dear friend Our lives are shaped by what we see and experience. It is said that “the eyes are the
Ps debbie li n d e ll
windows to the soul”. How true that is. Your eyes are what take in the world around you and then, in turn, reveal to the world what is hidden inside your soul. As I write this, I can’t help but wonder what your eyes look like. What color are they? Are they a little squinty, like mine, from a lack of sleep? Are they sparkling with joy from a day full of sunshine and laughter? Are they smiling back at my words with wrinkle lines framing their beauty? Or, as you read these words, maybe they are holding back some ready-tofall tears from the challenging days you are walking through? Those eyes of yours, if I could see them, would tell me a whole lot about you and what you are experiencing in this moment. And even though I cannot see your eyes, Jesus can, and He cares about every thought, every burden, and every longing behind those windows of yours. On the page to your left is a picture of a girl who was a part of last year’s Conference. I love this picture. I can still remember the moment I looked into that precious girl’s eyes...she had come to see. That picture represents all that Designed for Life is about. The worth and value of one. One girl who is designed and created on purpose. One girl longing to feel loved and embraced. One girl needing to know that she belongs. One girl, who when connected to this heaven-kissed, life-giving, and multifaceted sisterhood – is stronger and braver than before. One girl whose life was changed when she opened her eyes and looked at Jesus! “ Yo u r e y e s a r e w i n d o w s i n to yo u r s o u l . I f y o u o p e n y o u r e y e s w i d e i n w o n d e r a n d b e l i e f, yo u r so u l f ills u p w i th l ight” There was a girl in the Bible who unexpectedly encountered Jesus. She was just going about her day, when He showed up. He took one look into her eyes and knew that she needed what He had to offer – hope, unconditional love, forgiveness, joy, grace, acceptance, and a purpose for living. And when she looked at Him, she realized, in an instant, that she had finally found everything she had been searching for. Right then and there, her life was changed forever! And, I love what happened says she ran excitedly to tell her friends, “c o m e a n d s e e w h a t I h av e f o u n d !”
If this is your first time to hold a Designed for Life invitation in your hand, I am so excited that our lives are connecting today. It is not by coincidence that you are reading these words. Heaven orchestrated this moment just for you! My prayer is that as you encounter the message within these pages, you are reminded of just how valued and treasured you are…that you were not meant to do life alone…that there is a company of women that would love to share life with you! For those who have been a part of this journey alongside me over the years, I am so thankful for you! We have experienced so many life-changing and world-changing moments together. Your life, faith, and commitment have helped to carry the message and touch the hearts and lives of thousands of girls across the globe. And, I am more certain than ever that God has more for us. It’s as if I can hear him whisper… “ B e h o l d , I a m d o i n g a n e w t h i n g ... d o yo u n ot s e e i t ? ” I believe God has more for you personally and more for us as a Sisterhood. He is wanting to expand our vision so that we can clearly see where He is leading us. He desires to use our connected and unified lives to reach the world in ways we never dreamed possible. With that, I want to personally invite you to be a part of Designed for Life 2018. This year will mark our 15th conference and what I believe is the door into the next season of this incredibly amazing adventure...I don’t want you to miss it! C O M E A N D S E E , my friend. C O M E A N D S E E what Heaven is going to reveal! Much Love, Debbie Lindell xo
6 / / a sist e r hood r evo lut io n
eyes wide open
a d v e nt u r e a w a i t s
come & see Thousands of women of all ages, seasons, AND backgrounds gathered And united as one.
S pectacular production, world-renown speakers, AND breathtaking moments.
The sounds of Heaven reminding you of your value, worth, and purpose.
An Atmosphere that welcomes you just as you are.
A place to relax, be restored, and receive fresh faith for your future.
you belong to an ever-expanding and flourishing Sisterhood who believes in you !
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g at h e r . to g e t h e r . u n i te d.
C ONFER EN CE SC HED U LE Two nights and days set aside for you to be refreshed, encouraged, and inspired. The conference begins on Thursday at 7pm and runs through Saturday at 3pm.
C ONFER EN CE DATES C o n f 1 | Octob e r 1 1-1 3 JQH Arena – Springfield, Missouri
Conf 2 | Octob e r 1 8 -2 0 James River Church – Ozark, Missouri
C ONFER EN CE HOSTS Pastor Debbie and the Designed Sisterhood Team, alongside the leadership of James River Church, work together to set a beautiful place at the table for you. From the welcoming atmosphere that embraces girls of all ages, to the spectacular production and dynamic worship, we endeavor to create an environment that opens your heart to hear the whisper of your Creator and experience the glorious sounds of Heaven.
D FL/JAM ES R I V ER C H UR C H TE AM There are hundreds of servant-hearted people, both men and women, who use their time and talents to bring the message of DFL to life. From those behind the scenes, preparing every detail, to those who share the platform, each one adds their passion, wisdom, and commitment to bring strength and value to the vision.
C O NFER EN CE DE TA I LS A N D R EGIStr at ion To register or for a detailed schedule, visit For questions regarding your registration: 417-581-8636 For group registration information: 417-581-8083
SO CI A L M EDI A I nstagr a m - @designedsisterhood @deblindell @jlindell @jamesriver Fac ebook - Designed Sisterhood, Debbie Lindell T wit t er - @DFLconf #dflconf2018 #designedsisterhood #unitedheartandsoul
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meet the s p e a ke rs
bi a nca o lt hof f @BiancaOl t hoff This girl is no stranger to the Sisterhood! She is a passionate, Jesus-lovin’ Bible teacher who has the incredible ability to present biblical truth and make you burst out laughing all at the same time. Bianca’s work as an appointed prison chaplain, founder of “In the Name of Love”, and co-pastor (with husband,
Matt) of the Father’s House Church in Orange County, CA keeps this sister busy…just the way she likes it!
D e bbi e L i nd e ll @DebLindel l She is passionate about leading, and you can’t help but follow, because following Debbie is lots of fun! She is a wife, mom, super grandma of eight kiddos, and a pastor for life! For over 25 years, her faithfilled vision for the Church and energetic leadership has inspired thousands of women of all ages to truly believe that they are Designed for Life.
ro be rt a n d Tay lo r m ad u @RobertMadu @TaylorMadu We are so excited to have Robert back with us at DFL again…and this time, he’s bringing his beautiful bride. First of all, you’ve never heard a preacher preach like Robert Madu. You’ll instantly be drawn in by his charisma and hilarious way of communicating God’s truth! And Taylor, she just might be one of the coolest girls on the planet — married to the love of her life, full-time mama to three, and a popular lifestyle blogger with a heart of pure gold that desires to change the world, one person at a time. Robert and Taylor Madu…the dynamic duo!
h av i l a h c u n n i ngton @HavilahCunnington We cannot wait to welcome to DFL, for the very first time, our new friend, Havilah! This vibrant, energetic leader, wife, friend, and mama (to four boys!) will inspire you through her message to understand what it truly means to hear God’s voice! As founder of the “Truth to Table” online ministry, Havilah is committed to encouraging and teaching others to study God’s Word with power and clarity!
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At the core of Designed for Life is a passionate and genuine longing to rise up with strength and resolve. Together, we are on a mission to bring a revolution of hope and healing to women and girls in our circle of influence and beyond. We endeavor to use our connected lives; combining our individual talents, passions, and resources for a divinely inspired purpose—to display the light of Heaven in the darkness, bring justice to those who are oppressed, and place VALUE and WORTH on every human LIFE! This past year, as part of your PROJECT 12 giving, we were able to bring the message of the Designed for Life Conference to the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria and launch the first-ever women’s conference of its kind! The Lord moved in miraculous ways as hundreds of girls from 11 different nations gathered to hear and proclaim the name of Jesus. We rejoice as over 150 girls responded to the call of salvation in Jesus Christ and hundreds more were inspired to believe at a whole new level for their lives, their homes, and their nations! As we look forward to all that God has planned for us, our hope and prayer is that DFL International would expand to more countries and cities so that more girls could hear the amazing message that lies in the heart of the gospel...the message declaring that every girl is beautifully designed and created for a unique purpose in God. “The time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall COME AND SEE my glory.” Isaiah 66:18 Your giving is making a difference! God is moving in response to your gracious, generous hearts. He is using you—this committed and unified Sisterhood—to inspire faith where there was doubt, to give hope in the midst of despair, to bring freedom...rescuing and restoring broken and hurting lives. Through you, the grace, beauty, and light of salvation is being revealed to thousands of women and girls around the world.
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m at t h e w 6 : 2 2 - 2 3 M S G ( PA R A )
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g r a c e g r a c e b e a u t y b e a u t y l i g h t l i g h t r e v e a l e d r e v e a l e d
designed for life // 201 8 springfield, missouri, USA l l