Your Guide To Buying Ammonite Fossils
Summary 1. This presentation is about buying ammonite fossils. 2. Know the different species of ammonite fossils. 3. Know the various locations from where these fossils are procured.
Introduction 1. Ammonite fossils need to be bought with care. 2. They should be complete and should not be damaged. 3. Ideally, Ammonite fossils should be • Authentic • Natural • Polished
Different Species Of Ammonite Fossils 1. Ammonite fossils are classified in certain species. 2. Following are the species you should know:
Hoploscaphites nodosus Crioceras loryi Nautiloid sp. Craspedites nodiger
Locations Where Ammonite Fossils Are Found 1. Ammonite fossils are found in diverse locations. 2. Some of the places you should know are:
Russia Madagascar France Morocco
How To Buy Ammonite Fossils? 1. Find a place that offers authentic ammonite fossils. 2. At Buried Treasure Fossils, we offer the following fossils: Ammonites Marine Reptiles Shark teeth & more 3. To get ammonite fossils on sale, visit our website.