5 Varieties Of Fake Fossils That You Can Find In The Market One of the most asked questions about fossils is how to tell whether they are real or fake. For a young urban country which has few historical relics, the question seems to be even more mind boggling to come into terms that you are actually holding a million years old specimen. This kind of an anxiety can work like a barrier when you are trying to begin your wholesale shark teeth collection, and it is therefore important to take into consideration the issue that we stated above. Here, we’ll discuss the 5 major categories of fossil fakes that you can find in the market right now.
Different types of fakes Field Repairs: Many of the fossils coming out of the ground are found cracked and crumbly. This makes fossil preparators make use of Paleobond, which is basically a super adhesive with a variety of viscosity levels that can make the specimens to stabilize. These field repairs are quite normal and can also be anticipated. Restorations: When the fossil is being prepared, various essential or core parts of the fossil might be missing and preparators may be required to perform restorations on them. Such type of restorations include carving out and attaching attachments on the fossil, or filling a crack in a bone with epoxy, or wax. That being said, it is however important to note that an ethical dealer must state the percentage of the specimen that is restored, and charge the item accordingly. Reconstructions: Large specimens of dinosaurs are almost found like the pieces of a puzzle in an ancient riverbed. These original but incomplete fossils may be required to get the major missing parts such as section of the vertebrae or a femur to get entirely fabricated in crushed fossil bone, and are popularly known as reconstructions. Mis-Identified: An authentic fossil, due to human errors can be mis-identified as that of another species. This can be deliberately done to increase the price of the item or it can be an honest mistake. Take for example the juvenile Spinosaurus teeth. They are quite similar in form to crocodile teeth, but may be unintentionally misidentified. Outright Fakes: Fossil can be fabricated to pose like an actual specimen and then sold in the market to defraud individuals and get huge profit from that.These ‘super fake’ fossils can fabricated by using resin, carved into limestone or even simply painted onto rock matrix. Consider this article and stay away from fakes while you planning to purchase wholesale shark teeth from the market.