5 Renegade Rules for Fat Loss

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5 Renegade Rules for Fat Loss By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Turbulence Training I try to read a book per week, and I recently picked up "Rules for Renegades" by Christine Comaford-Lynch. It was the perfect book for my short flight to and from Baltimore back in June. Late in the book, Christine reveals her 10 Renegade Rules for Success, and I was surprised to see that each one was a perfect rule for fat burning as well. I've chosen the top 5 renegade rules for fat loss below (you'll have to pick up her book for the other 5) to help you get more results in less time. 1. Responsibility We all need to take full responsibility for everything in our lives, including how big our belly is. Only you are in control of what you eat. Only you are in control of your workouts. Once you accept responsibility than the rest is easy! (Because now you know who is in charge.) 2. Solicit support I can't agree with Christine enough on this one. As you know, I was one of the first fat loss experts to tell you about the importance of social support and what it means to your success. So get a nutrition buddy, a workout buddy, and lots and lots of positive people on your site supporting you through your fat loss success! The more people on your side, the better. 3. Toss toxicity On the other hand, spend less time with people who say, "You won't be able to do it". And toss the toxicity out of your kitchen too. No more chips, soda, candy, or crap. Get rid of it! Say goodbye to temptation, because even fitness pro's can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar if its there.

4. Persevere Too many folks give up just before they succeed. It's just like "The Dip" that I told you about last week. There will be tough times, make no mistake about it. But persevering through them is what separates the XL's from the mediums. Or the 38 inch waists from the 32's. Or the sweatshirted folks on the beach from those that are walking around in skimpy bathing suits. What group do you want to be in? 5. Pay attention In this case, track and test everything you do. Track your nutrition. Record your workouts. Review them frequently to identify what is working. That way, you can always come back to successful programs in the future when you are struggling. Along with social support, this might be one of the most overlooked aspects of fat loss success. Track and test and get to know your body! Follow these renegade rules for fat loss and you'll succeed! Now go get some friends to support you for fat loss, Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training For Abs Home Abdominal Workouts P.S. Take the 21-Day Turbulence Training Trial for only $4.95... In addition to being able to try the workouts you've heard so much about, you'll also get 3-months FREE to the TT membership site where you'll get positive social support from all over the world. Plus, you can check out the entries for the latest TT Transformation Contest... Folks are starting to finish, and the girls are coming in with abs! Visit this link to get your TT Trial Offer: => Turbulence Training

Fat Loss Dip Lately I've been reading this little book called, "The Dip" by a guy named Seth Godin. It's all about how the biggest results are often achieved after a period of struggling. But many people quit during the struggle, and never achieve success. You might be able to relate - this is very true of fat loss, working out, and eating right. After all, it's not too bad to get through the morning or even the early part of the afternoon without 'cheating' on your diet. But late in the afternoon our diet becomes a struggle. And while sitting around after dinner it is practically impossible for some folks to resist the siren's call of the cookies and chips. But those who make it through the struggle WIN. They end up eating fewer calories and losing fat for the day. Same with our workouts. The warmup is fine, and the first few sets are tough, but manageable. But as we go on, some folks want to quit. But often it is the last set, the last rep, the last effort that gives us the most results. If we didn't experience discomfort and fatigue - and make it through it all we wouldn't change our bodies. We have to get through what Seth calls, "the dip". As he says, "It is human nature to quit when it hurts." And human nature is why you see more lard bodies than hard bodies. The two worst things you can do when you are in "the dip" are... a) Quit (that's obvious) b) Jump from program to program (because each time you jump, you are starting over again - always give a program a full 4-week trial period to see if it really works for you)

If you can make it through the dip, you win. But how do you beat the dip when the struggle is so hard? By reminding yourself of how good life will be on the other side of the dip how good things will be once you make it through the struggle. You must remind yourself that you can get to a point where you'll prefer whole, natural foods over junk food; that you'll look forward to your workouts, rather than find any excuse to blow them off. You must have the right mindset. You must learn to stay strong. And get help from your social support. Those are the 3 keys to making it through the fat loss dip using Turbulence Training.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training

Boost Your Fat Burning Program Immediately with the Research-Proven, Time-Tested Turbulence Training Workouts You can download the program within minutes and get started today with a better way to workout for fat loss. No more slow boring cardio, no more long trips to the gym. Check out the this jam-packed, downloadable Turbulence Training package:

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A 76-page e-book crammed with beginner through advanced workouts, giving you up to 26 weeks worth of fat-blasting workouts - VALUE of over $397 An exclusive one hour MP3 audio going over every detail of the Turbulence Training workouts and fat loss philosophy - VALUE $165

When I write montly workouts for clients, each 4-week program costs $100. But in the Turbulence Training E-book, you get access to four Advanced Fat Loss Workouts, and three introductory workouts that progress you from Beginner to Advanced. That 26 week package would easily be worth more than $397 if you were a private client of mine. Plus, if you trained with me one-on-one, you would have to schedule your appointment 3months in advance (my training schedule is booked solid~) at $150 per session. And if you had questions about Turbulence Training (like the ones I answer in the one hour MP3 audio program), an hour phone consultation would cost you $165. But instead, you get this in-depth audio interrogation for FREE as part of the Turbulence Training package. •

Total Value of the Package is over $550. But you'll pay only $39.95. BUT WAIT, THERE’S EVEN MORE!

1) Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines, by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D. (Retail Value = $24.99) You need to eat right to lose fat, and this nutrition guideline shows men and women exactly which foods to choose, how often to eat, how much protein to get, and a shocking list of foods you MUST avoid to lose fat and improve your health. Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., is one of the most respected Registered Dieticians in America, appearing on the Montel Williams Show, writing for Men's Health, Weight Watchers, and Prevention magazines. 2) Turbulence Training DB-BW Fustion Fat Loss 8-Week Program (Retail Value = $24.99) By combining a dumbbell exercise and a bodyweight exercise, you'll be able to do these Turbulence Training workouts even faster than ever before. Just wait till you try these workouts. You'll be blown away by the effectiveness of the dumbbell-bodyweight superset combinations. So fast, so simple, yet so efficient at burning fat. 3) Turbulence Training for Women 4-Week Program (Retail Value = $29.99) With both beginner and advanced versions, this program serves as a great add-on to the regular Turbulence Training program that hundreds of women have already used to lose fat and sculpt their bodies. All of these workouts can be done at home with a bench, a ball, dumbbells, and your own bodyweight.

4) Turbulence Training for Muscle 8-Week Program (Retail Value = $24.99) Burn fat, then build the muscle. Don't get caught without having a beach body. Once you lose all the fat you need, switch to this advanced muscle-building program to get the biceps, chest, and calves that will give you a "stand-out in the crowd" physique. 5) Turbulence Training Original 4-Week Bodyweight Program (Retail Value = $19.99) Sculpt your body without the need for any fancy equipment or even a set of dumbbells. This 4-week program contains beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels so that no matter what your fitness level, you can get a complete Turbulence Training work anytime, anyplace. Take this one when you travel for work or holidays, and you won't come home with any extra "baggage". 6) Turbulence Training 30-Days to Advanced Fat Loss Program (Retail Value = $19.99) Just what the title says. I designed this program for a personal trainer that I was training (Yep, I'm considered a trainer to the trainers) and we needed to get maximum results in only 30 days. By choosing the exercises that gave him the most results in the least amount of time, he was able to impress his clients (and get more clients) thanks to his TT fat loss. 7) Turbulence Training Advanced Fusion Fat Loss 4-Week Program (Retail Value = $24.99) The most challenging TT workout to date. This 4-week program combines advanced athletic moves with dumbbell exercises AND bodyweight exercises into one of the most intense bodysculpting workouts I've ever designed. Once you are finished with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, use this workout to build the body of your dreams in as little time as possible.

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