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Dear FriendsandReaders
Happy East er!
The East er Celebrat ions and Sales in Ireland are in full sw ing and I am happy t o report for t he first t im e ever I am in Ireland in Warrenpoint , Count y Dow n t o share t his great East ert ide experience w it h our readers!
Our publicat ion has been Irish CaliforniaCent ric for m ost of t he t im e t hat w e have been publishing That has been changing a lot in t he last couple years as t he Irish scene in t he great er Los Angeles area changes and w e keep hearing of am azing t ours t hat do not plan on a California visit s We have been publishing w ell received feat ures and new s t hat has a m uch w ider Irish Am erican appeal Now , w e are in Ireland and w e are get t ing a w arm recept ion as an IRISH Magazine,
There is an unlim it ed am ount of m at erial t o cover here The lit erary and m usical hist ory and t radit ions of Warrenpoint and surrounding t ow ns run deep I first heard of t his area t hree years ago w hen t he t he Irish Art s & Ent ert ainm ent joined forces w it h Harbouurside Radio t hen locat ed here t o livest ream and produce our joint project Alone/ TOGETHER for t he St Pat rick's Day t hat fell in 2021 (Act ually in t he second year of t he Pandem ic w hen w e w ere all seriously rest rict ed in our m ovem ent s )
You can st ill see t he highlight s of t hat broadcast on our YouTube Channel: CLICK HERE
We w ill have several st ories from here and from som e of our ot her great cont act s and sources t hroughout Ireland in our May issue t oo We have several t rips planned including sailing up t he Irish coast t o Belfast next w eek on a t all ship built in 1892
The East er Rising of 1916 is an im port ant part of fairly recent Irish Hist ory. Being here and going t o an East er Com m em orat ion service in Sout h Arm agh should be a very excit ing and m oving experience. Enjoy your holiday, w e w ish all of our readers, fam ily and friends a very blessed East er Season! Cásca sást a
Riverdance Ret urns To Los Angeles

t o t he Dolby Theat re in Hollyw ood from April 18 ?23; One Week Only.
Riverdance 25t h Anniversary Show is Riverdance, as you?ve never seen it before! A pow erful and st irring reinvent ion of t his beloved favorit e, celebrat ed t he w orld over for it s Gram m y Aw ard-w inning score and t he t hrilling energy and passion of it s Irish and int ernat ional dance. Com poser Bill Whelan has rerecorded his m esm erizing soundt rack w hile producer Moya Dohert y and direct or John McColgan have com plet ely reim agined t he ground-breaking show w it h innovat ive and spect acular light ing, video, st age and cost um e designs
Immerse yourself in the extraordinary power and grace of its music and dance?beloved by fans of all ages. Fall in love with the magic of Riverdance all over again.
Abhann Product ions is t hrilled t o announce t hat t he 25t h anniversary product ion of Riverdance w ill cont inue it s crit ically acclaim ed t our in over 50 cit ies across Nort h Am erica in 2023 Riverdance com plet ed a successful 40-cit y Nort h Am erican Tour w hich m arked t he dance phenom enon?s long-aw ait ed ret urn t o st ages aft er t he COVID-19 pandem ic shut dow n The 2022 t our included a sold-out , t w o-w eek inaugural run at Washingt on DC?s hist oric Kennedy Cent er
Riverdance Continued
Also, a special perform ance for President Joe Biden and Speaker of t he House Nancy Pelosi and m any nat ional t elevision appearances . The 2023
Riverdance 25t h.Tour recent ly kicked off w it h a special perform ance on Am erica?s Got Talent , seen by over 7 m illion people across t he count ry.