International Style Exhibition Guide

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InternationalStyle Exhibition Guide International Style Exhibition 12 May - 8 June 2014 Design Museam London


This is a collaborative project between Kieran James Sarah Harrison Charles Rodriguez Rebecca Haskins James Marshall Nischal Gurung Yuxin Huang

Exhibition held at: the Design Museum 28 Shad Thames London SE1 2YD

Items Book






Ulm Stool






Other Media


"perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to remove" Antoine de Saint-ExupĂŠry

International Style Book This book focuses on the art and design movement known as International Style. The movement spans from around the 1920’s to the 1960’s. The book discusses the emergence and spread of International Style, places it in its cultural, social and political context whilst highlighting the work of the key players. It aims to explore the circumstances that initiated the start of the International style. Looking in detail at the effects of the movement on architectural styling. Whilst exploring the effects this movement had on interior/ furniture design. Lastly this book will explore the impact of International style on Graphic design and typography.



A comprehensive study This book explores the relationship between the emergence of International Style and various social,political and historical factors.


"Good design is as little design as possible. Less is more – because it concentrates on the essential aspects and the products are not burdened with nonessentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity" Dieter Rams



Exhibition Poster Previous page International Style exhibition poster Poster designed to promote the International Style exhibition. It was essential that we maintained a sense of authenticity to the design principles of International Style. Left Zurich Tonhalle. musica viva (1958) This concert poster designed by Joseph M端ler Brockmann was a huge inspiration to our final poster design.




Ulm Stool Replica Top Ulm Stool,Max Bill (1954) A replica of Max Bills Ulm Stool has also been created. Material experimentation was a key design aspect as International Style looked to innovate through their use of materials. The success of the original Ulm Stool lies in its versatility. The simplicity of its design and shape make it suitable throughout the home. Previous page Postcards A number of various postcards have also been showcased. These postcards have been designed to showcase the diversity of the movement. Several designs were created, highlighting the movement’s key areas of significance. These included architecture, product design and graphic design and typography.


Clock Design Another essential component of our exhibition is our clock design. It was vital that we created something which follows the principles and techniques of International Style. Our design looked to achieve this by incorporating concrete and replicating the appearance of steel, the use of these materials was pioneered by International Style architecture.

Left Back view Exposed components allow easy access to the batteries. Right Front view The damaged and weathered nature of the concrete relates strongly to Brutalism which is explored in page 25 of the accompanying book.



“Less is more�

Right Secondary clock design As a continuation of our previous clock design. A secondary clock design was created which further explored this concrete aesthetic. This design artificially presents the appearance of being concrete. The clock is composed of MDF and a special spray paint which creates the surface appearance of being concrete.



Villa Savoye Model To emphasise the importance of Architecture to the movement, we have created a small number of self-assembly models. These models portray Le Corbusier’s iconic Villa Savoye building. Villa Savoye model Final model of Villa Savoye,created using the template provided in the following leaflet.


Packaging design Packaging for the Villa Savoye model which contains a template and the instructions to make the model. When cutting the template, it is recommended that you should use a safety mat and a scapel. This model is not recommended for children.



Other Media To coincide with the exhibition you can visit the following address for further insight into how the items were made.

Left Log book The Log book has been used to document our group participation throughout the unit.


International Style 12 May - 8 June 2014 BA (Hons) Graphic Design First Year Exhibition Š 2014 the Arts University Bournemouth

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