Where to Mount a Trolling Motor on a Canoe

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Where to Mount a Trolling Motor on a Canoe

If you're planning on mounting a trolling motor onto your canoe, there are a few things you'll need to take into consideration. First, you'll need to decide which side of the canoe you want the motor to be mounted on. This will largely be determined by what hand you plan on using to operate the trolling motor. If you're right-handed, you'll likely want the motor mounted on the right side of the canoe so that you can easily reach the throttle. Left-handers will likely want to mount the motor on the left side for similar reasons. Once you've decided which side of the canoe you want to mount the trolling motor on, you'll need to consider the height and angle of the motor. You'll want to make sure that the motor is high enough off of the water that it won't get bogged down in shallow areas, but low enough so that you can easily reach it when needed. The angle of the motor should also be taken into consideration. You'll want to make sure that the propeller is pointing downwards at a slight angle so that it can effectively push the canoe through the water. Finally, you'll need to consider where you want to mount the trolling motor battery. This will largely be determined by how long you plan on being out on the water and how much power you'll need. If you're only going to be out for a short period of time, you may be able to get away with mounting the battery on the floor of the canoe. However, if you're planning on being out for an extended period of time, you'll likely want to mount the battery in a dry bag so that it stays protected from the elements.

Follow these tips and you'll be sure to choose the perfect location to mount your trolling motor on your canoe. See more: https://fishinghacking.com/mount-a-trolling-motor-on-a-canoe/

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