Here's What You Should Know About Mako Shark Fossils
Summary 1. This presentation is about Mackerel (Mako) sharks. 2. Read about the different species of mako sharks. 3. Know the geographical locations where mako shark species are found.
Introduction 1. A Mako or Isurus is a popular shark species. 2. It is broadly classified into longfin and shortfin mako shark. 3. They belong to the Oxyrinchus species of the mako shark. 4. The mako shark's fossils are procured with multiple difficulties.
Different Species of the Mako Shark (Fossils) 1. A Mako shark is classified into different species. 2. Some of the species of the Mako shark include: • • • •
Isurus Oxyrinchus Isurus Desori Isurus Retroflexus Isurus Praecursor
Geographical Regions of Mako Shark Fossils 1. Mako sharks were spread across multiple geographical regions. 2. Some of the locations where these fossils are found are: • • • • •
The Netherlands Lee Creek Carolina (North & South) Peru Chile
Where to Get Quality Shark Fossils? 1. Find a place that offers authentic mako shark teeth. 2. At Buried Treasure Fossils, we provide a variety of shark fossils such as: • Mako • Megalodon • Otodus and more 3. Visit to know more.