Evans Safari Itinerary

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K E N YA 2 6 th Au g u s t 4 th Se p te mbe r 2 0 1 8



H O G H O U S E - S A R A R A - M A R A E X P E D I T I O N S - K & D L U X U R Y P R I VA T E C A M P - H O G H O U S E N A I R O B I - K E N YA’ S A R I D N O R T H - M A A S A I M A R A - A M B O S E L I - N A I R O B I

26th August 2018: NAIROBI

On arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport you will be met and transferred to our home, Hog House, on the outskirts of Nairobi. You will meet your guide, Oliver Nicklin here, and spend one night.

2 7 t h - 2 9 t h A u g u s t 2 0 1 8 : K E N YA’ S A R I D N O R T H

After breakfast we will �ly you north, by private charter, over the equator to the Mathew’s Ranges in Kenya’s arid north. You will have three nights at stunning Sarara.

30th August - 1st September 2018: MAASAI MARA

This morning we �ly you southwest, across the Great Rift Valley into perhaps the best known area in the World for Big Game - The Maasai Mara. You will have three nights at the perfectly located Mara Expeditions Camp.

2nd & 3rd September 2018: AMBOSELI

Today we �ly you along the Tanzanian border into the shadow of our continent’s highest mountain - Kilimanjaro. You will spend two nights in Ker & Downey’s private camp located on the edge of Amboseli National Park.

4 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 8 : T R A V E L D AY / N A I R O B I

On your last day you will return to Nairobi, again by private charter and you are welcome to base at our home Hog House again. We are conveniently located close to shops and craft markets. We will transfer you to the international airport in time for your �light home.


This 10 day safari takes in three of Kenya’s very best wildlife areas: the arid north, the Maasai Mara and Amboseli. We have combined superb abundance of wildlife, with diversity of species and fascinating culture. We have used both boutique lodges and traditional under canvas safari camping.

D AY 1



D AY 2 - 4

Lake Turkana


Lake Logipi

D AY 5 - 7




K & D P R I VA T E C A M P D AY 1 0



You begin with a night in Nairobi at our home based inside the peaceful and secluded Giraffe Sanctuary.

Lake Baringo

Ewaso Nyiro River



Lake Bogoria

Lake Victoria


Mt. Kenya

Lake Nakuru Masai Mara

You then head north to Sarara where you will see our arid specialists like Reticulated giraffe and Grevy’s zebra. This camp is excellent for up close elephants and a great chance of superb leopard. You’ll also have a fascinating insight into Samburu culture. You will also be able to visit the new Reteti elephant orphanage which is crucial to elephant conservation in the north of Kenya.

Lake Naivasha Nairobi Tana River

Lake Magadi Amboseli

Ts a v o Watamu



Next we take you to our jewel in the crown - the Maasai Mara, which, at this time of year hosts the wildebeest migration. Incredible concentrations of wildlife here with superb predators.

Finally we take you south to Amboseli at the foot of Kilimanjaro with it’s emerald green swamps. Here you have great elephant viewing and a good chance of cheetah too. You’ll have time with the Maasai tribe with whom we have built up a really special relationship over the last 40 years. You will be professionally guided throughout your safari by Oliver Nicklin - he will take care of every detail allowing you to simply relax and enjoy.


‘ S A FA R I ’ i s t h e S w a h i l i w o r d f o r ‘ a j o u r n e y ’ a n d K e n y a e v o k e s n o s t a l g i a f o r t h e e a r l i e s t o r i g i n s

of the African safari. Romance and adventure are plentiful in the classic stories told in ‘Out of Africa’ a n d ‘ B o r n F r e e ’, i l l u s t r a t i n g K e n y a ’ s s c e n e r y, w i l d l i f e a n d p e o p l e , w h i c h h a v e e n d u r i n g a p p e a l .

Kenya is a sovereign state achieving political independence from the British in 1963. Since, anxious times have been de�ied, mainly due to its dynamic people who are amongst the most colourful in East Africa. Friendly and hospitable, the Kenyan people rely heavily on tourism.

Located on the east coast of Africa, the Equator bisects the country resulting in a tropical climate, although diverse geography provokes wide variations in temperature, rainfall and humidity. In relation to size, the assorted landscape is unparalleled and the multitude of national parks and reserves all have their own unique attractions. Marine reserves boast coral reef gardens with palm fringed beaches and turquoise oceans, while the savannah grasslands exhibit quintessential depictions of imagined Africa, harsh trackless expanses, solitary �lat - topped acacias and incredible concentrations of plains game.

Kenya remains one of the best places in Africa to see great wildlife – lions, elephants, leopards and of course the annual ‘wildebeest migration’ streaming into the Masai Mara from Tanzania. The East African Rift Valley runs through the country from top to bottom and provides stunning landscapes of giant volcanoes, hot springs and �lamingo sprinkled lakes.

Dominated by Lake Turkana, the ancient source of the Nile, the Rift Valley lakes are some of the most picturesque in Africa. The formation of the Rift created Mt Kenya, the second highest peak in Africa, some three millions years ago. “The spiritual home of safari, Kenya is where it all began. From the big cats of the Mara to the elephants of Amboseli, combined with traditional tribes, real tented camps and an unparalleled physical diversity, Kenya has it all. ”


KENYA Lake Victoria Rwanda Burundi



“A c o n t i n e n t i n o n e c o u n t r y ” Sandor Carter



Hidden in the 130 acre Giraffe Sanctuary in Langata, Hog House is a private home with incredible views across to the Ngong Hills. Serene and peaceful you would hardly believe you are in one of Africa’s largest capital cities.

Located close to both Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, and Wilson Airport, this unusual family home is an ideal place to begin or end your safari. Its rustic décor and the fact that it is surrounded by wildlife will help to ease you in, and out, of your time here on safari. The straw bale construction uses plantation cedar and fallen African olive and blends with the wooded sanctuary perfectly. The house itself comprises 2 double bedrooms and a triple, all ensuite. There are a further 2 cottages outside in the garden for larger groups. Hog House is only available for exclusive use. The large open plan sitting/dining is cosy with a warm �ireplace and lots of seating for all to congregate. Daytime meals we normally take outside in the shade of the Euclea trees in the garden, and a beautiful horizon pool beckons on hot afternoons. Walking in the sanctuary is the perfect way to loosen up stiff joints from long intercontinental �lights and you have

every chance of seeing Rothschild’s giraffe, warthog, dik dik, bushbuck, suni and Syke’s monkeys. Birds of every colour throng around the bird table and hyrax will doubtless entertain you at night! The Giraffe Centre, Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, Karen Blixen Museum, and many craft centres are all within a stone’s throw of Hog House.

“It is a privilege to stay in this unusual and

beautiful home within the G I R A F F E S A N C T U A R Y,

so close and convenient to all the classic

Nairobi attractions, and yet quietly tucked away in your o w n h a v e n o f s e r e n i t y.”




A t h r i l l i n g w a y t o a p p r e c i a t e t h e d i v e r s i t y o f E a s t A f r i c a i s f r o m t h e a i r.

Flying is the perfect way to optimize your safari time, without being limited by distances and time. All our private charter �lights are operated by trusted companies that we work with all the time. Experienced pilots, passionate about Kenya – its history, geography, people and wildlife – make every effort to ensure �lights are enjoyable and part of the safari experience. The pilots we use are some of the best bush pilots in the world. The geography of this country is dominated by the Great Rift Valley, it’s lakes and volcanoes and seeing this all from above really helps to gain a greater understanding of Kenya’s varied environments. We use Cessna aircraft almost exclusively. Its proven track record as a single engine aircraft, great performance on bush strips and robust design, make Cessna aircrafts the most suitable planes for Kenya and East Africa. It is capable of taking off from nearly all bush airstrips, made possible by the large wheels, very ef�icient wing and powerful engine. Cessna Caravan (C208) - 12 pax. We use the caravan 208 the most . The caravan is the best-selling, most-�lown airplane ever, due to its proven reliability, �light characteristics and reputation as the safest

general aviation aircraft ever built.

‘Baby’ Caravan (C208) - 6 pax. Extremely comfortable, with great visibility out of the large windows. It is versatile in all weather conditions with a turbine engine. Cessna 182 (C108) - 2 pax. Single-engine light aircraft. Its high wing position allows excellent visibility and it is comfortable, reliable and versatile.

Cessna 182 (206) - 6 pax. Single-engined aircraft, popular as bush planes for its powerful, rugged construction and large cabin. Cessna (F406) - 12 pax. Twin turboprop aircraft ideal for short �lights.

Beechcraft Super King Air - 9 pax. For those looking for luxury in the air, a spacious and well appointed twin engine aircraft.

Flying between destinations is a highlight of any safari. As you �ly over the ever changing landscape and ecotones, you get an incredible birds eye view of this incredible country.




S a m b u r u , B u f f a l o S p r i n g s , M e r u a n d S h a b a a r e a l l w i l d l i f e r e s e r ve s w h i c h l i e i n a va s t a r e a o f o p e n , t h o r n b u s h c o u n t r y a n d d e s e r t t h a t s t r e t c h e s n o r t h f r o m M t . Ke n ya t o S u d a n a n d E t h i o p i a . I t i s t h e s t a r k c o n t r a s t between emptiness, wilderness and rising mountains that makes this area such a spectacular destination. The lifeblood of the North is the Ewaso Nyiro River and the crystal clear springs that empty into it. Its banks shaded by graceful doum palms, poplars and Acacia elatior trees, the Ewaso Nyiro attracts more and more wildlife as the dry season lengthens from June to October, although it is beautiful at any time of year.

Here you will �ind animals like the Grevy zebra, Beisa oryx, the Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the tiny dik-dik; all species of northern Kenya which have adapted to the harsh arid conditions of the Northern Frontier District. With luck you will also �ind the 'big cats' staking out the favourite drinking places of their prey along the lovely palm-fringed banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River. Wherever you look mountains rise out of the plains in the blue distance, the conical ash cones of the Nyambenis to the south, Lolokwe and the rugged Mathews Range in the east and to the north the granite towers of Bodich, Kamanga and Tumtu that impose above the Ewaso Nyiro.

Samburu, Pokot, Turkana, Rendille, Gabbra – these are the tribes of the north. All are proud and tough. The Samburu are related to the Masai although they live just north of the equator where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the northern desert and slightly south of Lake Turkana in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. The purported

bene�its of modern life are often undesirable to the Samburu. They remain much more traditional in life and attitude than their Maasai cousins. The Turkana, like the Samburu and Maasai, still maintain their undiluted traditional way of life. They are distinguished as being great survivors, living in harsh and inhospitable terrain. As with all other pastoralist tribes in Kenya, livestock, especially cattle, are at the core of Turkana culture, they live a nomadic life, always moving from one place to another depending on the availability of pasture and water for their animals. Lake Turkana

K E N YA’ S ARID NORTH Ewaso Nyiro River Equator

Lake Victoria Masai Mara

Mt. Kenya N.P Nairobi Amboseli N.P

Tana River Ts a v o N.P


Within a cluster of mountains and hills known as the Mathews Range, north of the Samburu Game Reserve, the vicinity is characterised by valleys, ridges and several springs, its lush vegetation standing in contrast to the semi-arid bush in the greater area. Sarara Camp is located on the 185,300 acre Namunyak Community Group Ranch at the base of Kenya’s Northern Frontier District.

The 6 spacious tents, shaded by thorny acacias, each boast a veranda with comfortable table and chairs for savouring morning tea. Although the bathroom is separate to the tent, some facilities are still ensuite. The decor is an amalgamation of earthy simplicity and 1920’s safari Africa, embodied in the romanticised feel of the high ceilings, heavy wooden trunks and Persian carpets. Dining is �lexible and served at the whim of the guests, alfresco in a dry riverbed as a picnic or indoors amid decadent surroundings.

Sarara’s guests enjoy highly exclusive activities ranging from a private �light over the Mathews Range, a helicopter ride up Mount Kenya or a �ly camping experience with the stars as the ceiling. Bush walks and game drives offer the opportunity to view buffalo, leopard and elephant (now numbering 4000 in the Mathews Range), or

a relaxing afternoon spent in the rim �low pool frequently lends to sightings of herds which come to drink and spray themselves with water. Prey activity includes both the Greater and Lesser kudu and endemic species such as gerenuk and Reticulated giraffe.

The Singing Wells at Sarara allow guests to witness a timeless Samburu tradition. Naked warriors chant as they dig wells in the sand river passing buckets hand over hand to the surface where they �ill hand hewn troughs. They sing their stock in to drink. This intimate ritual is an absolute highlight.

“A d e e p l y p e r s o n a l a n d unique tented camp

experience, Sarara Camp displays the heart of A f r i c a .”



The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is situated in the remote Mathews Range, among Kenya's second largest elephant population.

Reteti lies within a 975,000 acre swath of thorny scrubland in northern Kenya known as the Namunyak Wildlife Conservation Trust—part of the ancestral homeland of the Samburu people. It is the �irst community owned elephant orphanage in Africa, of�icially opened in 2016. It takes in orphaned and abandoned elephant calves with an aim to release them back into the wild herds adjoining the Sanctuary. The region includes the Turkana, Rendille, Borana, and Somali, as well as the Samburu—ethnic groups that have fought to the death over the land and its resources. Now they’re working together to strengthen their communities and protect the estimated 6,000 elephants they live, sometimes uneasily, alongside. The need for elephant orphanages like Reteti is a sad result of the decimation of herds by ivory poachers in recent decades, a pattern playing out widely in sub-Saharan Africa. Other causes for an orphaned or abandoned elephant include man made wells, drought, human-wildlife con�lict and natural mortality.

It is estimated between 5 and 10 elephant calves are rescued in North Kenya each year. The Sanctuary was established in response to demands from the local community, who recognise wildlife as an opportunity to improve livelihoods.

The elephant keepers all recruited from within the Conservancy, have perfected the skill of returning lost calves back to their family herds. The primary aim of the Sanctuary is to not hand raise any individuals – with elephants only being taken into care as a last resort. Feeding is a big part of the day’s work for the handlers. Half-gallon-size bottles of special formula are given every 3 hours around the clock, and drinking is a noisy, slurpy affair. Afterward the elephants fall into a deep stupor. By visiting the sanctuary you are helping these iconic animals and the communities that care for them.

“ Wa r r i o r s w h o o n c e fe a re d

e l e p h a n t s , n o w p r o t e c t t h e m .”



Only in the Mara does the whole spectrum of life and death, birth and growth seem to be there for you, right before your eyes. Most documentary wildlife �ilmmakers choose the Mara due to the abundance and easy access to wild animals here. Almost 450,000 acres of rolling grasslands make up the Maasai Mara and its surrounding conervancies, bordered by mountains to the north and east and the Siria escarpment to the west. The permanent meandering rivers traced by deep forest snake across the savannah. The Mara’s proximity to Lake Victoria, which creates its own weather patterns, ensures that the area receives much higher rainfall than the Serengeti ecosystem. This crucial fact enables millions of animals, including gazelle, zebra and antelope, to survive through the driest time of year. An estimated one and a half million wildebeest make the annual migration up from the southern Serengeti plains into Kenya and remain here from late June into October. You will be staying in one of the quitest parts of the Mara, a conservancy. Even during migration season you can be away from the crowds. An hour can pass in nail-biting anticipation as a cheetah conducts a painstaking stalk of her prey, only to lose her meal at the last moment when the wind changes.

Watch the peculiar quality of the light, and the shadows of the clouds on the plains, the strange optical illusions of the distant herds silhouetted along the horizon. Light and shadow, rock and grassland, predators and prey, this is quintessential Africa.

Lake Turkana

Lake Victoria


Mt. Kenya N.P

Nairobi Amboseli

Serengeti N.P Ts a v o N.P



This is a place where lions own the night and hippos stake claim to vast territories,

where we submit to the supreme power of wild Africa and take our lead from Mother Nature… Lying just inside the north-central border of the acclaimed Maasai Mara Game Reserve, Mara Expedition draws the �irst time traveller and the safari connoisseur alike. Known as “the Greatest Show on Earth”, Mara Expedition offers unrivalled access to the routes of the Great Migration, exhibiting the awe-inspiring movement of 200,000 zebra, 18,000 eland, 500,000 Thompson’s gazelle and over a million wildebeest, up close.

Resting just off the Ntiakatek River, the 5 entirely exclusive suites are caught up in the branches of a cluster of trees, each raised on wooden decking with three open sides and ensuite bathrooms complete with showers. The private verandas may display the serene sight of a herd of wildebeest grazing in the plains below, whilst the uncluttered design is complemented by red velvet throw cushions, natural wooden accents and white linen. Decadent cuisine may be savoured by candlelight in the elegant dining room after the wild appeal of a day in the bush. Providing the ultimate draw card, there is no better way to end the day than around a roaring camp�ire reliving the day’s stories with drink in hand.

The �lexible nature of Mara Expedition makes each stay unique and personal; unwind in the lavish lounge areas, visit a local Maasai village for a taste of African culture or witness the riverine forests, grasslands and rolling hills by hot air balloon.

With incomparable predator activity aided by the high density of prey during the migration period, sightings of leopard, hyena and cheetah are at their peak. Night drives offer a rare nocturnal perspective whilst day safaris offer the opportunity to view over 470 bird species, herds of elephant, buffalo and giraffe or the sight of a lion strutting right past the vehicle.

“There’s an air of yesteryear in Mara Expedition Camp’s

design, which draws stylistic reference from the old,

authentic expedition camps o f t h e c o l o n i a l e r a .”


Against the magni�icent backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro lies Amboseli, a national park and ecosystem. Meaning the ‘salty earth’ in the language of the Maasai, Amboseli is aptly named after the alkaline volcanic ash that spewed from the now dormant volcano Kilimanjaro. The 1.2 million acre ecosystem lies on Kenya’s boarder with Tanzania and incorporates habitats of dry lake beds, savannah grasslands, woodland and swamps fed by springs emanating from Mount Kilimanjaro.

The area is home to grassland dwellers such as buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, gazelle and warthog, while the resident predators include lion, cheetah and hyena. Amboseli is also a birding hotspot, with over 600 species recorded. The principal attraction at Amboseli however, is the large herds of free roaming elephants made famous by Dr. Joyce Poole who, through the Amboseli Elephant Research Project, put these intelligent giants on the map. Her long running large mammal research project in Africa combines 30 years of uninterrupted study and chronicles Amboseli’s elephant herds, from new born calves to 60 year old matriarchs and old bulls that carry some of the longest tusks in Africa. Contiguous with Amboseli National Park is the Kitirua Wildlife Conservancy, a partnership between a local Maasai community and the private sector.

Designed to protect wildlife, this private and exclusive conservancy enables both day and night drives, walking and an unparalleled opportunity to meet members of the Maasai community in a welcoming and culturally sensitive manner.

This is a quintessential African landscape of elephants and traditional tribes with the snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the clouds behind. Lake Turkana

Lake Victoria

Mt. Kenya N.P

Masai Mara



Kilimanjaro N.P

Ts a v o N.P




The raw beauty of this diverse landscape and astounding ecosystem complete with the backdrop of Africa’s highest mountain, is unsurpassed.

Amboseli Mobile is located on a 30,000 acre private conservancy belonging to the Kisongo Maasai people. Lying in the Amboseli area and adjacent to the National Park, the mobile camp has undisturbed views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The Amboseli eco- system comprises open grasslands, woodlands and swamps, which are watered by mountain springs.

The purpose of Amboseli Mobile is to forge a temporary, yet ideal base from which to explore the surrounding area. The tented camp is equipped with all the necessities required for a unique getaway, its simplicity adding to the experience. The presence of the mobile camp supports the conservancy, the local community and the conservation of the Amboseli ecosystem. When the camp leaves, it leaves nothing behind, the land being left to the wildlife and their Maasai custodians. Being a mobile camp, all activities, be that on safari or choosing when to eat, are completely �lexible. Generally the day revolves around an early m o r n i n g g a m e d r ive , fo l l o we d by a l a te morning drive after breakfast. There is a healthy population of lion in the area with

the chance of spotting cheetah, as well as good numbers of general game.

It is also possible to walk, and a late afternoon stroll as the sun sets across the plains towards Kilimanjaro is spectacular. Another unique opportunity is to be able to spend time with the Kitirua community and learn about their rich culture. Ker & Downey has nurtured a relationship over 30 years with the Kisongo Maasai, as a result, respect and trust have developed for one another making trips to the local school and homesteads possible. One of the highlights of the Amboseli Mobile however, is the opportunity to view large herds of magni�icent elephant, many of the bulls still carrying some of the longest tusks on the African continent.

“A m b o s e l i M o b i l e C a m p

is a natural gateway to the w i l d A f r i c a n b u s h .”


T h e M a a s a i t r i b e s p e o p l e o f s o u t h e r n K e n y a a n d n o r t h e r n Ta n z a n i a

are a Nilotic ethnic group who arrived in this area about 300 years ago from the North. They are among the best known, and most distinctive tribes living in the semi arid lands along and beside the Great Rift Valley and close to many well known national parks and reserves. Their cousins North of the Equator are the Samburu, with whom they share many customs. The Maasai occupy a total land area of 39.5 million acres and number around 1.5million. They are semi-nomadic herding cattle over large areas of communally owned land. Their family encampments are comprised of a circular boma (fence) of Acacia to protect livestock from predators. Inside the boma they build small loafshaped houses made of mud, sticks, grass and cow dung. The women are responsible for building houses, supplying water, collecting �irewood, milking cattle and cooking. The young men or warriors (Moran) enforce security while boys are responsible for herding livestock. The elders are directors and advisors of day-to-day activities and make decisions for the whole community. On the western boundary of National Park lies Kitirua – concession shared between Downey and the local Kisongo

Amboseli a private Ker and clan. We

have nurtured a relationship over 35 years such that we are welcomed into their homes to learn something of their traditional way of life. By the same token we welcome them into camp thereby creating a unique opportunity for guests to interact. K&D sponsors two local schools in the area. The Ngararambuni Nursery school is on the edge of Kitirua Conservancy and caters to children between 4 & 10 years old. It is still set up underneath a large spreading Acacia tortilis and has three dedicated Maasai teachers. We helped to set this little school up in 2003, before this the children would have to walk 7km through an area rich in big game to get to school.

Whilst in Amboseli we encourage as much interaction with local people as possible. Even though we do not share a language it is extraordinary to watch our children play with theirs as the common language of fun transgresses these boundaries. Learning to throw spears and how to use bows and arrows, digging for water, and donning traditional garb are all a part of being with these colourful, friendly, fun and fascinating people.




Fo o d h a s b e c o m e a l m o s t a re l i g i o n fo r a va s t n u m b e r o f p e o p l e a ro u n d t h e wo rl d . It is a reason to travel and explore. It is about fashion, passion and inspiration; all these components make the kitchen an intrinsic part your mobile camp experience. The cuisine is an integral part of your safari

The kitchen is extremely mobile, so you will

vibrant and packed full of �lavour. All our

We also offer a 'Bitings' evening, which is

with us. We believe that the food has to match food









ingredients are locally sourced.



The food is a fusion of cuisines from around the globe with an African twist. It is a combination




eastern, Pan Asian, Moroccan and Swahili.

Antonia Stogdale trained as a chef at Leith’s

school of Food and Wine. She has published

her own cookbook and teaches cookery courses all over East Africa. You can join Antonia and her team and learn how to bake

fresh bread & pastries or how to make the

dine in a variety of locations with exquisite

views to match the food you'll be enjoying. African Tapas under the stars by the camp �ire.

Our food is very healthy and we are happy to

cater for all dietary requirements. Fresh fruits, vegetables and salads feature greatly

on our menus, as well as organic meats and

cheeses. All breads and pastries are freshly made in camp every day. Food safety is of

the upmost importance to us and all chef 's

and food handlers have completed one of Antonia's food safety & hygiene courses.

perfect egg benedict in the bush. It's a great

We also carry a large selection of �ine wines,

tin trunk oven!

water is provided in camp.

activity for the kids: they can learn to make

pizza or brownies over an open �ire & in a

beer, spirits, sodas, soft drinks, freshly made juices, coffee, tea, herbal teas and mineral



Born and brought up in Kenya, Oliver spent much of his childhood on the east African coast and exploring the bush. With a surfer for a father and a safari guide for an uncle,

Oliver developed a passion for water sports and a parallel love of the African wilderness.

An unconventional student with a love of physical and mental challenges, on leaving school Oliver

set up a kite-sur�ing business in Watamu with a friend. They ran the business successfully for

three years, teaching kite-sur�ing, organizing tailor-made trips for clients and guiding kite-sur�ing safaris along the coastline. During this period, he travelled extensively around East Africa - climbing

Mount Kenya, �ishing on remote lakes and camping in diverse landscapes. He also broadened his experience with trips to South East Asia, South Africa and Europe - sur�ing in Indonesia and Vietnam and travelling by train around Europe.

Three years ago, Oliver decided that it was time for a change and a challenge, and shifted his

career from the beach to the bush. He studied Business in South Africa and completed an EcoTraining course in Borana, Kenya. Since then, he has worked on several safaris, guiding for

Ker and Downey Safaris, The Luxury Safari Company and Africa Born. When Oliver is not guiding he also works as a lodge manager in Northern Kenya and the Mara working closely with the Maasai and Samburu tribes. More recently Oliver spent 3 months in Rwanda Managing Sabyinyo

Silver Back Lodge where he was able to immerse himself in the inspiring Rwandan history and learn all about the incredible Mountain Gorillas of the Volcanos National Park. Invigorated and

inspired, he is passionate about conserving Kenya’s wildlife and habitats on land and in the ocean - and about sharing that very special world with others.

Oliver is a professional, informative and entertaining guide with an infectious love of wilderness and exploration.

TEL: +254 (0)720 911 143


W W W. K E R D O W N E Y S A FA R I S . C O M

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