K E N YA 1 9 th D ECEMBER 2 0 1 8 - 1 s t JAN UARY 2 0 1 9
S W E E N E Y FA M I LY S A FA R I I T I N E R A R Y This fabulous 14 day itinerary takes in four of Kenya’s very best game areas. It combines abundant wildlife, with incredible scenery, interesting tribal culture, adventure and plenty of activity. You’ll be privately guided throughout, and James can join you at the beginning of the safari.
D AY 1
D AY 2 - 4
Lake Turkana
L E WA W I L D E R N E S S D AY 5 - 8
D AY 1 1 - 1 3
After at night at our home in the Giraffe Sancutary you will �ly north to Lewa Downs. This beautiful private conservancy is home to both Black, and White Rhino as well as the northern species Reticulated giraffe and Grevy’s zebra. Great predators here and elephant too. There is masses to do, super walking and horseback riding.
Lake Logipi
Lake Baringo
Ewaso Nyiro River
Lake Bogoria
Lake Victoria
Mt. Kenya
Lake Nakuru Masai Mara
You’ll next have four days in the wildlife haven that is the Maasai Mara where the game, especially all the big cats, are superb at all times of year. So many herbivore species it is hard to keep count, and Mara Expeditions is a lovely small camp in an ideal location.
Lake Naivasha Nairobi Tana River
Lake Magadi Amboseli
Ts a v o Watamu
Then to the arid North to Samburu country and a helicopter safari that’ll knock your socks off. Sasaab is stunning and also a good location to kick back if you need a day to catch your breath.
Finally to Amboseli, in the shadows of our continent’s highest mountain - Kilimanjaro. Here you will spend time with the Kisongo Maasai a fascinating insight into an ancient culture. Elephant viewing here is second to none. This is a beautifully balanced safari itinerary.
H O G H O U S E - L E WA W I L D E R N E S S - M A R A E X P E D I T I O N S - S A S A A B - K & D P R I VA T E C A M P - E M A K O K O
N A I R O B I - L A I K I P I A - M A A S A I M A R A - K E N YA’ S A R I D N O R T H - A M B O S E L I - N A I R O B I N A T I O N A L PA R K 19th DECEMBER 2018 - NAIROBI
On arrival in Nairobi you will be met and transferred to our home, Hog House, set within the Giraffe Sanctuary in Langata for one night.
20th - 22nd DECEMBER 2018 - LAIKIPIA
After breakfast we will transfer to Wilson Airport for your �light by private charter north, past Mt. Kenya to Lewa Downs. You will spend three nights at Lewa Wilderness.
23rd - 26th DECEMBER 2018 - MAASAI MARA
You’ll �ly again by private charter, south west, across the Great Rift Valley to perhaps the best known area for Big Game in the World - the Maasai Mara. You’ll be based at Mara Expeditions for four nights.
2 7 t h & 2 8 t h D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 - K E N YA’ S A R I D N O R T H
Next you head to our Arid North to Samburu. You’ll have two nights at Sasaab. On 28th December 2018 we would love to encourage you to take a day’s helicopter safari up to Lake Turkana - the “Jade Sea”. This is a breathtaking journey in itself where you’ll stop en route in the stunning Suguta Valley, �ly over Logipi home to thousands of �lamingoes, land at Nabuyatum a recently active volcanic cone. This is an exceptional opportunity to see parts of Kenya that would normally take weeks of expedition type planning to get to.
29th -31st DECEMBER 2018 - AMBOSELI
Finally south to Amboseli at the foot of Kilimanjaro where you will spend three nights in our private concession area on the edge of the National Park.
1 s t J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 - T R A V E L D AY
On your last day we will �ly you back to Nairobi where we have booked Emakoko for you for what remains of the day until your international �light home. This lovely lodge is based conveniently close to the airport on the edge of Nairobi National Park.
‘ S A FA R I ’ i s t h e S w a h i l i w o r d f o r ‘ a j o u r n e y ’ a n d K e n y a e v o k e s n o s t a l g i a f o r t h e e a r l i e s t o r i g i n s
of the African safari. Romance and adventure are plentiful in the classic stories told in ‘Out of Africa’ a n d ‘ B o r n F r e e ’, i l l u s t r a t i n g K e n y a ’ s s c e n e r y, w i l d l i f e a n d p e o p l e , w h i c h h a v e e n d u r i n g a p p e a l .
Kenya is a sovereign state achieving political independence from the British in 1963. Since, anxious times have been de�ied, mainly due to its dynamic people who are amongst the most colourful in East Africa. Friendly and hospitable, the Kenyan people rely heavily on tourism.
Located on the east coast of Africa, the Equator bisects the country resulting in a tropical climate, although diverse geography provokes wide variations in temperature, rainfall and humidity. In relation to size, the assorted landscape is unparalleled and the multitude of national parks and reserves all have their own unique attractions. Marine reserves boast coral reef gardens with palm fringed beaches and turquoise oceans, while the savannah grasslands exhibit quintessential depictions of imagined Africa, harsh trackless expanses, solitary �lat - topped acacias and incredible concentrations of plains game.
Kenya remains one of the best places in Africa to see great wildlife – lions, elephants, leopards and of course the annual ‘wildebeest migration’ streaming into the Masai Mara from Tanzania. The East African Rift Valley runs through the country from top to bottom and provides stunning landscapes of giant volcanoes, hot springs and �lamingo sprinkled lakes.
Dominated by Lake Turkana, the ancient source of the Nile, the Rift Valley lakes are some of the most picturesque in Africa. The formation of the Rift created Mt Kenya, the second highest peak in Africa, some three millions years ago. “The spiritual home of safari, Kenya is where it all began. From the big cats of the Mara to the elephants of Amboseli, combined with traditional tribes, real tented camps and an unparalleled physical diversity, Kenya has it all. ”
KENYA Lake Victoria Rwanda Burundi
“A c o n t i n e n t i n o n e c o u n t r y ” Sandor Carter
Hidden in the 130 acre Giraffe Sanctuary in Langata, Hog House is a private home with incredible views across to the Ngong Hills. Serene and peaceful you would hardly believe you are in one of Africa’s largest capital cities.
Located close to both Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, and Wilson Airport, this unusual family home is an ideal place to begin or end your safari. Its rustic décor and the fact that it is surrounded by wildlife will help to ease you in, and out, of your time here on safari. The straw bale construction uses plantation cedar and fallen African olive and blends with the wooded sanctuary perfectly. The house itself comprises 2 double bedrooms and a triple, all ensuite. There are a further 2 cottages outside in the garden for larger groups. Hog House is only available for exclusive use. The large open plan sitting/dining is cosy with a warm �ireplace and lots of seating for all to congregate. Daytime meals we normally take outside in the shade of the Euclea trees in the garden, and a beautiful horizon pool beckons on hot afternoons. Walking in the sanctuary is the perfect way to loosen up stiff joints from long intercontinental �lights and you have
every chance of seeing Rothschild’s giraffe, warthog, dik dik, bushbuck, suni and Syke’s monkeys. Birds of every colour throng around the bird table and hyrax will doubtless entertain you at night! The Giraffe Centre, Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, Karen Blixen Museum, and many craft centres are all within a stone’s throw of Hog House.
“It is a privilege to stay in this unusual and
beautiful home within the G I R A F F E S A N C T U A R Y,
so close and convenient to all the classic
Nairobi attractions, and yet quietly tucked away in your o w n h a v e n o f s e r e n i t y.”
A t h r i l l i n g w a y t o a p p r e c i a t e t h e d i v e r s i t y o f E a s t A f r i c a i s f r o m t h e a i r.
Flying is the perfect way to optimize your safari time, without being limited by distances and time. All our private charter �lights are operated by trusted companies that we work with all the time. Experienced pilots, passionate about Kenya – its history, geography, people and wildlife – make every effort to ensure �lights are enjoyable and part of the safari experience. The pilots we use are some of the best bush pilots in the world. The geography of this country is dominated by the Great Rift Valley, it’s lakes and volcanoes and seeing this all from above really helps to gain a greater understanding of Kenya’s varied environments. We use Cessna aircraft almost exclusively. Its proven track record as a single engine aircraft, great performance on bush strips and robust design, make Cessna aircrafts the most suitable planes for Kenya and East Africa. It is capable of taking off from nearly all bush airstrips, made possible by the large wheels, very ef�icient wing and powerful engine. Cessna Caravan (C208) - 12 pax. We use the caravan 208 the most . The caravan is the best-selling, most-�lown airplane ever, due to its proven reliability, �light characteristics and reputation as the safest
general aviation aircraft ever built.
‘Baby’ Caravan (C208) - 6 pax. Extremely comfortable, with great visibility out of the large windows. It is versatile in all weather conditions with a turbine engine. Cessna 182 (C108) - 2 pax. Single-engine light aircraft. Its high wing position allows excellent visibility and it is comfortable, reliable and versatile.
Cessna 182 (206) - 6 pax. Single-engined aircraft, popular as bush planes for its powerful, rugged construction and large cabin. Cessna (F406) - 12 pax. Twin turboprop aircraft ideal for short �lights.
Beechcraft Super King Air - 9 pax. For those looking for luxury in the air, a spacious and well appointed twin engine aircraft.
Flying between destinations is a highlight of any safari. As you �ly over the ever changing landscape and ecotones, you get an incredible birds eye view of this incredible country.
I n t h e c e n t r a l h i g h l a n d s o f K e n y a , s t r e t c h i n g f r o m M o u n t K e n y a i n t h e e a s t t o t h e R i f t Va l l e y i n t h e w e s t is a 2.149 million acre area of semi-arid grassland and bush savannah known as the Laikipia Plateau.
This region serves as a portal to Kenya’s remote and wild, Northern Frontier and is a patchwork of cattle ranches and tribal lands that have been amalgamated under the umbrella of eco-tourism.
The Laikipia Wildlife Forum promotes this collaboration and is an incredible example of successful conservation whereby ranchers and pastoralists encourage the practical co-existance of people, livestock and wildlife. The desire to truly understand all the inhabitants of this natural environment is illustrated in the large number of research and community conservation projects within the area. Straddling the Equator at altitudes of between 5,000 and 8,000 feet, this secluded part of Africa is incredibly scenic, comprising of magni�icent escarpments which descend into open grasslands, basalt hills, lonely kopjes and riverine forest, fed by rivers sourced on the slopes of Mount Kenya. This diversity attracts considerable animal numbers and is home to the highest number of endangered species in East Africa. Half the population of black rhino, Kenya’s second largest elephant population, the fastest growing wild dog population on the
continent and the globally threatened Grevy’s zebra have all found their home in Laikipia. This is a unique and fascinating wildlife experience when adding the animals that occur solely in central and northern Kenya, such as the reticulated giraffe, Jackson’s hartebeest, gerenuk and Somali ostrich. With such an array of plains game come the predators and Laikipia is home to signi�icant numbers of lion, cheetah and the ever elusive leopard.
Lake Turkana
LAIKIPIA Lake Victoria
Mt. Kenya N.P
Masai Mara
Nairobi Amboseli N.P
Kilimanjaro N.P
Ts a v o N.P
Lewa Wilderness rests on the northern foothills of Mount Kenya,
the second tallest mountain in Africa with the Batian peaks standing at 17,057 feet. Lewa Wilderness is one of Kenya’s oldest and most private safari ventures.
Situated on Lewa Downs, the privately owned 62,000 acre Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is located on the Laikipia plateau, a 2 million acre amalgamation of semi-arid grassland, ridged escarpments, basalt hills, small kopjes and riverine forests.
The lodge has 9 exclusive rooms: 6 thatched cottages tucked into the hillside overlooking Lewa’s Eastern Marania Valley, and 3 thatched garden cottages set in the beautiful green lawns. Each cottage is tastefully decorated with antique and handmade furniture, giving rustic charm and the character of a ranch homestead. Canopied beds, patterned cushions, crisp white linen and wooden furnishings, comfort is at the heart of the decor.
Due to the private land ownership and minimal restrictions, a wide variety of activities are available, including camel rides to a nearby animal orphanage. The main lodge offers
a refreshing saltwater pool, tennis courts and an elegant dining area where organic cuisine may be enjoyed indoors or alfresco. Walking safaris with Maasai guides and night and day drives, offer views of endemic wild life such as gerenuk, reticulated giraffe, Lelwel hartebeest, Grevy’s zebra and Somali ostrich. With the highest concentration of rhino in East Africa, notable numbers of lion, cheetah and the reclusive leopard, wildlife sightings are sure to amaze. Or, accompanied by knowledgeable Maasai guides and with a red sun setting in the distance, experience the Kenyan bush on horseback.
“Lewa Wilderness Camp offers a doorway to rare wildlife and a
culturally rich people from the comfort
o f a n A f r i c a n s a n c t u a r y.”
T h e G r e a t R i f t V a l l e y, a l a n d s c a p e i n t u r m o i l , t o r n a p a r t b y t h e t w i s t i n g a n d b u c k l i n g o f t h e E a r t h ’ s c r u s t . I t i s a l s o a l a n d s c a p e o f h u g e u n p r e d i c t a b l e c h a n g e , t h a t f o r c e s a n i m a l s d a y b y d a y, s e a s o n b y s e a s o n t o gamble with their lives, but for those that win, this is one of the most fertile landscapes on Earth. The Great Rift Valley was the name given by British explorer John Walter Gregory, to the continuous geographic trench, approximately 6,000 kilometres in length, running from northern Syria to central Mozambique in South East Africa. The East African Rift Vally has two branches – the Eastern branch which runs through Kenya and Northern Tanzania, and the Western branch through DR Congo, and Western Tanzania. The Western Rift is edged by some of the highest mountains in Africa including t h e V i r u n g a M o u n t a i n s i n Rwa n d a , a n d a l s o includes the Great Lakes. These are some of the deepest lakes in the world and all of the African Great Lakes were formed as the result of the rift.
In Kenya, the valley is at it’s most dramatic to the north of Nairobi, the ancient volcanoes of Longonot and Suswa are easy to see from the road. Most lakes in northern Kenya are shallow and poorly drained and therefore have become alkaline. Their waters are rich in blue - green algae which
David Attenborough
feed insect larvae, small crustaceans and massive �locks of �lamingos. The Kenya Lake system is also a key location on a route followed by huge numbers of birds in their annual migration from breeding grounds in the north, to wintering places in Africa. The lands around the lakes include large populations of Black rhino (Lake Nakuru), Rothschild's giraffe, Greater kudu, lion, cheetah and wild dogs. Lake Turkana
GREAT RIFT VALLEY Shaba N.P Buffalo Springs N.P Lake Victoria Masai Mara
Mt. Kenya N.P Nairobi
Amboseli N.P
Ts a v o N.P
P r o b a b l y t h e b e s t k n o w n a r e a i n t h e Wo r l d f o r B i g G a m e -
t h i s e x t r a o r d i n a r y r e s e r v e i s f a b u l o u s f o r w i l d l i f e t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r. Almost 450,000 acres of rolling grasslands, make up the Masai Mara Reserve and Conservancies, bordered by mountains to the north and east and the Siria escarpment to the west. The permanent meandering rivers traced by deep forest snake across the savannah. The Mara’s proximity to Lake Victoria, which creates its own weather patterns, ensures that the area receives much higher rainfall than the Serengeti ecosystem.
This crucial fact enables millions of animals, including gazelle, zebra and antelope, to survive through the driest time of year. After the short rains the fresh grass attracts many herbivores, and predators! An hour can pass in nail-biting anticipation as a cheetah conducts a painstaking stalk of her prey, only to lose her meal at the last moment when the wind changes.
Only in the Mara does the whole spectrum of life and death, birth and growth seem to be there for you, right before your eyes. Most documentary wildlife �ilmmakers choose the Mara due to the abundance and easy access to wild animals here.
Watch the peculiar quality of the light, and the shadows of the clouds on the plains, the strange optical illusions of the distant herds silhouetted along the horizon. Light and shadow, rock and grassland, predators and prey, this is quintessential Africa.
Lake Turkana
Lake Victoria
Mt. Kenya N.P
Nairobi Amboseli
Serengeti N.P Ts a v o N.P
S a m b u r u , B u f f a l o S p r i n g s , M e r u a n d S h a b a a r e a l l w i l d l i f e r e s e r ve s w h i c h l i e i n a va s t a r e a o f o p e n , t h o r n b u s h c o u n t r y a n d d e s e r t t h a t s t r e t c h e s n o r t h f r o m M t . Ke n ya t o S u d a n a n d E t h i o p i a . I t i s t h e s t a r k c o n t r a s t between emptiness, wilderness and rising mountains that makes this area such a spectacular destination. The lifeblood of the North is the Ewaso Nyiro River and the crystal clear springs that empty into it. Its banks shaded by graceful doum palms, poplars and Acacia elatior trees, the Ewaso Nyiro attracts more and more wildlife as the dry season lengthens from June to October, although it is beautiful at any time of year.
Here you will �ind animals like the Grevy zebra, Beisa oryx, the Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the tiny dik-dik; all species of northern Kenya which have adapted to the harsh arid conditions of the Northern Frontier District. With luck you will also �ind the 'big cats' staking out the favourite drinking places of their prey along the lovely palm-fringed banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River. Wherever you look mountains rise out of the plains in the blue distance, the conical ash cones of the Nyambenis to the south, Lolokwe and the rugged Mathews Range in the east and to the north the granite towers of Bodich, Kamanga and Tumtu that impose above the Ewaso Nyiro.
Samburu, Pokot, Turkana, Rendille, Gabbra – these are the tribes of the north. All are proud and tough. The Samburu are related to the Masai although they live just north of the equator where the foothills of Mount Kenya merge into the northern desert and slightly south of Lake Turkana in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. The purported
bene�its of modern life are often undesirable to the Samburu. They remain much more traditional in life and attitude than their Maasai cousins. The Turkana, like the Samburu and Maasai, still maintain their undiluted traditional way of life. They are distinguished as being great survivors, living in harsh and inhospitable terrain. As with all other pastoralist tribes in Kenya, livestock, especially cattle, are at the core of Turkana culture, they live a nomadic life, always moving from one place to another depending on the availability of pasture and water for their animals. Lake Turkana
K E N YA’ S ARID NORTH Ewaso Nyiro River Equator
Lake Victoria Masai Mara
Mt. Kenya N.P Nairobi Amboseli N.P
Tana River Ts a v o N.P
Samburu and Buffalo Springs are wildlife reserves which lie in a vast area of open,
thorn bush country and desert that stretches north from Mount Kenya to Sudan and Ethiopia. It is the stark contrast between emptiness, wilderness and rising mountains that makes the Samburu area such a spectacular destination.
The lifeblood of the North is the Ewaso Nyiro River and the crystal clear springs that empty into it. Its banks shaded by graceful doum palms, poplars and Acacia elatior trees, the Ewaso Nyiro attracts more and more wildlife as the dry season lengthens from June to October, although it is beautiful at any time of year. Here you will �ind animals like the Grevy’s zebra, Beisa oryx, the Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the tiny dik-dik; all species of northern Kenya which have adapted to the harsh arid conditions of the Northern Frontier District. With luck you will also �ind the 'big cats' staking out the favourite drinking places of their prey along the lovely palm-fringed banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River.
Wherever you look mountains rise out of the plains in the blue distance, the conical ash cones of the Nyambenis to the south, Lolokwe and the rugged Mathews Range in the west and to the north the granite towers of Bodich, Kamanga and Tumtu that impose above the Ewaso Nyiro.
Lake Turkana
Shaba N.P Buffalo Springs
Lake Victoria Masai Mara
Mt. Kenya N.P
Nairobi Amboseli N.P
Ts a v o N.P
S i t u a t e d a b o v e t h e b a n k s o f t h e E w a s o N y i r o R i v e r, i n t h e a r i d h e a r t o f S a m b u r u l a n d ,
Sasaab’s tranquil setting offers views towards the Laikipia plateau and of Mount Kenya. Located in northern Kenya, Samburu has a wild beauty of its own. The descent from the lush slopes of Mount Kenya, into the semidesert of Kenya’s Northern Frontier District, is breathtaking. Sasaab is on Samburu community land, on the Ngutuk Ongiron Group Ranch, known as the West Gate Conservancy.
The main area sits on a high rocky ridge allowing one to enjoy the spectacular views through the Moroccan interior and courtyard.
Accomodation is 9 Moroccan tents, each over 1000 square feet comprising a bedroom, sitting room and fully serviced bathrooms, and private plunge pool. 5 tents have double beds, 4 tents have twin beds. Electricity is solar powered, offering outlets for charging equipment in each tent. All tents have wireless internet connection and cooling fans.
Sasaab is where Samburu culture really comes alive. We will meet warriors, elders and youngsters all of whom love to dance. This is a wonderful opportunity for genuine interaction with an tribe of people with ancient customs and a way of life almost incomprehensible to us. Other activities include; excursions into National Reserves known for its large herds of elephant and the endangered Grevy’s zebra, day and night game drives, walks along the river, mountain biking, camel rides and cultural visits. Sasaab’s spa is a little luxury halfway through your safari. Take the ultimate time out, and head for Kenya's hottest new spa.
“From your plunge pool watch across the river HERDS of elephant c o m e t o b a t h e .”
The possibilities are endless...wilderness, wildlife and
nomadic tribal communities of the untouched north of Kenya.
MAGADO CRATER Magado is an incredible volcanic crater in which salt deposits at the base are used by local Meru and Boran tribes people. This is a wild spot where we plan to explore and picnic on one of the days.
We could spend a day and go north to Lake Turkana – the Jade Sea – far up towards the Ethiopian border – and a place where very very few people ever go…. LAKE TURKANA This lake formerly known as Lake Rudolf, is the largest of Kenya’s Rift Valley lakes, with its far northern end crossing into Ethiopia. It is the world's largest permanent desert lake and the world's largest alkaline lake. Blue-green algae give the water a greenish tint and when you see it you will understand why it is also known as the “Jade Sea”. It is surrounded by volcanoes at its southern end, and Central Island is still active.
SUGUTA VALLEY We may �ly north over the eastern edge of the Great Rift Valley and into the Suguta Valley where the river is lined with doum and barassus palms. The river snakes its way in slow meanders but is trapped by the walls of the Great Rift. Its headwaters lie south of Lake Turkana in a land dominated by sand dunes.
LOGIPI Just south of Lake Turkana and separated from it by a volcanic barrier, lies Logipi – a shallow lake which is home to many thousands of �lamingos and other water birds. This part of Kenya is incredibly remote, very few people have ever seen this lake. The helicopter allows unbeatable views of the birdlife. We do hope to maximize your safari by using the helicopter – certainly it will give you the very best view, enable us to spot game from the air, and appreciate the enormous diversity of this country – from snow capped mountains, to dusty deserts, plains covered with game and lush river valleys.
I n t h e n o r t h e r n m o s t p a r t o f t h e K e n y a n G r e a t R i f t Va l l e y i s L a k e T u r k a n a . It is widely known as the Jade Sea due to the remarkable greenish-blue colour of its waters, an ethereal mirage immerging from the sweltering arid desert surrounds. Lake Turkana is the largest alkaline desert lake in the world, 300 kilometres long and 50 kilometres wide with the main tributary, the River Omo, entering from the north and contributing more than 90% of the total water in�lux.
The lake lies at the heart of the Sibiloi National Park, established originally to protect some of the world’s most important paleontological and archaeological sites. Turkana has one of the longest living histories and is regarded by many as the birthplace of humanity; the humanoid fossils unearthed by the Leakey family in the 1960’s are around 2.5 million years old. Lake Turkana offers a cultural glimpse at colourful tribes unaffected by the 21st century, utterly reliant on the lake as the only permanent water source in the area. Sibiloi National Park has excellent game-viewing, a refuge for a number of dry country species including gerenuk, oryx, lesser kudu, Grant’s gazelle and Grevy’s zebra. Along the shorelines an abundance of topi and Burchell’s zebra entice the resident predators, including lion, cheetah, side-striped jackal, spotted hyena and the rare striped hyena. Three South Island from
volcanic islands in Lake Turkana – Island, Central Island and North – provide incredible vantage points which to experience the rich
lacustrine wildlife supported by the lake itself. Central Island, with its stunning scenery and three crater lakes, is a breeding ground for the world’s biggest population of Nile crocodiles. There is proli�ic birdlife and at certain times of the year, well over 300 species can be observed as African and Palaearctic migrants break their northward journeys. Scenic beyond belief, surrounded by cliffs, gentle beaches, desert and volcanic rock outcrops, Lake Turkana is certainly one of East Africa’s best kept secrets. LAKE TURKANA
Buffalo Springs N.P Lake Victoria Masai Mara
Shaba N.P Mt. Kenya N.P
Nairobi Amboseli N.P
Ts a v o N.P
Against the magni�icent backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro lies Amboseli, a national park and ecosystem. Meaning the ‘salty earth’ in the language of the Maasai, Amboseli is aptly named after the alkaline volcanic ash that spewed from the now dormant volcano Kilimanjaro. The 1.2 million acre ecosystem lies on Kenya’s boarder with Tanzania and incorporates habitats of dry lake beds, savannah grasslands, woodland and swamps fed by springs emanating from Mount Kilimanjaro.
The area is home to grassland dwellers such as buffalo, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, gazelle and warthog, while the resident predators include lion, cheetah and hyena. Amboseli is also a birding hotspot, with over 600 species recorded. The principal attraction at Amboseli however, is the large herds of free roaming elephants made famous by Dr. Joyce Poole who, through the Amboseli Elephant Research Project, put these intelligent giants on the map. Her long running large mammal research project in Africa combines 30 years of uninterrupted study and chronicles Amboseli’s elephant herds, from new born calves to 60 year old matriarchs and old bulls that carry some of the longest tusks in Africa. Contiguous with Amboseli National Park is the Kitirua Wildlife Conservancy, a partnership between a local Maasai community and the private sector.
Designed to protect wildlife, this private and exclusive conservancy enables both day and night drives, walking and an unparalleled opportunity to meet members of the Maasai community in a welcoming and culturally sensitive manner.
This is a quintessential African landscape of elephants and traditional tribes with the snow-capped peak of Mount Kilimanjaro rising above the clouds behind. Lake Turkana
Lake Victoria
Mt. Kenya N.P
Masai Mara
Kilimanjaro N.P
Ts a v o N.P
The raw beauty of this diverse landscape and astounding ecosystem complete with the backdrop of Africa’s highest mountain, is unsurpassed.
Amboseli Mobile is located on a 30,000 acre private conservancy belonging to the Kisongo Maasai people. Lying in the Amboseli area and adjacent to the National Park, the mobile camp has undisturbed views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The Amboseli eco- system comprises open grasslands, woodlands and swamps, which are watered by mountain springs.
The purpose of Amboseli Mobile is to forge a temporary, yet ideal base from which to explore the surrounding area. The tented camp is equipped with all the necessities required for a unique getaway, its simplicity adding to the experience. The presence of the mobile camp supports the conservancy, the local community and the conservation of the Amboseli ecosystem. When the camp leaves, it leaves nothing behind, the land being left to the wildlife and their Maasai custodians. Being a mobile camp, all activities, be that on safari or choosing when to eat, are completely �lexible. Generally the day revolves around an early m o r n i n g g a m e d r ive , fo l l o we d by a l a te morning drive after breakfast. There is a healthy population of lion in the area with
the chance of spotting cheetah, as well as good numbers of general game.
It is also possible to walk, and a late afternoon stroll as the sun sets across the plains towards Kilimanjaro is spectacular. Another unique opportunity is to be able to spend time with the Kitirua community and learn about their rich culture. Ker & Downey has nurtured a relationship over 30 years with the Kisongo Maasai, as a result, respect and trust have developed for one another making trips to the local school and homesteads possible. One of the highlights of the Amboseli Mobile however, is the opportunity to view large herds of magni�icent elephant, many of the bulls still carrying some of the longest tusks on the African continent.
“A m b o s e l i M o b i l e C a m p
is a natural gateway to the w i l d A f r i c a n b u s h .”
T h e M a a s a i t r i b e s p e o p l e o f s o u t h e r n K e n y a a n d n o r t h e r n Ta n z a n i a
are a Nilotic ethnic group who arrived in this area about 300 years ago from the North. They are among the best known, and most distinctive tribes living in the semi arid lands along and beside the Great Rift Valley and close to many well known national parks and reserves. Their cousins North of the Equator are the Samburu, with whom they share many customs. The Maasai occupy a total land area of 39.5 million acres and number around 1.5million. They are semi-nomadic herding cattle over large areas of communally owned land. Their family encampments are comprised of a circular boma (fence) of Acacia to protect livestock from predators. Inside the boma they build small loafshaped houses made of mud, sticks, grass and cow dung. The women are responsible for building houses, supplying water, collecting �irewood, milking cattle and cooking. The young men or warriors (Moran) enforce security while boys are responsible for herding livestock. The elders are directors and advisors of day-to-day activities and make decisions for the whole community. On the western boundary of National Park lies Kitirua – concession shared between Downey and the local Kisongo
Amboseli a private Ker and clan. We
have nurtured a relationship over 35 years such that we are welcomed into their homes to learn something of their traditional way of life. By the same token we welcome them into camp thereby creating a unique opportunity for guests to interact. K&D sponsors two local schools in the area. The Ngararambuni Nursery school is on the edge of Kitirua Conservancy and caters to children between 4 & 10 years old. It is still set up underneath a large spreading Acacia tortilis and has three dedicated Maasai teachers. We helped to set this little school up in 2003, before this the children would have to walk 7km through an area rich in big game to get to school.
Whilst in Amboseli we encourage as much interaction with local people as possible. Even though we do not share a language it is extraordinary to watch our children play with theirs as the common language of fun transgresses these boundaries. Learning to throw spears and how to use bows and arrows, digging for water, and donning traditional garb are all a part of being with these colourful, friendly, fun and fascinating people.
Uniquely positioned on the edge of the Nairobi National Park, this elegant lodge is a spectacular way to start or end your safari.
The Emakoko is a family-owned and run
offers a wealth of treasures all locally
Nairobi National Park. It is located a short
Take a game drive in one of the most unique
lodge, artfully built into the side of a valley
on the Mbagathi River which borders the 45 minute ride from both airports in Nairobi city.
5 rooms are located on the same level as the
airy main dining and lounge areas and a
further 5 rooms are at the top of the lodge, perched on the cliff overlooking the valley and with the most spectacular views. All
are ensuite and beautifully furnished with
contemporary African �lair in rich chocolate browns, creamy beiges and crisp white linens.
Deep, comfortable chairs nestle
around your own stone �ireplace.
Whether you are enjoying an Emakoko
cocktail in the viewing area or simply a
coffee by the pool overlooking the river, relaxation
crafted in Kenya.
game parks in the world, Nairobi National Park, or visit the community that borders it.
An excursion in the environs of Nairobi to visit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the giraffe centre or the local shops may be more appealing.
“The park is home
to lion, leopard & rhino, all of which range
within spitting distance of camp, while hippo
and impala are known to frequent the
l o d g e ’ s g r o u n d s .”
Fo u n d e d by a g ro u p o f Ke r & D ow n ey g u i d e s , Ke nya W i l d l i fe Tr u s t
is here to protect the country’s predators through a network of high-impact conservation initiatives In 2007, a small group of private guides decided to form a Trust, as a way to raise funds through their safaris for grassroots conservation projects around Kenya. The result of that pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit is Kenya Wildlife Trust.
Our long-term partnership with Ker & Downey re�lects the fact that the best private guides have conservation in their DNA. What we offer to both guides and visitors is a trustworthy pair of hands, focused on putting the right boots on the ground rather than into big of�ices. Remaining close to a range of safari partners, we are uniquely positioned to connect visitors from abroad to effective, grassroots conservation. Over the years, our team has developed a curated portfolio of high-impact conservation initiatives, with a strong focus on big cats. Since 2013, our two �lagship projects - the Mara Cheetah Project and Mara Lion Project - have been monitoring big cats with the long-term aim of stabilising the populations of both cheetah and lion. During your safari, you will spend time with both of our project teams at the Tony Lapham Predator Hub in the heart of the Masai Mara, learning about their focus, methods and �indings.
By raising funds through safaris, we can award grants to those projects (and people) achieving meaningful results across the three ‘pillars’ of Predator Conservation, Community Development and Conservation Education. Undertaking robust monitoring and evaluation of all our grants, we are the donor’s eyes and ears on the ground, ensuring every penny ends up where it should. Our team understands the importance of balancing scienti�ic research with community engagement, as well as the value of investing in people who live near wildlife. After all, conservation is really about people. “By donating to Kenya Wildlife Trust through their UK charity, I know and trust that my money is going straight to the cause.” Donor to The Friends of Kenya Wildlife Trust
Thanks to a sma ll number of donors who c o ver our c ore c osts, 100 % o f e v e r y d o n a t i o n g o e s d i r e ct l y t o o u r p r o g ra ms .
Moreo ver, for e ver y £1
we spend on c ore c osts, w e ra is e a t l e a s t £ 4 .
F R O M 2 0 0 7 T O 2 0 1 7 - C E L E B R AT I N G
1 0 Y E A R S O F C O N S E R VA T I O N I M PA C T.
T h i r t y - � i v e y e a r s a f t e r l e a d i n g h i s � i r s t e x p e d i t i o n , J a m e s i s c h a i r m a n o f t h e b o a r d a t K e r & D o w n e y, and an in�luential leader of the new movement in community-led conservation.
Like the safari industry itself, James Robertson was born and raised in Kenya, where his appetite for adventure has earned him a reputation as one of the modern pioneers of the global safari business.
James’ dependability for never following the same itinerary twice, and for continually searching out new experiences for his clients, has won him admirers across the industry, as well as an army of repeat guests (including two families who have each travelled with him 26 times!). Among his long-standing Kenyan crew, he’s known as “Ndorobo” after the fabled hunter-gathers of northern Kenya – a tribe renowned for their resourceful bushcraft, and their complete absence of fear for wild animals. Although James’ �irst love and main base is Kenya, he is an “all-Africa guide” and just as likely to be found travelling through the game-rich parks, reserves and conservancies of eastern and southern Africa. In recent years, he has been supporting a number of Maasai and Samburu communities that have turned part of their grazing lands over to conservation – giving guests a chance to see some rarer wildlife species, and to experience an absolutely authentic immersion in two of the world’s oldest tribal cultures. In 2001, James was a founder of The Mara Conservancy, a ground-breaking and widely-admired partnership between conservationists and the county government, which established a new public-private template to protect the critical wildlife dispersal areas north of the Maasai Mara Reserve. He sits on the board of the (removed the MMWCT) Kenya Wildlife Trust , and his unrivalled contacts enable his guests to meet some of the leading conservationists and wildlife researchers in the world.
Having been raised on the edge of Kenya's largest National Park, Tsavo is close to James’ heart. His most recent focus is on protecting the last remaining Great Tuskers of which there are around 10 bulls each carrying in excess of 100lbs of ivory per side. He is working closely with the Tsavo Trust to protect these valuable elephants.
James and Abigail live within a wildlife sanctuary on the outskirts of Nairobi, where they host most of their guests personally. They work together as much as possible out on safari where their shared passions are apparent to anyone travelling with them.
“ S o m e t h i n k t h e b e s t l a r g e - s c a l e o p e r a t i o n a f t e r t h e w a r…
was the one launched over a drink or two on the veranda of the Imperial Hotel in Addis Ababa” – Bartle Bull, Safari: A Chronicle of Adventure, 1
Like so many great ventures, Ker & Downey Safaris was born from a chance encounter. Donald Ker and Syd Downey, two big game hunters from Kenya, had been �ighting with the British in Ethiopia shortly before the fall of Addis Ababa in 1941. Syd had just been released by the Italians and was celebrating at a local hotel when he bumped into Donald Ker. With one car and a lot of bravura, the pair made a plan to establish “the best safari company the world has ever known”.
and 70’s, the company continued to grow – extending its reach across southern Africa, east to the jungles of Congo, and north into the deserts of Ethiopia and Sudan. By 1977, when hunting was of�icially banned in Kenya, K&D had transformed itself into the leading provider of customised mobile photographic safaris in Africa.
In 1962, shortly before Kenya’s Independence, Ker & Downey spread its wings to Botswana, with Harry Selby and a couple of other guides offering safaris in this ‘new’, uncharted corner of Africa. Through the 60’s
“Because we’ve been doing
It was not until January 1946 that Syd and Donald, newly discharged from the army, took out their �irst safari. They were hired to run a camp in the Maasai Mara for the production of “The Macomber Affair”, the United Artists blockbuster starring Gregory Peck and Joan Bennett. It was the beginning of a long love affair with Hollywood, which would see “K&D” out�it some of the biggest �ilms ever to come out of Africa.
Today, Ker & Downey is celebrated as the longest-existing safari out�itter in the world, and the standard-bearer for unsurpassed luxury in some of its last great wild places. So successful has the “K&D” name been that it has been brazenly borrowed by a number of copycat companies in Africa and the West. Yet to this day, no one has come close to emulating the luxurious standards, the rich experiences, or the peerless guiding of “The Original Ker & Downey Safaris”.
t h i s f o r 7 0 y e a r s . . .”
TEL: +254 (0)720 911 143
W W W. K E R D O W N E Y S A FA R I S . C O M