A Top 50 List Of My Achievements In March 2012 the faculty at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, together with an Honorary Committee of alumni, selected “the 100 Outstanding Journalists in the United States in the Last 100 Years.� Here is a list of 50 things I've achieved, which writing in itself, is an achievement! (Which is why that is point 50 on my list!) I came up with the idea of writing this list not to satisfy my ego and show to people 'oooh look what I've done' but more as an exercise at looking at which areas in my life I have focussed and created a outcome as a result of dedicated and directed energy! In addition to that as I perused my list afterwards I realised that each of those items within the list required some different skill or mindset. What I encourage you to do is write a list of your own and once you completed your list I recommend that you look over it and extract the skills and mindset tools you used to achieve each one and then look at how you can take those tools and apply them in areas of your life where you feel you're stagnating. Go on, give it a go, and enjoy the results and let me know how you get on with your list...maybe even post it in the comments! ? Oh and lastly, I encourage you to find 50. I promise that if you dig deep you will easily reach the 50 mark even if in the beginning you struggle! 1. I got rated very highly for an art project at school which in turn led me to meet the prime minister 2. I performed in the 'Noah's Ark' opera at school as one of the main characters 3. I performed in a play called 'Pedro's Revenge' as the evil gangster called 'Rocadura' 4. I've run the JPMorgan Chase race 3 times and completed it faster each time 5. I managed to lose lots of weight and keep my weight consistent over the past 3 years 6. I taught myself how to juggle and developed a fast way of teaching others 7. I learned magic and performed a magic act in front of over 500 people 8. I performed magic in front of a large family gathering, completely unprepared, for over 2 hours with only a deck of cards 9. I got an award for Indian dancing 10. I once went to Mt Snowdon and took a very difficult route and climbed it by myself 11. I've appeared on TV several times (always purely by accident)
12. To date I've written in the region of 360 blog posts...the equivalent to three books worth 13. I learned to meditate and was teaching others by the time I was 16 14. I've been awarded for my contribution and voluntary work 15. I have so far performed stand-up comedy three times and this Sunday will be my fourth 16. I completed my 100 days of wisdom project on this blog 17. I've had articles published 18. I've met great masters like Deepak Chopra, John DeMartini and Tony Robbins 19. I've read somewhere in the region of 100 books on personal development 20. I have my own radio show 21. I ran the bupa 10K race 22. I've run the half marathon (on the same day that I also performed stand-up comedy) 23. I been interviewed on Radio 5 about 'The Secret' 24. I've now Life Coached several clients 25. I've done countless events at schools and worked with 100's of children 26. I taught myself how to spin a basketball on my finger for over 2 minutes 27. I mastered the martial arts weapon Nun-Chukka (completely self taught) 28. I can do some seriously cool things with a deck of bicycle cards 29. I play badminton regularly and am now very good at it 30. I've played with the top badminton player in England 31. For the last year I've only used the stairs at work 32. I've sung in a choir 33. I've hosted the stage of a carnival 34. I got the top personality award at school 35. I got the best newcomer award at a job I had selling mobile phones 36. I've walked on fire...twice 37. I tried 'fire-eating'
38. I've danced on stage in front of 12,000 people 39. I've managed to keep people off anti-depressants 40. I've tried various different vocations including musician management 41. I've raised loads of money for charity 42. I've jumped off a totem pole (luckily while harnessed) ? 43. In the 10 years I've been driving I've driven the equivalent to 10 times around the world 44. I've DJ'd at a party 45. I've given talks 46. My shortest length of employment was 1.5 days (definitely quite an achievement...don't ask!) 47. I can do about 250 kick-ups with a football 48. My tennis serve is 100MPH (had it measured) (and sometimes it even goes in! ? ) 49. I can play table tennis with both hands (almost to an equal level) 50. I've written a list of 50 things I've achieved...in itself an achievement ? https://de.foursquare.com/sherlynpopelka3