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About Me Education Work Experience

My name is Tin Long Ku, but you can call me James. graduated from University of Washington Tacoma as an international student from Hong Kong majored in Urban Design. Growing up in an eastern city with a different cultural background, rethinking the use of space within an urban environment and how they interact with one another have become my passion. And believe there is never a perfect design, but understanding what the community needs and provide them with solutions in order to develop a green city is my motivation on pursuing my passion.

Exploring between urban and nature is like having a short journey. So also take photography as a hobby, capturing moments when travel to places, enjoying being inspired by the city and enjoy being amazed by nature.

- Bachelor of Science Urban Design - Urban Studies Endowed Scholarship 2021 - Wallem Shipping (HK) Ltd

- Associate of Arts Degree

- Highschool Diploma


- Professional Certificate of 3D Rendering for Interior Design & Architecture

- First Swimming Coach (HK)

- Photo album The Way Out was selected to exhibit in: Hong Kong Baptist University

This project will focus on the application of urban design principles for public spaces through a variety of exercises culminating in a comprehensive analysis of an existing urban space within Downtown Tacoma and the development of a design strategy proposal for alterations/ enhancements of the space. The project will focus on creating an improved functional multi-use all-season urban space for all ages along with ‘knitting’ the existing ‘framework’ of the surrounding context.

This project focuses on an existing public space, the contributing adjacent streets and the surrounding smaller public areas to create a more unified and usable public realm that can support the surrounding businesses and foster event activities. Existing & future users are to be considered in the design of the revitalized public space. For this project the studio will produce a design conditions within and around the project scope area.

- Design Recommendations relating to Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation within the Study Area. Including existing or future access points/corridors to the public space – along with everyday mundane issues like loading/unloading, bus access, trash and recycle pick-up, etc.

- Options for the redesign of the main Broadway Level Public Space and redesign/ reconfigure the vertical transition between the Broadway and Commerce Levels for 24-hr access.

- Design of Public Amenities within the project area (lighting, seating, paving, art).

- Demonstration how how public space can be utilized for events and festivals.


- Maintaining and enhancing the existing businesses – and the inclusion of possible new business structures to enhance use of the public spaces. For this project, a new building will be assumed to be incorporated along Broadway between the Knights of Pythias and the School District Building to the North and that the Park Plaza North has been remodeled and expanded with residential apartments above the existing parking – with connection of the building at the Broadway Level over Commerce Street to be included in your project scope. The existing Pierce Transit Bus Garage at the Commerce Level is to be maintained (bus turnaround).

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