What You Must Know About Large Pine Cones

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What You Must Know About Large Pine Cones You likely held them in your hands, made some crafts with them, or even had them crunched before. But what is the story behind pine cones? What's its history? What have they been connected to in the past? Before buying large pine cones available online for sale at great prices, it is best to learn a little bit about their history. There are many things about the pine cones you may not know before you start searching large pine cones for sale. Let's have a look at them.

In history, the Romans and the Celts associated pine cones with childbearing. They believed so much in the powers of pine cones that they put it under their pillow to help a woman conceive. In addition, the ancient Romans utilized pine cones to symbolize the goddess Venus, ruler of love and fertility. The pine cone we encounter the most is the tree's female part. The lighter ones, the smaller ones, are those of male origin. The way females do, they don't blossom.

Pine cones served as a symbol for various cultures like Greek gods like Dionysus, Mayan gods like Chicomecoatl, and Ancient Egyptian gods like Osiris, for example. Even today, you can find pine cones used by the sacred papal staff of the Pope. As a matter of fact, in the courtyard of the pine cone, outside the Catholic Vatican, there is a pine cone statue that is of large size.

You have to have heard of the pineal gland that is a part of our brain. Where do you think the name originated? From the pine cones, of course. And since some people in the past linked this part of our brain with enlightenment, pine cones were considered quite highly as a result and used as a sign of enlightenment.

If you notice a pine cone on the ground and whose scales are wide open, you can become aware of a potential forest fire. Such a pine cone denotes dry air, which may cause a forest fire. But when the pine cone is closed, this means humidity, which is an indicator of a lower chance of forest fire.

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