngagoodr el at i ons hi pwi t hmyc oupl es ,andl et t i ngt hem k now t hatt her ei snos uc ht hi ngasas t upi dques t i on,andnor eques ti st oomuc h.I t ' snot ev er ydayy ougetmar r i ed&i thast obeper f ec t ! Il ookf or war dt ohear i ngf r om y ouandphot ogr aphi ngt hemos ti mpor t antdayofy our l i f e.
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Thankyousosomuchf orbei ngourphot ogr apheronourspeci alday . Al sot hank youf ormaki ngmeandever yoneel sef eelat easewhi l ewewer eal lbei ngphot ogr aphed ( youwer ebr i l l i antwi t ht he25chi l dr ent oo) .
WemetJames shor t l yaf t erwehadsett he dat ef orourweddi ng.Webookedasour weddi ngphot ogr aphert hef i r stt i mewemet hi m-hei nst ant l ymadeusf eelr el axed.I twas r eal l yi mpor t antt ousasacoupl et hatour phot ogr apherwoul dmi xwel lwi t hourguest s andJamesi mmedi at el ygaveust hatki ndof f eel i ng. eshootbef or et hedaydur i ng Wehadacoupl whi chJameshel pedust oi dent i f yt het ypesof phot ogr aphswel i ked,t hi sgavemehuge conf i dencei nhowmyweddi ngphot ogr aphs woul dl ook. Ont hedayJameswast her ef r om 9am unt i l t heendoft hepar t y! Hedocument edourdayi nbeaut i f uldet ai l , capt ur i ngal loft hedi f f er entaspect swi t h st unni ngpi ct ur es.Her eal l yf el tl i keoneoft he guest s-Ihaveaphot oofhi m ont hedance f l oorwi t hmybr i desmai dst opr ovei t ! Si ncet henwehavehadaf ami l yshootanda t r asht hedr essshootwi t hmypony-t hi si n par t i cul arhasgi venmesomeofmyal lt i me f avour i t ei mages.Not hi ngi st oomucht r oubl e f orJamesandwecoul dnotr ecommendhi m hi ghl yenough
Ly d i a&I a n
Wecannott hankyouenoughf or capt ur i ngal lt hebi gandl i t t l emoment st hat wi l lhel pust or ememberourweddi ngday f or ever . Youcapt ur edal lt hesmi l e' s,t ear s andl aught erandal sot hemoment swewer e nott her et osee,wewi l lt r easur et hese moment sf or ever . Thephot ogr aphsr eal l ydospeakf or t hemsel vesnotonl yar et heybeaut i f ulbut t heyal sor ef l ectt hemoodoft heday per f ect l yt oo. Longmayyoursuccesscont i nueJames,we wi l ldef i ni t el yr ecommendyout oanyonewe knowwhoneedaphot ogr apher .
Da r r e n&Do n n a
Page 8
WANTTO BOOK? Book i ngmec oul dn' tbeeas i er ,Whet hery ou’ v emetmeataweddi ngf ai r ,been r ef er r edbyaf r i end,c omeac r os smywebs i t e,al l y ouneedt odoi smak es ur eI am notal r eadybook ed,t henpaya£250 nonr ef undabl edepos i tt os ec ur ey ourdat e.
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E n g a g e me n t S h o o t
Page 7
PREW EDDI NG SHOOT Agr eatwayt os eej us thowmuc hf unhav i ng y ourphot ogr apht ak enc anbei st oar r angea pr eweddi ngs hootwi t hme.Wemeetup, hav eadr i nk ,t henheadoutf orar el ax ed c oupl eofhour s ,t ak es omec ool phot os ,and y ou’ l l getac ol l ec t i onofbeaut i f ul l y Hi Res ol ut i oni magesf ory out ok eep. Notonl yi si tagr eatwayt oeas eanyner v es y oumayhav eaboutpos i ngont hebi gday ,but i t ’ sal s ot heper f ec toppor t uni t yt ogets ome f abs hot sf ory ours av et hedat ec ar dsand al s o outgal l er yi nf oc ar ds .
W HATTOW EAR? Iwantt oc apt ur ey oubot hr el ax edandbei ngas nat ur al wi t heac hot heraspos s i bl e,s owes t whaty ouwoul dnor mal l ywearout .Tr yt oav oi d wear i ngc l ot heswi t hl ar gel ogosonasi tc anj us t l ookabi tt ac k y .Thes i mpl ert hebet t err eal l y . ol ourt hatwor kwel l t oget her ,anddon’ t Wearc c l as h. Tr yt oav oi dwear i ngt hes amec ol our sas y ourpar t nerasy ou’ l l j us tmer gei nt oonec ol our bl obwhenIgets hot sofy ouc l os et oget her …. t r us tme,i t ’ snev eragoodl ook !
W HERECAN W EGO? Ic anr ec ommendanumberofgr eat
l oc at i onsbutIl i k ey oubot ht ot hi nkof
s omewher et hatmeansal ott oy oubot h.
t hi sc anbei naf or r es t ,beac h,par k ,s t r eet , c as t l e,y ounamei t ,andIwi l l domy bes tt omak ei thappen.
THESHOOT! I ti sv er ynor mal t of eel ner v ous bef or et hepr eweddi ngs hoot .
Mos tofmyc l i ent shat ehav i ng t hei rphot ogr apht ak en,t hei s
t her eas onf ort hepr eweddi ng s hoot .Wec anpr ac t i s eal i t t l e
pos e,howt obei nf r ontoft he c amer aandr eal i s ej us thow muc hf uni tc anbe .
Whet heri ti sr ai ni ng,ort hes un
i ss hi ni ngdownt ot hef ul l f or c e, we’ l l gets omec r ac k i ngs hot s .
T ak eal ookatmywebs i t eand s eef ory our s el fhowgr eatmy c oupl esl ooki nf r ontoft he c amer a.
“Ihave a pas s i on f or del i ver i ng notonl y s t unni ng phot ogr aphy butt ot hr ead t hi s t oget heri nt oa beaut i f uls t or y. �
Page 23
THEBI G DAY Soi t sf i nal l yher e‌ I tpr obabl yseemedl i keagesagosi nceyousett hedat ebut t odayi sf i nal l yt heday .I ’ l lst ar tbyphot ogr aphi ngt hebr i dewhi l et hesecond phot ogr apheri swi t ht hegr oom.Al lt hedet ai l sshot s:t hedr ess,ki l t / sui t ,
j ewel l er y ,r i ngsandsoonwi l lbet aken,aswel last hebr i desmai dsget t i ngr eady .
THECEREMONY Obvi ousl ynot woweddi ngsar et hesame.whet heryourcer emonyi si nar egi st r yof f i ce,achur choneveni nt heoutdoor s.Wewi l lbot hbeonhandt omake sur ei tal lgoest opl anbutal sot hegett hosei mpor t antshot s.
Thi si swher eIl ookoutf ort hei nt i mat emoment s,notonobet weent hebr i de& gr ok,butal sobet weenguest s.
Cr yi ngt heai sl es,cheer i ngi ncel ebr at i on,andhuggi ngandcongr at ul at i ng. Thes emaket hebestphot ogr aphi coppor t uni t i es.
Somepeopl ear en’ tkeenonposi ng
Ihat et het houghtofaphot ogr apher
knowi t ’ seasi ersai dt handone,but
guest s.oncewehavet hef ami l y
f ort hecamer a( Iam oneoft hem) ,I
keepi ngt hecoupl eawayf r om t hei r
youneedt oj ustr el axandgowi t ht he
shot soutoft heway ,l i ket akeaa
t her e.Of t enyouwon’ tspotme,t hi s
( yeah,r oughl y30mi nut es)t heget
f l owandal soj ustpr et endIam not maket hi ngst hatl i t t l eeasi er .
l i t t l ewal kandspend30mi nut es t hosei mpor t antphot osoft he bot hofyou.
Aweddi ngal bum woul dnotcompl et e
wi t houtsomebeaut i f ulandf unshot s oft hebeami ngcoupl eby
t hemsel ves.Wewi l lmaket hemost oft hesur r oundi nggr ounds/ venue
bef or eget t i ngyoubackt ot heguest s.
Butnowi t st i met her el axandshake yourboot y!Theeveni ngpar t yi swhen ev er yonehasf un,dances,mi ngl esand chat saway .Thi si sagr eatoppor t uni t y t or ecor dt hecoupl eandt heguestj ust bei ngt hemsel vesandhavi ngagr eat t i me.
Now,t hi si swher et hef unst ar t s!Thedr eaded speechesar eoutoft heway ,youhavecutt hecakeand enj oyedt hef ant ast i cf ood.Thef i r stdancest ar t sandyou spendt hesesspeci almoment s i neachot her sar ms.
Iv e s t me n t
Page 15
PRI CE Weddi ngsdon’ tj us tl as tf or7hour s ,t hey s t ar tear l yi nt hemor ni ngunt i lt he l at eev eni ng. Myf ul ldayc ov er ageofaweddi ngi st he s amef or£1600.Fr om get t i ngr eadyi n t hemor ni ng,t hef i r s tk i s s ,t hes pec i al moment swi t ht hef ami l y ,t hedr eaded s peec hes ,t hatbeaut i f ulf i r s tdanc eand unt i lt heev eni ngbuf f et( ar ound22: 30) .
Youwi l lr ec ei v eatl eas t500 HI GH RESOLUTI ON i magespr es ent edonac us t om USBs t i c kandc as e. Adepos i tof£250i sr equi r edt os ec ur e y ourdat ewi t ht hef ul lbal anc epai d onec al endarmont hbef or et hebi gday . Il i k et onot et hatIdonotc har gef or mi l l ageorac c ommodat i ont hr oughout Sc ot l and.
Butnotev er y oner equi r esaphot ogr apherf ort hewhol edayandt hati swhyIof f er as mal l erpac k agef ort hes mal l eri nt i mat eweddi ngat£800.Iwi l lar r i v et os nap y ourgues t sar r i v i ng,c apt ur et hebeaut i f ulc er emony ,hav es omef unwi t ht he f ami l ys hot sandpor t r ai t sandf i ns i hwi t ht hes peec hs .Youwi l lr ec ei v eatl eas t500 HI GH RESOLUTI ON i magespr es ent edonac us t om USBs t i c kandc as e I fy ourweddi ngpl ansar enot hi ngl i k et hat ,popmeanemai landl et sc hat .
DI SCOUNTS I fy ourget t i ngmar r i edi nSc ot l and,Idon' tc har gef ormyt r av elorac c ommodat i on t o,orf r om aweddi ngv enue.I fi ti sel s ewher ei nt heUK( orf ur t her )ar eas onabl e f eewi l lbeadded.I fy ourweddi ngi sonaMonday ,Tues day ,Wednes dayorThur s day , Iof f erawhoppi ng£200of ft hef ul ldayc ov er agepr i c e.( Thi sof f erdoesnotappl y t oBankHol i day s ) .
W HEN DO IGETTHE PHOTOGRAPHS Phot ogr aphi ngyourweddi ngi sj ustt hest ar t oft hepr ocess.Nowi t ’ st i mef ormet osi ti n f r ontoft hecomput ernextt omycof f ee machi neanddomyt hi ng. Edi t i ngyouri magesnor mal l yt akear ound f ourweeks.Assoonasyouar ebackf r om yourhoneymoonyouwonthavel ongt owai t l ongbef or eyouweddi ngphot ogr aphdr op t hr oughyourdoorandar el oadedt oyour per sonalonl i negal l er y .
THECOPYRI GHT Thi si ssi mpl e,whenyour ecei veyourhi gh r esol ut i oni mages,youcandowhat everyou desi r e,pr i ntt hem,emai lt hem t o f r i ends/ f ami l y ,upl oadt hem t osoci almedi a, t heopt i onsar eendl ess. Ther ear enohi ddensur pr i sessuchas r esent i ngcopyr i ghti ssues. Asf arasIam concer ned, you’ vepai df ort hem,sot heyar eyour s .
A l b u ms
Theper f et t oal bum aswi t hal lt heBel l i ssi mo r ange,pr i nt edt ot hehi ghestst andar d, vi br antcol our s&per f ectbl ackandwhi t es. Desi gnedt opr i ntacr ossbot hpageswi t hout af f ect i ngt hei magesatt hecent r ecr ease.
Combi ni ngbeaut i f ul l ypr i nt eddi gi t alandmat t ed over l ays,t heApat ur eal bum cr eat esmi xes cl assi candmoder nf i ni sht oanal bum r ange.
Theper f et t oal bum aswi t hal lt heBel l i ssi mor ange, pr i nt edt ot hehi ghestst andar d, vi br antcol our s&per f ectbl ackandwhi t es.
Fe q u e n t l yA s k e dQ u e s t i o n s HOW WOULD YOU DESCRI BE YOUR SHOOTI NG STYLE?
Mys t y l ei sv er yc andi dandr el ax ed.Idon’ tl i k e t ogeti nt heway ,es pec i al l yi nt hec er emony , andunl es sIas ky out ol ookatt hec amer a t henIai mt oc apt ur ey ouj us tasy ouar e.
Iwoul ds ayt heav er agef ormyc l i ent si s ar ound1012hour s .
YesIam,f ort hef i r s tpac k ageIc ov erf or8 hour s ,t hes ec ondandt hi r dpac k agef r om t he mor ni ng pr eper at i onst owel l i nt ot heev eni ngwi t hmos t weddi ngsf i ni s hi ngaf t er10pm
YesIdo.Iedi tt hem i nLi ght r oom and Phot os hop. Iwi l l c hoos et hebes toft hebes tf r om y our phot osandper f or ms ubt l eedi t i ngs oy our phot osal l hav et hemos tbeaut i f ul f eel t ot hem.
WHAT CAMERA DO YOU SHOOT WI TH? Is hootwi t hNi k onD3&Ihav ea r angeofl ens esatdi f f er entf oc al l engt hs .
HOW MANY PHOTOSWI LL WE RECEI VE? Iai mf orappr ox i mat el y6001000phot osand y ouwi l l r ec ei v ey ourphot osi nappr ox i mat el y2 week sf r om y ourweddi ngdat e.
Ex c eptf r om t he weddi ngsi nc l udeas ec ond phot ogr apher . If eel i tgi v esanex t r adi mens i ont oy ourweddi ngdaygi v i ngy oumanydi f f er entangl esand oppor t uni t yt oc ov eral l angl es ,gues t sand ev ent sofy ourday .
YesIdef i ni t el yt r av el . Ther ei snot r av el orac c omadat i onc har gesf or any wher ei nSc ot l and. I fy ouar eget t i ngmar r i edoutofSc ot l andor abr oad,pl eas egeti nt ouc ht odi s c us st hi si n mor edet ai l .
Iadv i s emyc l i ent st obookt hei rweddi ng phot ogr apherass oonast heyc onf i r ma weddi ngdat e.Iwi l l onl yhav el i mi t eddat es av ai l abl es ot hes oonert hebet t ert oav oi dany di s appoi nt ment .
Someoft hebes t ,mos ts pont anousandf un i mageshav ebeenc apt ur edi nadv er s eweat herc ondi t i ons .Wheny ougetmar r i edand y ou’ r ei nt hemoment ,t heweat herr eal l ydoes notmat t erandI ’ l l al way sf i ndawayt ogett he bes tpi c t ur esIc an.