Eared Seals and True Seals: Understanding the Difference in Fossils
Summary 1. This presentation is about the different categories of seals. 2. Know the characteristics of the eared seal. 3. Read about the prominent features of the true seal.
Introduction 1. Seals are semiaquatic mammals found in different regions. 2. They are known as pinnipeds or fin-footed mammals. 3. Seals are classified into Eared and True (Earless) seals. 4. Studying their fossils requires you to know their differences.
Types of Species of Eared Seals 1. Eared seals are known to have over 16 species. 2. Some of the commonly-found species include:
Callorhinus ursinus Otaria flavescens Arctocephalus Zalophus
Genera of True (Earless) Seals 1. According to the data, the true seals have over 18 species/genera. 2. Some of the species of the true seals are:
Leptonychotes weddellii Halichoerus grypus Ommatophoca rossii Erignathus barbatus
3. The true seals belong to the Phocidae family from the Mammalia class.
Where to Find Fossils of Seals and Other Mammals? 1. Look for a place that offers authentic seal fossils. 2. At Buried Treasure Fossils, we offer:
Seal fossils on sale Whale tooth on sale Dolphin teeth on sale Sealion fossils on sale
3. Visit https://www.buriedtreasurefossils.com/ to know more.