Best Learning Techniques to Prepare For TOEFL

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Best Learning Techniques to Prepare For TOEFL TOEFL is a test that non-native English speakers need to take in order to be admitted to a superior form of education located abroad. The test aims to evaluate the abilities of the candidates to listen, write and speak fluently, in order to be capable of understanding the courses they will attend to. And since proper preparation makes the difference between admission and rejection, here are some ways to learn efficiently.

The explanatory method Students use this method to learn by making connections between facts and asking why questions. This is a simple method anyone taking the TOEFL practice test free online can apply. By asking themselves why some facts are true, candidates can compose their notes for a later use. Another way to apply this method is by trying to explain a fact and provide reasons for making a certain choice. This technique works better while reading, then after reading a text. Students have to explain the facts in a text and not why they are true. This technique may require some time to digest all the information, but it seems that the notions will be preserved for a longer time in the memory of the candidates. The testing method Many of us were taught to be scared of tests, as they could damage our grades severely if they caught us off guard. However, the benefits of testing are tremendous, as it provides an accurate analysis of our level of knowledge. It seems that tests requiring an elaborate answer help information sink in better in our memory, than multiple choice queries do. Testing becomes more interesting when the questions are created by the candidates themselves. Not only does the experience become fun, but by comparing answers, students build a real image about what they do know and what they don’t. This is especially useful when taking the TOEFL practice test free online.

Segmenting your study sessions The length of the study session depends greatly on how long you want to remember that information. Basically, it is recommended that you should allocate about 10-20% of the time you want to remember the information for. So, if you want to remember something for a year, you should revise that information at least once a month. Furthermore, splitting your study material into small bits based on their topic will help you assimilate the information faster. This means that cramming is useless, as the more information you take I, the faster you will forget it. A combination of session segmentation and self-testing will deliver the best results, especially when taking the online TOEFL test. Other important learning tips Thinking ahead is one of the best ways to prepare for the test. Since cramming won’t help very much, plan your study sessions well in advance before taking the test. Find a partner and practice speaking. Your mouth will get accustomed to pronouncing the words in a foreign language. •

If you can’t find an English speaker, there are countless English chat rooms available online. These chat rooms are supervised by native English speakers. But the best part is that you can try some of them without having to pay anything.

You can practice reading by researching topics you otherwise wouldn’t be interested in. Consider publications such as Times, Forbes, Foreign Policy or New York Times. They all provide a broad spectrum of well written articles on different topics. You can practice listening by watching movies, TV shows without subtitles, listening to music and researching lyrics.

Take your time and always pick your words carefully. Think about what you need to say and stick to simple structured sentences. This will help you express your ideas more easily and will benefit to your confidence level greatly. Teach yourself to breathe so you don’t run out of air when speaking. And try to smile more often because it will make you feel more confident.

To practice writing, think about a topic and write arguments about it. Ask questions and answer them. Then ask an English teacher to point out your mistakes. You are bound to find someone willing to help you. Often writing software can help you track spelling mistakes, so you can train yourself to spell correctly.

Get familiar with the different test sections and time your performance while taking the online TOEFL test. The test begins with a reading section that can last from 60 to 80 minutes. This section is followed by a listening section that can take around 60-90 minutes. When you’re done with these two, you will get a 10-minutes break. When your break is over, a 20-minutes speaking section will follow. Finally, you will be given 50 minutes to proceed with the writing tasks.

Don’t skip on any shut-eye. The test itself is exhausting; you need all the rest you can get before it. Try out a few relaxation techniques, as the more stressed you are, the more tired you will be on the day of the exam. Needless to say is that lack of sleep will affect your test score more than you think.

Work on your confidence. Take as many breaks as you need, take deep breaths and you will feel your confidence coming back to you. Exercise your mouth muscles constantly and practice by repeating the words you hear. Keep in mind that some sounds cannot be found in your native language. You will need time and exercise to reproduce them accurately.

When speaking to native English speakers don’t be shy and ask them to explain whatever words or idioms you don’t understand. Also, ask them to correct your mistakes if necessary.

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