Lesser Known Facts About The Ferocious Great White Shark Known for being the largest predatory fish on Earth, the great white shark can have a length of as much as 20 feet and can weigh around 5,000 pounds. Majority of the great white sharks, which are also known by the name of Carcharodan carcharias, can be found in the coastal water all over the world. But, majority of them are found in the coastal waters of countries such as California, Australia, Mexico, and South Africa. These sharks teeth are one of the most sought after teeth. In this article, we will be taking a look at some of the unknown facts about this great shark.
You will be surprised to know that the strongest jaw on planet Earth is of sharks. And since the great white shark is the biggest of them all, imagine how powerful their jaws would be. Now, it is important to note that every species of shark has teeth that is uniquely shaped and different from other sharks. Not a lot of people know this, but sharks’ diet shapes their teeth. The great white shark has pointy teeth, which puts it on the top of food chain when it comes to ocean.
These water animals have as much as 3,000 teeth at one time. For biting, the great white shark relies on its anterior teeth as they are the biggest in size. Now, here is an amazing shark fact. A great white shark can utilize as much as 20,000 teeth till it meets its end. This is due to the fact that when one tooth falls off, the other one comes out to replace the lost one.
Now, let’s talk about how these massive sharks devour their prey. Great white sharks’ favourite preys include dolphins, small fish, seals, sea lions, turtles, etc. When this shark takes a bite, it can gulp down as much as 30 pounds of flesh. So, we can estimate that at each feeding, this dangerous ocean predator can eat hundreds of pounds of flesh.
Although this predator is known for consuming other animals, it is important to understand that its ferocious nature plays a pivotal role in maintaining the ecology of the ocean. Since the great white shark devours even the diseased, injured, and sick ocean animals, this helps in keeping the sea clean and free of remnants of dead fishes, which can make the ocean’s environment polluted.
So, there you have it. These were some unknown facts about the great white shark. If you’re interested in purchasing this shark teeth, you can check out some great websites online that sell fossils and teeth of many different animals.